How to Configure SD-WAN On Fortigate Firewall

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welcome to for today's topic i will show you how to configure sdvan on fordigate firewall sd-wan or software-defined wide area networking is a technique for using softwares to make wide area network more intelligent and flexible it provides both networking and security for branch network in a single consolidated solution it also provide efficient protection across all branch outposts by providing consistent policy enforcement with single pane of glass management so now let's proceed with the configuration process on 48 so this is my firewall login page i'm going to login in this is the dashboard for my firewall config htmn you have to configure some interfaces here so i am going to configure interfaces you will see there is a port five is a lan interface through which i connected to the internet here and other port is van one now i'm going to configure when one so early as is given role is i'm defining ip address for this so i'm giving here my ip address slash 30. okay i'm going to configure when to for defining manually i can give here here just like 1.1.10 dot 10.2 slash 30. you can also have such thing here okay i have configured the two interfaces now go to the sd-wan zones create new zone define name as uh st underscore when underscore zone interface member create your interface number first i'm assigning when one so and gateway for when is 202 20.20.1 cost i'm defining as r2 because i'm you i'm defining as a one because i want to use when one as a priority okay now i am going to create another one work on freaking event two for that i am assigning 101.10.10 dot one as in gateway and define user two and make it okay now add these as a in my hdmi zone okay you can see here two ports are added in the virtual van link next event zone now i'm going to define dns here specify for dns i am giving google dns 8.8.8 apply now go to sd line rules here create new give name as a st rule now source address i'm defining is all destination is all and uh select a study for how outgoing interface will be chosen so i'm defining as a maximum bandwidth here when you found the interference preference i am giving preference for the van one over to when to and uh required accelerator academy defined the default google search it's enabled already click ok now go to performance sla the performance sla this is for the ip sla and it's a regulate to traffic flow from your if you are defining as interface isp1 and sp2 then it will regulate the traffic for the isp1 and isp2 now for the performance sla target i am going to here create new and uh giving name as a name get and give your server like a dot 8.8.8 it's already okay giving okay here now define the static route for your sd-wan so i'm going to create new and uh for a static role it's okay i'm just have to define interface here our html is ok enabled and give ok now move to the policy and object field you give you have to give your firewall policy to create one policy i'm a defining here as a git let's go net and uh incoming interface is my lan the port 5 and outgoing interface would be i'm defining as a virtual van link the source is any destination would be any and service i'm sending all the service here and give okay this is all the process and all these steps you have to give for the sd-wan configuration these are all the attributes you require and assign on a particular field so this is the method to configure sd-wan on 48 firewall if you like it please subscribe to our channel and also to watch more tutorial please visit our website and if you have any queries mail us to support at
Channel: LinuxHelp
Views: 38,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Linux, Help, SD-WAN, FortiGate
Id: T8Umkm1SFR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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