How to Configure Power App Portal Entity Forms, Entity List and Navigation Menus | Dynamics CRM 365

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hello dynamics developers so in this video i will show you how to configure the entity form and now it is called the basic form in the powerapp portal so how how we can use the entity forms to render the forms from the dynamics to the portal so i will be showing the demo of that so to display that uh we will be using the web templates and the ps templates and also finally the web pages uh which will be using these entity forms to display the page on the portal on also i will create the separate page to display uh the entity list i mean the tables are or you can call the sub grids uh where we can we can display the list of records and we can have the buttons for the filters and search and create those things so i will show you how to configure those and finally in the navigations of on the header of your portal at the top of your portal you will have the navigations for the home screen and if you have any other links are there if you want to add your child pages then how to do that i will show you that one so let's proceed the configuration of this one with the demo here i have login to my portal so this is my portal and i have login with admin privilege so uh when you log in with the administrator wave rules so i'm going to say is when you go to the uh for your dynamics in the portal management app for e when you enable the portal then you will have the portal management tab created so this is the portal management app so when you go to this app and you will when you go to the wave rules then you will see you will have the administrator wave also when this wave roll is assigned to your contact and when you log into this portal then you will see this a small right side icon here which will enable you to edit the most of the client side changes here so like if you want to change this company name or logo you can change from here in the in the main navigations if you want to change something here if you want to add the pages or child pages you can do that one along with that in the content if you want to add some changes you can do that so most of the changes for the uh for the pages uh you can do from here okay so i have login to my portal and here i will be adding uh one uh one link here and that link will display me the uh create and existing records and to do that uh first of all i have to create the forms in the dynamics right so for that already have login to my solution this is my dynamics and this is my solution and here i am having the entity called student and on that entity i am having the forms i am having the two forms uh one is for the create another is for the edit on the create i am having the uh one tab so on this form i am having the uh student details some basic informations i am capturing and i am having the basic address details fields and this is having only one tab okay so this form i want to render on the web on the powerapp portal so that the portal users they can create the record of the student okay so this is for the create and we are having the similar fields for the edit also like when the record is created and user is trying to open that one to view the details of the student then it will render the same details you can see the layout of the field is similar to the create one and it will display the same okay so i have created two forms and also for the entity list i will be using the existing uh views here so i'm having the uh out of the box created view uh active streams and inactive strength so basic uh basically these two views i will be putting in the list and i'll show you how to display the records using the views from the dynamics okay so these are the two things i have done in the dynamics now our remaining configurations we will be doing in the portal okay so i have already opened the couple of portal tabs you can see these all are my portal management app here so i have three tabs open for the portal management okay here so first of all i have to create the uh entity forms right as i mentioned so i will be getting the entity entity form first so for that i will go to the my basic form here now in the powerapp portal it is called the basic form so we will go to the basic forms and we will be creating the new form from here so we can give the name here student create okay or a student insert you can give okay and here we have to select the table and table is nothing but our entity in the dynamics so here it will be our student that entity and on that entity you will have all the all the forms which we have created so you can see all these are the main forms which will be coming here so i mean to say is uh when you go to the forms you will have the uh couple of card forms and quick waveforms so you can't use those ones you can see we can use only these main forms on the portal okay so one of the uh form which you will design for the portal uses you will be selecting that one so i am selecting the create form here which i have created and the mode of this uh of this waveform sorry entity form will be for the insert insert means for creating one so i will select the mode as create and we have to select the website on which website we want to register since my portal is custom portal this is my custom portal so i will be selecting this website as a custom website here so custom website portal i will be selecting this and here i am not selecting this entity permission so for this uh uh the foreign permissions i will be getting the separate video and explain you what is the use of this basically when you enable the entity permissions the particular way page which you will use here for this entity form then that page can be uh enabled to be accessed only by user who has login to this portal and who is having entity permissions allowed for this uh record to get create or edit or something that permissions if it is allowed then only they can open these applications i mean they can access and they can manipulate the data of this uh entity apart from that suppose when you have not checked means so you have unchecked this one then this form is it can be accessed by anonymous user like uh it will not have any permissions enabled and it can be accessed uh outside the login also like if you're not login and you want to access the uh particular forms outside your sign-in options then we will be not enabling the entity permission so mostly uh you will have the lead capture forms uh some you know contact registration forms where you will be uh you will be giving those web pages or the forms to the uh portal users to uh get access without logging to the portal so those will be the anonymous type of forms so so we then uh i mean in that way so we will not check this entity uh table permissions okay so here i have not checked this one because i don't want this form to be get access by the login users i i'm just i just want this form as a this entity form as an enormous accessible okay so i have selected this one and now here if you have a specific tab you can select this one so you can see in the dynamics uh if you want to display the particular tab only on the web pages you can select the tab also if not then you can ignore that one suppose if you want to display the entire form then you will select you will not select any tab you will be selecting all the form here okay so now i'm going to save it okay so my create entity form is created uh for the student okay and now i'm going to cate for the uh for the edit also so i'll go to the uh basic form create new it will be student edit okay and entity will be table will be the student and the form this time i will be selecting the edit form okay and here again i don't want to select any particular tab so i will not select and here the mode will be edit so means uh uh when you select the edit button then uh in the bottom of the form you will have this submit button but when you select the read only form then at the bottom you will not have the submit button and you can't edit anything on the form so if you want to edit some changes and you want to submit i mean after doing the changes you want to update the details of the record then you will update you will use this update button on the form when you get when you open this particular form vertical record on the portal so i'm using this mode as edit because this i want to be editable type and here this will be record type as a query string and this will be taking with the id here and it will be for the website custom custom web portal here okay and again here i'm not enabling this entity permissions again i want this uh form as an anonymous type okay so i'm going to save now so here i have created on those two forms uh uh entity forms one is for the student insert and for the student edit okay now i have to create the uh page templates and web templates for this okay so first of all i will be creating the web templates i'll go to the web templates here then create new wave templates okay so now here i'll give the name as a student create web template and website will be custom portal okay saved so similar to that i have to create the one we have template for the edit also so i'll go to the wave template again new wave template student edit wave template okay so i have created now so with this web template we can have the multiple child page templates so i will be getting the multiple page templates here so one of the page template i will be using for the web pages okay so here i'm going to create the new uh paste template for the edit so here i'll give student edit ps template and the website is custom portal and instead of rewrite it will be web template so by default you can see automatically edit we have template will be selected here and if you want to make this as a default you can make that if not it then you can ignore them so i have just given the mandatory details here now i'm going to save it so my edit webpage template is created now similar to that i will be creating for create also so i'll go to the page templates and create a new page template for create so student create page template and here again so i have selected now save so i have created the page template for against these uh wave templates now again when you go to the page template so again inside that we can have multiple child web pages and well these web pages will be rendered to the portal and customer end okay so here i will in the web pages i will be consuming these uh these two uh entity forms which we have recently created okay so first in the create a create webpage template so i'm going to add the new web page here so i'll go to the web pages and you can see as of now we don't have any web pages associated so i'm going to create the new web page for this okay so i will give the name of this as a student webpage student create webpage okay okay inside that uh this is for custom tutorial and the home the parent page will be home i want to display under the home page so it will be under home okay and the partial your url is important in the partial url we will be giving the name spaces something like when you click on something say you are going to create the contact yes you will see uh some uh slash or something a url will be coming here so that will be our partial url so that url we have to give here so for this i'm going to give create student okay and the page template just now what we have created so student create page template and state will be published okay and here we will take the basic form so basic form is nothing but our student create form so student insert this is the form which we have created here so this is the basic form right this form we are going to associate here to this web page as a which will be rendered here okay so i'm going to select this one so save it okay so my webpage for the stream create is created and you can see by default uh since in my portal i am having only one language so that is why only one language this is the content page which it will be created and contain page will have similar informations to the web information page so by default in the web pages there will be two two pages one is the information and one is the content pages and the content page is nothing but the actual particular page which will be rendered at the client side in the portal so you can see this is how the it is configured for the uh content page so if you want to display some title for this one you can give the sum title on this page create a student like that okay and then you can save this one so like this uh uh the web pages how i have created for the create i'm going to create for edit also so i'll go to this is my page template for edit i'll go to the web pages here then i'll create the new web page this will be a student edit okay now website is custom portal home and partial url i'll give edit a student okay and then in the page template it will be student edit ps template and state will be published and the advanced form is not required here this is the uh form and that is student edit form so this is the basic form which we created here uh student edit and this form i'm going to associate here for this webpage okay now save it so there are some other details you can use that one if you want to expire the form based on the date you can do those these you can utilize these options then we are having other various options we can add on the other other other informations if you want to attach you can add here okay so now uh my webpage is created and for this also i am having the uh you know content page created automatically so for this i am going to change the title of this page as i edit student okay save and close so now i have created the web pages now so what i need now is like say when my uh student is created then i want to open the same student record in the edit form so how we can do that so for this uh when you go to the your basic form for the insert and then you can see we are having options for the on success so when you're gonna go to the on success uh setting there you will have the two options one is for the display message another is for the redirect when you use the display message then it will then it will uh when when you click the submit button after feeding the mandatory data on the form then it will display the small pop-up with that like the record is created successfully so but instead of that what i need is i want to render my uh nav i want to change my form to the edit one because after doing this submit i want to change something then i can do that one so for that i will be redirecting one and then i will be selecting the student edit form so i'll go to the edit student edit webpage so i will be rendering after getting the record i want to render to the student edit page and there i will be appending with the existing id here okay i will be changing with the existing id there are other form options like on the form if you want to enable the captcha so the authenticated users then you can do that one there are some additional settings if you want to uh use these ones you can use in your basic form or the entity forms on the portal uh there we are having the additional options here also if you want to write some javascript or some buttons you can do those once also then we are having the table uh references and the basic metadata forms those things if you want to utilize in your entity forms then you can do that so as of now i'm not using that one so just i want to i wanted to render uh to the particular forms in the edit mode once my record is created so for that this is the setting we have to do okay so now our um uh entity entity forms and the web pages are created and web templates also created now uh will have the problems because uh we have created the uh we have added the entity from here but we have not associated it to the uh template so what i'll do i'll go to the page templates from here so this is the page template and then i'll go to the web templates so inside the wave templates here we have to write some code which will be associating our this student form here so entity form here so i'll go to here let's add the couple of lines of code liquid code here this will be block main i'm taking the main block okay and block and inside that i will be including the entity form so so it will be entity form and entity form and then name it will be with this name okay so i have included the entity form uh with the name student edit uh sorry it will be for create i'm sorry so for the this is for create one right so okay template we have to include the insert one is this is the form we have to include here so i will include this name here okay now save and close so this is the thing we have to write here okay so um then uh for the edit also we have to write the same thing so we'll go to the student here this is the webpage template and then here here again we will be writing the same thing but instead of the insert we will have the edit here so we will take the edit name okay so now we have added so finally uh we have included the uh uh of our entity forms through the web pages and we have including the vf template also okay now uh as i mentioned before i will be using the entity list to display the uh list of tables list of records in the table format on the one of the entity page so what i'll do uh for that i'm going to create the new webpage so i'll go to the page here so in the web page uh uh uh this this webpage will be displaying our existing you know student uh course in the table so i will i'll take this name as a existing uh student okay and it is webpage website is custom portal it will be also in the home the partial your url will be existing student okay and then paste template uh we can use anyone so like we can use the blank also no problem so blank space then we can use uh the state will be published okay and then uh here we will be using the entity list so before i clear the entity list i will first save it and then i will create the entity list from here so this is my webpage uh inside that i will be having the entity list here so i'm going to add the new entity list and here okay so i'll give this name as a existing student entity list okay and then table we have to select for which table you want to take the entity list so it will be the for the student so student table name and uh this is for the custom total website and now after saving uh we'll have the views here which we can associate so when you click add view you can see uh by default uh so those views which are like which can be used here it will be displaying here so in the in the real time project you will be using your own you know own public views uh to display the details of the related records in this table so i'm selecting one one for the active students another view i will be selecting for inactive as i mentioned before so i will be using these two views to display the data on the portal uh entity list okay so after that there are some other informations but i we will be going through these details later on okay so first i'm going to save with this details also now i'll go back from here and as i mentioned i have since i have used the blank page but instead of that we have to use the our own web template so for this uh uh what i'll do let me duplicate this tab here i want to create the web template for the existing student list so i'll go to the web templates go to new and here this will be our existing student wave template then portal name we have to give and save then again that inside that will have the paste template so we will get the new page template and this page template we will associate here in the past template okay so we are going to create this new this is existing existing student is template it will be for the web template okay select it and if you want similar if you want to give the table name specific then you can give so i don't want them save and close so now this is the page template which we will be adding here so i will remove this one add this one okay selected so now our uh the existing uh web page is existing recorder for existing record for the strength webpage we have created and now the entity list is pending sorry enterprises we have created now we will associating the particular entity list also here so now finally our web pages is developed and now uh we want to use this one into the portal here so what we'll do inside the home screen i want to do the navigation so you can do these navigations from here also so most of the portal uh developers who knows that they will be modifying from here also so you can do but there is another way we can do and that is uh we can go to the uh that is called the web link sets when you go to the wavelink sets you can see here you will have the primary navigation so against the custom portal since this is my custom portal so for that i am having the primary navigation series so all these navigations are called the primary navigation so on these navigations uh we will have the related uh will have the related links here so when you go to the related wavelengths you can see under the primary navigations we are having this uh uh active uh related names related uh navigation links so we are having home contact sample page and applications and existing applications so when you see here we are having the sample these are the pages under that one so here what i need is i want to create the new wavelength here and that will be for the uh for the students so i'll go and create the new wavelength for my student here okay so i'll give this name as a student strengths okay and then it will be for published and here i uh here i want to display on the pan click as a home okay so now i don't want any ps to be rendered here because this will be like this button how we are having here under that we are having links right so like that i want to design so let me save this okay so i have added under the home of the band navigations let me see if that is coming here let me refresh this okay so it's not coming so i'll remove this home link maybe and let me save this again and under this under this wavelength it will have the child link so these are the sharings which will be displayed under the particular section so i'm going to add the new wavelengths here under this child link under this uh student what we have created so this name will be the create student and then we'll have the building centers primary navigation state will be published and it will be rendering to the particular student create form so we'll have the student so it will be rendering to the student create page so i will select that url if you have any external url you can give that to also so let me save and close then uh i will be adding the a new uh wavelink say a web link new building and that will be for the existing record so i will i'll select this existing student okay and this is under primary navigation it is also published and here it will navigate to the existing student webpage and the page order i will give this as a two okay and now save and close and for the other one the last one which we created and for that i will be giving one so i'm going to give this as a one okay so i think i have created the links under the parent of the student here and it is under present of this one so we are having home one two three four five so i'm going to take this as a base order as six we are already having so i'll take this as a seven okay so now we have given the order of these pages so now it is completed uh this links you can if you have multiple child pages you can add this still number of child pages like say for the student i have added the these are the child pages for me two child pages under this child pages if you want to add several chart pages you can add the child using this one so you can have the multiple hierarchy from here for the related links okay so once my navigations are completed i'm going to refresh this now you can see in the portal i have added the student here so this is the link and under that i'm having the create and the existing records so now let's see uh when we click on the create like suppose when we are going for the create link so it will render this webpage right so in the inside this webpage we are having the create a basic form and it should render this let me click on the create a stand now you can see the partial url will be amended here this is a create form and this is the form how we have designed in the portal so in the dynamics so for the create form how we have designed the dynamics form so it is appearing here and the below will have the submit buttons so there are few limitations on the entity forms that these buttons you cannot move anywhere however if you want to uh use this button a similar button to in like other position like top in the top or the right side of the form or somewhere different location then you have to create your own button custom button and on the click of that you have to trigger this button then the this operation will be performed so like that you can design but uh this button if you want to use the default button out of the box then this button will be placed always here and also uh all the all the things will be not rendered on the entity forms like if you have added this upgrade on the entity form and you want to try to use this update on the forms on the portal then no you can't do that one so sub grids you can't render on the webpages in the portal so there are some limitations uh with the entity forms on the portal so this is how it is rendered now let's check on the on the existing form so when you go to the existing student then it will be rendering this one but it is blank now you can see since even though we have added the list and this is the existing webpage and inside that even though we have added the list it is not this it is not displaying the entity list here so what i will do is uh for this list uh what web page we have used here so i will be amending the web template of that so in the web template uh we will be writing couple of lines for the liquid code and we have to add these lines to associate the selected entity list to the uh web pages okay so for that i will write the block main okay and now we will check if we'll check if the page contains adx underscore entity list why i'm saying atx underscore ntt list will check if page has entitled associated y means when you go to the uh when you go to the let me see the entity list web pages then we are having the existing student vape is here so when you go to this webpage and we are having the entity list here so when you go to this entity list you can see these records are nothing but of type called entity kdx underscore entity list so you can see this is this logical name of this entity right so i'm checking on this webpage if on this webpage on this page if it is associated entity list then i want to render it okay so when you have started if we have to end the if and if okay and between that we will be adding that one so we will include that include and we will include the entity list and here we will give the key and that will be the base dot adx underscore entity list dot id so this we will be amending here so after i including the entity list which is selected on the webpage it will be displayed here so let me save this and now after saving this web template when i go to the my existing student webpage and try to refresh this and now we'll see if it is coming okay so let me see code entity list key psja dx in details dot id this is correct okay save close then we'll go to the webpage and the face template so we are having the related webpage existing entity webpage okay then we are having the student entity existing list okay and under that we have selected the two views which is fine and let me add the couple of more thing here so like here one more thing is if you want to display the uh record in the uh like when you get the record in the table here and you want to display the record when you click the link on the table and you want to display that on to the form then you will we can use that one so we can use this here student edit web page okay then for create we will use the student create if you want to change the display name of the buttons you can like create student like this you can display the name student list okay and again i have not enabled the entity permission tool permission for this search i want to enable okay and search in the placeholder text i'll write a search student same thing for the tooltip also the metadata filter i want to enable horizontally i want in the vertical directions for the filters and the filters i can add later on i will see that so we have included everything here okay let me refresh this again okay okay sorry why it is not coming because uh as i mentioned before uh this is rendering on the content page so when you go to the content page of your webpage so here you can see in the content page i might not have selected the entities here so this is the problem so when you select the particular entity list here on the content page then particular content page will be rendered here okay so now when i refresh this i think it will be rendered now save and then title i'll give existing students okay since right it may take some time to reflect this now you can see here the the uh this one is render now so so from the content page when you associate then only it will end up so that is the use of the content page now if i think now you have aware of so in the content page you will have the uh whatever you have mentioned those will be rendered on the portal uh endpoint customer end okay so you can see i have the two views which i have selected on the web pages here sorry i entered the list here so this is the two views active inactive if you have multiple views if you want to display here you can select here and those will be displayed in the down here in the down drop down so here if you see the inactive and active um i can see the records here so when you click the records as you have configured here when you when you see the entity list configuration my here so you can see when for the two when you click the record link it will open the experiment edit form with the id pendant and then if you click the create button here so if you see the button here we are having create button so when you click on this create button it will create the it will open the create form so let me open this form and you will see if it is rendering the edit mode so this link will be changed to edit here you can see the link is changed to edit and then id is a pendant and then the details of what we are having on the on that record it is rendered here now when you click when you go back and click on create form create button then it will open the create create form so this is the create form open and you can register the record from here so this is how you can configure this also i want to do i want to show you some more thing here so when you go to the filter so as i mentioned i have enabled the horizontal filter but it is not displaying here why because the filter is enabled but we have not selected any type of filter here so here we i'm going to select the attribute filter and it will be say i want to filter based on the gender so one field is gender and not instead of check box i want drop down list and you can give this then another filter i want based on the email so say on the field we are having email field and they can search on this one so display name will be sir email and on that they can search on that so two filters i have added let me save this and when you refresh this sorry button we have to give here so it i will be filter apply okay save okay so i have updated this one so i think a filter should be displaying now now you can see the filter is coming here so those two filters which we have added now we'll have the button here filter apply which we added here this pillow yeah sorry so we have added the filter button what name we have given so this is the name of this our filter button and based on that if you want to filter here so you can see based on the gender so all those three options it will display in the drop down so we are having different options to display here so we are having the drop down radio buttons or the check box you can enable that one so as for that requirement you can design and when you filter this one you have to click on apply filter and then it will search it to filter your records on based on this okay and one more thing is when you use this search the search will be applicable to all the columns what are present here in the grid except uh if there are some like drop down type column then it will not be applicable here but mostly the text box the lookups the emails and those things we are having then and like date type fields you can you can search the record based on that so let me search if based on the mail if it is at the table here so so search will not work on that so you can see the search is not working however if if you want to use the another options like you can see this is the drop down for me gender as a column this is drop down for me and such will not work on this however if you want to search for the text box it will work here okay you can see it will work here but in the case of some drop down there are some limitations on the search it will not work on that for the search you have to use the filters if for the drop downs are filled you have to use the filters to display the records i believe okay so this is how how you can configure the records i believe uh let me create the new record over here and then we will be we'll see if it is as we have designed like on the create of the record we want to do we want to go to the edit form edit more right so let me enter the new details here so now after selecting after filling the data we will submit it okay now you can see once the record is submitted now it has open in the edit mode and further if you want to amend anything you can amend it and you can save this details so this is how you can configure the records and if you have any any any anything needed on this on this details you can let me know i can share the informations and i hope this video was useful for you for and you have learned a lot of things from this and thank you for watching this video guys
Channel: dotNetLittleBoy
Views: 18,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crm portal dynamics 365, dynamics 365 portal customization tutorial, dynamics 365 portal tutorial, powerapps portal tutorial, dynamics 365 portal web forms, dynamics crm portal tutorial, dynamics 365 partner portal, dynamics 365 customer portal, dynamics portals interview questions, portal dynamics 365, powerapps portal authentication, powerapps portal templates, microsoft crm portal tutorial, entity list in crm portal, crm portal development, dynamics crm custom portal
Id: rYe2B2V69Sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 17sec (2837 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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