How to configure Azure App Service Web App for Containers

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[Music] hello and welcome to the cloud computing school YouTube channel in this how to video we will show you how to deploy an Azure app service resource by utilizing a Docker container instead of the traditional code deployment approach this demo assumes that you have access to an Azure subscription and that you have either Global admin subscrip ition owner or other minimum permissions to create a new Azure app service resource deploying your web app or API app via Azure app service web app for containers adds multiple benefits as compared to the traditional code deployment option by using web app for containers you can automate and simplify your container image deployments through continuous integration continuous deployment ci/ CD capabilities with Docker Hub Azure container registry and visual studio team services app service creates an association with the selected repository so your apps are updated each time your source code changes schedule performance and quality tests in staging environment and use deployment slots to swap staging to production in seconds or roll back to previous versions without downtime part one Azure portal to create an Azure app service for containers in the Azure portal carry out the following steps log into https portal. with global administrator or equivalent credentials on the top leftand Corner click on create a resource search for web app and click on create on the web app resource on the basics tab provide the following parameter values a subscription and Resource Group name under instance details provide a name for the web app and choose the docker container publish option choose your operating system Linux versus Windows and your Azure region choose Linux in West Europe region the pricing plan choose to either use an existing app service plan or create a new one for the purpose of this demo choose to create a new P1 V3 app service plan choose the disabled option for Azure availability zones and click next on the next tab you can optionally choose to provision and Associate a database with your Docker based web app the available options are SQL Azure post SQL MySQL and Cosmos DB API for mongod DB for the purpose of this demo do not choose any data base and click next on the docker tab you can choose between the single container and the docker compose option Docker compose allows you to build a multi-container solution choose single container under the image source menu choose your container registry available options are quick start Azure container registry Docker Hub and private registry for this demo choose the quick start option and beneath it choose the Jinx option click next to continue choose to enable Public Access and disable network injection if you disable Public Access you will later have to configure Azure private endpoints for accessing your web app internally also I enable Network injection you can utilize a v-net in the same region as your web app click next to continue choose if you will use application insights in your Docker based app service or not application insights codeless monitoring for Linux containers currently supports. net Java and nodejs applications if your container uses a different language consider including the application inside sites SDK in your container for the purpose of this demo choose no to continue and click next optionally provide any tags if needed and click next review all configuration parameters and click create to start provisioning of the resource wait while the Azure resource deployment is in progress to navigate to the newly provisioned Docker based web app navigate to the overview blade of the web app and click on the default domain fqdn to open the web app in your browser Now navigate to the deployment Center blade of the web app to validate the three available deployment options namely container registry GitHub actions and Azure pipelines part two Azure Cloud shell you can alternatively create an Azure app service for containers via Azure arm or bicep templates you can either create your own template or use one of the available quickart templates in the Azure architecture Center to deploy an existing local Azure template you can use the Azure Cloud shell open Azure Cloud Shell by navigating to shell. and open Azure Powershell first upload the local Json file to Azure Cloud shell then run the following commands with the what if Powershell operator first you can alternatively test your arm template deployment first with the test- AZ Resource Group deployment klet then run the actual command again this time without the what if parameter this will initiate the arm template deployment operation after running the command wait for the deployment operation to complete you should validate that all expected resources have been provisioned and examined some of the typical resource blades in the Azure portal in the very end you can optionally remove the provision Azure Resources with the following command thank you for watching this video subscribe to the cloud computing school YouTube channel to be notified of upcoming hot to [Music] videos [Music]
Channel: CloudSchool TV
Views: 120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cloud computing school, cloud computing, cloud, containers, azure, azure app service, web apps, docker, ARM, IAC, Azure Cloud Shell, Azure portal
Id: -sctYBeFz4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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