How to configure AWS Global Accelerator

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hi guys in this video I'm trying to explain now what exactly Amazon so one of the newly entering service called in a bless global accelerator so under Network and content delivery you can find this global ad straight of service so basically this global access rater service supports couple of services like ec2 instance network load balancer application or balancer and elastic IP addresses so for example you have one ec2 instance in ROM Mumbai reach here and you're delivering one application by using that ec2 instance but you have customers across a globe or let's assume you have multiple web servers and you want to give a single point of contact and you want to tell world your application so you can choose load balancer and you can add multiple web servers and you can do all the users but these resources load balancer or ec2 instance is basically region specific resources so physically these resources are going to create in Mumbai reach here but let's assume you have customers across the globe and you really don't want to give any latency to all that end customers and you want to give some high availability options or you want to accelerate your applications and immediately you want to add some resources and you want to remove some resources so then we can use a service called a blower accelerator so in simple we can increase the application utilization we can reduce the latency for our application and we can use it this global accelerator for multi region or multi availability zone disaster recoveries and we can protect our application from DDoS attacks also by using this global accelerator so now I am selecting that global accelerator here and I am going to create one global accelerator but before that I already have a web server that is delivering a web page so this is what the web site it is delivering by using this particular public aware brush so you can even create a load balancer and you can use that load balancer also as an endpoint so whenever you are creating this global accelerator we are going to have some components components like a static IP addresses the Amazon is going to give two static IP addresses if you want to use your own static IP address we can use dy oh I'll be option bring your own IP address option and we are going to create an acceleration and for this global acceleration we are going to get it DNS name so something like some random ID dot say SS global oscillator comm is a DNS name you are going to get and we can add listeners we can create endpoint or we can create endpoint groups and we can decide like a one rate here or multiple regions you want to run this so let's click on create a cylinder so I clicked on create accelerator and here what is the basic configuration what is the accelerator name you want to give so I am going to call this demo accelerator so then you're creating is with ipv4 yes and what is ipv4 pool so when you expand this here you can see Amazon given pool of IP assets so as I mentioned we can even get our Rob py o IP bring your own IP address also here so as I do not have any pools of vida starting IP provided by Amazon then click on next and here is a listeners here ISA listeners so we can add listeners here so I want to listen on port number 80 and port number 443 by using TCP protocol here and this client affinity this is something like sticky sessions whatever the request is coming from that particular client if it is delivered to this particular end point so all track will stick to that particular end point only so you can configure that by using source IP address whatever from what IP address a request is coming you can get that or you can set it to map so then click on next now at the endpoint groups so we have had it and listeners here thanks we need to the FD endpoint groups so now here in what region you are all resources are running so in my case I have web server in Mumbai richer so I'm going to select ap South one here so there Nam if you have multiple resources in multiple regions you can just go here for example you have one web server in a piece of the one a and you have another web server in a be South u.s. East one so now you can define that and how much traffic you want to send here so I want to send up for example fifty percent of traffic to episode one and 50 percent traffic to this particular around you is East one you can just give that and you can define numbers from zero to hundred but I will not have any resource so I'm going to give a hundred percent traffic here then expand this what are the resources we have here this accelerator is going to perform health check with this resources if it is healthy then only it is going to send the traffic so let's scroll down so I am going to perform health check on port number ad and make sure this port is open on / 62 so of course it is open that's why I am getting this website and what protocol you want to be used to perform basically check you can sell at PCP or HTTP and do you want to perform health checks to any particular file yeah I want to perform handshakes to index dot HTML or you can simply here TCP also now he'll take endurance for every 30 minutes 30 seconds you want to perform health check for every 10 seconds you want to perform and so you can define that and thresholds count three continuous health checks good success then only it is going to treat this it is going to read this you know target as a healthy so I am going to give that option here then click on next and these are the at end points so my all endpoints is in only one region and my endpoint is basically an easy-to instance so if you have an application load balancer select this application load balancer and select that but I do not have any now so if you have Network load balancer select that easy to lose that so I am going to select the ec2 instance and what is that if it expands from going to add that instance here and how much weight you want to send to this so basically we can configure from 0 to 255 and so just add this resources if you have another web server in another region just click on add in point the select ec2 instance and here you can select all three sources so I have added here then click on create accelerator now this acceleration creation is started and we can access these isolated from any of the reach here so now it is in progress and it is going to take some time so when I am going to click on this it is going to tell us ok so the status and health check status here of course it is going to take some time to complete this creation then automatically it is going to verify whether this ec2 instance is available on the port or not or healthy is clearing or not so it is going to verify and here you can find that of course if you wait for some time these health checks are going to be clear and this is a DNS name we got for this accelerator so once this change status to active then we can test it out and here we got to elastic IP addresses or Roth public IP addresses given by Amazon Web Services so this is going to take five minutes so I am going to pass this video 1 studies completed we will des it output ok so here the provisioning state has got changed to deployed and the health check is also clearing here you can see additional inca all as a healthy or business or a healthy so now this go here and try to access your application by using this DNS name so you can just grab this DNS name and you can hear that so where is it and this is my ec2 instance IP address so whatever you are trying to access raises it is going to take some time but this one is going to tell you what pretty quickly without any latency is also by using this elastic IP addresses also we can access our application see on T is our 10 Marinka the same website so we can use this global accelerator to deliver any app or website from our ec2 instance or elastic IP address or elastic load balancer either it is an application load balancer Network load balancer so the advantage is less latency or low latency and it even can protect our application from mark DDoS attacks and you can run your workloads from different regions or availability zones ok once you done with that so if you want to delete this so first you need to disable it whenever you are trying to delete it first will ask us to disable the accelerator so disable the isolated first so then now once it got disabled so here you need to write a period option so then this is going to delete ok so that is only about isolator and one quick thing to add here so this isolator will not come sunder free tide eligibility so we are going to the char zero so zero point zero zero two five dollars per hour and based on the data transfer also we are going to get charged ok thanks for watching this guys
Channel: Avinash Thipparthi
Views: 2,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aws avinash reddy, aws avinash, avinash aws, aws naresh it, ec2, what is aws, route53, vpc, naresh technologies aws, avinash thipparthi, avinash thipparthy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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