How to configure an MQTT Mosquitto v2 broker and enable user authentication on Windows in 2022

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[Music] so in this video i'm going to quickly show you how to install the mqtt mosquito broker in version 2.0 point something on a windows pc so if you want to test some mqtt connectivity be it from a poc industrial edge device or maybe for a generic purpose of some home iot and this would give you a nice place to experiment with mqtt see how you set it up send the data test the connectivity so we're going to install the mqtt broker we're going to first configure it to allow anonymous access anyone can connect to it and then we're going to create a user so that only uh authorized users can access the broker and maybe in the next video i'm going to also set up some certificates okay so the first thing uh let's go and find ourselves us the mosquito broker there you go there was actually a direct download link here that's fine so it's 2.0.15 that will be installing i'm installing this on windows 10 so if you're running windows 11 i imagine this might be completely different this is um windows 10 21 h1 i think a fresh install so there you go mosquito is now uh so how do we set it up if you go to wherever you installed it i'm not very patient am i yeah so i installed it here program files and then mosquito you have a number of files the most important for mosquito broker is the mosquito con file and it basically has all the configuration so what you need is you need to make it listen on a specific port then if you wanted not to be using password you need to also allow anonymous access yeah um but first thing i would say you should do is you should try if you can even paying this machine so what is this machine's um ip address yeah there are many ways you can check it i'm just gonna do ip config all with powershell so as you can see i'm running in 190 168 50.235 yeah this is my ip address and if i go to my other machine and just the pain 180 168 50. 255. i get nothing yeah and this is because it's a fresh new windows setup so i need to go to my firewall and make sure that i allow a replies to pings so advanced settings inbound rules new rule uh predefined and here it is i think it was file yeah file and printer sharing there you go and then here we need the echo request for ipv4 allow the connection and now if we try pinging in this works yeah so this is the first step troubleshooting i prove okay yeah connectivity works uh my network is set up correctly so from the other machine that i want to maybe send data to my qtd broker i can actually access this machine yeah so this is quite important then in terms of the mosquito let's go back to our mosquito con file and let's look for listener next next next there you go so you have a description here what this means but long story short if you uncomment this and just say listener 1881883 this means it's going to listen on port 1883 on any ip address of this machine because you can also tie it to a specific ip address as you can see yeah we can save this we need to go to admin mode this should be fine but even if you set it like this by default mosquito now in this version 2.0 or something will not allow you anonymous access so if you look here let's set this to true so an anonymous user can access this and now if we go back to powershell uh let's the net stop mosquito it's to stop okay it's not started even net start mosquito the starter service yeah so this now started and now we will try to use a generic mqtt client to connect to our broker so i'm using mqtt explorer you can just find it just google it and mqtt test what was it one nine two one six eight two three five thing eighteen eighty three no username and password anonymous access should work yeah connect nothing happens why does not work again it will be the windows firewall so if we go back to where we were inbound rules new rule uh port what port are we using we're using yeah if you're using something else just specified next i love the connection it's fine i'm gonna call it mqtt this rule finish and as you can see it connected me so now if i try again it connects me straight over if i try to maybe publish some data on a topic test i'm going to set test to 53 publish it there you go i have a new topic test with the value of 53 so everything works yeah happy days we set our mqtt broker in what five minutes maybe quite quick but now you know this isn't really ideal if you're thinking about the proper use case where maybe you're storing some crucial data here maybe you're sending data from a poc to your broker you would really want to be using at least a username and password if not encrypted so uh to enable username and password we need to basically go back here and set a low end enemies to false but then how do we actually set the password so this is what these um password files are for there is an example here installed by default uh why can i drag and drop so this how it looks like yeah it will have um users and then their passwords but how do you add them so the way to do it or at least the way i know of yeah we go to program files and then um then we go to mosquito yeah we have all our files here and now we can call the mosquito um what was it password exe file with c then we need to point it to the file so this file doesn't exist you can just create it here by doing something like this so maybe and i password yeah it's going to create us and the password file or you can just create it here yourself by the way uh and yeah now we go to this mosquito password exe yeah yeah at minus c then we need to point it to our file so our file is in this directory and it's called pass wd and now what user do we want to create we need to give it the username i'm going to just call it simatic it asks us for the password i'm gonna put my password in and if you go back here to check your file you should see that the file was created and there you have the hashed password yeah so we have the username we have this we have also um set test to allow allow anonymous false um yeah we should be fine i think oh there's one more thing that we need to do we need to actually point it to the password file so to tell it where is the password file so if you scroll back here to password file we just need to define it so see program files uh mosquito [Music] not must keep account password yeah yeah that's what they called it should be fine and now again do net stop mosquito let's stop mosquito and then we start again yeah the service was started now we can go back here as you can see we're already kicked out if we try to connect without the user nothing happens but if i provide my new username and password oh oh no um let's see ah there you go i must have mistyped it and again you know we publish it it's here so there you go we installed the mosquito broker on windows 10 we first tried it with just anonymous access and then we disabled anonymous access and we created our first user gave it a password and we also set the windows firewall to accept um to accept incoming connections on the poll that we are using for the broker and also to accept the pen if you you know are happy that this works you maybe don't need the pen you can go back and disable it or maybe you never enabled it in the first place now in terms of the service uh i'm pretty sure that mosquitoes starts up by default so next time you restart it uh it should be running there you go mosquito broker running and startup time is automatic if you want you can you can change it yeah any questions just put them in the comments below thanks [Music]
Channel: AutomationStation
Views: 35,501
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Id: hyJhKWhxAxA
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Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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