How to Compress PDF File Size? | Reduce PDF File Size Without Losing Quality in Offline and Online.

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Hi friends how are you? I'm Mohammad Leon from  LeonsBD. welcome to LeonsBD after a couple of   weeks in this video I'll show you how to compress  PDF and I'll show you exactly three methods first   method is offline method and the rest of the two  are online methods okay? so for offline method   you can compress your larger file like if your  file size is 50 megabyte or 100 megabyte then   you can use offline method but if your file size  is like less than 50 megabyte or even a more than   50 megabyte you can use online methods okay? so  if you are new to my YouTube Channel please hit   the Subscribe button and press the Bell icon  and without any further due let's get started.   okay this is our PDF file and the file size is 100  megabyte and I have opened this file at Microsoft   Edge so this is our file now for offline method  open your Ms word software from here file then   open from here browse desktop so we will select  our that file okay? 'large file' 'open' so now   what will happen PDF file will be converted to Ms  Word document 'word will now convert your PDF to   an editable Word document' 'Ok' so converting see  conversion is going on. conversion is almost done   that PDF has been converted to Ms Word document  and click on just 'enable editing' okay so this   is our document now we have to save this document  as PDF okay? go to 'file' from here 'save as'   'browse' so I'll save this file at desktop file  name maybe large file underscore compressed   so here 'save as type' from your  select 'PDF' okay just click on Save. so now Ms word has been converted to again PDF so  see this is the file we have created 'large file   underscore compressed' the file is being loaded  large file this is our main PDF and this is the   compress PDF the quality is similar like main PDF  okay? and let's check the size so see this is 100   megabyte and after compression it became only 10.4  megabyte. file size has been reduced almost 10   times. so this was offline method and this method  is applicable for large file now we will see   online method. in online method we will see two  websites by which we will compress our PDF. both   websites have different advantages okay? open your  browser and here at URL bar type ''   okay? hit enter so click on the first link 'I love  PDF' okay? here see compress PDF so click on here   so select PDF file click on this button   so from desktop I'll select my file that is large  file click on 'open' so here I have three types   of compression this one is 'Extreme compression'  'recommended compression' 'less compression'. for   extreme compression say less quality , high  compression for recommended compression good   quality, good compression and for Less compression  , high quality less compression. so definitely   this compression is recommended so this is  selected by default just click on 'compress PDF'   so compression is going on since the file size  is 100 megabyte compression is taking some times. okay see compression is done the main file  size was 100.38 megabyte after completion it   became 5.43 megabyte compressed file is being  downloaded automatically okay so download is   complete I am opening this file so this is  the file see the quality of compression is   pretty good so it is similar like the main PDF  okay so now we will see the second website type   '' okay ? hit enter then click  on 'compress PDF' okay? from your select PDF   desktop large file open so here one thing you  can choose the level of compression by default   50 is selected so my recommendation select 50  or less just because of if you select more than   50 percent compressed file size will be less but  the quality of your final PDF will be lower so buy   recommendation select from your select 25 percent  okay if you select 25 percent then the output   will be pretty good okay after choosing level of  compression click on compress so see compressing so see compression is done and the new  size is 10.79 megabyte. file size has   been reduced almost 10 times so click  on download so file is being downloaded.   so I am opening this file so this is the file  the quality of compressor is pretty good no   problem. it is similar like main PDF okay? so  these were three fantastic methods by which you   can compress your PDF okay? so yeah that's it out  of three methods which method you have chosen for   compress your PDF just let me know in the comment  section. If you have any query just let me know   in the comment section. I will reply. you can  follow me on Facebook and Instagram. the link is   given in the description box. if you enjoyed the  video give a huge thumbs up. share this content   with your community. thanks for watching. see you  in the very next tutorial. till then take care.   foreign [Music]
Channel: LeonsBD
Views: 16,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leonsbd, tech, how to compress pdf file size, how to reduce pdf file size without losing quality, 3 ways to reduce pdf file size, online pdf compressor, reduce pdf file size offline and online, compress pdf file size manually, compress pdf file size using ms word, pdf file size
Id: 8mbU7xXTh9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 41sec (341 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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