How To Compress File To Smaller Size 7zip (from A to Z)

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excellent it's done so here's the 7z file  it's 475MB while the entire folder was   2GB in size pretty good compression when you  consider those files were already compressed   welcome if you came here from the other  video where we covered how to zip a file,   how to unzip a file, and how to open a  file with the built-in tools of windows   that's great here we're going to expand on that  let's go and get more advanced and do some proper   compression with high ratios so we can keep our  files and save some space what do we need for that   for that we need a dedicated compression software  and the best one out there is an open source   program called 7z we'll be going to get  it right now off the web open a browser   any search engine and if you type 7z the  first thing that will come up is this software   this is what you're looking for this page over  here this is the software now you have so many   options which one should you download  it depends on your system whether it's   32 bit or 64 bit. you don't know which version  you have let's go and see how you found out   go to your search options here and write system  search select this option over here once you open   this you will see whether it's 64 bit or 32 bit  if it's 32 bit you download 32 bit 64 64. that's   pretty obvious download and install once you're  done installing let's give the program a try all right let's put some things to the test   we're going to try and zip this folder with  both the program we installed right now 7z   and the windows built-in zip compressor so let's  do the built-in compressor first let it run I want you to notice the time it takes  for the built-in compressor to work   that's going to be another disadvantage  of using the built-in windows compressor   as it takes a long time to zip files and a long  time to open files and if you don't want to be   wasting a ton of time you're not going to want to  use the built-in zip feature of windows all right   that's great we're just about to finish with this  compression I've saved you most of the time and   here windows has finished compressing this file  making it a zip file but let's do the same thing   with a program that is dedicated to zipping  files notice the speed that it takes to   zip a file using 7z in comparison to the built-in  one same files the same folder takes almost no   time at all and you can notice that as well when  you unzip that file okay so the difference is   almost 35MB only for one file but let me show  you another thing that is even more surprising   and may even squeeze out even more  compression so say you have a bunch of files   and these should be data files I'm talking here  about data files themselves there could be zipped   already it doesn't make a difference if  you if you compress a zip file using 7z   it will squeeze out even more compression a lot of  the times especially if there are multiple files   with a lot of content that is similar in it like  a folder backup or site backup or PSD files or   PDFs or stuff like that it will save you a lot  of space I've took all these files that you saw   in the beginning and I compressed 2.5 GB into  half a 0.5 GB that's a lot of disk space saved   and I want to say a few words about it so this  compressed method I want to show you the settings,   this compression method is only compatible when  you have a strong computer and produces very   high compression if you have enough memory, if  you don't have enough memory don't give this   method a try because it will say not enough  memory midway as your memory basically runs out   but if you have a strong computer with  enough memory you can run through this   high compression setup and you'll get  a very small file for example 2.5 GB   into 500 MB and that's impressive. if you  like this video leave a like subscribe   leave a comment below if you have any additional  questions and have a great day see you later
Channel: Bite-Size Random
Views: 47,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: compress file to smaller size, compress files to smaller size 7zip, compress zip file to smaller size, compress file to small size, how to compress big files to small size, how to compress big files to smaller size, how to compress large files to small size, how to compress large files to small size using 7zip, how to compress large files to smaller size using 7zip, how to highly compress files using 7zip, how to highly compress files with 7zip
Id: cNCBlfN2O3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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