How to Comp Fire in Nuke | Nuke Compositing | 2D | Fire Comp | #nuke #compositing

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hello everyone welcome back to the channel and today in this video we are going to take a look at the how to comp fire properly inside nuke so as you can see I have this comp here and I comp this fire in this static frame plate as you can see so we have this plate and this is coming from action VFX and I com this fire in this plate as you can see so we will going to see how to comp uh the fire element properly how to expose this element properly how to add the glows how to add this interactive light and how to add uh the Embers and the smoke as well and as you can see the all the interactive light is interacting and is flickering based on this fire element so we will going to see all those steps what I did to com this fire properly I will show you uh my steps and my the script as you can see so this is the uh this is the full script for this shot it's not very big script it's just uh vertical that's why it's looking big so I will show you the full process and how I Comal this let's get started so the first thing we need to see the plate itself so as you can see so this is the plate uh it's coming from action VFX play this plate entirely for you so as you can see so I'm doing so it's very nice as you can see the this guy is coming with the gun and it's very good if you comb this in this moving shot it will look very nice but uh for this uh tutorial purpose I just did in a single frame because I want to show you the fire comp how you can integrate fire element in this area so that's why I just render this one frame single frame as you can see I did a reduce noise and then I render this one frame so so as you can see I don't have noise here so I will add noise after my all com done because the reason I did uh reduce noise because in the shadows we have a very noisy area so that's why I need to reduce when you're adding an interactive light we need to expose this areas to see the details here in the shadow area so that's why as you can see so this is the actual place and if I show you the comp itself so this is the final comp and as you can see I have a lot of versions for the comps as you can see so it's all started from I think this and I just added uh this and a a very basic interactive light and as you can see it look like this then I go step by step and I did lot of changes here as you can see so adding all those things element together and it will look good from here as you can see the color is looking like a green so I to make a red color when you comp something like this like a fire so as I said always take a reference as you can see just Google it and you will see the fire color and all those steps so that is exactly what I did I just studied some reference about fire and how it's behaving and how it's looking in certain conditions and especially in this night sh so it's very low light sh as you can see so we need to expose the fire uh fire this up a little bit more then it will look proper expose up image let's get started so the plate I I want to show you the plate first so this is the plate area and I did some corrections here also here and I remove this area so basically this is the green area and in the comp it's looking it's not looking good I show you see as you can see from here to here it's looking good now because we have same color tone here okay so I did uh I I remove this saturation this screen using this APD spill because in the end it's not looking good so that's why I remove this one and then I fix the alpha here and then I made a channel called plate because in the downstream I use this plate so I will show you how when and how I use this one so in the left side as you can see we have this fire element so as you can see this is the actual Fire Element I have as you can see so it's starting like this and in here it's playing fully so I use this Frame range here I did a Chronos because I need to speed up because it's now it's very slow motion so uh I I speed up this two times as you can see then it look correct as you can see and then I did a time offset and here I did a correction fire correction so first of all as you can see we have nice Alpha by default and this is this is again this is coming from actionx I did UN premal in the end I did a preot and in between I did a lot of Correction as you can see from here to here the fire color is completely changed so I will uh disable everything I just want to show you this one grade node so as you can see this one grade node is giving this all the color for the fire the technique is uh just plug this one so as you can see this is the by default we have this fire color the technique is first in the game you have to add a color whatever the fire color you want in this in this core area so I want something like this uh not much red because in the the red we need to add in the edges so so the technique is just add again your fire color overall and for the edges you need to add in you need to add a color inside a gamma so if I if I add a color as you can see we can see the more red in the edges so I'm just adding a red let's see here something like this and immediately as you can see now this fire is not looking like a one single color before we have a very solid one single color and now we can see we have a lot of variation as you can see so here we have oranges and in in the uh in the end we have this red color red color so this is exactly what I did as you can see if I switch this one and as you can see it's looking exactly the same it's not much change here I don't know which one uh I have before so I will check here so as you can see and after this one so let me disable so after adding this color so then I did a lot of uh three stage here so this one this one and this one so what I did basically I just uh expose this area as you can see and the second one I expose more make it white and this one one I use this one to did a very highlighted area completely white not completely white as you can see point4 and then I reduce overall saturation exposure and uh these two just for the alphas so I will show you in the end where they are affecting in the image and then I place this one using a transform so we have this element here and in the down added a one Shuffle and I made a a channel called Fire Element this is the element we are using for this entire uh interaction part here so after this one then I added one Roto here so this Roto is just for the holder purpose so I will show you so this is the Roto and because we have this wall here right so this Roto is just for this wall like this so this is exactly this Roto is so it's covering like this and I also made a channel for this so as you can see I have two layers here so if I show you in the alpha you can see this you can see this layer and in this one you can see this one so if you don't know about the layer system I have a dedicated tutorial about it you can check that out in that one I explain everything so what I did basically here I copy Alpha and red and in the alpha I added in a mask. a and in the uh this red I added in a Mt do red so I created two channels here so if I show you here as you can see I have this mask in this red and this mat we have in red and also we have this fire element itself in a separate layer so after that I did a precom and in this precom I have everything for some reason when I did a precom this m is going inside M do extra so what I did here I just Shuffle this one mass. a again and now we are good to go in the downstream I will show you the fire first and then we will come back to this interaction part so in the bottom I did a defocus to match with the plate uh so we have this mask here so I basically did a stencil so just like we have this wall so using a same rotor here and shuffling and doing a mask and in the bottom I did a glow so the glow I did did in a two stage and I use this AP glow so as you can see in the first one we have this uh uh glow for the core part area and in the second one we have this very overall glow and I combine all these two together using uh this screen operation because I don't want to uh add the this element on top of this element again because when I do do when I do a plus as you can see it's getting brighter where the screen is not getting a brigh bright enough so I don't want to do a lot of core brightness so that's why I did a screen operation and then I did a plus here so as you can see the glow is not too much as you can see it's mostly the exposure value so here I added a exposure and I change the exposure based on the shot I added a crop here after this one I basically merge this I will just turn off these two elements here and let me show you here and I will switch this prom just to show you without the interaction how it's looking so as you can see so this is look like this and if I play this one as you can see so this is the fire element itself is look like let me turn on this one also as you can see and this Distortion also so as you can see so this is like on top of this one and let me turn off this one also so now this is just a fire and the plate itself and as you can see without the interaction it's not looking correct it's looking totally wrong uh let me show you the interaction now so the interaction I did uh this two backdrop so this one and this is the big one like three backdrop I have this one this one two and this one is third one so let's see the first one what I did here so the basic idea of doing interaction we have to use this fire element to add interaction on the entire plate so what I did I just Shuffle out this one the element itself and before as you can see I added this clamp and blur to the element itself I just layer the I just select the layer and I blur only that layer so when I shuffle I have a blur already applied and I'm using this one in here also so that's why I added here so it will if so it will affect all the here also so you see so till here I have my element here and then I shuffle again to do a secondary uh this thing interaction so the first one as you can see I did a blur again here and again I'm using a AP glow and did some color correction based on the shot and in here we have plate I did a ke so it look like this and I did a little blur and then I isolate a area where I want the interaction so and then I did a mask so now we have this and then I shuffle out this mask again and then a stencil so we have this cut out here and there is a cool technique you you can use one constant and do under and then the whole thing I did multiply as you can see here so we have this overall light interaction I think I use this one to uh remove some saturation area in the plate itself we have very desaturated area because I want to add my own color that's why I added this two as you can see so I'm removing saturation from this area as you can see this area and this area also and this area also because I want my own color here so that's why I remove the saturation part and so this is the first one so this is like overall interaction part now here again uh taking a same fire same mask stening and here I'm using this uh BM op iCal glow so just just checking which one is giving me the different result so just experimenting with the glow tools and again I'm doing a mask see as you can see so this mask is based on uh this plate so as you can see now the plate is very dark if I expose up we need to uh bright this thing area up because when this thing is light the when the fire is burning here this area entire area the shadow area we need to see all the details for that we need to make a good mask again as you can see I use my so I use a Shuffle and Shuffle out my plate and the gain up and then I use my own Tool uh mix gear so it's giving me uh something like this so this is the value and then I use one ke here also as you can see this is the alpha so let me show this one what I did here and this one and then I crunch my Alpha more as you can see now you can see a lot of noise so added a blur so now you can see the details in this area and in the this side I again this thing and I key miix based on the Roto yeah as you can see So based on the element by element so I ke this part because I need Alpha here and then I did a multiply so as you can see if I remove this Keem miix as you can see because these are the pipes if I show you this one so these are the I think metal pipes so we can see more highlighted areas on this one so so I did that and then I did a multiply so we have this area and again the if I disable this one let me just quickly show you yeah so now we have this so before we have this only then we we added this on top this one now you can see the shadow area better with the all the pipes interaction all that then I did the same thing uh again doing a key mix making this Alpha and uh this multiplying this one so you get this masking in the certain areas and just placing here as you can see for this ground I did a separate one because it's this part in the shadow area and again the same thing again making a key and here I did uh this thing frequency separation as you can see here so I blur and this one so we get this then I use this one as Alpha so uh sorry then I use this one to multiply on this one so we get this then I mask this one out and then we get this just for this highlighted pipes area as you can see if I turn this off you will see the difference see just for those pipes uh interactive light as you can see and in this one we have a similar setup as you can see I just copy paste it uh the same setup I will show you the I I will show you this one setup and you can understand the whole setup so again it's using same element uh this glowing this one big and using my plate and again doing the same technique just keying out and doing a multiply technique and just isolating where I want so in this one I use this areas and you can see and then I added this one so as you can see if I open this one as you can see there are a lot of mask here just to get the highlighted area where I want the mask intensity is very low as you can see so here here here and some I and some areas I just uh stencil out this is the same setup I just copy paste and just change some setting and some different areas with different values as you can see here so this is for this ground one and this one is for this core one as you can see and uh this one let's see where this part is yeah so this one is for this ceiling pipes just pinging those highlights and this one let's see which part this one yeah for more cover more area like this one uh this one let me show you this one so this is like uh I'm building a three stages of glow for this one I'm using this part this much this much and this much and just stenciling with the mat and just screening on top and uh doing again the constant under and the multiply technique just to add overall low for the interaction uh again I'm using the same fire but directly from this pipe and doing a exponential glow and reducing multiply and I'm doing a high part so what this basically does as you can see in the blacks this blacks as you can see I'm just changing the black values here using this one so the black also going to animate based on this element as you can see if I show you we have this Flicker and this flicker is going to apply on this uh plate also to change my black values as you can see using this hypo blend mode I use this light trap so for the light trap I use this element for the B and for the a I use this mask BG and FG I connected and now I have G this one so this is in a m so what I did I add this in all channels did a little bit blur using this PM light trap use this F only so we can see this only this part then I plus this one here so we can have this uh so now we have this light trap in the edge uh this is the heat Distortion so before merging this one let's see this element it's will look like this so if I off this interaction this is without interaction this is with interaction it's way nicer let's see this uh this uh heat Distortion so let me show you this final comp first so if I play as you can see this H Distortion is coming so this is exactly what I did so for that uh we have so so I this so I have this uh pxf first so this is just overall heat Distortion and then I have another layer uh using this I dist setup in this one I'm distorting more and this is the map I'm using this uh Fire Element again in this here also in this pxf and here also I'm using the fire element and I'm just using uh and I'm copy pasting the red and green into forward unv and then I use this I start to use my forward Channel as a map Distortion map and then I add some values then I remove those uh then I only keep the RGB because I don't want to uh carry those channels so I just remove this one and then again I use pxf using this fire same element again just distorting a little bit based on this one and this is the mat just uh stencil those areas where I don't want I use another one another another Distortion map using the same element stretching the Y adding a blur in a y just creating the alpha and then I have this noise setup here I place this noise setup use this advanc noise in the transform we just need to add a value it will automatically animate and then I add a speed of Z also uh then I use this gr uh to add some uh values based on my map so I use two and then I plug this so we have this a distortion map so this is what we have and then again I'm stenciling in the ground areas and again I'm using this one to stencil from the this side for the wall area as you can see and then I copy this again using forward unv for this element and again doing ID start let me turn this only RGB so I don't want to affect the other channels and when you play all those uh heat Distortion all those uh setup it will look good and if you if you want to know more about uh this uh ort and pxf I have a video about uh Distortion workflow I have a full video where I explain everything so you can check that out so this is the heat Distortion setup then I render this one out we have this pre comp here and if I play as you can see so this pre is contain the interactive light and the heat Distortion and all that stuff so then I added a crop and reformat and then I simply merge my fire now this is a fire with the interactive light and but we we don't have a smoke and imur and the the lens effect and the grain so we will see all those things now so let's first see the ambers so for the ambers I'm using again action VFX uh so this is the element and I'm just re time this one how much I want the speed and again doing un premal and preal and doing a color grading in between let me disable this one I will show you what I did and just transforming where I want and again I'm using a same element again from this and blurring and doing this and just un premelting and premelting and in between I'm using this one uh let me merge it here I will show you what I what is this what this doing we want uh this Embers is more visible where the fire area I in this area right because in this area we can see the fire so that's why I added this one so as you can see you can see more Embers here the Embers going above we don't want to see them so that's why I boost those these areas so you can see the more Embers here and again this one just to add more variation as you can see in the Highlight before uh everything is looking the same values now I crunch this one now you can see the more variation and see this one is more brighter than this one this one this one so we have more variation so if I play now it will they will look good and again adding a defocus to match the defocus level and again doing a stencil the same technique I follow for the smoke the smoke I have this uh large scale smoke so that's why it's very slow uh but because I don't have that so I'm using this one I increase the speed a lot and did a time offset and here what I did here I made Alpha like uh this so this is the alpha uh this element so what I did I did I shuffle out one channel a red Channel then I invert that channnel so we get this Alpha then I did a little bit of luma and little bit of gamma correction as you can see so get my so we can see more range in the alpha before it's almost Pure White so we can see the range we can see the every detail then I use one constant and then I copy this Alpha in my constant okay then I did a grading here and then I did a pral so we can see we are using uh this element Alpha for the con constant is just a hold out it's a pure white with the alpha and then I did a grading here based on my short and then I did a transformation where I want and again here doing the same thing just using this element blurring and just placing here and doing a pral so you can see the interactive light the interactive light is uh very nicer because if I disable this one so this is the by default we get and if I on this one so this is more like if I show you so this is I'm doing a relighting here based on the element so here what I did uh just have copy paste just link this one for this element and again I'm doing I'm using Alpha to all Channel and then I use uh this is my note this is the normal maker so I'm I'm making a normal map using uh this image so after that I can use this normal rotate so we can get the uh proper angle so in this one I need a down angle so I align it this one and then I uh we have this blur right so we just do a mask so we get this proper uh angle then I reduce this one and then and then I just did a plus with un premal and pral and make sure when you adding un premal and pral and in your mask you make sure you use output RGB not rgba otherwise you're adding a double Alpha so when you're doing this uh output RGB it will use whatever the B Alpha we have and then I did some Alpha correction here so when we merging here you will see the difference before doing a preot I added this grid with Alpha correction so as you can see it's very thick here so what I did I just redu the gamma a little bit of gain to get uh density how much dense you want I we with here in the final you will see we don't want that much so we can reduce it here and here also so the gamma is very nice so this is this and again using defocus and stenciling uh with the wall and ground then merging here so now we have this so after that I added this halation so if I just isolate so we have this alation I did a very subtle if I on this one you will see you can see here very subtle but it's there and then I what I did here I added a blur uh lot of amount and then I use this over mode here and with very little amount so you can see here in the circle you can see some more more relation then uh just basically regining the shot entirely or if I expose up we can see the details here in the shadow area and if I compare with plate we have similar areas here so before we have a grein here but now we have a light here that's why it's looking like this so uh then I write this one and then you can see this is the final so I will uh share this script in my patreon so you can download and take a look what I did and uh I explained everything I think I guess so if I miss something let me know I will try to help you so this is the way you can comp your fire open the internet and check the reference see you can see the color variation see in the core we have very bright areas and here we have oranges and oranges and yellows as you can see and the red in the smoke so it's totally depend on the uh depend on the situation where the fire is burning as you can see in this one we don't see the red much you can see only the white yellow and orange so that's why you have to study which how your how your plate is and based on that you have to uh match your fire uh with your reference we have a lot of fire here and you can see they're totally Overexposed so if they are Overexposed then then only we can see the surrounding areas see the overexpose fire then only we can see those peoples and all those interactive light detail and everything so you have to keep in mind that and that's how you you need to Comal this one you can push this bit more in the exposure wise let me show you what I mean so if I view it here so if I just add exposure let's double the exposure so that much you can go but I think uh I'm leaving it here so you can guys can see the all the details in the fire and if you need you can uh basically expose up so this is my render uh still we can improve this one a bit more for this tutorial purpose and just uh just to understanding how how to comp fire properly this is fine I guess so let me know the comment what do you think in from here to here I added those highlights here it's very nice and interacting with the element itself so thank you for watching if you have any questions please let me know in the comment and we will see you in a very next one have a great day
Views: 3,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe after effects tutorial animation, Adobe, after effects tutorial, Redshift for cinema 4D, adobe after effects, realistic, devin graham, 4k, insane, Volumetric light effect, inspire 2, after effects, Nuke Compositing, keying in nuke, nuke vfx, vfx, compositng, CG compositing, Nuke CG compositing, nuke stmap, STMap in nuke, how to use stmap, nuke live compositing
Id: Zdi5kyl3eDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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