How to Communicate Your Ideas: Guide to PITCH DECKS

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hey I switched up the angle in today's video we're gonna be talking about pitching specifically when you're using a computer with a PDF which is also known as a director's treatment or pitch deck whatever you want to call it but here's the basic outline of a pinch and then I'm going to go into more detail with each one and I'll show you some director's treatments that I've made so you can go make your own for your next pitch now whether you're telling a story or talking about a product every pitch needs to start with a problem or question if it's a product talk about the problem you're going to solve and if it's a pitch about a story talk about the question what your character wants next Point too is we want to know the adventure what are we actually going to see how does the product work or how does this story unfold and in number three this is very important is the execution how does it work how are you actually going to be able to pull off this story if you're making a film or if it's a product how does that product actually work ideas are cheap but execution is money so if you can go through those basic three things in under 60 seconds if you can get in 30 seconds that's amazing people will be hooked and they'll understand what you're trying to accomplish because more is not better for pitches neither for this video so let's keep going Point number one is you want to identify the question or the problem you're solving in the case of my ASD film okay which is about the autism spectrum disorder band the ASD band here's the actual pitch deck that I brought to the executive producer you can see here this first page here Pathway to empathy this is just talking about my sensitivity towards the subject sometimes you want to throw a page up front to show why you're the right person for the job then you see the third page down here talk about the goal right up front what do these characters want what is the question they're asking talking about them writing their first album and trying to get their first gig this creates attention for the audience they want to hear more in your pitch idea because they want to see how you're going to tell that story and how it's actually going to be accomplished Point number two tell us about the adventure I hear people pitching their films all the time and they go into backstory and all of this nonsense and I never know what their film is going to look like I don't know what is going to actually happen so this is where you get to start referencing other films you can say it's going to feel like Air Bud or the movie Speed and maybe they meet together I don't know but you throw references and this is where visual style pages will help people see what's actually in your mind the whole point of the pitch so people understand how you would create the idea if they were going to give you the money to go do it you can even see here when I'm talking about the visual style how it's going to be raw and honest and I reference another film Shawn Mendes in Wonder so if the executive producer wanted to go watch that film and see what I had in my mind he can begin to see the references that I'm pulling from I also referenced one of my favorite films here Nomad land what's actually so cool for me looking at this pitch deck is how much I can actually see the film unfolding from the initial ideas that I came up with with seeing the band members play their instruments in their bedrooms and having those interviews in there so it felt raw honest and intimate Point number three is now you want to describe how it's going to be achieved and just before I get into that after this point I want to show you some quick tips on building treatments I'm going to show you a product I've been using recently myself but when it comes to describing how it's going to be cheap this is one of the most important parts of your pitch you've gotten people this far and now you have to show them the validity of your pitch how it's actually going to be accomplished so if you remember this commercial I did Molson drink from the cup the one of the most award-winning commercials I've ever done was really lucky to get the chance to work on it but in my director's treatment which I have right here you'll see right down here on the third page I talk about how my best filmmaking is done when it's just me and the camera I'm setting them up to know that I work well in a small crew situation and why that was important was there was a problem we were trying to solve with this commercial we only had four hours with the Stanley Cup and we had to shoot an entire TV commercial and get a perfect beer pour so jumping down here to page 10 I talk about the technical approach I literally named the cameras we're going to use I talk about how we're going to shoot a pre visualization of the entire spot which we did I shot a previz which means I shot the whole commercial on the location scout so we knew exactly every shot we needed for the actual day I told them exactly how I was going to do this commercial so that might be the reason why they selected me for this I'll never know that agencies don't always tell you why you were the director they wanted to go for but I know I wasn't necessarily the most qualified I'd never done a beer commercial but I did describe exactly how I was going to do it and we were able to do that in your pitch write the reality you want to dream big but you also want to tell people how you can actually accomplish this and maybe you're asking Mark how do I build a treatment can I have yours well for me I just use Keynotes what I've always done and don't know illustrator or any of those pieces of software find keynote really easy to use and then I just spit out a PDF at the end and hand that out over email and what's amazing is there's a website called avato and they have over 43 000 pitch templates for keynote alone I created one for mile by mile if you remember my film here it's super easy they have all the text placement and where you can put in the photos so all you need to do is come up with the written words find some images but then you don't have to stress about formatting it and making it look beautiful because they have so many templates and what's really cool with the vato as well is you could build an entire pitch deck from their website they have tons of stock photos in there they have a ton of video as well and even fonts you could build an incredible pitch deck just from their website alone they actually have over I think 2 million licensable assets sorry I just realized they actually have 10 million it's really quick click just to download it and you can throw it in your video and never miss a beat time is money nevado saves you that time anyone can just write an email but how well can you paint the picture of your final product go check out vato they have unlimited downloads for over 10 million assets stock video photos fonts everything that you need you can check the link below they even have a seven day trial if you want to try out any of the assets so I hope that helps get out there practice your pitches another hack that I always do is I it's not really hacked but I pitch into my phone and I actually time it try to get it under 60 seconds and I listen back and I hear where I'm saying um or uh and I realize that's where I don't know my idea all that well if you can't say your pitch in 20 seconds to yourself and understand the idea then I doubt that you actually know the idea yet keep it shorter I would say cut your pitch by one third of how long you think it needs to be get them down to a shorter amount of time because what you want is someone asking you questions because then it becomes a conversation rather than you talking for an hour long there's going to be no questions at the end I've made this mistake many times on pitches where I just keep going and I'm sure I'm boring everyone because no one is as excited about your idea as you are so you've got to get them excited and you gotta get them talking alright hope you guys enjoyed that one and I'll see you on the next one [Music]
Channel: Mark Bone
Views: 55,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sony fx30, dynamic range, sony camera, sony fx30 review, sony fx30 vs fx3, sony fx30 specs, sony fx30 video test, sony fx30 low light, sony fx30 cinematic video, sony fx30 digital cinema camera, sony fx3 cinematic, sony fx30 vs fx30b, sony camera for photography, super 35mm film camera, mark bone, mark bone documentary, mark bone fx3, mark bone fx6, mark bone helios, mark bone storytelling, how to pitch to investors, how to create a pitch deck, pitch deck tutorial
Id: sqfFKYvwFKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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