How to Communicate With Your Spirit Guides: 6 Ways to Talk To Your Spirit Guides

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today we're going to be talking about spirit guides how do you communicate with them stick around because that's what we're going to be talking about today let's get into it hi and welcome back to the wholeness shift if this is your first time here my name is Veronica it's my intention to help people learn to live intentionally and find their joy and to expand their consciousness if this kind of thing interests you please hit the subscribe button below so that you won't miss any of the good information that will be coming your way spirit guides even if you just learn about them they know all about you they know everything you've ever done ever they know every time you've ever slept they know every time you've ever gone to the bathroom they know every word you've ever said they know every dream you've ever dreamed they know it all they know you intimately and they know you better than you know yourself and they love you they never judge you and they have nothing but the most benevolent intentions for you having a spiritual team full of guides and angels and you know the Holy Spirit and all of it that's your birthright you agreed to come to this earth and live this tough life because being a human is hard you get a pretty dope spiritual team to back you up a lot of people ask me what I mean by my guides told me or I learned from my guides we're gonna get into six different ways the guides can communicate with you in just a minute but going back to what I was just saying when I first started meditating and getting my vibrations raised and learning about all of this stuff I learned rather quickly that I was clear sentient which means clear feeling it's a little bit beyond what being an empath is if you've heard of empaths it's an empath plus I can feel energy and so I was able to learn I can feel physically in my body certain responses from my guides like if I ask yes or no questions I can tell the answers based on the feelings I get in my body etc so that's one way that I personally communicate with my guides and if you would like to know more about that I would be happy to make a video please leave me a comment and let me know that that's what you wanna hear about the other way that I personally always used to communicate with my guides and it was actually the first way that I learned to communicate with them is by using a pendulum if you don't know what a pendulum is it's a crystal on the end of a chain and it swings and I would be happy to make a video and teach you about using a pendulum if that's something that you would like to learn about if so please leave me a comment below and let me know and I'd be happy to talk more about that but until you learn more about it I would just preface this by saying that I wouldn't recommend that you just dive in and use it without knowing anything about it for the simple reason that you need to know how to protect yourself you should have your vibrations higher by meditation or other other means so that you invite lighter energies that are in line with your highest and best and have good intentions at heart because if not you're just opening yourself up to whatever and whatever might start bothering you and you don't want that so there are some things that you need to do prior you have to protect yourselves guys you have to have your vibes high so that you attract high vibrating things and you have to ask for that protection and expect that protection set that is your intention that only higher vibrating beings that are in line with your highest and best would come through if you do it properly there's nothing over there but good stuff waiting for you so when I say I spoke to my guides that's what I mean you know I would hold this over be the letter board and it would spell out what it wanted me to know but soon thereafter I had learned that I and clear sentence so now we have a little bit more efficient way of communicating but if you don't have these gifts and you're not using a pendulum what are different ways that you can pay attention to so that you can hear your guides talking to you let's get into that right now number one dreams I've mentioned this before but I'll mention it here again your guides are in charge of your dreams all of them I used to joke with my guides and be like what do you guys do have like a weekly staff meeting where you just sit around and talk about what the themes for the week will be and he's like something like that they help you work out different issues that you're having they help build confidence they can help teach you for example before I even knew what a spirit guide was way back in the 90s like 1994 1994 I learned how to drive a stick shift in my dreams my guys taught me how to drive a stick shift they can help you work off karma this is just hypothetical say you were a thief in another lifetime and you still have karma to work off related to that it's much less disruptive to your lifetime right now to have a dream where someone steals something from you versus having someone actually break in your house and steal your things make sense and they can also communicate messages to you so what I've learned is that almost everything in your dreams mean something so pay attention to every single detail every color everything every number every all of it pay attention to it look it up there are a few dream interpretation websites that I've found that are pretty good and you know I don't have any affiliation with them or anything they're just ones that I use one is called auntie Flo au NT y FL oh I believe and then like dream move and I'll look up a few of them and I'll put them down in the description below I get asked this a lot actually and this is always my response people say well how do those people know what dreams mean or what your guys mean by these dreams and my answer is I don't know I don't know if these people just had that originally created these dream dictionaries if these people just had like a spiritual link to their spiritual team and they were downloaded that information or do our guides pay attention to what humans think are meant by these symbols and then adjust their plans according their they're like yeah well they mean when they dream a white they think that means spirits so we're just going to take that meeting and run with it I'm rambling but you get what I'm saying take everything that you read with a grain of salt and compare it against what you felt in that dream for example if you had a dream about something and in the dream you felt so loved and happy and peaceful and joyful and you woke up feeling all blissed out and wonderful but when you look up the meaning of a certain symbol you had in that dream it's like this is a symbol of death and destruction beware you know that that's not accurate you know so usually there will be more than one meaning listed for a certain symbol your gut will tell you what resonates is truth with you you know if another one is like this is actually a symbol from your guides that love is on the way and that you have nothing to worry about that sounds like it resonates a whole lot more is true with your experience than the other one so follow your instincts number two the music that's playing in your head your guides are in charge of the songs that play in your head they are your own personal DJ there tends to be a reason behind everything that they play and if you don't like a song that's in your head ask them to change it and they will if you're having a rough sluggish morning and your having trouble getting motivated chances are you'll probably have a song playing in your head that's more upbeat or that brings you joy they can also communicate to you though so pay attention to what you're hearing for example one day I was walking out of work and I work at a pretty big place and I have to park in a big parking garage and I couldn't remember where I parked I thought I was on the right floor but I couldn't remember and so I was standing there and I finally just said okay please help me find my car which direction should I head I heard the song change to Beyonce and she was saying to the left to the left so I looked to the left there lo and behold was my car number three signs and symbols before I even knew what a spirit guide was or that they existed I had started noticing what some people refer to as angel numbers all the time it's like three or more repeating numbers like three three three four four four eleven eleven etc I started noting that noticing this all the time like multiple multiple multiple times per day all the time and like I said I didn't even know what spirit guides were at the time so I had just taken that as a sign from God and I started praying about it and I'm like okay Lord I don't know what this means or what you're trying to convey but until I know differently I'm just going to assign meaning to this and I because it's happening way too much to be a coincidence I don't really believe in coincidences anyways so until you tell me different I'm going to say that every time I see this it's a love note from you so when I see this I'm just going to say thank you for loving me I love you too and it became a little love note so other people might say that certain specific numbers have different meanings or whatnot but to me my personal meaning for these are I love you once I started talking to my guides they had brought it up to me and our like that's you guys and they're like yes that's Bomi said that yes that's me and yes they are little love notes now you know if I'm having a rough morning I might see an abundance of license plates with three three three seven seven seven five five five and or I might look at the clock and it'll be that time and I just take that as extra love coming my way another symbol that I have is dragonflies when I lived in Arizona I used to go out and swim by myself every morning this one morning in the pool there was a dragonfly and he was flitting all about and he was so pretty and he kind of came and danced right in front of my face and at first it was cute then it kind of freaked me out a little I'm like oh my God he's like being so aggressive he's right on my face it's like he's gonna eat my face off so after I went in the house I got my pendulum I started talking to my guide again and I'm like did you see that what the heck was up with that dragonfly and he said that was me I was just trying to put some joy into your day and I'm like oh that was you I'm sorry I thought you're gonna eat my face off so now I have associated dragonflies with spirit so now they know and I know that anytime I see a dragonfly I take that to mean that's them they love me they're with me a few years ago when my grandma passed away my sweet sweet grandma I was standing at the graveside her priest was talking and I was just so sad and I looked down and a dragonfly flew up and landed on my hand you know I was standing there with my hands crossed in front of me and a dragonfly came and landed right on my hand and I just smiled and in my mind you know I spoke to my guides and I was like thank you for being here with me I love you too and the dragonfly sat there with me through the entire service and at the end of the service it flew away so look for different symbols in your life things that start showing up all the time or you can choose something and assign it for example after my grandma died I had said every time I see a butterfly I'm going to take that as meaning that my grandma has come to say hi to me and so now she knows that that's her symbol to me and I can feel her energy show up whenever I see a butterfly and I know that she's sending that to me you can assign your meaning to whatever and your guides will go with it or your family members or whoever number for synchronicities so what are synchronicities have you ever heard that word a synchronicity is what some people would call a coincidence but there's no such thing as coincidences every single thing is planned for your highest invest it's planned for your greater good and when you have something that seems a coincidence yeah a synchronicity is something that your guides have orchestrated to show up at just the right time for you for example I just had a pretty good example of this happen a few days ago I have a friend a co-worker who I don't see very often but when I do see her she's just precious to me and she recently had a loss in her family someone had passed away that was very dear to her and she has been very sad Friday at work I had to go do something that I don't necessarily do at that time normally and I work in a fairly large place and to go do this thing I decided to take a different path than I would normally take I mean I never go this way and I decided to go that way that day just randomly and so I walked all the way over there and as I'm going this way I see her sitting in a chair over there talking to someone like oh look there's there's brandy so I crossed over and I talked to her she stood up and hugged me and started crying and she had shared with me that she had wanted to see me all day long and she was hoping that she would see me I said you have both of my phone numbers my emails and your on my facebook why did you not just reach out and she's like well I just felt silly I really didn't want to reach out but I had told God that I really needed to see you I wanted to see you I knew that you would have some words of wisdom for me I knew that you would be a comfort to me and you might be able to help me and I just knew that if it was meant to be God would send you my way so my guide some way or another had drawn me to go this other way so that I could run into brandy to be there for her in her time of need now some people would say that's a coincidence I don't believe for one second that was a coincidence so if you ever have situations where you're thinking of a person and then all of us on your phone rings and it's them or you want to take an interest in a specific hobby and you walk into the break room at work and there's a magazine right there on that specific hobby things like that those are synchronicities so when you're noticing things like that happen in your life you know you're praying for a sign you're not sure what the right thing to do isn't it and then you get something related to that specific thing right there I mean that's how your guides are gonna communicate to you pay attention number five the voices in your head I don't mean that in a creepy way I don't mean that in a something's really wrong type of way I mean that as in most people think that the voice that you hear in your head is all yours but it's not when I first started talking to my guides and I used to say I wish that I could hear you and I'd be told you can you just don't understand that it's us you're hearing so they did some work with me on this and helped me to learn how to hear their voice or recognize it as their voice instead of mine one of the ways that they taught me was to pay attention to how the information arrives what I mean by that is that when it's you your voice that you're hearing in your head it's going to be information that you're looking for for example if you're standing in your closet looking at your clothes and you're like what color do I want to wear today blue I think blue you know you pulled that color if you're like okay one plus one is two you just did that math problem you pulled that information however if you're standing there cooking dinner and then all of a sudden the thought pops into your head you forgot the cilantro and you're like oh crap I forgot the cilantro and you were looking for it you are not searching for that information you did not place that information or pull it out it appeared that was your guides communicating to you if you're sitting there and a thought comes into your mind you better move that glass it's gonna get knocked over and you're like and you scoot it over in two seconds later someone comes barreling through and would have not that glass over that was spirit communicating to you if you can't remember somebody's name and you're like what was her name what was her name help me remember their name and then you just go about your business and like an hour later my name pops in your head you're like Bob Bob you did not pull that information from anywhere that information was given to you that is your your guides communicating to you so one of the easiest ways to take advantage of this is to learn how to ask questions and then wait for the answers for example sometimes if I can't remember something or if I'm like okay what did I come in this room for and I just sit there and clear my mind and I literally try to think of nothing just empty my mind and allow an answer to float in you know so if I'm like what was the next thing I was going to say I can't remember and I allow my mind to be blank and poof the answer will float in and it'll be provided to me that's your guides trying to help you so you can ask questions about whatever you want to and just pay attention to have no expectations about what answer will be coming and just be patient and allow it to come and number six the final way that your guides will communicate with you is through your intuition through your gut spirit really does communicate through your gut so if you're getting a gut instinct that something's off listen to it or if you're knowing that you know on paper this plan seems like a disaster but your gut is just telling you to go for it you may want to consider going for it because oftentimes they can see things from the bird's-eye view and they get the big picture and they know that it's gonna be okay and they know the different ways that they're gonna help orchestrate things and that you're gonna be okay so right now we with the facts that you have currently it may seem like it's a bad idea but you really should go for it listen to your gut and don't second-guess it so I hope this helped you understand your spirit guides a little bit better I would encourage you to talk to them they really are your best friends and they real are here to help you with whatever you need help with and they're here to help you grow and to help you accomplish whatever it is that you had set out for yourself to accomplish in this lifetime so if you have any questions at all please feel free to reach out to me leave me a comment and I would be happy to help you figure this out if I'm able to thank you have a great day until next time
Channel: The Wholeness Shift
Views: 44,297
Rating: 4.9585838 out of 5
Keywords: the wholeness shift, how to Communicate With Your Spirit Guides, Communicate With Your Spirit Guide, raise your vibration, high vibes, spirituality, meditation, well-being, spirit guides, what is a spirit guide, what are spirit guides, how to connect to your spirit guide, spiritual awakening, clairsentience, clairsentient, are spirit guides real, spiritual team, starseeds, multidimensional, multidimensional beings, indigo child, indigo, crystal, rainbow, soul contract, spirit, angels
Id: WGcf38FKJyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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