HOW TO COME UP WITH A *BOOK IDEA* EASY πŸ’­ brainstorm + plan your next novel with these 4 steps

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again [Music] hey Riley besties welcome back to my channel if you're new hi my name is Anna and I like to make writing Clinton and write my own books however today I'm going to be teaching you guys my process and how to really effectively plan and brainstorm a new book idea for your book this year before we get into the video I really hope you guys subscribe to my channel because it does help so so much and let's go ahead and get on to the video the first thing you need to do to come up with a book idea is to actually think about it think about what you want to actually write a lot of people might say like oh just gain inspiration or just like you know look at a photo and like usually that works I mean it works for me but for some people it is difficult to come up with book ideas and a good book idea that they know that they'll stick to and they know that it's Unique and something that they want to write so think about What story do you want to tell what story do you want to tell is it going to be a sad story do you want to tell a happy story a hopeful story maybe a story about feminism maybe a story about Revolution you know just like give yourself little themes and kind of brainstorm and think about what sort of book you want to write because at the end of the day you have to be proud of that book in the message and like be like you know what I wrote that book for a reason does that make sense and this will help you of course brainstorm ideas and hopefully kind of guide you into the sort of uh direction that you want to take your book if this is too hard and you're kind of like I just want to write a book that's cool and fun uh just think about the genre what genre do you want to write do you want to write romance fantasy Thriller what are you interested in what do you like to read that usually helps a lot so now that you have like a little direction of like what sort of book you want to write what genre what sort of vibe you want to go for start by inspiration and gaining a lot of it um I have a whole list of all the things that I get inspired by and that you can get inspired by these like by themselves have literally um inspired so many of my books but you can be inspired by Pinterest songs people you see on the street or like people you know photos movies Media Nature books dreams the news historical figures paintings retellings plays authors but literally it's there's so many things to be inspired by I honestly don't have a shortage of book ideas I have so many book ideas I could drown myself in them um so what I like to do is go over to Pinterest and just kind of browse random things and usually that when I am kind of like getting really brought together for one of my novels I kind of come across a photo that's like really cool really fun and sometimes it's like buying artists so it's kind of like a cartoony sort of anime Vibe or maybe it's like a real photo and a photograph and that inspires it and then I use those photos and put them into a board that's just called new book ideas and as soon as I see a photo from there I'm like oh yeah I remember that book idea so just yeah use that method it works for me the third thing you need to do once you have this sort of General book idea and hopefully it's Unique hopefully it's cool hopefully it's something that you really really are excited about but you're gonna brainstorm so the third step is brainstorming and here you're going to be creating my favorite vomit document you can call it a brainstorm document but I call it brain vomit because it literally is it's your brain vomiting onto a page here I just opened a blank document title it word vomit and just start vomiting out all my ideas it doesn't have to be linear imagination and create activity is not linear I've said that a lot um yeah just write what you kind of think about what inspires you what did inspire you so if it was a photo photograph you would actually paste that into your document or if it was maybe like a song you would have that song link there so you can access it so yeah just brainstorm what your book is about and stuff like that here on the screen I have some prompts if you kind of are like I wanna you know actually have some direction in this brain about a document I have some prompts up on the screen so you guys could actually have a look and maybe just like be like oh okay I have that prompt that question I want to see if I can answer it and again it doesn't have to be perfect there could be got points it can be paragraphing it can be like a word it could be like literally anything like Maps it can be random photos you got it's a brainstorm document and it's meant to be messy and of course here you're kind of talking about you know what's the setting like what sort of themes you're looking for what are the motifs what are the lessons maybe you were thinking about what are The Vibes literally what are The Vibes The Vibes are important in any book literally I just like write when I'm making my document like dark Academia Vibes Library Vibes murder Vibes like that that sort of brainstorm it's helpful because it gets the ideas on the page and it really just like every time you write something it leads to something so as you brainstorming you'll understand what I mean that once you start writing you'll get ideas from your ideas and it's really really great okay number four the last step is planning so you're actually planning solidifying sort of shaping your idea into a actual book idea and what you're going to be doing is um opening a document I like to know make my own sort of planning document it does include my chapter plan and everything like that but of course we're not going to get into that in this video we're going to just be getting into you know planning and solidifying your book idea so in this planning document you're gonna be typing down a few different headers for you to fill in so the first one is the name of your project again it's so so fun creating amazing fun project names for your different books I love to and it just feels so professional when you're talking to your friend you're like oh I'm working on Project graveyard and you're like you feel cool so just come up with a cute name for your project and type it in there the second header you're going to be typing is genre so what sort of genre you're looking for what sort of sometimes your book maybe doesn't really feel like it fits into a genre it could be like romance but with uh with murder I don't know like that sort of stuff like just type in it doesn't have to be a genre it can be murder as a as a Vibe I guess the next header is themes so what you're kind of going for you're going to feel like dark or like mystery sort of Vibes or like scents from reality or like revolutionary or like feminism like different themes in your book maybe family family tropes those sorts of things just list it there it will help you so so much and just kind of solidifying your book idea and kind of putting just like these perimeters in place to help you kind of have a skeleton structure of like what your book might look like again you can edit this scrap it it's just something that can launch your book idea you know what I mean okay so in this document the next sort of header is a one sentence summary this is very very good it's very very good to have but it is definitely very very hard to fill in one sentence is basically the one sentence of your book in general basically what happens what the book is about it can either be like a sort of blurb sort of thing or you can go to like the plotting side and you'd be like this is what happens in the book she meets him he dies she kills who killed him I don't know like something like that really simple again we're using short sentences this is planning this is your idea so don't stress too much about anything and then if you feel it up to it you can go on to the synopsis where you can kind of brainstorm you know the sorts of things that happen in your book and these are usually in like the three act structures like the beginning this happens middle this usually you have three paragraphs in this section at least that's what I do for my planning document and this is basically what it looks like so you're planning exactly like me um but yeah I hope that kind of helped and yeah progressing through having no idea at all understanding what you want to write actually having a an idea finding inspiration and actually planning it solidifying the idea it's a whole process but it's so so fun it's one of my favorite things because it's so exciting but yeah I hope you enjoyed the video anyways guys thank you so much for watching I am so beyond excited for your book ideas definitely comment down below maybe if you have a big idea maybe if this video helped you because it'll mean the world but yeah I want to thank you so so much for watching definitely subscribe to my channel and check out my Instagram and podcast because I post like every week and like every day on there so definitely check those other things out have that I hope to see you in my next video and I wish you luck with your book idea bye foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: ana neu
Views: 28,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reading, reader, author, book, books, readingvlog, writingvlog, authortube, booktube, bookhaul, novel
Id: 2uy7G7T7zO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2023
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