How to Come Back to Life | Easter at Sandals Church (Full Service)

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] there's nothing that a car [Music] god [Applause] [Music] [Music] for the first time in human history the church is not going to gather to celebrate easter we're going to watch from our homes think about that that hasn't happened in 2000 years since the very first easter we're going to watch from home we're going to be scattered but just because we're scattered doesn't mean we're not [Music] powerful [Music] there's nothing that you can do god [Music] is [Music] again and [Music] forever [Music] [Applause] what a is name it [Music] what a is name it is [Music] [Music] god [Music] is [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] god oh my god [Music] the bible says that after the sabbath ended on the first light of dawn on the first day jesus friends mary magdalene and the other mary went to take a look at the tomb suddenly the earth shook violently beneath their feet as the angel of the yahweh descended from heaven lightning flashed around him and his robe was dazzling white the guards were stunned and terrified lying motionless like dead men then the angel walked up to the tomb he rolled away the stone and he sat on top of it the women were breathless and terrified until the angel had said to them there's no reason to be afraid i know you're here looking for jesus who was crucified but he isn't here he has risen victoriously just as he said so come inside the tomb and see where our lord was lying then run and tell everyone that he has risen from the dead [Music] he carried cross of shame climbed up calvary and more love held had god thinking they had victory and they drove those rusty nails into your hands and feet a crown of thoughts for a king the mockery completed death could not hold you down the grave has been denied and all my sin and shame crucified [Music] the god above our gods king above our kings [Music] jesus you are [Music] upon the throne of grace enemies under your feet and all the nation's mouth declaring your victory and they sing connecting praise [Music] [Music] crucified [Music] [Music] above [Music] honor to you [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] the grave has been denied [Music] seated on earth and all creations [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] jesus jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] well happy easter to all of you this weekend we are celebrating resurrection sunday the day when jesus got up and if jesus got up with his help you can get up that's what my mom always say baby if he got up you can get up if you are like me so many of us are excited we're so excited to get back to life and to celebrate this easter sunday but before we do that we need to remember and recognize that this year has meant a lot of loss for many of us this past year my friends my family even in my own life i personally experience sickness death division hate loss of a job depression and the list goes on before we celebrate resurrection we need to remember our god experience those things as well he is no stranger to loss and death but the story doesn't end there easter is all about finding new life in jesus and that is why we are here santa's church online family i am so excited that you are here with us today santal church is one church with many locations and an online global ministry if you are new to santa's church online we are honored that you would click on today in fact we would love for you to say hello say hi to us in the chat or you can type in the number one in the comments letting us know that this is your first time or you can go to next and an online campus team member would love to connect with you so please say hello and we will say hi back here at santa's church we are all about being real real with ourselves god and others this is who we are and who we have been for the last 23 years since we began and this vision has helped us transform thousands of lies and and how people see themselves see their communities and and how they have had their marriage change and what has happened in youth and kids it's been an amazing vision and it's a vision worth sharing so please share it like like right now you can share this service with someone you know easter is actually the most attended church service in the entire year and research shows that 88 of people would come to church it just invited so invite someone right now this is your church invite someone to this online amazing church experience send a text or or hit the share button or share this on social media and let the world know that there is hope and that there is a god who has something new for them if you have kids we have an awesome kids service every week that is designed with them in mind we're here to help you lead your kids into knowing more about jesus and show them what it means to be real after the service you can watch it with your kids by going to we also have a channel on youtube for teens to find content for sandals church youth that is perfect for them we are about to jump into the message but before we do that be sure to download our sandals church app and discover all that we have for you at saint louis church and you can also follow along with the sermon notes here with an easter message a powerful easter message about how jesus can help us come back to life here is our lead pastor pastor matt [Music] brown [Music] [Music] so [Music] hey guys welcome to channels church easter 2021. we're going to talk about how to come back to life amen it looks like maybe there's some hope it looks like maybe things are going to be changing i know some of you are still still watching from your bunker and you're a little afraid but so many of you have gathered at our campuses and we're so grateful for that you're here we're grateful for those in the bunkers too but man we want to celebrate easter jesus says this in john 10 10. he said my purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life and you're like i'm not rich and i'm not satisfied amen that's why you need jesus jesus wants to bring you back to life so many of you you're looking to the wrong people you're looking to government you're looking to medicine you're looking to your grandma you're looking in all the wrong places for a rich and satisfying life jesus wants to call you back to life but here's the problem some of us we don't want to come back to life we just want to go back to normal like we fantasized about how things were and we've forgotten what life really was like before kovitz some of you are fantasizing about movies i just want to go back to the movies i hate movies kids throwing candy reading their phones people getting up you know coughing gagging all of that stuff in the movie theater and you don't have any of that at your home but like i miss the good old days of being distracted and irritated while paying hundreds of dollars to watch a dumb movie amen but you know in the gospel of luke jesus he calls a person forward he says don't go don't go back to normal there's something better than normal there's new and so jesus in the gospel of luke look man he feeds 5 000 people with a couple of pieces of bread and a couple of fish like i'm always a little surprised when they get my order right in the drive-thru jesus man he orders it right up perfect for everyone he feeds 5 000 people through a miracle then he says come and follow me and one of the the people that jesus spoke to and maybe this is you he said yes lord i'll follow you but first let me say goodbye to my family let me go back to the way things were look man you just watched the savior feed 5 000 people can your family do that can they do that jesus saying don't go back to normal come to me and then jesus said anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the kingdom of god listen to me if your biggest hope in life is the way things were then you're going to miss out on the way jesus can make things become you're going to miss out on the goodness of the gospel isn't it amazing the older we get right amen we tend to glorify the past like i glorify the 80s until i watch an 80s movie and then when i watch it i'm like oh kids don't watch you it's terrible you know i mean have you done that parents like oh let's watch pretty and pinky that wasn't pretty that pretty right you know that was really really bad it's terrible man we glorify the past some of you i've seen you with your your kids your little two-year-olds and they're so cute you're coming out of your crevices you know out of your bomb shelters and you're out there with your kids oh my gosh aren't two-year-olds so cute for about two minutes about two minutes man they are the cutest things on earth god makes them cute so we don't just squash them right but if you give that two-year-old to more than two minutes men they're gonna turn to the devil just keep watching but but i i i remember when my kids were little right we just pick them up and put them where you want no you go here you can't do that with a 22 year old or you go to jail right you can't do that but i have good news this is what easter is about you don't have to go back to your old life you don't you don't have to go back to the way things were you see that's what's so sick about our culture our culture says you make one mistake you're canceled forever jesus says you make one good decision with me and you're forgiven forever you don't have to go back the way things were because jesus rose listen me because jesus rose nothing has to ever be the same again some of us though we can't get back to life let's be honest because we've fallen back into some bad habits some of you right you you know you you've fallen off the wagon some of you fallen back into depression you've fallen back into addiction you've you've fallen back into the old ways ways that you thought you were so far from but isn't it amazing how when our lives are rattled just a little bit the things that we put to sleep long ago wake up again and they swallow us proverbs 26 11 it's a difficult verse but man the bible's real realer than you and i are it says as a dog returns to its vomit so a fool repeats his foolishness here's the good news easter easter the power of easter means that jesus is better than normal and he's more powerful than our bad habits and sins listen even if you've fallen back into sin jesus went into the grave willingly and he came out so that he could bring you out of your deepest darkest secrets maybe even some things that the person sitting next to you has no idea you've done this year jesus knows what you did that's why he did what he did to bring you out i want to share with you we're in a series called when in rome and today here's where we are in the text we didn't plan this we didn't know this this is just where we are as a church and so if you're joining us for the first time this is just this is just our journey through 2021 right that's already had its ups and its downs but here's where we are in romans chapter 5 verses 6 through 11. it says when we were utterly helpless christ came at just the right time and he died for us sinners now most people would not be willing to die for an upright person though someone perhaps would be willing to die for someone who's especially good but god showed his great love for us by sending christ to die for us while we were still sinners and since we've been made right with god in his sight by the blood of christ he will certainly save us from condemnation for since our friendship with god was restored by the death of his son while we were still his enemies we will certainly be saved through the life of his son now listen to this why do we celebrate why do we gather why are people all over the world who call upon the name of the christ the name of christ cheering today because now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with god that's the beauty of the gospel why because of the lord jesus christ he has made us friends with god so how on earth do you this easter come back to life how do you get out of your bunker and into the will of god how do you step forward and not go back here's how to come back to life and try to control your amen because you're going to let people know where you are in life here's how you come back to life i have to come back to the truth right i got man let me tell you something i think as a culture we are great at sharing our feelings amen like we can share some feelings we can share some outrage like we we we are good at expressing our emotions we are terrible at finding the truth terrible i don't care what the truth is it's no longer as plain as the nose on your face man if pinocchio was alive today he'd be confused as to whether or not he was telling the truth it's just so difficult because no matter what you what you think what you say what the issue is somebody looks at the exact same thing and has a different opinion but you know why that is because the truth is difficult the apostle paul writes a letter to the church in galatia listen to what he says this is the apostle paul writing to christians he says have i therefore become your enemy by telling you the truth you see sometimes the last thing we want to hear is the truth we don't want to hear the truth and that's why so many people today are turning away from jesus because jesus is the truth jesus is the way and he is the life and people don't like that anymore we want to express our feelings we don't want to face the truth listen to what jesus said to the people who heard him preach jesus said to the people who believed in him he said you will know the truth and the truth will set you free it will set you free if you want to come back to the life you you've got to become you've got to come back to the truth no matter how ugly no matter how hard that's why as christians we don't just celebrate easter morning but we celebrate good friday you see good fridays the hard ugly nasty truth jesus had to die for us you see easter reveals the truth about my soul listen to this romans 5 6 when we were utterly helpless have you ever been helpless the greek word is athens it means weakness helpless total inability you are completely unable to get yourself out of the situation that you are presently in have you ever been there some of you you're coming to sandals for the first time you're tuning in for the first time and you don't know my story you don't know that i got coveted now some of you got kovid and you're like and you moved on i didn't get that coven that coveted fairy didn't visit me like i got the coveted devil that's who came to my house and let me tell you something i've never been more sick in my life and some of you like i don't think cove is real israel it's real i had it it was horrible it was horrible on my worst day on my worst day this is no joke on my worst day i couldn't get out of bed i couldn't even walk to the bathroom my phone kept ringing and buzzing and ringing and buzzing when i finally got the strength to answer it it was from a friend who said i'm so sorry your grandpa died i was so sick that i found out my grandpa died from somebody else who found out on social media you know what killed my grandpa covet let me just tell you something i was so desperate i was so sick if you said i had to inject crack into my eyeball and you were a doctor but you promised it would feel better i would have considered it have you ever been that helpless let me tell you something you may have never been that helpless physically but if you don't know jesus you are that helpless right now spiritually you are lost without hope if it's not for easter when we were utterly helpless christ came at just the right time and he died for us sinners one of the things that you just need to admit about the last year is it has been total chaos the word for chaos for in the jewish language is balagon i think it sounds better than chaos right bulgarn right it just sounds great but the word for order in hebrew is seder is your life disorganized is your life chaotic now let me tell you something some of you keep hoping that the world will become less chaotic they're not going to change they're not going to change one of my favorite authors jordan peterson he wrote 12 principles for life listen to this an antidote to chaos he went nuts last year the guy telling all of us how to organize our lives he went crazy why because the world is crazy and if you try to address it without jesus you're gonna join them in the midst of chaos jesus brings us the seder the seder is what jews practice as they remember passover some of you you haven't grown up in church you don't know what passover is and it literally is an english word that tells you what it means it's when god passed over the sins of israel and they put the blood of the lamb on their doorposts and god judged every household in the land of egypt that did not have the blood of the lamb on their doorpost and god passed over their sins as christians this weekend we celebrate the second passover and we don't celebrate a dead lamb on our doorposts we celebrate the lamb of god who died to take away the sins of the world and that's what we celebrate and here's what jesus is offering he is offering you the seder he is offering to organize your life in the midst of chaos and let me tell you something the world has always been chaotic always when you read genesis 1 the first the first words in the bible are english words translated the world was null and void the hebrew word is chaotic and what does god do in genesis chapter 1 he orders things he brings things into order why because life without god is chaotic he brings your life into order look at our world look at look at our world right now the further we get from god the closer we are getting to chaos romans 5 7 a now most people most people would not be willing to die for an upright person like you let's be honest 2020 has shown you you amen it's shown you you the first two weeks of covid my wife wouldn't kiss me she didn't want to get coveted for me i'd be like hey babe she's like whoa like we're all we all got very very concerned about ourselves we got like remember the first time you went to the grocery store here i go here i go like you were the bravest person on earth you had your superman cape on i'm gonna get some fruit but do you remember the first few weeks of coven i don't know about you we did a lot of walking that's all we did we did a lot of walking we walked my dog has never been as physically fit as she has been in 2020. like usually when you say you want to go for a walk she's excited 2020 she's like really again is everyone gonna walk me in this house we would take our dogs on walks and so you need to know that i live in the country and when i say i live in the country i mean as much country as you can possibly mean in southern california that's where i live but but but where i live man people own horses they have horses and there's horse trails we don't own any horses but we do share ownership of the flies that the horses bring so we own those so we go out on the horse trails and we love to go walk and we would go walk and there's lots of under underdeveloped land and no people right remember coveted no people it was great remember they in california i don't know where you live you know we live in communist china here in california they they they literally put caution tape on horse trails caution tape around jungle gym equipment as if it wasn't already dangerous amen parents and so around where we lived man i was just free you know me and the horses and the flies and the poo and we would just go out there and it was so great but i was out there walking my dog one day and i ran into a guy and if you remember in southern california i know people watch from all over the world but it never rains in southern california ever ever rains unless of course you decide to visit and then it will rain but if you remember that first week when the whole country was shut down in southern california it rained like six days in a row it dumped on us and so i was out there it was one of the first days that there was sunshine and i was walking in the field and i found this dude i found this dude and he's like in his lowered honda and he thought it was a good idea to go driving through horse trails after it had rained for five days and he was stuck he was totally stuck remember it was coved i was super nervous he was like hey man can you help me out i was like no stay away coved stay away and i wouldn't help him and i'm like and i and and i i especially wasn't going to help him after i said do you want me to call the police they'll help you he's like hey man don't call the don't call the cops man i was like this conversation is over right and i just kind of left and and i feel so bad because i wouldn't even help a man he was totally stuck his his his little honda was submerged in mud i mean deep in mud and no jack nothing was going to help him he needed to be towed and i just left him man what a picture what a picture of who your pastor is what a picture of how morally superior i'm not i say i don't wanna get covered i'm not gonna help you and i just walked away from him some of you guys man you've walked away from friends this year you've walked away from family members you've walked away from church because you've discovered how self-centered you are i'm not going to help anybody because i might get sick let me tell you something jesus christ came to the earth not to get sick but to die for you romans 5 7 and maybe you're not bad like me maybe you're better than you're like i would have helped okay well here's your verse though some of you perhaps might be willing to die for a person who's especially good let me just be honest most of us have a hard time living with the people we love much less dying for them but there are some great people and we can't celebrate life this year without celebrating our first responders like some of you you've been your bunker your whole year you're like if you're a cop you had to go to work if you worked in an ambulance you had to go to work if you're a fire person you had to go to work if you're a nurse a doctor you worked in a hospital like there's been some there's been some good things about humanity that says that there's still a part of us that reflects the image of god and i praise god for those people i praise god that they went to work you know some poor guy stuck behind my backyard i'm like you're on your own buddy romans 5 8 but god you know what it says about god because he's different than you he's different than me man i couldn't help a guy stuck in the property behind my house some of you guys wouldn't even help family members this year and you know why that is because you're different from god but god showed his great love for us by sending christ to die for us while we were still sinners you know what makes god different from me and you is he can love what we can't love he loves sinners he loves sinners now you like that when it's you but he doesn't just love you as a sinner he loves all sinners and he sent jesus christ to die for them a lot of you i know your social socially active and that's great you want the world to be a better place that's great i want you to know that jesus didn't protest what was wrong he died for the one who was wrong do you hear let me say that again jesus didn't protest what was wrong he died for the one who was wrong we got a lot that's wrong in our country and you know why that is because we haven't gotten jesus right yet there's been a lot of just racial tension in in our country this year and and i know some of you watch from other countries so i don't know what's happening where you live but i know this everywhere i've been in the world there is racial and religious tension there isn't a spot of land on earth where people live in peace i want you to know this that right now in america we're watching the the trial of police officer derek chauvin and he's being held accountable and being judged for the death of george floyd and his responsibility in that and people have all kinds of opinions about derrick chauvin people have all kinds of opinions about george floyd here's what i want you to here's what i want you to know the bible says about derek chovin and george floyd the bible says they're both sinners and jesus christ came to dive for officer derrick chovin jesus christ came to die for george floyd and jesus christ came to die for matt brown and the reason you don't want your name in that sentence is you haven't met jesus yet first timothy 1 15 says this is a trustworthy saying and everyone should accept it this is the guy who wrote half the new testament he said christ jesus came into the world to save sinners stop and i am the worst of them all you see well derek shove and he killed george floyd the apostle paul killed our greatest preacher named steven he killed him he was a murderer until he met the messiah because jesus changes lives jesus changes hearts you want to know how we end sexism how we end racism you don't know how we deal with all the is-isms we deal with jesus because he changes us i want you to know that easter is valentine's day to god to you from god to you but he didn't send a card or flowers he sent his one and only son and he said i love you like i said before because god loves what you and i can't sinners so how to come back to life i got to come back to the truth we're all sinners i'm a sinner you're a sinner number two to come back to life i have to get i have to get right with god it cracks me up people all the time i'm good with god me and god are good i talked to good old i talked to god all the time in my backyard snowboarding surfing i talk to god every day well if you talk to god every day you're not listening to him because easter says there's a problem romans 5 9 says this and since we've been made right with god in this sight by the blood of christ by the blood of christ we're made right with god by the blood of christ what the heck why did jesus have to die if your relationship with god is so good if you're good let me just tell you something listen to me and husbands take notes you cannot be one person and speak to the two sides of a relationship amen husbands like if you ask me how are you and tammy doing i don't just get to tell you we're good i think we're good i think we're great i think i'm good i'm good so she's good we're good you see in a relationship you don't get to declare how the relationship is you have to ask honey are we good are we good like we were good are we are we still good here's why so many of you run around saying me and god are good because you've never actually asked him it broke my heart this week that on easter week the holiest week of the christian calendar some of you were more interested than little nass and his nike shoes with human blood in it than you are with the blood of christ that was spilt for you on good friday and you're like oh the words go the world's going to hell yeah yeah yeah let me tell you some of you call yourselves christians at least little nasa's being more honest than you are you know what he's saying i'm going to hell that's why i'm going to wear shoes with say six six six so let me tell you this easter says that little nast needs jesus easter says that pastor matt needs jesus so what i'm going to do instead of doing my little facebook post my little social activist gift for the day i'm going to pray for little nass just like i'm going to pray for you do you know why because little ness you and me need to be reconciled to god and only the blood of jesus can do it romans 5 9 b and 10 it says he will certainly save us from condemnation that's what little nasa is saying he said well i'm going to hell i might as well just celebrate it that's foolishness that's strange that's wrong and i pray that god touches little nasa's heart but there's what you and i need to know this is why we need to celebrate easter you can see the little nasty say that guy's got a problem have you looked at yourself because the gospel says you have a problem with god and the only way for your problem with god to be fixed is through jesus and it's why we celebrate easter for since our friendship with god was restored how by the death of his son while we were still his enemies did you just hear that so many of you who call yourselves christians you can't stand your political enemies then i have to ask you have you met jesus because you were his political enemy he's not running for election he's the king of kings and the lord of lords and if you're on his side then you try to recruit anyone and everyone regardless of their political side if you can't give grace have you experienced grace we will certainly be saved through the life of his son jesus died for my sins to make me right with god that's when we celebrate we celebrate praise god jesus in one act fixed what i break every single day every day you know why i have to ask my wife every day are we good are we good are we good because i'm a sinner and i blew it every single day i can blow it on date night valentine's day christmas day you name the holiday and i can wreck it and you know why that is because we're all sinners we all commit sins okay sins i want to talk about two types of sin something like well i'm not that bad person and you're still upset that i mentioned the words derek chauvin you still can't get over that let me tell you something we all commit sin sins of commission sins are are things that are morally wrong that we do and some of you say well i don't believe in god i don't feel god i don't think god exists let me tell you something god is not the problem your sin is the problem your sin makes you deaf to the voice of god your sin makes you blind to the things of god and your sins keep your heart from beating for god isaiah 59 2 says this it is your sins that have cut you off from god god's not the problem your sin is your sin is because of your sins god has turned away but let me tell you something on easter god turned his back on jesus so he could turn you back to him and i know some of you are still on the self-righteous bus you're super woke you're super with it and you're just running around condemning the world condemning the world condemning the world let me just ask you this question why do we even know what happened to george floyd why do we even know i'll tell you why because somebody filmed it instead of stopping it that is the sin of omission and you do it every day every day omission is sinning because of the things we don't do and this is deeply personal to those of you who know my story i i came upon an attempted murder right in front of me i watched a person stabbed once i watched a person stabbed the second time and i was standing there with board shorts and sands on my feet no cell phone no weapon nothing and so i intervened and i will never forget this listen to me all my little social justice words i will never forget what happened when i finally wrestled the weapon away from him as i stood up with the weapon in my hand you know what i saw a crowd of 50 or 60 people and guess what they were all doing filming because they're more interested in the views on their instagram than they were in helping out and doing what's right what's wrong with our culture it's not just the one with the knee on the neck it's the rest of us that just watch james 4 17 remember remember james says it is a sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it why do we need easter why do we need jesus listen most of you know you're sinners and you couldn't stand before google today much less god what if google just showed your history what if that's all we know about you is what google says do you deserve eternal life what would google say god's not just going to look at your google history god's going to look at your whole history what you thought what you did what you didn't do some of the scariest questions my wife ever asked me is what are you thinking i'd rather not say you ever have like an evil thought it just just pops in your mind where'd that come from your sin so how do you come back to life there's only one answer you have to come back to life you have to come to the risen jesus it's the only hope one of jesus best friends lazarus died and i know a lot of us have lost friends man we've lost sandals church members this year to covet it's been a tough year and jesus lost one of his best friends lazarus and his two sisters lazarus two sisters were grieving and they were hurting right because when you lose someone it hurts so bad because everyone knows when you love you should never have to say goodbye and that's why you need to know the god who is love because in him goodbyes are just temporary but jesus looks at her he looks at her and he said listen to me i am the resurrection and the life anyone who believes in me will live even after dying do you believe this do you believe this here's what i find everybody believes in heaven today right everybody goes to heaven everybody goes there grandma's going there look my grandpa just died when an ambulance would drive by he would answer his phone he couldn't even i mean how is he going to make his way to heaven do you know where heaven is where where is which which way is it where is heaven how are you getting there how are you getting there like right now there's this rich dude named elon musk he knows where mars is but as brilliant and powerful and wealthy as he is he currently can't get there how are you going to get to heaven where is it which direction do you go only jesus knows mary listen to me i am the resurrection i am the life i am the truth i am the way no one comes to god jesus says but by me the only way you're getting to heaven is if you believe in jesus now let me just say this some of you think you believe look i can't just believe that jesus existed atheists believe that did you know that atheists believe jesus is a historical person no recognizable atheist that's a historian denies the existence of jesus he's a real person who really lived it's not enough but i can't just believe that jesus is the son of god the devil believes that i have to come to him i have to believe that he died for my sins and he rose from the dead and i pledge my life to him because i believe in him oh but isn't that the problem today it's hard to believe in somebody isn't it you've been let down lied to you've trusted and then just just felt busted up inside it's hard to trust again isn't it and you say well i wasn't there i didn't see it there's a great guy in the bible named thomas and he's just like you he's just like me he missed the resurrection he missed it john 20 24-25 like he's he's one of the 12. like he's on the team and he missed it one of the 12 disciples his name was thomas and he was not there he was not there when the others saw jesus he missed it they told him we've seen the lord we've seen the lord have you ever met something like have you ever missed something this week we were at a soccer game and my son's team scored a goal my dad goes i missed it because he's looking at his phone like we're watching a game dad watching a game he missed it but listen to this man so some of you some of you have missed this man he says he says i'm not going to believe this this is crazy is just crazy can you imagine like if your mom came back and your dad's dead she's like i saw dad today he was at starbucks you're like mom like we got to help you but here's the problem jesus is appearing everywhere to everyone like all over the place but not thomas thomas doesn't get to see it like he appears to mary and martha you know like they're in palm springs getting their nails done jesus is there you know let me show you my nail you know that area right there and they're like whoa everybody's everybody's flipping out right and thomas is so frustrated but he replied he said i won't believe i won't believe unless i see the nail wounds in his hands why because dead people don't rise i won't believe unless i put my fingers into them that's a little gross you know maybe thomas needed some nike shoes hey man it's just gross like that's a that's a bit much he says i'm going to place my hand in the wound in this side and this goes on look at this for eight days eight days eight days thomas doesn't get to see i know you saw jesus can you imagine every day at lunch i know you saw him you saw him you saw him you saw him you tweeted about it you posted on instagram and he's so frustrated right eight days later the disciples were together again but this time thomas was with them the doors were locked but suddenly as before jesus was standing there among them he says peace be with you and then he said to thomas put your finger here put your finger here that's where the roman soldier stabbed my heart thomas look at my hands put your hand into the wound touch here touch here listen what he says he says don't be faithless any longer believe and some of you you say well well i would believe if i could see i would believe if i could touch i would believe if jesus would appear to me here's what you need to know jesus appears through the preaching of the gospel right now right now god is using my voice to speak to your soul but here's the thing you don't get to touch him but through the proclamation of the gospel jesus will touch you he'll touch you and you'll stay awake away go sleeper rise from the dead and christ will give you light awake so many young people today talk about being woke the bible says we're all asleep without jesus all of us every single one of us you're dead in your sins there's no hope there's no hope without jesus there's no hope listen to me you can't even live a long healthy life you your actions can't even guarantee you physical life how on earth are your works going to guarantee you eternal life you know what covid taught me i'm a whole lot more fragile than i thought you see most of us live in this illusion where we're stronger than we are fitter than we are healthier than we are and all of a sudden something shows up and it completely changes the truth as we knew it that's what the gospel does the gospel says you're not spiritually healthy you're spiritually dead but god calls to you he calls to you when there was no hope last year tammy and i went on a walk together no dog this time and i think i was feeling guilty about the young man that i left abandoned in the field behind her house so i was telling her that story and we saw this old man i saw this old man in the most amazingly tough like i want to drive a tough four-wheel drive like this when i'm like 80. and he got out of his car and he came towards us and this is what he said it had been three days three days he said i'm looking for my son have you seen him i said oh yeah i think i have and you know that young man was still there still stuck still lost for three days he was stuck behind my house [Music] but you know his father came for him this young man was uninterested in the police who knows why i'm guessing no good reasons but you know his father came for him [Music] because that's what a loving father does he comes for his sons who are broke down stuck and they cannot not escape jesus christ sent his one and only son to save you to save you do you want to be saved do you want to come to christ all you have to do is admit what you already know you're not perfect [Music] you're not kovid's revealed that amen but jesus christ is perfect and he loves you perfectly and if you repent of your sins and place your faith and trust in him he will save you and here's all you have to do believe and the bible says whoever calls upon the name of the lord will be saved here's what i want to ask you to do right now right now no heads bowed no eyes closed this is just you and god if you're ready to turn from your sins if you're ready to believe in the lord jesus christ if you want to be saved just as jesus rose on easter would you just raise your hand just raise your hand if you're watching online type in right now i am raising my hand [Music] i'm raising my hand and i want you to know that as your hand goes up because if you're ready to repent you don't care who sees if you're ready to believe you don't care what it looks like if you're ready to be saved what happens hands go up hands go up and as your hand goes up i want you to know that your father in heaven his hand goes down and he will never ever let you go why because whoever calls upon the lord will be saved saved i love you so much i'm glad you're here for easter jesus christ is risen we want to transition from a time of belief to a time of praise we worship the risen king today the risen jesus today and we celebrate that because he lives because he lives my life has changed it is never the same again i love you sandals church let me just pray over us as as we begin to worship and we're just going to watch an incredible video of the beauty of jesus christ our risen king would you bow your heads as we pray together jesus in the powerful mighty name of jesus we pray to you our risen king our glorious king the king who conquered death the king who loved us in the midst of our sins the king who gave his life for us we worship you we love you and we celebrate you today death could not hold you you defeated death and you have saved our souls and we worship you we pray these things in your name and your glorious name [Music] of amen [Music] you're a miracle worker we're demonstrating fire of grace oh yeah the fullness of god revealed the grave could not hold you [Music] death [Music] oh my god you are the king of my life you are you are [Music] jesus you are [Music] is are my kingdom jesus [Music] jesus we see [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] the song that we just sang is a declaration that jesus is my king and man there is power in that the christian faith begins with acknowledgement that jesus is king it doesn't mean that we understand it all but that we are saying i trust you i trust you jesus but as pastor matt just mentioned it doesn't end there it needs to also become personal as we gather here online from around the us and all over the world we sing and proclaim that jesus is our king and if he's our king then we need to follow him as followers of jesus we follow him so that means if he loves we love he sacrifices we sacrifice he empathizes we empathize he gave so we give and when you give we are able to do all this amazing work that god has for us to do here at saint louis church all of us each of us to do here at sandals church because of your financial partnership lives are being transformed all over the globe literally and people are discovering what it means to be real if you want to be a part of this amazing movement and you are not giving we'd love to invite you to join us in what god is doing by giving on our app or by going online at you just heard that jesus is the only one who can give us something better than normal and offer real hope jesus is the one who can give us new life and set us on a new path he's the only one that can do that if you raise your hand when pastor matt invited you to follow jesus then you just made the best decision of your life and i want you to know that we see you and we're here to help you i see you and we want to help you follow jesus and this is how we're gonna do that checking out church is a great way to start exploring your faith but what do you do when you're ready for more at santa's church we've created the growth path it's a guide for helping you grow in your faith and helping you connect with others in real relationships here at sandals church so the growth path is a personalized experience in the sandals church app that provides you with information teaching and resources for taking next steps in your faith journey here at samuels church whether that next step is getting baptized starting a community group or joining a team the growth path helps you take your best next step here at sandals church it's going to help you track your progress and it's going to help you grow so much deeper in being real with yourself bad and others every single one of us is somewhere in the process of figuring out what it looks like to follow jesus in real life and so we've developed the growth path to help you see and take the best next steps along the way if you're ready to take some next steps as you follow jesus the growth path is our way to show you how what's your best next step i am so excited to help you take your next step in following jesus no matter where you are at i want to we want to walk with you and the growth path is our tool to do just that check it out on the sandals church app and when you do you'll see that one of the first steps is baptism jesus even jesus himself was baptized letting the world know that he belonged to god no matter where you are at in the world we would love to help you get baptized learn more and sign up for baptism in the growth path on the sandals church app we have something we actually have a whole lot we got a whole lot to celebrate jesus rose from the dead offers new life and desires you and me to live an abundant life i've had an amazing time with you today i hope your experience here today has been a great one and i hope i see you back here next week because we all need hope and because we need hope we all need hope i pray that you would share this service with someone you know because i know you know someone that needs hope needs real life and needs something new happy easter we're so glad you hung out with us today we'll see you next week you
Channel: Sandals Church
Views: 6,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wPqc1SCTnFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 12sec (4092 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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