How to Color Green Hair using Arteza Expert Pencils | Hair Series

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[Music] hello hello everyone welcome back to my channel or welcome if you are new if you are new um please do hit that subscribe button and then of course don't forget to click that bell if you want to be notified every time i open uh upload videos which seems to be like daily right now lots of content to film i don't know what to say uh anyway i wanted to do a fun green hair tutorial now this is not going to be a long one this is going to be one of those short and sweet ones um and i think it'll work just fine because it's a very simple process with these colors and of course the jets are flying by because i got a recorded tutorial so hopefully they're not too loud all right it is a is for august 2021 um that is my hashtag this month as part of my alphabet coloring challenge so two tags in one and if you're watching this you know not in august then this probably won't apply as much however the point of the tag was to use all of my mediums that either had a brand or a series name that started with the letter a and september will be b so i have a massive queue of hair tutorial combo requests um from you guys and a lot of them had arteza and the one i wanted to really tackle because it just sounded so fun was green hair if you couldn't tell where we're going with this and so yeah we are going to do a green hair tutorial um using just five colors and what you're going to need here is your jungle green which is a141 in my set um i do need to disclaimer that i have the old set i know they've changed some numbers i don't know which of these have been changed so the color names are the same though i think so emerald green a094 spearmint green a096 mint green a030 and spring green eight zero four two now this is going to be a little different because arteza kind of like a prismacolor or silky smooth and excuse my chair making all these noises i'm using a new chair today and i can't seem to find a chair that's quiet um so yeah anyway these are smooth like a prismacolor you cannot put as many layers down once you do you're just going to start blending things out and you won't see anything so this will be a slightly different technique but it'll actually be easier on the hands and i wanted to feature a few parts of the hair so i want to do a little bit of the braid here just so you can kind of get the the motion of the in and out and where to put your shadows oh my gosh the jets and then i was thinking i would tackle like one of these longer strands for you guys as well so let's start and do like maybe these two little braided pieces here because once you do one they're all the same so starting with our lightest color oh my gosh spring green so we're going to light coat light coat is the key word here and the reason for this is because we're not doing as many hair flicking layers you need some color behind it so just really lightly fill in that space there now these are waxy these are smudgy not as smudgy as a prismacolor but you know they they are pretty close on the smudgy factor so i do recommend working on hair you know opposite of the way your hand moves so i'm right-handed so it would i wouldn't make sense to go this way because i'd just be smushing all over so i'm starting over here now this color seriously reminds me of like toxic green but sent it to a few of my lovely friends who i bounced ideas off of and they loved it so i'm like all right let's just power through then okay so next you're going to grab your emerald green which is not your darkest the darkest in this one is jungle green and that will sit right up here because that comes in last so grab your emerald green now as always with braids remember this is curling around and tucking in here this is coming out of the tuck has its little loop you know from the braid and then it's tucking back down in here so first things we want to do is we want to define the areas where it's obviously going to be darker draw a line there just kind of that you'll notice i'm not doing as much flicking because well there's not much point with these um they're soft you can still flick but it's not going to be as intense okay we have that one there now down here on this little one i want to bring out some color from the areas where it's coming out of the braid trying to make sure my hand is out of your way i'm gonna draw a line here just to define it okay now grab a spearmint green same thing i'm just really lightly adding lines nothing too crazy you can actually get away with not doing the typical flicking motion that i tend to do you can actually just press and just really lightly press in fact you don't want to press hard with these at all because like i said they'll smush right over each other okay now you're going to take your mint green now these will not hold a point which is another reason you're not really going to do the traditional style i've been teaching you guys um but this will be a good you know way to ease yourself into doing this with prismacolor don't get me wrong it can be done and it still looks pretty i mean look we still have definition here and it's just those really fine details if you really want that hair to pop like it's got strands you do need a harder lead that kind of pokes out in a way or an x-acto blade is another way around that and i will show that in a different tutorial okay now we're taking our darkest color which is jungle green we are going to first put this in the little spot there also going to draw a line right there defining where those two pieces stop from one another the reason i save this one for last is i want this on top of everything because these colors smush each other out you want your dark color to go down last and be the last layer so you're basically smushing it on top of everything smoosh but yeah if you were to put this layer down first after all the other layers came through they just they wouldn't this wouldn't show up as defined pretty much so i'm gonna draw my line there and same thing down here i don't know why my paper is all crinkly making for an awkward hand position here see i'm just kind of adding that in it does get dusty just crumbly ortiz i wanted to be like prismacolor and they got that part down okay i am going to take because i feel it's a little lackluster i think i'm going to grab my spearmint green just to add a little bit more but i'm going to try and not go over where i just put my dark color because this will with how opaque these are cover it up so i don't want to do that okay now back to our lightest color spring green you're literally just going to color it in now lightly do this do not press hard um if you press hard you're going to blend everything together and kill all that definition you just made now if this is like a harder lead wouldn't be an issue because it wouldn't smush everything together but this is a soft lid so you need to keep that in mind and ta-da green hair so you just keep doing that for the braids um you can always go back if you feel you need it a little darker here and there like say maybe i wanted a little more shadow here i'll just pull it out a little more and you can go as much or as little as you want like i said you know i'm going to sit here and fiddle with it if you give me the opportunity so let's move on okay i want to pick a really good strand to do this with let's just do this one here at the end it goes all the way down it curls all the way around down to here so let's do that all right take your spring green again our lightest color and just i'm going to ignore this clump here so just draw a line if we have to just do the light layer hold your pencil back if you um have trouble with pressure control because these are very soft we don't need to smoosh them down oh my gosh i am so sorry you know the jets i i i'm not even kidding they were not flying until i turned this on and then yeah it's like hello so i swear that air force base has a beacon maybe there's anti-youtube they're like no one can film okay so again not going in with our darkest color we're going to our second to darkest which is emerald green now we have a lot going on here we got a lot of twisties we got a lot of shadow we got a lot of highlight so this is going to take a teensy longer but not as long as if we were using like a polychromos so i'm just going to add some color i want to define that a little kind of just pulling it out wherever there is i want to kind of break that up there okay i add that down there down here at the bottom oh my goodness what are they testing today [Music] i thought i moved away from the air force base but i was wrong i'm still in their flight path [Music] okay down here also see it's twisting so we're gonna have some shadows i said it's okay if the lines are a little thicker here okay i'm gonna pull some lines here because as the hair is curling back around we are going to have a little bit of a shadow there and same thing here we got a shadow this one will be a little unique because i want the ends to be lighter okay we'll work our way back to the top spearmint green i didn't do color cards for this one and that was just because i'm doing this you know live with you well real time i should say um so there's no need i usually do the color cards if i'm going to be speeding this up but we're just doing this it's a nice short tutorial this is mariella budex uh wedding hair inspiration so i'll make sure to link to that below it's a very very pretty collection all of them are pretty i don't think that i don't think she's ever put out something that i'm like oh but the this one i've noticed has a lot more just straight up hair ones not complaining actually because you know i'm scared of skin so i'm like just hair sign me up okay this section here will be a little darker because we got a big curve going on it kind of reminds me of the joker's hair that's what i was worried about when i first did this so i sent it to um a few of my friends and i was like what'd you think it looked like she went swimming in a toxic waste pool or something i'm getting like serious joker vibes maybe that was what i intended all along okay so we're going to bring this down but not to the ends because the ends are going to be lighter okay now you're gonna take your mint green this one i really want to drag into the highlight as much as i can now keep in mind these long strands are going to be lighter than up here because this hair is all tightly woven together in a braid obviously this is going to be extra shadowed with these braids surrounding it whereas once the hair is free to flow it's going to be lighter so keep that in mind if you're going for something more realistic you want to keep in mind where the light would be hitting you never want to make hair like 100 uniform because obviously things like a braid will throw off the lighting and all that and it's really important to keep that in mind when you're going for more realistic hair just good practice i did just film an art and fly brown hair tutorial not gonna lie i don't know which one we'll post first i'm trying to belt out all these a's for august tutorials so i'm like ah okay down here you'll notice this is a lot less flicking so this is easier on the wrist and i'm actually using a pretty light pressure because it's such a soft lid it requires like minimal effort here there's no reason to press hard whatsoever to pull this off down here i do want a few of those okay now we're going to brush it off dusty little things okay now obviously this is super light right now but before i start adding in any other colors i want to first go with my darkest color jungle green and add our shadows and see how that looks before i start adding extras of anything i'm going to make you dizzy for a moment and change the angle there we go try to do that gentle okay so up here we're going to have a shadow i'm actually going to draw that line in a little more now here you may have to press just a teensy bit harder depending on how waxy the buildup is i really want to define these shadows before i go and add anything else because see how it's already transformed from here to what's down here so definitely before you go adding any other colors check your shadow see how dark it is and if it really needs to have anything else added i guarantee it will but i'm just saying check first okay you can see in here i definitely have some shadows here my hand is still in the way even though i moved the camera that's the hardest part i get into hair like zen mode and then i'm like did you even see what i just did it's a really bad habit i need to i'm fix really hard to be more like aware of where my hand is when i'm doing these videos but it's sometimes so hard especially once you just get into that groove okay we've added our shadows which have already taken it to the next level so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go back to my spearmint green just pull out a few here and there just want that one there covered yep the jets are on their way back i can hear him i think here i want this a little darker because this is a pretty deep curl that's not going to have a lot of light hitting it all right and then we'll pull that one out a little okay same thing down here i want to pull this a little okay now dust off very gently grab your lightest color which is the spring green i'm just gonna really lightly fill in our highlights just to see where that gets us and then we can see what else we need to add if anything i call this a short tutorial and it's like 20 minutes long [Laughter] but it is short um i'm just doing it all in real time i'm telling you hair takes time but it is so relaxing to me i know a few of you have commented that it stresses you out but to me i'm like oh so zen i had color hair for days just tell me a color and pencils and i could do it but now filming it's a totally different thing because i'm like well i need to do this and all right so down here at the bottom i am going to flick this one in because i'm going to do it kind of thickly thickly that didn't sound right but i think that's the word just to cover up some of the grayscale but i really want that at the bottom because you know the ends of your hair capture some light wow was i even on frame when i did that okay so looking at my hair here it is catching more light obviously but i have a few areas i want to um correct so i'm actually going to grab my emerald green just kind of add some spots here and there because while i do want it lighter i don't want it like a completely different hair color i was going to mix yellow into this but i think that spring green has enough yellow to pull it off okay then just grab your um mint green i'm just gonna do one final round with that to kind of help add some brightness make sure highlight area is not too wowza again you don't have to go crazy with the pressure on these and you want to be very cautious that you don't mix anything okay i'm gonna just take my light color again um spring green just kind of fill in anywhere where i have a little bit of too much white showing again light pressure so that you don't blend this stay on frame okay and we have green hair let me see if i can lift you guys up without making anyone nauseous it makes me nauseous that's why i always say it okay so as you can see it's going to be darker up here which is what we want and then we want it to be a lot lighter down here because this hair is just saying hello sunlight where is this hair up here is kind of just hiding in the shadows so you will have that so your entire braid you want a little darker so you want a smaller highlight area and you want to bring a lot of your darker colors into the center whereas you know here we're wanting to lessen that and only add the shadows where necessary like this section here would be darker obviously and then same thing at the crown you will have it pretty dark coming off the braid but you want to really preserve that highlight so i will continue working on this and share my final product is it all on frame there almost um final one on instagram but you know if you have any questions you can always leave them in the comments below and i will be trying to get out another hair tutorial this month not with arteza um probably something different but let me know what you think of this one if you want more arteza you can always add to the list don't worry i'll get through that list as quick as i can but thank you guys so much for hanging out with me while we colored some green hair i hope i taught you something and until next time take care you
Channel: Colorfully Optimistic
Views: 847
Rating: 4.9595962 out of 5
Keywords: adult coloring, adult coloring books, coloring books, colored pencils, art, adult coloring tutorials, watercolor
Id: 7AdgrGGu5MQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 20sec (1700 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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