How to Code a VSCode Extension

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Extremely nicely done. Worth spending 3+ hours on this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/devtest11 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Excellent video /u/benawad, extremely well put together.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/boomskats πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks for the introduction to Svelte.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SlaimeLannister πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not sure if your trying to make people think this is you but thanks for sharing anyways!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RUGMJ7443 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
i'm going to be showing you how to create this to-do list vs code extension which may look simple but this code base is the foundation that i use to create vs code tinder and it has basically all the important topics that you need to know to build something out like that so starting off i'm going to be showing you how to use web views in vs code this entire thing is a web view this allows you to stick pretty much anything that you want to inside of vs code and actually build out the web views i like to use a front-end framework in this video i'm going to be showing you how to use felt which is what i've been using for my past two extensions and really liking it but as you're gonna see you can use any front framework you want as long as it spits out a javascript file at the end after that we'll implement github oauth so like i can log out here and i can press this button here to log in with github and i'm already kind of authenticated with github so it just you know automatically says we're auth and then we go in but if say i wasn't logged in with github it would have me type in my github credentials and then it knows who i am based on my github profile so it says hello bin there right and then after that we're going to integrate with an api well we have to kind of integrate with an api to use github oauth2 so we're going to set up a node.js server where we store stuff in a database and interact with that for our webview so we can actually persist data right this data doesn't go away after i refresh or whatever if that sounds interesting to you and you want to build the next big vs code extension continue watching also by the way all the code for this is on github i'll put a link in the description if you want to just look at that or if you get stuck in the middle want to check that out also there'll be a link to my discord if you want to come and ask questions or talk to other people that have gone through the tutorial with that said enjoy the tutorial we're going to start by following the getting started that vs code has for creating your first extension so you're going to want to come to this url and i'll put a link to this in the description and the first thing that we're going to do is just copy this code right here and then you're going to go to your terminal and you're going to paste it and we're going to run it so you're going to need node.js installed on your computer to be able to run npm and then this is the g flag which installs this globally and then we're going to be able to run this yo command which we're going to do next yo code and this is going to create a project for us all right so finish installing so i'm going to run yo code here and then we're just going to fill out the stuff that it asks us so we're going to be creating a new typescript extension so i'm going to select this first one here you can do this in javascript but i would recommend following along in typescript that's what i'm going to be using and i'll be showing you along the way if you're new to typescript the things that you need to know and i'm going to call my extension vs to do and i'm just going to keep the default and what's the description keeping track of stuff and initialize a git repository sure bundle the source code with webpack actually we're gonna hit yes for this uh reason for that is we're gonna i wanna show this at the end because this is good when we deploy this to production and i'm going to go ahead and pick yarn but you can pick npm if you want actually you know what let's pick npm today i'm feeling npm when that's done you should have a new folder with the name of your extension so i called mine vs to do so i have that there and i'm just going to open it up in vs code so i have the cli for vs code or it's at least installed in my path so i can just run code and then the name of the folder and it's going to open it up and now i have it open in vs code you can also just open it regularly by going up here and open and all that jazz okay so this is our first extension the boilerplate for it the main place we're going to be doing stuff in is source and extension i'm going to delete tests we're not going to worry about tests for this tutorial and let's just zoom out actually a little bit maybe once all right so they got a console log here i'm gonna be showing you where you can see the console logs for things why don't we just press f5 first and that'll launch the debugger and actually launch our extension so what i like to do and it takes a second to build so we'll give it a minute uh the specified task cannot be tracked oh yeah um configure task i don't know compile oh wants me to come and configure it this is what i get for picking webpack okay so we're gonna go into the package.json and add a new script already has one for us if you go into tasks.json these are the tasks that it runs before it actually launches the extension and so in our case it builds using webpack now maybe there's a good way to set this up but we literally just ran the code that we got from the boilerplate and it's already barking at us so what i like to do is just not actually use this at all and i will just remove all the tasks that it runs and instead what i'll do is i will just go to my terminal is it already running i'm just going to control c out of that and i will just run it manually myself so if we go back to our package.json and we see scripts here you'll notice one called watch and this just runs webpack and we're going to say watch and this is basically going to take our source code here which is just the extension and it's going to compile it into this dist folder and you can click it here and webpack just does its thing where it transpiles all your code right so it takes our extension.ts and turns it into a javascript file and it looks like this all right and then after that we're ready to execute the code you just press f5 i ran to run this every time select a build test there's no default build task maybe i need to go into my launch pre-launch task default build yeah let's kill that now f5 perfect and now when we press f5 it's just going to launch our extension and then we're good to go i forgot what our extension even does by default i think it's just a yeah it's just a command so you can see here that it's registering a command called hello world so if i do command shift p or control shift p if you're on a windows computer and then here you can see that there's this little arrow here that's how you get the this is like the command prompt window and then you put a carrot there and then carrot lets you do commands in vs code so we're going to be running commands this is also useful even if you're not you know doing extensions and if we search for hello world this is actually going to be ours and we can just run it it says hello world from vs to do on the bottom right here so now if we wanted to change this i'm just going to get rid of these comments because they're kind of annoying me there we go just a little bit easier to see the code and now here i am going to change the message i'm just going to say hello from vs to do now if i come back over here and rerun this right hello world from vs to do it didn't change the text right so what you need to do is actually reload this window every time you make a change over here so to reload it i can open up command prompt and by the way you're going to want to get comfortable like opening up this command palette so command shift p is going to be your friend here and we're going to reload the developer window so you can run this right here right now it's kind of tedious to open that up and do that every single time so i recommend using the shortcut to command r or i assume it's let's see reload if you just hover it'll show you on the right what the the shortcut is if it's different on mac i mean on windows probably is um so that's we're going to use and then we can go and run our hello world command and you'll notice the text has changed all right so that is kind of the basics of how we are going to make changes and do things we're going to go over more of what's going on here next but basically we are going to start our extension compile it using webpack by running yarn watch i said i was going to use npm there you go npm run watch all right and then my launch.json we just cleaned out you're never going to have to touch that again we just press f5 and that's going to launch the actual extension over here and that as you noticed if i stop this all it does when i press f5 is create a new vs code window that i can do test things in so it you know this is just i actually have i think a thing open but i can just go and open whatever project i want in here right this is just a normal vs code window that also has our extension load in it so we can run our stuff so it lets you test it on real things okay so let's add our own custom command now so you'll notice a few parts about this the first thing is this register command function that we can call so i'm going to come down here and say vs code dot commands dot register command and here you'll notice kind of like the syntax for it is we prefix it with the name of our extension so i'm going to follow that and then here i'm going to say ask a question this is what i'm going to call it i mean that's a crappy name but i'm just gonna actually do ask question that way it's a little bit less cracky and then i'm gonna have a function here so this is what's the logic that's gonna get run whenever this gets called right and so i can copy the thing above if i want to i can show an informational message as before but the nice thing about this message or one of the cool things you could do is also get input from the user so i could say how was your day you are day no and then here i can say good bad and then you'll notice that context.subscriptions.push this disposable thing all this does is basically it's getting the return value from this and the purpose of this is for vs code to be able to dispose of this listener whenever it's done and usually what i will do is not create this like variable and i will just wrap this so you see i just wrapped the push and i put this inside and that just makes it like a little bit simpler and i'm going to do the same thing here because you don't really need the intermediate variable but you may you can add that if it helps you all right so i added this but this is not the only thing you need to add when you add a command if you also go into the package.json you need to tell vs code all the things that you add in your extension so we are going to tell it the command that we added here so contributes commands you should see in your package.json and we're going to add it there and you can see the previous command that they had there and here i'm going to say ask question and so this string should match what you put here and then here the title this is what's actually going to show up when a user you know types here so you see how it says hello world there and insead has developer colon that you can also prefix some of this stuff i think it's called group okay no it's not so i just did control space and gave me some autocompletion looks like it's called category and so what i'll usually do is i'll actually say vs to do here that way they know that this is coming this command is coming from the vs to do extension and you'll see what this looks like in a second and then here i guess in this case we're really answering a question but whatever all right so that's the i guess metadata and then we need to tell vs code to actually activate it and that's the activation events here we're going to copy this and then just add our ask question all right so i made changes so i need to come over here and i need to reload it all right so command r for me and i'm just going to run this so command shift p to open up the palette and then i'm going to go to my ask question so you'll notice how it has the category in front here so that's pretty handy i'm gonna press this so you can see it now says how's your day and i can press good or bad so my day was pretty good so i'm gonna press good now you may wanna get actually some you know response and actually do something with the data so if you hover over this i can see the type of this and and we see right here that it says it's a venable so the venables are basically just promises but they have special names there may be something different but i don't i actually don't know what's different about them i just treat them as promises so what i do here is i can make this asynchronous and i can say the answer is equal to and i can await the response from this and you'll notice it's going to give us a string or undefined and i believe undefined comes if like the user clicks out so if i ask a question and i click the x for example i believe that gives you undefined and so here i'm just going to say you know if answer was equal too bad maybe we show an informational message right so paste that here sorry to hear that otherwise we're just going to console log answer okay so come over here and reload our extension and again i should probably mention this earlier but i'm just going to keep the mpm watch command running the entire tutorial so it's just going to basically recompile our code as i'm typing here and then if your window ever closes you know or you know guess you stop it manually just come here and press f5 to reopen it all right so i'm going to ask a question and again i relaunched it but make sure to always refresh whenever you make a change all right so i'm going to ask a question here and you'll notice it takes like a second there and need to activate the extension all right so that i'm going to say i had a bad day and we could see that awesome and now let's do a good day right and you're wondering where did the console log go so if you come back over here and you hit control till day it'll toggle the terminal i believe if you also go terminal new terminal you can grab it but again control tilde is the shortcut that i use and you go to debug console you can actually see the console locks so if i see the object here it actually says answer good and so if you need to see console logs when you're doing things that is how you see it next we're going to add a web view to our extension because this allows us to pretty much add whatever type of content we want to in vs code so if you go to google and just type vs code webview two links will come up number one you can click the first one this webview api if you want to read through and follow along with this otherwise this is a really good repository right here on github so this is under the vs code extension samples it's the webview sample you can follow along with this but it has some extra stuff that we rip out so i'm going to show you something else we're going to do but i wanted to mention this repository this has a ton of examples and this is pretty much how i learned all my vs code knowledge right here is just going through these projects and copying pasting stuff so if you get stuck on how to do something in vs code later that we don't cover in this tutorial i highly recommend coming to here and seeing if one of these uh github projects has it all right so what we're going to do is go over to github dot or slash bin award slash fascinder and we're just going to grab one of my components here so i'm going to press go to file and we're going to grab what's what i call provider and all it is is if i go back to my web view while that's loading if we go to source extension we're going to create a panel they call it a cat coding panel and there's a few extra things so i'm going to get a slimmed down version come on go to file okay um provider and i want actually did i call it i think i'll call it something else yes swiper panel is what i want all right and you can just go to this url too i'll probably put this in the description if i remember and i'm going to copy this copy and i'm going to come into vs code here and i like to just stick this in a new file here so i'm just going to call this a hello world panel and put ts and i'm going to paste it in now this also has a few things that we do not need so this entire top part we don't need for now and i'm going to rename this class here to be hello world panel and you'll notice that we use that kind of everywhere so actually i'm going to ctrl z and if you press f2 you can refactor and rename in all the places so i'm going to do that hello world all right view type here this is just a string of the name so i'm just going to call this hello world and then let's scroll down see the errors all this is fine update did receive message all right we're going to be getting into um on dead receive message later but this is basically a switch statement that we're going to use to communicate and i'm just going to delete some of the stuff i have here set window info i kind of like my on info on errors i'm going to keep those and we're going to talk more about that in a second i'm going to just comment out the tokens because we're probably going to do something like that later all right so this is what it looks like now in the update function the error should be gone from there all right so this this function right here is important so this is how it gets the basically the files for the web view that actually renders so you notice here it is getting a file called swiper.js from the app directory we're going to talk more about compiling this using svelt in a second but we're just going to get vanilla javascript working first all right so there's two basically css files that vs code gives us or they recommend from just their cad example that we're going to use so back at the cat example if you go to source actually it's in the webview sample media we're going to copy the reset.css and the vs code.css and all this does is it makes the panel look like vs code so if i create a new folder here called media and actually i want to show you what it looks like with and without it so reset.css and we'll paste it in and grab vs code.css as well all right so i'm going to show you what it looks like if we just create a panel and we don't do any scripts at all so i'm going to comment out the css one and i'm going to comment out this one as well so we don't need this part right here either so basically this entire stuff before the return statement we're just going to comment out and we're going to come back to it and do i want a nonce actually you can keep the nuts i guess because we're going to need that so get nuns this is just actually we're going to grab that as well it's actually inside of webview sample source at the bottom here get nuts and i like to stick that in another file because we're going to use this a couple times this just creates a unique id id basically that's what that's doing and i'm going to import i like to import by just hitting command and then period may do control period on windows and hit import you could also put your cursor at the end here and control space those are two options to auto import stuff all right so api base url we do not have yet i'm just going to remove this i guess just remove the default source for now so it just has image source here and we do not have these links yet i kind of want to just comment this out because we're gonna have it um you know what i'm just going to set it to an empty string there and then i'll just remember what i need to do and we can remove this we're not going to this is how you can actually inject variables into the web view we're going to do that a little bit we don't need it right now and we don't need this one either so it's just scripture okay all right so this is basically just an html document that's going to be our web view and in the body here why don't we just do an h1 that says hello world right and we'll save that and this looks good so we're going to go into our extension and maybe we're going to activate this panel just when we call hello world here instead of showing an informational message so i'm going to say hello world panel dot create or show and you'll notice here so by the way that's something i haven't really mentioned yet since we're using typescript if you're new to that if you're unsure about types you just hover over and it's going to tell you types what i mean by that is here i can see that this function here takes one parameter called extension yuri and the type of that is a vs code yuri all right so i know what i need to pass in now also extension yuri this is something that comes from the context so i didn't mention this yet but this is the activate function and this basically it's called when your extension first gets set up and this is basically where you initialize everything and so we just need to pass in context dot yuri and the extensionary we can pass that in all right and now let's come over here reload of course and now let's run the hello world and see what happens nice so it took a second to activate then it got it and this is what it looks like i'm actually surprised this is black i was expecting it to be like white let me display like an input field for you but notice how we have like a new window here that we created this is just a web view basically sitting inside vs code and this is a regular like tab right i can switch between the tabs and whatnot all right so that's awesome and what i want to do now is just go to my hello world panel and i can treat this just like html right so i can do whatever i want here do an input tag and uh so yep we're going to have to refresh every single time and then we're going to come here and we're going to type hello world so there's a little bit of an iteration cycle there but we're going to do something that makes that better in a second all right so notice how this is just an ugly white box and we got like an orange around it right so vs code has css just default that styles some things also for the button let me show you the button those are nice too so do a button tag in our panel here we'll reload it and redo hello world all right so buttons are ugly right now now if i come back up here do our reset style get this so i guess i'm doing like two pi parts here and i actually don't know why i didn't just mash this into a single variable like actually what i want to do here is just take this part and put it here that way i don't have so many just random variables floating around i think it makes just a little bit simpler in my opinion and i actually did that for the css yuri all right this this thing doesn't exist yet all right so all this is doing is telling vs code the path to your css file so you'll notice how it says the extension yuri this is basically your base path and then the media that's the name of our folder right here and this is the name of the file so this is basically just a url to these reset and the vs code files that we have there and then all we're going to tell it is to load those css files using a link and we just stick the styles reset here and then we can do two of them right so now i'm also going to get the styles main and come back over here reload and run hello world and now it should be a little bit prettier when this loads awesome so you notice how now it like feels more like vs code we got dark inputs we got cooler buttons you still need to do a little bit styling yourself but at least this is good defaults now we can also load some javascript in here so let me show you that so if we come back over here and we come to the section here you can see i was kind of like loading a script yuri from before i'm going to bring that back in here and it's doing the exact same thing right as our css files but instead it's pointing at a javascript file in this case i had like a compiled swiper.js we're going to get into some compiled javascript in a second but let me just show you with vanilla javascript so i'm going to just stick this in my media folder and i'm just going to call it main.js alright so i'm going to create a main dot js file and i actually can't write vanilla javascript to like save my life so i'm just going to come to the example of the cats in the webview sample and copy their main.js all right and we'll copy this paste it here and i don't need half of this stuff but i just wanted to copy their document.element id thing because i forgot how that worked all right this vs code thing allows us to kind of do some vs code things and communicate with the vs code extension itself we're going to get into that later um but right now we are going to just basically update the dom right so i don't know make my button i actually don't even know what i'm doing i think i can just say button.entertext is equal to hello from javascript let's try that see if that does anything and then my panel over here i need to load that so i'm going to grab this script paste at the bottom here i just copied the location that vs code originally put this and the source is going to be whatever i called it script yuri all right now remember every time that i edit this file a extension file i then have to come and reload but every time that i change a javascript file for example all i have to do is close and reopen the web view which we're going to see in a second here okay so hello world i see it dude did my javascript not get executed i it just shows it here maybe that's not how you do things but one thing i'll show you and this is how you can debug is if i open the panel and i say open webview developer tools you can see cannot set the property inner text of null okay so my javascript is running i just don't know how do you do vanilla javascript alright so that's that if i come over to my main.js maybe we just do a console log hello there from javascript save it so again i do not need to reload this panel right because i only changed the javascript file what i need to do is just close this and recall it and then it'll it'll be here and i then want to reopen my webview developer tools that's the other annoying thing this closes every time this panel closes but don't worry i've got something for you that's going to make your life way better in a second and you can see it says hello from javascript and also by the way we have element picker this is full developer tools here alright so i can click here and i can see all the things right and i can do stuff and i can see the urls it's using i can also see that vs code is giving us a ton of css variables right so this is what we can actually use for color scheming and whatnot and they also just give us some default styling a lot of stuff and that's pretty much all i used for my stuff now you could continue to write the entire webview for your extension in vanilla javascript but that's something i'm just not remotely interested in at all so instead what i like to use is a javascript framework and then basically just compile or transpile that javascript framework code into a javascript file that we then just in our hello world panel we import right so down here you know how we were loading a main.js file instead we were just going to basically load a compiled javascript file from our javascript framework now what i'm going to be using in this tutorial is felt that's what i've been using for my past extensions and i've been enjoying it and it's pretty lightweight so that's what we're going to be using as well but you can pretty much use any javascript framework as long as you get a js file at the end that you can use so we're going to be setting that up now and we're going to start by just going back over to the cinder because there's going to be a little bit of config we need so i'm going to go actually to is it the extension level yeah and i'm going to grab the rollup.config.js so rollup is a program kind of like webpack that is going to turn our svelte code into javascript code that is compiled all right so create a new file here rollup.config.js and i'm just going to paste that entire file in now most of this is just copy pasting exactly from svelte's getting started boilerplate with one exception which i'll talk about right here right so you notice how here i'm using fs this is just the node module for the file system and i'm reading a directory here and the directory that i'm reading is one called svelt stuff and inside of that pages now i'm going to choose a better name for this this is what i'm going to call webviews and i'm going to create that folder here webviews and then inside of webviews i'm going to have a folder called pages and then basically for each page i'm going so so in our extension we could have multiple web views right so we have a hello world panel but we might have another one that's like the authentication panel the login panel and etc so for each one of those we're going to create a new page basically that's going to be the root level of the application so here i'm going to create a hello world actually how do i want to capitalize this i guess just like this hello world.ts is what i'm sticking here all right and so it's now going to as i add more pages it's just going to automatically compile each one so i don't have to come here and touch stuff um so this i'm going to rename to webviews the input here uh everything else looks good it's going to create an out file um and compiled and stick that there and then everything else is just directly from oh this one right here svelte stuff this should be webviews all right rest of this looks good now we're gonna also need to install all these packages so npm install roll up resolve common js and this one too and this should be as a dev dependency so i'm going to put a capital d flag here at the beginning all right we'll let that run the only thing we need to grab is a ts config so in the salt stuff folder on the vasinder github we're going to go to ts config and i'm going to copy paste this so you'll notice we actually are going to have two ts configs we have one at the top level here this is for our extension and everything that we write in source extension and then we have a different ts config inside of web views so inside web views here i'm going to create a new file tsconfig.json the reason for that is felt needs a different basically typescript settings that we import from here than our extension does and so this allows us to use different ones all right so it's good we may actually need to install some more stuff in our package.json i feel like there's probably some stuff that is just in here so let's go to the package.json of the sender and i'm just going to search for any felt stuff i got okay yeah so i did not install this one so we're gonna grab the ts config salt and again this is going to be as dev dependencies i think i got all this and we need a sauce felt silt check and sell to pee process i don't think i got any of those spelt svelte check it's felt pre-processed preview process all right and we'll see if anything crashes but i think that should be everything i'm going to close some of these open tabs because i have a lot open and then i'm going to create a new folder here which i'm going to call components and this is where i'll basically stick the actual salt stuff so here i'll say hello world dot svelt and here i'm just gonna have a div that says actually let's do an h1 h1 hello and of course in svelte i can have scripts and here we're gonna put the language to typescript and actually let's just render hello and then we'll i'll show you a little bit of svelte if you've never done self before don't worry i'm going to show you stuff along the way and then in our hello world we need to import this felt component that we created and i never remember the syntax i'm just going to copy paste it it's in my extension swelled stuff pages and let's go sidebar paste that in and so our components we're just going to rename this so this is hello world dots felt um also if you go to extensions i believe i have a swelt extension you're going to want to grab yeah i do so download this extension svelte for vs code um version 102.8 is what it's on for me and i get this one instead of the intellisense one the intellisense one has more stars and more downloads but i believe this is the newer one okay so now that we have this and you notice again we're just importing these felt file here this is where we're going to put all of our logic now we just need to tell roll up to compile it and i have that command in the package.json here and compile is just going to be roll up c and i actually want roll up c with the watch flag and you'll notice i actually am going to install concurrently as well so this just allows us to run two commands at once so npm i do concurrently because we now not only need to run webpack we also need to run roll up so i'm going to copy this and put it here and you'll notice i need to escape the quotations because we're wrapping the single quotations and this is just the watch script so concurrently this is the first command it's going to run so roll up compile with watch mode and then the second command it's going to run is this and so these are both watch commands that are just going to run concurrently so we're going to compile the webpack and compile with rollup so again rollup is compiling the svelt stuff and webpack is compiling our extension itself all right so let's just run and peter one watch roll up oh did i literally not install roll up all right we'll do npm i dash d roll up and we'll run watch again all right see what i did wrong and vs to do ts config looked like it was it was going to the wrong config i want it so in my rollup.config.js i'm pointing it towards webviews tsconfig.json yeah this looks right oh that's right so i need to exclude that file so okay this is the error that we're getting notice how it says file helloworld.ts is not under the root directory so this is a typescript error that's complaining about um and basically what it's saying is our ts config here on the outer level should ignore all of our svelte typescript code so we just need to come into our ts config here and exclude it and that's because we already have a different typescript config that we're using inside of webviews all right so let's try this again all right compilation this looks like it's working now and i'm just going to shut down and reopen this window actually i'm not reopening is it not going to do anything because we actually now need to point it so you now you see how there's like a new folder called out and then compiled you should see a hello world.js and this is basically your compiled javascript code from the svelte so now we're going to go into our panel hello world panel and instead of pointing at media main we're going to point at out and then hello world and now i'm going to press f5 and launch this all right so now let's run our hello world and now this hello world should be coming from from uh svelt um actually that's the other thing we need to do inside of yeah our panel at the bottom i had like this h1 and this input we can get rid of that stuff we don't need anymore because we're now going to do that all through salt and if i look at this okay yeah i'm just it's targeting the document body so this is where svelte's going to start doing its thing is on this body element here just making sure is right all right let's refresh and see if that does its thing and i'm not saying anything so i'm gonna do my webview developer tool console unauthorized oh i totally forgot about this okay episode by default it's going to restrict what stuff you can load inside of your web view just for security purposes and if we scroll up i believe it's somewhere up here yeah see how it says it's right here where it says create a webview panel local resource routes and we can do media out compiled wait i i should be allowing it i think what i don't have is maybe oh the content security policy so i don't i think it's the content security policy that i need to update so if you're doing this on your own and you get an error make sure that you come to this section here i already have mine set up but in the webview create webview panel and local resource routes you have to allow each one so i have it allowed out compiled that's where mine is but if you put a different name or different path to your javascript code you're going to need out of here so just keep a note of that and then down here we need to update the content security policy to allow it and it's going to be a script source so we're going to add it right here i actually don't know if script source is where i'm supposed to put it i actually don't remember where you're supposed to put it let's just go copy from here all right so source sidebar provider will work fine and if i come down at the bottom here so all right this is my content security policy right here the default is api i don't need that wait this should just work what am i missing all right i figured out i'm just bad so what i did is i hovered over this and i was looking at the path and if you notice at the end there it says out slash hello world.js but it doesn't say the word compiled that's because i just forgot to put the word compiled so i was just the huge noob so it's down here at the bottom i just literally put the wrong path to the javascript file so it should be out slash compiled alright so now we'll reload this and we'll open the webview tools actually we don't even need to what am i doing hello world first so that's the other thing i should mention so it looks like it did work notice how i don't have a webview up right you can't actually open webview tools unless you have a webview open so make sure you have this up first before you do that all right so this is hello and this is from svelt so that's amazing so now let me show you what our iteration is going to look like so i've just saved this felt file since we have roll up right and watch mode here it already like recompiled it and stuck it in the folder here so all we need to do is come over here and run refresh is it not okay reload so reload web views press this wait did that not work actually no that doesn't work what am i talking about i always just click and reopen now you say hello world there you go now it pops up i forgot so so i i tested this a while ago and i forgot the reload webview wasn't working for me but i'm going to show you a hot tip to make this better and you just have a hot key all right let's set up that custom command to make our lives way easier basically all it's going to do is close this panel for us and then reopen it so we don't have to do that every single time we make a change just just a quality of life improvement you know so i'm going to go into the package.json and add a new command here which i'm going to call just refresh webview and i guess refresh web views now we'll just call it refresh and then here call it refresh and again i'm not sure if i like mentioned this before but the thing you put here should match here the only difference is you put this colon command in front so it loads all right so it's going to be refresh and then inside of our extension copy this paste it and we're going to say refresh and then we're going to say hello world panel and we're going to kill our panel and then we're going to recreate it creator show and pass in our extensionary all right so i have to reload this so the command loads but now what i can do so let's say i have this panel up right and i make a change so i now make this hello world three i can just now come here and i can run my command refresh and this is on vs to do refresh and you notice how it reloads and now we have a three here right very handy very easy to work now we can go a step further because maybe i'd like it to also open up the dev tools right for me i don't have to come in here and open web dev tools every single time that's really annoying so how can i make it do that well if i open web dev tools so this is actually a command that we can execute and if i click that little cog at the end there it'll actually take you to the keyboard shortcut and more importantly the name of it if you right click on this you can actually copy the command id all right so just just uh recap what i did is this is the command i'm interested in right and i just typed open web dev tools to get access to it and i hit the cog took me here and now i'm copying the command id and now i can tell vs code to execute that command here so i can say hello world panel dot sorry not that vs code so whenever you want to interact with vs code usually you use this vs code thing up here that you import so this code it's going to be under commands dot execute command and then you can just paste in that string and it's going to execute this command now if you hover over this you'll see that it's thenable that's the other thing i don't think i mentioned yet both typescript this is the return of this this function so let's just recap this real quick hover so i'm hovering over this to actually see the tooltip except it's not working there we go all right so here you can see the start of the parentheses that means this is the parameter one this is the rest of the parameters so you can see it takes a bunch of them if if you want to and then you see the colon this is the return type so that's how you break down the types for typescript there all right so this is going to open dev tools now the only thing is devtools only works when this panel is open and this creator show thing is not like instant and you'll see what i mean so if i reload this i actually don't think if i do my refresh see how it doesn't actually show it so what i did my code is i just did a set timeout and so this only um executes after it waits 500 milliseconds so i'll come over here and refresh and this pops up and now you see dev tools now pops up so just adding a little bit of a buffer it works now i don't want to come here and press you know this command every time i make a bloody change because that's still annoying right so what i like to do as well is add a key bind to that so again i came here and i hit the cog from the command palette and so now that i'm here i can add a keybind all i have to do is click here and personally what i like to key bind this to is alt and then r and you can see i already have an existing uh command that's fine wait come on yeah that's what i want there we go and this just makes my life real easy alt r and we're good to go so now the life cycle or how we're going to work here is i'm going to say hello 4 come over here alt r right add some more save the file alt4 changes and dev tools is up so that's going to be our workflow from here so get comfortable with that get a good keybind and then you're going to be able to iterate very quickly now creating full screen panels like we did with this hello one two three thing are great when you want to take over the entire screen but again the user can also split screen if they want to but a lot of times you just want to display a web view or just some custom content in the sidebar here so that's what we're going to focus on and do next in this tutorial is setting it up so we can display stuff here and have like a custom icon that we can click on so we're going to head on back to the sender on github and we're just going to copy a little bit of boilerplate again so at the extensions level we're going to start in the package.json and so we're going to be creating a new sidebar view and so we have to tell vs code that we're adding this so under contributes we're going to add a view container and a views so we're going to copy both of those and i'm going to go to the package.json and by the way i i don't didn't mention this if you just hit control command p this will bring up the palette and if you don't have a carrot so when you have the carrot you can do commands but if you get rid of the carrot these are all the files in your project and so i just typed package.json and hit enter and it takes me to that file so that's someone how i'm going to probably navigate a lot of times and so give that a try it's pretty handy if you don't use that already all right so i'm pasting that into my contributes here and so there's a few things we're going to swap out we can give this a custom name so i'm going to call this vs to do the title of this is going to be vs to do icon we're going to talk about it in a second but basically this can just be a custom svg and it can be whatever you want but we're going to come back to that the id here again i'm just going to pick something custom so vs to do and the name vs to do and vs to do here as well and then we just need to add an activation event i believe yep on view this and this is just so it initializes the view and the name here should match what we put here so copy paste all right so now we need to decide what we want the icon on the side to be so if you want to look kind of vs code like you may want to go to codicons all right so let's click this one so this has all the codecons for um vs code so these are all icons that they kind of use so i don't know if they have like a to do icon or maybe a list perfect so they have a checklist so maybe i'll use this checklist one so once i find the one that i want i just go to their github and i go to their source icons and i said i want a checklist i click on it and i just grab the svg here and i'm going to add this to the media folder and i'm going to call this checklist on svg and pop it in here um you can use any style svg but this will just blend in with the icons well since these are all coded cons as well all right so i'm going to go into my package.json just call this checklist svg and checklist svg so in both of these places icon here and icon here all right so after we have that we're going to go into our extension here extension.ts and we are going to initialize that view so we're going to grab that from oh we don't need codecons anymore so i'm going to go to extension source extension and the sender and we're going to copy this bit right here so lines 15 through 21 here and we're basically just creating a sidebar provider and then uh registering it here and i'm gonna paste it and i'm gonna get rid of this console.log i don't know why i didn't kill that before so we need to actually create our own sidebar provider here we just need to pass in the id so vs to do and the string here should match what you set in your package.json for the id all right and let's add the sidebar provider now all right so i'm gonna go to sidebar provider and copy the one i have from vasinder and we're gonna rip a few things out but this will give us a good base there's a little bit of boilerplate for creating this kind of like the other panel all right and we don't need anything but these two so get nuns and on the webview on receive message we don't need this all this stuff we can't remove for now i'm gonna keep like an on info one if i have that yeah i'm just gonna keep the on info and the on air those are nice ones to have and we're gonna talk more about receiving messages but basically all this does is it displays an information message or an error message if one comes from the web view and i'll show that a little bit later alright so here we have the same basically logic you'll notice how this looks very similar to the panel we're just creating we're again loading right css and javascript as well and uh actually did i write custom sidebar css oh you know what that's actually coming from svelte because felt can have css so i should show you guys that as well so we could have actually done this as well for the the side panel but we'll get into that so these let's group these together these two are basically our default css we're going to add to every webview that we create these two are specific to the webview so i'm going to just keep the name here i'm happy with this and i'm going to scroll down here we don't have an api based url yet we'll come back and add this later so i'm just going to i'm going to remove from default source all the way to this semicolon here and i can get rid of the script tag and now i'm happy with this i think this this looks good now i think i think we're just going to reload and just make sure that we see our icon on the left side it shouldn't actually run yet because we don't have the sidebar js and the sidebar css but i'm just going to reload the entire extension so again whenever i make a change to the view container of a center sidebar does not exist all views registered to it will be add to explore all right i i kept something with the word the sender in it oh it says it right here so this should be vs to do sidebar view is what i want this to be called and this is just in package.json that i'm making this change oh and i kept the sender here so this is my hello world panel i'll just change it to hello world i don't think that really matters does not register all of these russian verbal explorer i'm just going to reload it so actually i don't think it was a problem with that what is okay it works i actually have no idea why i was complaining about my previous name i feel like that should have worked all right but you can see it also has vs to do like a little tool tip and i can see my thing and if i click on it it looks like it crashes which makes sense because sidebar provider is not defined oh we didn't import it so back in mind i'm going to close this in my extension i actually didn't import this it's awkward no wonder it's crashing all right so command period by the way for to auto import that all right so now we can actually add signbar.js insidebar.css and we can start rendering some stuff there so all we're going to do is same thing so i'm in web views pages i'm going to create a sidebar dot ts and by the way uh capitalization matters here i'm going to just match it so i'm doing lowercase i know we did uppercase here but it's whatever i'm going to copy the hello world.ts i'm going to paste it in and i'm going to call this sidebar.spelt and create a sidebar dot svelt and we're just going to say hello i'm going to save that and please recompile dude oh i think i might have to just control c and run mp and run watch again to make sure it re-spits it out yes so again look in your out compiled you should have a sidebar.js file there now and there's not a css file there right now but if you add a style tag here and we'll just make the div color pink how about that all right css go did i break it oh there's not a plug-in that we need uh directly after number identify directly sidebar.css oh the webview broke i think i don't know what happened i'm going to refresh this do i need to have a script tag up here and it doesn't have it i don't think that's the problem i usually have a script tag up here and this is where we're going to do some spelt stuff as well i'm just going to control c and rebuild it i'm i'm assuming we're missing a plugin that we need okay so i figured out i got it all working now and sidebar.css is spitting out just fine so i was actually doing everything correctly uh we just have to downgrade our roll-up plug-ins felt and also i'm just matching my rolled version as well so these are the two versions that i'm using and they confirm work so if you don't get an error maybe just use the latest version but if you are getting an error try downgrading and these are the two versions that worked for me and it compiles just fine and now in my sidebar that's felt i changed it to red just to make sure that wasn't the problem but yeah it spits out a css file whenever we add styles here so awesome so now if i go back to my extension and i just reload it it should now actually load hello and it should be red um if you see that clock there that just means it's loading the extension takes a second for the webview to load nice so now i see it says hello and again you may want to set yourself up with a hotkey right if i make a change here i can close it and reopen it and then it reloads it here that's the quickest way if you just want to manually do it but what i like to do is go and update my little command here so you can either keep this if you're working on uh the panel and the side panel you can do both i'm gonna comment these out because i'm no longer working on the hello world panel so i'm just gonna remove that so on my refresh command what i wanted to do is basically close the sidebar and reopen the sidebar so if i look at this there's literally a command called close sidebar so i can click on the cog and i can right click and i can copy the command id and i can say await vs code.commands.executecommand and i can tell it to close the sidebar and i'm just going to make this function asynchronous and then i can tell it to open the sidebar and in this case bs to do i think it's actually just for us to do yep see how there's a view so here i put vs2 because that's why i named it whatever you named your extension you can search it here see how there's a view show via to do that's what i want so i'm gonna hit the cog copy that and this is what's gonna open the sidebar and we're gonna paste that in so close it and then reopen it so i'm just to reload this and we'll let that load and then when i push my hotkey again did i set it to alt 4 yeah i did okay cool so it closes reopens and opens step tools for me so let's make this blue for example and the watch command's going to recompile the css for me alt r and it's back and it's there so perfect we're basically all ready to just start developing on our sidebar with the webview here so i want to start out by starting with a basic to-do list example and just get you familiar with svelt so there's basically three parts to this html stuff that we put down here and then we're going to stick any kind of css styling between the style tags and any kind of like javascript logic we'll type script we're going to stick in the script tag up here so we're going to start by just creating an input field where we can add to-do's and i'm just going to create a variable up here to store the to-do's which is just going to be an array and i'm going to say const actually i'm going to say let so one thing i've noticed myself doing is just in uh svelte i tend to use let a lot in other languages or frameworks i can react i'll use cons kind of everywhere but with svelte you can just kind of mutate things like just real quick if i create a counter zero and let's say i want to display that counter same thing you can just do curly braces and then display the count and i want a button to increment on click you'll notice this is the syntax to do on click so it's on colon and then click i can just say count plus plus and what this is going to do is it's actually going to one increment the count but two cause the re-render and display this i don't know if people talk about re-render since felt but i think of it as a re-render so now if i come back over here alt-r wait bro where are you at did i stop my oh i stopped the compiler yarn you know i said i was using it's so hard for me not to use yarn i don't know why i promise to use mpm here i just kind of want to try it out you know all right so i made the color blue i'm gonna get rid of this for now all right so i'm gonna increment and you notice it just increases the number awesome so that's really handy so because of that i tend to use let because i tend to mutate things all right you can keep that example if you want i'm going to clean it out though i'm also going to have some text this is going to be the text for the input field so this is another really handy thing you can do in svelt is let's say i want the text value to equal it's in the input input field here i can just bind the value so bind value i put the text in here and so if i have text colon and i display the text whatever i type in this box is going to display right so hello and by the way i'm going to turn off my um open devtools for a second because i don't really need dev tools right now and it freaking unfocuses the window every single time it's kind of annoying me um and i'm just gonna have to hard reload for that to uh take effect and by the way i did that kind of quickly i just went to extension and uh commented out the set timeout part and the refresh command all right so yeah so every time i type you'll notice that these just match and that's because whatever i type in this input field now is binded to that variable here and then all i want to do like if i want to have a button here to reset the text i'm just going to on click and i set the text to an empty string okay so i'm typing i press reset and then you'll notice i changed that variable and now the input field is cleared so very nice all right so i'm now just going to make this a form and i'm going to read that stuff there a reason i'm making it form is just so you can easily hit enter and it will create a new to do and maybe what i'll do is i'll just create a pre tag for now and i'm gonna say json.stringify the to-do's and i'm gonna do null too um to do simplicity is type any what's wrong with that all right well i'm gonna create i guess my to-do type it's going to be an array it's going to have text which is a string and completed which is going to be a boolean all right so if you're new to typescript this is how you can declare your type so you just put a colon and the type and here i specified what type of type it is so it's an array and then i need to tell it what type of array and to do that you just put brackets and then you say what is inside of your array so i said there's an object inside my array with two keys text which is a string and completed which is a boolean all right so i'm just stringifying the to-do's and this just makes it look pretty down here we can see just a raw dump of the to-do's while we're doing this and then we'll build out the ui in a second all right so we can say on submit and uh we can get the event handler and i believe i can just call like prevent default here um but there's also like this this pipe syntax we can use and we can say prevent um default or something here i i'm not getting any auto completion so i actually don't know what the syntax for it is i don't know if you just uh put this let's see prevent default svelte event modifiers yep this is the exact thing i was going to show you show me you can just put it here which one is it stop propagation prevent default okay these are the list of all the modifiers that we can add so prevent defaults right um basically i believe these two are just equivalent so i could call e dot prevent default or i could just use this pipe operator and svelte all right so this is when our form is submitted the person just is hitting enter in the input and what i'm going to do is i'm first going to add an item to our to do's now normally i would just push on to the array button svelte it doesn't know that we mutated the to-do's array if we just push so what i like to do instead is just reassign every time we reassign like this svelte knows that we made an update so i'm going to say dot to do's by the way this is super annoying you see what i did there it said dot dot and then it takes the auto completion yeah you're just gonna have to live with that super annoying or maybe someone knows a fix let me know in the youtube comments if you do because uh that's absolutely killing me all right by the way to get around that i hit escape oh my gosh i messed it up so dot escape dot and because of environment really messes things up all right so i'm going to keep all the to do's and actually why don't we put our new to do at the beginning here so it's going to be a new object where the text is equal to whatever text is currently in the input field and then i'm going to say completed is false and then i want to clear the input field so i'm going to say text is an empty string after this right so come over here i'm gonna say one two three right so i just typed in input field and hit enter and you'll notice we just get a nice raw dump of the data here so you can see we are adding items to list and it looks nice so that's good so the next thing is just to render those as literal items so uh i guess make a ul tag and we'll put some lis so how do we loop and display information uh we don't need hello world to getting rid of that so enspelts they have these kind of hashtag things so we're gonna do a hashtag each and i believe so by the way how i did that is it was an autocompletion thing so if you go down to ha if you do hashtag with brackets around and then i push ctrl space just to trigger this and then the one with each is the one you want to press all right so we're going to say each to do's as to do so this is the name of the array that you want to iterate through and then this is this is like a for each loop basically and then here's the name of the the variable that you want to use in the for each loop so i'm gonna say li here um and we're gonna display it to do now you can also put a key man i think you just put key like in parentheses like that and maybe i'll just set the key to to do.text and that's going to be the text maybe we should be using unique ids i'm not going to worry about unique ids for this for now i'm just going to set the text so you type some unique text please all right so the li we have our list item there so one two three oh awkward so i didn't actually say to do dot text i just said to do and i believe you can also destructure there if you want to i'm not gonna try it though i'm just gonna say to do.txt all right nice all right so now we have some items great so next i want to be able to like click on these items and cross them out so i'm gonna add it on and click and how are we going to keep track of what's i guess we'll do it so actually um i think i can just do this i think i can just say to do dot completed is equal to not to do dot completed i don't know if this actually works but we're about to find out you notice how i didn't have to like look up the index and the array of the to do's i can just literally mutate this to do value i should probably wait and see if this works before i tell you how cool this is i really like doing things like this i think i did this a while ago and it worked so we're going to try it but basically this is just an element in the array and i want to change it so i do i just i just change it right here it's really nice convenient update all right so that's on the on click the only thing is nothing changes when we flip this so let's add a class so this is going to be like cross we'll call it complete so in css you got to put dot here if you want to target a class and uh it's called line style i believe lion style line style that exists right i thought i saw something style list style text style what is it called text decoration style probably i i forget line through css text decoration that's what it's called all right so it's tech decoration and we're going to say line through all right so now we just need to add the css class whenever completed is true so we could do like some kind of conditional but there's also a special felt syntax we can use so just to show you the basic example i could say to do dot completed and then we could say complete or we could have an empty string and by the way in svelte you just say class no class name or what i could do is i could put a colon here and put the name of my css class which is just complete in this case right and then i can put the variable here so when this is true this class will be applied and when it's false it will not be there so this is just like a short syntax for it all right so if i click this yep now we got a line through it now you we can appreciate how nice that syntax is i just mutated the to-do that i wanted to change there you are you have items that you can cross out all right i think that is a pretty good intro and just felt over some of the basics you got a little gist of how it works we're now going to layer some more complexity on top of this so a common thing that you may want to do is have your web view which is written in svelte communicate with your extension which can access all the vs code apis so for example i might want to show like a little pop-up or do any interaction with the editor that the user has up so how can we do that well we can actually send messages through svelt to the extension and that's what we're going to set up now so if you go over to the example that they have for the webview sample that we had at the very beginning we're going to copy a little bit of a code from that and really it's not that much if you just want to type it out but there's this special function we can call called acquire vs code api this is something that vs code gives us access to in web views and this gives us access to a vs code object which can give us different basically apis that we can use and the one we're going to be using is the post message method which just lets us send a message back to the extension all right so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to go to our sidebar provider and at the very bottom here i'm just going to add a new script tag do people put script tags and heads i actually don't even remember i'm gonna just stick mine here i've i've haven't like manually written the script tag in forever all right so basically we're just sticking this this line of code in a script tag a lot of nuns to it nuns and i don't think we need anything else now you can call it just vs code if you want to but i like to preface prefix it with tsps code just so i know that it's different because uh this vs code object does not have everything that this vs code object has right that we're using inside our extension they're two different things so i like to just prefix it with the ts all right so now i can actually access this ts vs code object in my cell code so in my sidebar here maybe at the bottom i want to add a button so i could come to their example and i could copy their little post message right and i was about to wait it i don't need to i'm just gonna put ts in front um so the command this is so this is what you actually pass in this post message is whatever you want this just happens to be like a standard practice is to put a command like what you're doing so the ones that i used if you go to the sidebar provider two ones that i use is on info and on air so on info what i'll do is i'll take the value that's passed in assuming they pass in a value and i will show an informational message or if it's an error i'll show an error message right okay so on here i would say on info and then value this would be the message for my think so info message and maybe i'm going to copy this button and have an error message so you can see what both look like um click me for error all right so this is going to be the on air command now you'll notice that we're actually getting like a red squiggly it says cannot find name ts vs code and that's because this is like a global variable that we kind of just injected into that right if we go into our sidebar prior we just randomly stuck it in a script tag here so we can't access it here but typescript doesn't know we can access it here so the let typescript know we're just going to create a new file here called globals.d.t.s so the name of this file doesn't really matter i just call it globals and then the dot dot ts is an extension i think the d stands for like declarations or something and so in files like this i will say declare module or actually it's i think it's like declare global or something like that and maybe i actually extend it i forget the syntax let me see what i used in the sender and so this is going to be in my extensions svelte stuff shared globals all right so no i just declared it global so i believe global is a special keyword i didn't know if i had to like extend it or something you can see here i actually have my const uh tsvs code and actually what i'm going to do is actually make this an object because i can actually declare this a better type than any and what did i call this okay it's called postmessage so inside of here i can say postmessage and this is going to be a function that is void and it's going to have a command which is a string and a value which is anything so now that we've created this global type here typescript should now be happy with us it's not happy with us i'm just going to hit command shift p and restart the typescript actually i guess it would be restarting the salt language server so let me try that and see if it and now likes it okay doesn't so this happened to me before as well and surprisingly enough i believe it was this import that that made typescript recognize things so i'm just going to stick that up you'll notice we're not actually using this anywhere but as soon as i put that import in it just works here uh by the way it's going to complain about it's not defined this is just a warning and i just ignore this there might be a way to disable this globally but i don't know what it is and i didn't bother to look it up so i'm just going to keep it like that but yeah notice as this import we're not using i'm not sure exactly why it works i assume i guess when we import maybe it knows that this file exists and didn't know this file exists before and maybe we could like include it in our ts config and it would work but whatever the import works so we'll just keep it all right so let's test this out now alright so if i say click me and click for error nothing's happening oh i'll tell you why nothing well actually no oh yes i'll tell you why nothing's happening um so remember so by the way i do this to myself all the time so remember how we just edited sidebar provider.ts right we added this so that means we have to do a full reload not a webview reload i always forget that basically if your code's not working you should probably just do full reload because you probably just forgot to do that all right so we press click me all right now we actually have problems let's open up our webview am i just being a noob so let's go to my sidebar provider let's see if we're getting a message oh wait okay so i call it data.type so that's what's going wrong probably so commands here is from theirs i'm going to rename this to type all right so my i just need to make sure that i was using right convention so i used a slightly different one and by the way a command click can actually take you where the definition of this is you can also right click and go to definition so that's why i just click to go here and i'm just going to rename the type or re-declare it or just change it because we didn't we're not using command all right so i'm going to reload this again and the this is can just do a webview reload i believe yep all right so we got an info message here can click for an error and there you go right so we can pass whatever information that we need to to the this part but this on did receive message is the the part that we can actually listen for these so here we can do any vs code commands that we need to do right there's a bunch of them and so this is how you would interact from the webview part so if the webview needs to tell the extension to do something that was how you do it now you may also want to do the inverse where you want to send information from your extension to your web view one use case that i've used for this before is let's say like i'm in my editor and maybe what i want to do is i want to copy you know a string or something in my code and i want to take that and stick it as a to-do like maybe in my code i wrote it to do you know do stuff and then i want to come here copy this and stick it here now obviously i could just copy paste this but there may for some reason be that you want to create something that sends information from here to here how do we do that well step number one is i guess setting up our command to do this so i'm going to close some of these tabs because we kind of have a lot in here so i'm going to create a new command in our package.json and i'm going to call this add to do and add to do from selection is actually how i'm going to do it so it's going to get the to-do from whatever i have highlighted here and then we just need to come up to our activation events and add this command add to do and then in our extension we need to initialize this new command so it's going to be add to do and just to verify we have this all hooked up i'm just going to console.log hello so i hit ctrl tilde and i'm going to go to the debug console and i should see hello here so i'm going to reload and this is a full reload because we changed the extension and now i'm going to say add to do from selection and it just says hello down here all right so that all wired up correctly um so the next thing is i want to get the selection of here so if i type vscode.window.activetext editor this is a item which can possibly be undefined if i hover over this i can see that so you usually want to do a check you know so i might destructure this and not color theme active text editor so if they don't have an active text editor maybe we just tell them a message and we return all right so if i come over here and i reload and i close my index file here and i try running this add to do from a selection it's going to say no active text editor right but if i close that and open this this is considered an active text editor and so it is fine now this has a ton of useful information on it if you click in you can see kind of information about the document including the current selection if i hover over this you'll notice this is really just a array or index so it tells you like from 0 to 7 or whatever so what we're going to do is we're going to say active text editor dot document and then here we can pass in a range or a selection and if you don't it just can give you the entire text of the document but i just want the selection and can selection be null nope looks like it's always going to have a value um and i we could have i was thinking about making a check here if the text is empty but i'm not even going to worry about that what i'll do is i'll just log the text to the window so i'm going to say text colon and then display the text right so i'm going to reload and we're going to hover and press it and we'll attack it actually didn't get my text i wonder if it like got rid of my selection as i was doing it all right so let me select again command shift p add to do from selection okay good i just kind of lost my selection i think it's because i was using vim and it messed up but you can see here's the text i got from the selection so coolio the next step would be to actually send this text to our web view right so now that we have something that we want to send to our webview let's send it so our sidebar provider up here sidebar provider and it's going to be view dot webview dot post message all right so this is a function that we can call to send a message and i actually can't remember if this has to be a string or not this must be a string or other json or other json serializable object all right let's send an object it's going to serialize it for us i think all right so the type of this is going to be a new to do and the value is going to be the text so now the only thing left to do is on the side in our web view we need to listen for the messages that this is going to send so that's going to be in our sidebar.svelt we don't need these buttons here but i'm going to leave them for now and so in our script tag up here i'm going to call the on mount function so this is a special function that's felt gives us you'll notice it auto imported from svelte as i was typing that and i hit enter on mount there and so this function gets called when the component first gets mounted so this is a good place to put listeners and that sort of thing so if i go back to the webview example i can see that there's a window add event listener at the bottom so i'm going to copy this bit and again this is from the vs code extension samples webview sample so you're probably going to keep this up we're going to have to copy a few things from here well actually not where this is all we need for this but maybe in the future all right so we have a message.command so in this case ours is going to be the type and it's going to be add to do and then we're just going to say to do's is equal to i'm going to add this to do so text is equal to message.value right because that's what i called it here value yep and completed is going to be false and i'm going to say dot to do's and i'm just gonna console.log the message to make sure it's the shape that i think it is and i put curly braces around this just so i could see that messages in the log and i think this looks pretty good let's try it out so i'm just going to do a full reload because i can't remember if i change the extension i'm going to open my sidebar i'm going to select some text and i'm going to add to do from selection um it did not work so why don't i toggle developer tools see the object all right so message it says new to do value wait this actually looks right it got the data it just didn't add it to do so i said to do's is equal to to do message dot value oh you know what i said add to do and i said new to do here i wreck myself every time with this all right i'm gonna get rid of that i think we're good with that and i think this will work now highlight and add to do from selection and nice i can see my tutor item here i can cross it off it's just like a regular to-do item now but there you go that is how you can actually send info from here or really just your extension to the web view and you can send stuff back and forth if you need to send a data there's one last thing i wanted to do here though is uh it's kind of annoying to like you know highlight and then go and run a command right so it would be nice there's just a button down here and well we can add a button down there and the way we do this is in our extension here um i guess we'll just add at the top i'm gonna say vs code dot ooh i think it's called window oh yeah it is it's create status bar item that's what it is and there's like a status bar alignment we're going to say on the right side so here we can say whether we want our button to be on the left or the right side i'm going to put mine on the right side and here we can set the text for the item so here i'm going to say uh add to do you can also add like a little icons let me show you what i'm using in the sender so i think i call it like status if i go to the file snippet status all right so you notice how you i did a dollar sign and then i put parentheses and then a name stick that here it'll actually add an icon if you want like a little icon in your bottom bar and how i knew what text to put here is this is just from codacon's so the vs code codecons and if you just go to their page you can pick whichever name you want so let's do a beaker because why not um and then what is the other item i think you just have to say whether your your snippet is uh shown as well i have to do dot show and the command as well so this is uh vs to do dot add to do did i prefix it with anything nope it's just like that um so what's going to happen is when i press the button down there it's going to execute this command and again you can choose whatever command you want to i'm just doing my ad to do here all right so let's reload this and see if we see a new item we'll give it a second it's going to load the extension and you can see my little beaker and it says add to do in the bottom right corner here all right so now i can select an item and i can just press this button and that's pretty nice right it executed the command and again i could wire that up to our hello world panel like i could click this and it opens a panel can do whatever we want to do but there you go that's how you can run commands from a button and send messages now everything we've done so far has been local to vs code so if i were to install this extension right now all the data would live basically on that person's computer but sometimes you want to interact with an api store stuff and database and be able to share with other users so that's what i'm going to show you next and we're going to do a little bit of back-end development set up a little api that we can interact with with our vs code extension and also show you how to do authentication let's say github so what i'm going to do is i'm going to come back to our project over here and i'm going to create a new folder where i'm going to put the code for this so i'm going to make a new directory here which i'm going to call vs to do api then what i'm going to do is instead of opening this up in a new vs code window i'm going to go file add folder to the workspace and i'm going to add vs to do api and the reason for that is i now just have these two projects open at once it just makes it really easy for me to switch back and forth so i'm going to close this and we're going to focus on setting up the api now all right so i'm a cd into the vs to do api and the first thing that i'm going to do while i'm in here is just run npm init with the dash y flag to say yes to everything and then let's install some things so first thing we're going to install is express we're using express server and you know already we're going to be using typescript so let's go ahead and install some dev dependencies typescript we're also going to install the types for node that's at types node let's also get node daemon while we're here and that's going to allow us to basically just restart our server as we are coding and what else do i want hyperscript oh yeah so i need a ts config so for typescript there's a configuration file to get that i'm going to use a utility that i made called ts config dot json so all you need to do is run mpx in front of that and it'll give you this prompt i'm going to press node and it'll stick a ts configure and in package.json i'm going to add two commands watch oh you know we didn't install the types for express2 so express npm i d at type slash express so if you've never worked with typescript before sometimes libraries are written in javascript and we want to use those libraries so for example express is written in javascript but we want typescript types and so to install those so we know like if something is string or is it an integer we can install a separate package here that gives us that info so that's why we're doing this all right so oh you know what i can't actually it's going to tell me that so if i save this here it's going to tell me this you know so i'm going to close out don't save the reason why i got that is because i saved i didn't save the file and i made changes to it and i did an npm install and it added this all right so the watch command is going to just run the typescript compiler with the watch flag and then the dev command is just going to run node daemon on dist slash index.js so i'm going to create a new file source index.ts and we're not going to worry about eslint for this so import express from express and we're going to say app is equal to express and we're going to be doing some async stuff so we might as well just start doing this right away and we'll make this asynchronous so this might look a little funny but what i did here is i made a anonymous function that's what this is here and i made that anonymous function call itself and you'll notice the anonymous function here is just uh written in parentheses now the reason i did that is because i can use the async keyword and i can do a weight in here and you may want to just rewrite this sometimes i do this if i'm looking to be really you know clear all right so you can use this if you just want to be super clear you made a main function and then you have stuff inside of it you can use the other one if you just want to look cool all right so i did app.listen here and i'm going to put this on port 3002 i think because i think i have something listing on 2001. all right so i'm going to just say console.log listening on 3002. and i'm going to say app.git and i'm just going to do slash and this is just going to be a hello world example to get working and we're going to say res.send hello so um if you've never used express before it's just a way to create a server so we just set up a little api or a server here that starts on port 3002 and if you go to the url locals 3002 slash and then nothing else it's going to send back some text in this case just a string hello all right so we are going to say yarn watch to compile this and this should create a dist folder let's go ahead and also create a dot get ignore and say dist uh so when we compile the typescript to javascript you don't actually need to put that into source control all right so rack is declared but its value is never read all right this thing right here so we're not using rec so you can just put an underscore or underscore rec and then it'll be happy and vs2 api so i just open a new uh window that way i can run yarndev as well so i have that and i don't think we need this anymore we're gonna go to locos 3002 slash and should say hello in your browser that means server started up it worked you're able to see it and uh the initial setup is good okay so i renamed my folders a little bit so if my sidebar looks a little bit different that's why i just have api and extension reason i'm doing that is i wanted to make them under like the same folder that way i could have a git repository that encompasses both but that's just a heads up you don't have to follow this you can just keep what you have i just want to let you know if it looks a little bit different on the side so the next thing i want to set up is to talk to a database we're going to be connecting to postgresql because that's my favorite database and it's a great database to use so if you have not already go ahead and install postgresql on your computer go to google figure it out and also create a database so i'm going to create mine right here i'm going to say create db and i'm going to call mine vs to do so do those two steps make sure poster sql is running on your computer and you've created db and then give it a name and then we're going to go from here so i'm going to cd into my api and we're going to install typeform this is going to allow us to make basically calls to our database we're going to be using pose aggress so we have to install the pg package and reflect metadata reflect metadata is something that typeform needs because it uses decorators and if i go into my ts config let me just make sure i think i have decorators on yeah so you need to make sure you have emit decorator metadata to true experimental decorator to true as well in your ts config and up here i'm going to import from typeform and also you may need to make sure to import from reflect metadata at the top all right so i'm going to say create connection now you're going to see why we put this in an async function because i want to await the create connection all right so the type of this i'm using postgres sql and also feel free to like swap this out with a different database we're not really going to be doing a lot of database things in this but i wanted to make this real so we are actually going to connect to one so we have that a few settings i'm going to set logging to true and what i'm actually going to do is create a constants folder and i like to just create a variable called prod and this will tell me if um we're currently in pratt or not so to to tell i'm going to look at an environment variable called node inf if that is set to production i know we're in production if you've never seen this before this is kind of a standard convention and node.js to pass in an environment variable called nodem to tell you if you are running in production so you can do things like this and so here i'm going to say if we're not in production i want to log and if we're non-production i also want to synchronize um the reason i'm turning off logging in prod is because as you're gonna see it actually will spit out logs for every single sql command and it can be a little much sometimes um so depending on what you're set up you may want to keep that on prod but i'd like to turn it off personally um in synchronize this is going to make sure that our database has all the tables and it's going to actually create it based on what our models look like and it'll make more sense in a second if you've never done this before um specify database name vs to do and then you need to create a user if you haven't my username is just postgres and i actually don't even need to set it i believe my password is also postgres um i actually don't know if this works or not i don't even have to set a username and password it just works but you may need to add those two keys if you create a user and you set a username password you can pass it in there all right i'm going to specify entities and for this i'm going to just pass in a door name and we're going to create a folder for this called entities and i'm going to create a new one here user.ts so each entity basically corresponds to a table in our database and actually i was going to set this up so it gets the path but you know why not we'll do we'll do it reason why it's sometimes it's a little sketchy because sometimes path is a little jank on everyone's computer all right so i'm going to import join from a path dur name is a special variable that will get us the absolute path to where we are where we run this basically so it's going to take us all the way to index.tsc is how i think about it but if it's running in a dist folder it'll take us all the way to here all right so this is like a good one to use and then we're going to join this and we're going to tell it dot slash entities and then we're going to say star dot star and this will get all javascript and typescript files that way i probably could just do this and i could also just do this because we're compiling but i like to do this because why not all right and join just takes these two paths and mashes it together and gets it to work on like windows and all the things all right so that's gonna create a connection let's go ahead and set up our first table so i'm gonna say at entity and i like to extend a base entity this just allows us to do some uh user.find and i can just run these commands and create it's very handy let's make a primary column primary generated it's just going to be an id it's going to be a number and export this and for now let's just add just one column it's going to be a text column and it's going to be their name which is going to be a string all right so if i come over here this is my logs for my server i just had my node daemon continue to run and you can see this is a logging for it now this junk right here it spits out a lot of stuff that's just because it's synchronizing and you can actually see at the very bottom it creates a table for us after it's done synchronizing the logging makes more sense so for example i can say user dot create um let's create a new user here and his name is going to be bob and we're going to save it and we can console.log the user that we create just to verify everything's working and it automatically restarted for me i can see how it inserted a user in and it gave me a user back and i could see the object right and gave an id of one and his name is bob all right so our database is set up we're able to connect to it from node.js using typewarm and now we can do things like this so we can set up the rest of our api now next we're going to be adding the logic so users can log in with github using oauth and to help us out with this we're going to be using a library called passport and specifically this passport github package here which also uses passport so i'm going to go ahead and install this library i'm going to control c out of the dev for just a second and we'll come back to it and then we also need to install passport itself so do npmi passport github and passport and then we're just going to copy their example this just makes our life really easy to set up so copy this bit and if you just google passport github and go to the readme that's what i'm on there and i like to switch instead of using var switch it to import syntax and you can see it says dot strategy there so this should really be strategy but if i hover over this it says cannot find decoration file so this is one of the cases where this library was written in javascript and since we're using typescript we don't know what the typescript types are so what we can do is this command right here copy it now this doesn't always work but in this particular case i i know that passport has types and also while we're at it i think we can install passport types too so npmi dash save dev by the way big d is equal to this flag those are both equal um yeah so we have those two types so now it's barking at us because this github strategy is not something that we can actually import here it's actually called strategy but i can use the as keyword and then a new name here so this is me importing strategy but i renamed it to get up strategy all right passport so we actually i don't know if they're gonna have the passport logic here no they're not so we're just gonna have to go to passport passport github and this is the one and this is what we need to set up so we're using express it's gonna add a middleware and we're gonna say passport initialize we're not using sessions so we don't need to do that part just this one all right so express down here oh we need to do should we do chords right now no i'm going to wait and show you how to handle coors errors in a second is what i'll do so import passport from passport um i actually forget if we have to like create a passport instance or if it's just the global it looks like it's just global passport initialize i also had to deal with serializing the user i feel like i needed to add that last time i did this so i'm going to copy this passport.serialize user um at least let me just go to my vicinder and make sure if i did that or not i'm just going to search for serialize yep add my serialized user passport serialize user and we'll copy this bit it's the same thing i had before i just wanted to verify that it was so i think i did was in the original example i'm gonna have it be user.access token is how you use a string and serialize just means we're gonna pass an object for the user and we need to turn to a string and so to turn into a string we pass it uh we're gonna pass in an access token so that's gonna be what we turn to a string and this is just the callback looks like i made the type any what's the type if i don't set it to any oh it's unknown okay so yeah we need to do that i'm just going to set it to any that's fine uh and actually why don't we set this above i'm not sure if i need to do that above initialize i probably do and we're gonna copy this part here and stick it down here all right so we need to get a github client id and a github client secret so to get those things if you go to github and you click on your profile and then go to settings and all the way at the bottom there's going to be developer settings oauth apps and here you can add a new oauth app so you can see i have something here create a new one and i'm going to call this vs to do and for the home page this really doesn't matter this is only for the purposes of users what you want to show them i'm going to set mine to just localhost 3002 for now um application description again doesn't matter at this point and uh callback yuri i'm going to copy this part and there should be low cost by the way this is totally fine to have as localhost it's going to work but whenever you go into production you're just going to want to make sure you come back and change this or what you might want to do is create two oauth applications that's what i've done like vs to do dev and then another one for prod okay but this is right and this path is important we're going to be using that path in a second so register all right this is my client and now i'm gonna generate new client secret hopefully this doesn't show on screen okay so i just copied my secret to my clipboard and now what i'm going to do is i'm going to create a dot m file this is uh basically a standard a good practice to store secrets so i'm also adding the git ignore m.m so this you do not want to show on github and what i'm going to put here is this github client secret and then i'm going to paste my value i'm not going to paste in front of you because then you would see the value but something like that github client id all right so it's going to look like this i'm going to go paste in the real values so yours should look like this and you paste in the real values here and what i like to do is create an example of this example so what i'll do is i'll actually come over here and i will just paste in the dot example all the environment variables that we're using in this case we're just using these two and this is something that i will push to get and that the reason i'm doing this is anyone who uses the project knows all the environment variables that need to be added now we need to do one last thing to be able to load in those environment variables and access them here um so to do that i like to use a library called dot m safe dot m safe just is gonna read the example file and make sure that they're all defined and then i'm just going to require dot m safe and dot config and i like to add this at the top and this is where the environment variables are going to be loaded and i also like to actually use a little so right now if i do process.m dot i don't get auto completion it doesn't tell me what environment variables i have access to so what i can actually do is run this command called mpx gen inf types and uh these are the flags i actually don't know if i think my things will just go by default i forgot honestly how i coded this let's see if this works you might just be able to say mpx gen and types.m yeah it does that by default nice actually i don't like it because i want it to be inside my source folder so actually never mind yeah i'm gonna do like this so i'm gonna create a types folder inside my source so this is a little cli tool that i made that basically it's gonna read your environment file and then generate typescript types for it and so yeah use these flags right here these are the good ones and we'll rerun it um refresh oh yes here we go so i'm gonna delete this m.t.s so when that's done running it should have added something that looks like this and now the reason why we do that we get a client id right process m dot client secret now we get auto completion and it knows it's defined it's a string all right so this is going to be localhost and uh this callback url should match whatever we gave github by the way and there's one last part to passport we did this and this is the thing so we're gonna have a call back and also what url they go to so we'll paste those in so now when i go to slash auth github that is how i initiate the user to log in with github and then this part here this is what's going to be called after the user's successfully you know logged in and it's called back so this part needs to match this up here and it does i'm not going to worry about a failure redirect because we don't really have a really a website all i'm going to say here is i'm going to rez that i'm going to send and i'm going to say here like you logged in correctly um oops and i'm gonna underscore that uh by the way underscore is just kind of a convention the typescript knows that this is not used so now if we come up here to our function we need to fill this part out as well so what we're going to be doing is github is going to give us a lot of information and you're going to see that information in our log so i'm just going to log the profile there and here we can say null we did not get an error and this callback is what we we call whenever we're done with whatever we want to do in this function we're actually going to create a user but not yet i just want to show you what this logs first um so we're going to call the callback and then the second part is any info that we want to pass to our callback here so what i actually like to pass in is an access token and a refresh token we're actually not going to use the access in the refresh tokens there so you can ignore those and i'll just make them underscores we're going to create our own access token and our own refresh token now if you wanted to make commands on a behalf of the user using the access token and the refresh token you could but personally for this project we're not we're just using github to actually verify their user and they can log in all right so we're gonna give this a save so now in my browser when i go here it's gonna ask me to log in with github all right so actually let me make sure i have the server started so npm run dev all right it's got a little close 3002 slash auth github and you'll notice like it redirected me if you look at the url i'm now logging in with oauth at so this is good so far and then i can authorize it with my github account now i'm already logged in with github so didn't ask me but if you're not logged in you'll have to log in alright so i'm gonna authorize and it's gonna take me back dude it failed to serialize the user into the session what tech is that about um maybe it's because i didn't say session is false that's probably what it is i feel like there's a session maybe here no oh oh maybe initialize i have to say session is false i feel like there's some place i put i was not using a session maybe it's on authenticate by the way what i'm doing right now is i'm i'm literally just hitting control space on each one until i see the key that i want this is it false i'm like five percent sure that's what the maybe it's here as well session false because i have the serialized user code here and this access token is an empty string that's maybe actually it wants me to put a real value there that one of those things could be it um also i can remove the code where we create a user in the logs comment that out all right now let's try that again all right off github so you notice like it just instantly we didn't go to that intermediate screen it just says you logged in correctly one that means it worked number two that's just how oauth works so if i've already authorized the app i don't have to do it again if you open up the logs for your server unit should now see like a giant object with a bunch of fields in it this is data on the user who just logged in with github so now we want to take this information and depending on your application you may save all of it or you may just save some of it depending on what you care about and so we are going to do that and that's how we know who the current user is is by this information so what we do is we're actually going to put some logic right here where we put our console log so we're going to be using profile dot id this is how we're going to tell if this user already exists in our database because the user is going to press login with github if they've never used their application before or if they're coming back for a second time and so we don't want to just say user.create right and create a new user every single time we want to check if it exists and i also by the way again i just command clicked i did that very quick to come over here because i want to add a new field which i'm going to call github id and one thing you may want to add is a unique constraint just to verify no funny business is going on and this should be unique across your users so what i'll do here is i will create a user but i'll only create it if it doesn't already exist so i'm going to say const user is equal to and actually i'm going to let it and you'll see why i do that in a second and we're going to say user.find1 and we're going to say where the github id is equal to so we're going to first check if the user is already in our database if they are we might want to update the user right so the profile information might be fresher so what we can do is we can say user or we just say user.update and we can update the information or if we want to we can use typeforms just is equal to profile.displayname and we can say so there's two different syntaxes you can use for typeform to save the data so this is just us updating the name so in case the display name changes on github when the user logs in with github next we will get that value otherwise what we want to do is the user is never logged in before right this is their first time so what we want to do is create that user so we're going to wait user.create the name is going to be profile.displayname now display name can sometimes be null so you may want to come to our user and make this noble all right so then down here i can delete this stuff we're not going to worry about i'm going to keep this simple and just have an access token and we're going to make this asynchronous so i'm going to create an access token for the user and we're going to pass it here so to do this i'm going to make it a jwt so i'm going to install json web token this is a library that's just going to have the functions and i'm going to install the types for it because i already know that this one needs it and then also just going to restart dev server and i'm going to import sign from json web token and actually this is actually kind of the syntax i prefer let's do jwt from json web token and we'll say jwt sign so first is going to be anything you want to store in the token we're going to store the user id which is just user to id and then we're going to have a secret i'm just going to put a random string here and then lastly how long you want to last for i'm going to say this expires in one year so uh this part right here you may want to add as an environment variable and actually i would suggest you doing that i'm just going to hard code it here because i'm too lazy to go open up my.m and then edit it out so that's i'm just going to hard code a random value here all right so we have the callback here and then if i come down to my callback here in the request it's actually going to stick on the user and why don't i just res.send so i'm going to just send back what the request.user is and what you'll notice is it's actually going to be this thing right here so it's going to be an object and the access token is going to be assigned jwt so let's go over here and just authorize with github again is it down is down what did i do wrong column github of relation user contains null values okay so what happened is i added a column here that i said that is unique and has to exist and it's a github id right but i already have users in my database so i have a couple choices i can drop my database i can and actually there is drop schema i'm going to say it's true that's actually going to be the fastest and then it's working and i'm going to delete that now because i don't want to drop the data every single time and basically that just deleted all the users from the database and all data from the database okay so now i'm going to come here run this and let's do it and just let you know let's do a thing and it crashed no value in the column github oh so in user.create the github id we need to set that as well so that's just going to be the github id is going to be the profile id here all right let's try it again nice so i can see i have an object back and i have the access token now by the way i'm currently using a extension to make this look pretty i think it's just called like json format or something on chrome so yours may look a little bit different if you don't have anything for this but i would suggest installing something if not all right so the last step of this is instead of just sending it just to the browser to show the user their token because they don't actually care is to actually send this or redirect this back to the user by the way this is going to be access token that's the value we need the typescript types are a little off for this so i just i just do any on that so normally if we're just working with a website we would redirect back to where that website is located but because we're authenticating with an extension the extension is actually going to have to start up a server that we can send it to and so i'm going to start up that server on localhost 54321 and this is something that will stay the same even in production because what's going to happen is the extension is actually going to start up a server on the person's local computer and then it's going to send the token there so this is correct even in prod by the way and here i'm just going to say slash auth and i'm going to stick this access token and we'll do that save so now if i come here right it's going to at the very end of the process it's going to say site not reached that's expected it's going to redirect us to localhost 54321 off and it's gonna have our token in there so what we need to set up next is on the extension side to actually read this token so i have the package.json open for our extension and the first thing that we're gonna do is add a new command and we're going to create a on not on but a authenticate command now this is technically kind of optional but i like to do this just in case someone wants to re-authenticate using a command and they can call this and also it's just good for testing so we're going to add that and again we just have to come down here and tell vs code that we're adding that and what the items here should be so this should be authenticate and i just call it authenticate here as well for the title and then in our extension let's go ahead and add one let's copy paste this one here and i'm going to actually create a new file to put the authentication logic because there's kind of a tiny bit of it authenticate dot ts and uh for now we'll just say console.log called and we'll call authenticate here all right so let me just make sure i have my thing still running go to my extension and run yarn watch i turned it off at some point and then i'm just going to rerun my press f5 to launch this and it's this one here i think if i move my vs.vs code up to the top level it won't ask me so if you put all of your folders in the top level folder like i did what you can do is you can move this dot vs code folder up to the top actually i'm not going to do it right now because i think i also have to like fix the paths um for this so i'm not going to worry about it for now but note that's something you could do if you want to go down that path all right so what's going on here engines is mandatory but must be type object um we'll deal with that later alright so i'm going to run authenticate and if i come to debug it's called perfect all right so step one and authenticate is going to actually send us to our api and take us to that url that we were clicking right so in our browser when we were going to 3002 slash auth github right this was step one to launch so we're gonna do that same thing from vs code so what we can do is we can import from vs code move this over um is it command execute command vs um and then we are going to pass a ure for this vscode.yuri.parse and then a url so this is the syntax the tell vs code to open up a url basically so we call execute command and then we say vs code open and then here we are going to pass a url and notice we have to parse it this is just how vs code handles different urls you have to uri.parse on it because you can actually pass different things than just urls here but urls is the only thing i've actually ever used now i can just paste in my oh i thought i had pasted the euro from here i can just paste it in like this and this will work perfectly fine but one thing that i like to do is create a constants file and do an api based url create a variable called api base url the reason being is later down the line like when i go to production i may want to change what this value is and so it makes it very easy to have one location for this all right so then i'm going to put api base url here and we'll save this as well all right so if i come back over here and i reload this and i do authenticate so you notice it took me one back to my browser and then also you'll notice how it took us to the redirect so that's perfect now we need to actually listen for this redirect and get the token from it and by the way this is one reason why i usually like to use sessions but for this it's not easy to use a cookie slash i'm not sure if you can even use a cookie at all to get this to work we need to pass the token in the url like this so jwts are just a little bit simpler in this case so that's why i'm using that by the way but so yeah so we just need to listen for this and you may have been like prompted to accept something when it asks you about uh authenticating like hey are you okay opening up this url that happens the first time and then after the user says okay it doesn't ask anymore all right so let's go back over to our code mine's over here so how do we actually listen for that url well what we're going to do is we're actually going to start up a server and listen for a request now usually i would use express for this but since we're using webpack to compile or bundle everything it was not trivial slash i didn't know what setting i needed to add to get to play nice with webpack so i just switched to a library called polka so i'm going to import polka from polka and it's basically just a lightweight version of express there's really no reason for us to use express in this anyway since um we're only doing a very simple server we don't need any middleware or anything like that so i'm gonna install polka here actually not here in my api no my extension um let's just pull up the docs for polka while that's loading so this is what i'm talking about here and you'll notice these syntax is very similar to express so if you use express before polka is going to be very intuitive and let's install the types as well copy this all right so i and i actually like to initiate the polka server before i um open the url just to make sure it's all ready and is it not happy default export i'm just going to tour to our ts config over here and add default allow synthetic default imports to true um i'm thinking that might fix it it did cool that just allows you to import it like this and i like using this syntax all right so we're going to say app is polka um and at the very end here we are going to listen for five four three two one right so you'll notice this is the port that we are redirecting to all right so what we're going to do here is if we got an error we are going to display the error message so window dot show error message on air dot message otherwise after we start up the server we are going to send them and complete the auth process um error has to type any okay all right so here we're going to say git and the url we specified and if i go back because i i did forget and where are we redirecting i called it slash auth and then we're gonna have an access token okay so slash auth slash colon token all right so i can get the um so you notice i put a colon here colons are variables so this path can take any value and it's going to store it in a variable called token for us so if i say rec.prams prams is going to be an object that we can destructure and get the token and notice the names line up now if we do not get a token for some reason we can just return but we can say res.end and we say something went wrong and you notice i'm just sending some html back to the browser since they're in the browser um and then here i'm just going to console.log and see if we get a token and then i'm going to say res.end auth was successful you can close this now and yeah let's go ahead and reload this and test that out so if this works what's gonna happen is we should actually see some html authenticate result in error running contributed command authenticate failed running they can oh my authenticate command failed i thought my servers failed to start up i'm just gonna do a hard reload because i'm not thinking that should crash we don't need that okay authenticate are you serious oh there's probably an error happening in here going to try catch it and then my console log the value because it wasn't giving me like a stack trace or anything so let's go to debug console all right this is perfect so polka dot default is not a function oh what does it want me to import it like this we'll reload up yep now it's working so i guess i needed to do different syntax and i thought my ts config maybe i have to do like uh yes module interrupt true to be able to get that to work but anyway we got it working so i'm not going to touch this part and that's good but yeah you'll notice how i redirect this back to rh1 and said auth was successful and if i look at my debug console i actually see a token here so the idea is if i yep in our in our code right here we now can use this token and save it and this is how we know who the current user is we're going to keep this token so this is how we do the authentication process so in vs code the way that you actually store tokens or persist data if is in this thing called global state and you have to access global state by this context variable here um and here i can set and update items so what i like to do is actually create like a little class here called token manager and this is just basically going to have a global reference to this that way i can access it anywhere here we're going to create a static reference which is going to be global state and if i hover over this we can get the type so since we're using typescript i have to specify what the type of this field is and i don't know what the type of this field is so what i do is i just hover over here because i know this is what it is and i can copy it extension global state is a vs code memento and this okay um we're not even going to be using set keys for sync so i'm just going to copy this part and we can import vs code or maybe not and then the idea is i just say token manager and import it of course global state is equal to that and then i'm gonna have some functions here like set token and it's gonna be a string and here we will update and i'll return this and here i can say token vs to do token and i think there's like a special thing for the keys that they can't have like special characters or something if you put like some crazy stuff in there like that it'll it'll warn you or something and tell you what you can use i'm just going to use this as my key and maybe let's put it into a constant variable and then we're going to set the value which is going to be token and we'll create a getter for this and perfect so now we can just use this token manager wherever we need to set and get tokens so in my authenticate over here i'm just going to say tokenmanager.settoken and pass in the token and i'm going to wait the response and the other thing that i like to do is after res.end happens and we send this this stuff we're not expecting any more requests to this so we can actually close this so we can close it by saying app.server dot close now the typescript type is actually wrong for this so it says server doesn't exist on type polka but it actually does so i can just cast it to any here and this should work all right so i guess let's try this token manager thing and what i will do is just at the beginning when we activate and get token i believe okay yeah let's specify that this returns a string as get a promise stringer undefined is not assignable to type okay so if the key doesn't exist it can also return undefined so that's why i'm having to do this if you're new to typescript this pipe is an or so this value can either be a string or undefined and this specifies what this method returns so i'm saying that it returns that and it couldn't infer it because vs code doesn't know what we get we might store there so i guess you could store more than just strings personally i've only stored strings in there but note this returns a promise update is a promise git is synchronous all right so i'm gonna open up the debugger i'm gonna reload my extension and while i was expecting it to tell me that token value is empty let's clear this and reload again wait why why isn't it showing my console log i don't get it it's not calling this for some reason all right well let me put this in my hello world oh you know what let me just verify that it's recompiling it maybe it's not recompiling in the watch flag no it wasn't recompiling i have no idea why the console log wasn't showing up so i'm just going to stick it in my vs to do hello world command i'm going to comment out this create show panel and instead let's just show a little pop-up and we'll do a plus sign here so i'm just going to display the tip what the token value is in a window all right so we'll reload and i'm going to say hello world all right so cool so the token value is currently undefined so now let's authenticate it was successful i can close the window now and notice how when i call hello a second time it actually has our jwt in there and the beauty of this if i reload the extension and i call hello world the token should still be there and sure enough it is there so we now have a token stored on the user and it's going to persist as the user closes vs code and reopens it and so this token is what we will use to make sure the user is authenticated and every request we send to our api now is also going to send this token so that's what we're going to set up next so back at the index file for api we're going to be adding a new route now that we know or can store a token on the user we can use that token send it to our api to get the current user or do any kind of authentication that we need to or like create authenticated routes so we're going to start off with a simple one here called a me route and the purpose of this route is for us to be able to call it and then get the current user so what we're going to do is send the token that we get in a header so here i'm going to say token is equal to rec dot headers dot get actually we don't have do dot yet we can just say dot and i'm going to say authorization now the standard format for the authorization header is something like this it'll say bearer and then i'll have the token value like that so what we're going to do is here we're going to say auth header if we don't get an off header we can send back a null user and here this is the token is going to be the auth header and we are just going to split by space and uh you'll notice it automatically did a question mark that's because i forgot to put a return value here and now we don't need the question mark because we know that this is going to be defined and this is going to be the second value so first index and again if there's not a token we can return a null user otherwise if we have a token we now want to do something like this user.find1 and pass in the id of the user so and we also need to make this async so how do we know the id for the user well because we have this token what we can do is we can get the payload from it so we can say try catch and reason why we're doing a try catch is because the jwt verify function will throw an error if the token is not valid so in that case we can also return a null user here and then here we're going to pass in the token uh the secret so the secret is whatever we used the string that we passed into our wt sign now i went and put this in environment variable while you guys weren't looking so i was a good programmer so go ahead and take whatever you chose to put here for the secret down here as well um and then i don't think there's really any options you need to pass in here for at least verify for us and we're going to get the user id from that because that's what we stored inside of our token right here user id and actually usually how i do this is that's going to be the payload and we'll say let user id is equal to payload.userid and uh if you just hover over this you can see it's a string or an object i'm just going to cast it to any or not cast it i'm just gonna say it's type any all right so here i can do one last if check if i want if for some reason we did not get a user id again we can return no user otherwise we can look up the user and return them here res.send the user all right so this route is complete so we can now call this sending in a header with our token and it should return the current user so if i go to my svelt code and uh let's do sidebar by the way i don't know if i mentioned this i probably did i just did command space and then start typing to uh come over here to the sidebar component all right so in in here now i want to fetch the current user and just like display them right so i want to call that me route now in svelt you can just add fetch you can just use fetch like this and i like to stick it in on mount now there is some stuff i've seen where you can actually just store a promise and deal with that and load it there's like a special syntax but i've actually found that it's less helpful when your application gets more complex and it's better to just do something like this where you set loading equal to actually true by default and then when you're done fetching you send set loading to false and we're going to put this down here i want to set the window event listener first so this is going to make async and here we're going to say oops so i could just hard code http logos 3000 to and put the mirror out but this is a case where i'd really like to use the constant api based url that i have right here so what i'm going to do is in my sidebar provider actually just pass that in so you see how we are just passed a global tsvs code here we could do the same thing for like the apa bc the api base url there we go and i just want to make sure i spell it correctly i did sorry i've just been like slurring my words for the past like two seconds here all right and we're going to say json.stringify and we're going to import this a reason why we do json stringify is just to escape this and put quotations around it to pass it to this value now we can also enter pages actually not pages globals add api base url as a string uh reason for this is that we know that this is owns it's going to be const as well that way we can access this like if i didn't add this if i tried to access the api base url you'll notice how there's no auto completion it doesn't know it exists but as soon as i add that api base url is a thing all right and we're just going to do this so we're going to await the response and this should give us a user and we will await that as well and actually why don't we just we'll say data because what i'm going to do is i'm going to say user up here is null and say oops user is equal to data dot user all right so after we have fetched this wait back should be capitals there we're just updating the state here and this will re-render with the values so now down here in my to-do's and all this stuff what i can do is i can add an if statement so to conditionally render so if you do hashtag if and svelt i can say if loading and then this is how you do if statements you do this slash if down here with brackets so if we're loading maybe we just say div loading dot dot dot else actually i think it's just colon yep not else else if we have a user then display a pre tag and let's display the user user has implicit titan type any so why don't we say it is either null and i think this is everything on our user a name and just an id um otherwise no user is logged in so these are the three states that we can possibly be in now if i were to run this code right now it's always going to return null so if i reload open this up okay loading wait is it crashing oh you know what it is crashing all right so if i go to my webview developer tools all right yeah we actually have two errors here so we have a chorus error which actually i wasn't expecting us to hit the coors air yet um i think so maybe after we get rid of this coors error we're gonna get another error after this but let's fix cores first so access to fetch hbo closed from origin has been blocked by course policy no access control allow origin alright so on our api we are going to install two packages well one package cores and then the types for cores so npmi with the d flag types course and then let's go over to the index file over here and we're going to import course from course and by the way i switched to the index in our api and all we're going to do is in our app we're going to say app.use course and we're going to set the origin to localhost wait what am i doing what is going to be the local host origin access to fetch like this is a vs code extension oh is this literally what i set the course to oh you know what i don't even know what i would set the course value to i'm just going to put a star i'm guessing this is the origin it does say from origin and it gives me it right here all right so if you want to just do your vs code extension i guess you could do this and copy this value here i actually have not tried this i think in all of mine i've just done core star for vs code extensions so that's what i'm gonna set here all right so let's make sure that reloaded i think it should and this is my api logs good listing on 3002. i'm going to control r to reload and yep looks good now all right so it says no user is logged in which is expected and even though i am logged in technically right the reason why it thinks i'm not logged in is because i did not pass in an authorization header right so headers authorization and here i need to put bearer and i need to put my jwt right here to get the current user and again i can put a bad value right and that's still going to tell me i'm not logged in right user not logged in i need a good token to pass in here so where am i getting my token from well we have the access to that token one possible way you can do this and i've done before is just pass it in here access token is equal to json.stringify and pass in the tokenmanager i get token so this works and i can again add a global access token which is a string and i can pass my access token there and now if i reload this oh we'd be crashing i was not expecting that access token is not defined axis token oh so you notice how i just reloaded my web view but i didn't reload the extension because i made a change in sidebar provider that's the extension so i need to do a full reload okay and now i should expect a user nice there i am also there's my github id nice now for the first version of my vs code extensions this is actually how i passed in the access token but i don't do it like this anymore and the reason is is it's hard coding the token here and this value never changes right and what i really want to be able to do is be able to get the current version from token manager whenever i need an application because what i ran into is you'd be able to log out and if you log in again you really need to be able to reset this token and whatnot and uh it's not easy if you do it like this i could set let but there's going to be some some problems that you run into so to avoid this headache basically and just i just don't do it this way instead what i do is in the sidebar i'm going to send a message to my vs code extension telling it that i want some tokens and basically i just store the access token as a variable so access token is equal to an empty string like that so i'm going to get rid of it at this global context and just store it in a sfelt variable all right so i'm going to say vs code or ts vs code dot post message type git token and that's actually all i need so this is just me sending a message to the extension telling it that i want its token and then what i do is i'm going to make a new case to listen for token and what this will give me is message.value is going to be the token and then what i could do is i can set my axis token is equal to that i don't know why i made this uh intermediate token here we're going to do it like that and then also what i can do is uh this token that i get here is kind of i'll initially fetch the user as well so i'm gonna put this logic here and we will get rid of nope this looks good i think it's mad at me because i didn't set a value so if i go to my globals over here i'm going to say value can sometimes be undefined wait doesn't like my question mark or undefined wait why is it acting like that all right i don't know why ts typescript is acting like that i'll just pass in a value of undefined and it can be happy with itself all right so let's finish this up so this is going to be async that way i can do this here alright so i trigger git token i need to actually add this on the extension side but the gist of it is i'm telling it to get me a token once it sends me the token back then i'm going to fetch the user and display the user like this so now over here i can remove this access token variable that we're passing in and instead listen on this so here it says get token that's what i used right um yep get token and here i'm just going to then send a message back so webview.webview.postmessage and how did i structure this again this is going to be type and then the value is the token so type token and the value is going to be tokenmanager.gettoken all right and it's going to pass the value to the access token and then we're going to use the access token to fetch the user this looks good all right so let's give this a try and make sure everything is wired up correctly again let me just go over this one more time of how this is working so when our svelte component mounts for the first time is going to send a post message to our extension and uh it's going to pass in the type git token that's going to come over here and it's going to receive the message git token it's then going to send a message back to the web view passing in the current token from the token manager and this should be then called it should be listening for it and it should fetch the current user with the current token and notice with the setup we can now call git token whenever we need to basically refresh the token or get a new token and so that is the advantage of this method and yeah let's come over here we made some changes to the extension so we're gonna have to do a full reload and let's see if it tells us that we are ben and it tells us we are ben so it does work um so it basically we get the same end result but now at the beginning it's going to send a message back and forth real quick to get the current user next i want to add a button that we can actually log out and that we actually keep track of the state if the user is logged in or not we can show them a button to actually log in or show them their to-do's so we're going to do is just come up here and keep note of our user so our user can either be null or it can be an actual object or we may be loading and so that's how we're going to keep track of what state now if we had a bunch of other pages we may want to create a page variable but i'm good with just this for now since we have simple state so what i'm going to do is i'm going to actually move the logic for to do's into a different file so i'm going to create a new component here called to do's dot svelt and i'm going to copy this entire form and we don't need this buttons at the bottom anymore so i'm going to remove those and it uses some text so we'll copy that all right also we need to do soups i copy too much what the heck is this auto completion all right to-do's and we're good so i just moved the logic over and we can now render this to-do's component over here um so window.add event listener was for adding a new to do so we're actually going to copy our unmount and put it over there as well don't need this and i don't need to listen for the case where there's a token and we need to import on mount and now i don't care about the new to do here perfect we need to move this style over as well paste that in all right so here if we have a user we're going to render the to-do's and why don't we pass in a user as a prop so this is how we pass data to components and salt and to actually get that value we can say export let user and why do i create a new file here called types.ts export type user and just so i can use that in all the places and i'm going to replace this object with my user and by the way um just typing user and hitting enter was uh autocompleting this for me you'll notice we have to do import type since it's a type so now let's just display the user was i using a pre-tag yeah i was using pre-tag there before why don't we do that just or not pre-tag but just the name of the user maybe at the top i'll just say hello to the current user capital h why not all right so we're only going to show that if there is a user and maybe we also have a log out button at the bottom we'll fill in the logic for this in a second also a button here called login with github so when this is clicked we're actually going to post a event and actually do we need to post event i was going to say we post an event but we can actually make this a link let's make this a link instead of a button actually no i'm wrong so okay this was the logic that was going through my brain i was like let's make it a button then we'll post a message to the extension and tell it to authenticate but then i was like do i really need to do that i could just create a link and take us to the website but we actually really do need to do the button because i need to call my authenticate function so it does this entire thing where it starts up the server so actually it's going to become button again welcome back all right so we're going to say this and authenticate and all we're going to do is listen for that on our sidebar provider over here and called the authenticate function that we already wrote so nothing else we need to change there it auto imported for me awesome all right so it's now going to do loading our user or this let's just verify that this is working so far and just do a full reload and then to verify that our log out or not to verify we actually need to code log out next so it should show me a current user i feel like it crashes it shouldn't be this slow uh failed to connect locos 2000 slash really did i stop my api i did all right let me restart it okay now we're good so it says hello there and i can type to do's wait it only let me do one to do do i crash again can i have duplicate keys oh i typed the same word twice trying to do random letters alright yeah we're good okay so for logout i'm going to set the axis token equal to an empty string i'm going to set null or user equal to null and i'm also going to post a message for logout because on our sidebar provider here we want to say tokenmanager.settoken and set to an empty string because they're not going to be we want to get rid of that if they've logged out all right full reload oh and the other thing if i go to my i need to call git token after authenticate is complete so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click to our authenticate and add a callback function and actually let me explain this for a second before i do that basically after we're done authenticating i want to call git token to send the new token that we get from authenticating to svelt so to be able to do that i want something like this oops and do this and send a token back but to do that we need to change our authenticate to actually take a function so this is basically the callback whenever we're done so this means we got a token so we'll call the function here all right and you know we could actually do that before we close the server because closing the server is not that really important this is really the main thing we do it after the token set all right so let's test it out now so we're going to log out then it should show us a login with github button all right and now if i press this this should take us to the browser log us in with github it said auth was successful i come back i now see my hello ben so awesome so we can successfully log out log in and let me just alt r it's still logged in as been so perfect so there you go that's the process for keeping i guess off state for the user now that we have that all set up i want to add a to-do entity or to-do table in our database to store to-do's on the user and now we can use that jrot token and send that in requests and we know who's making requests and so we can know who's creating to do's and we can fetch to-do's for certain users so in the entities folder for our api i'm going to create a new file here and i'm going to call it to do.ts and then inside of here i'm going to copy our class the user class and just paste it in here and i'm going to call this to do i'm going to keep this id and we're going to have some text which is not null it needs to be a thing and then also value called completed and it's going to be a boolean and this defaults to false now i also want to know who has created a to do so we are going to set up a relationship this is going to be a mini to one relationship with the user table and this is just going to be basically the creator of the to do or you could call it owner and so this is going to be a user and the type is going to be a promise that returns the user and then just be capital p all right so yeah if you've never used typescript before again these are just all the types for each field so number string string and then generic is when you use this bracket like this i'm saying that this is going to be a promise and that promise then returns a user and so we could also put other things in here like a number and whatnot so that's a special type that's called generic all right so we're going to pass in our user here and so for main to one what we do is i believe we're going to be given a type function or target yep so this is going to give us a user and actually no i think we pass in just a user like this and then we're given a user and then we're going to say to do's so we need to set up a field on our user just so typeworm knows both sides of the relationship so here i'm specifying the entity that this is related to in this case a user and then here i have to say the field so the field in this case is called to do's we haven't set it up yet that's why it's barking at us but we're going to add that in a second and then this is just a function for both of these is how the syntax that typeform wants so then over here again notice how this is many to one this side of the relationship is going to be one too many one too many right and so this is with to do and to do dot creator and so i'm going to call this to do's and this is going to return a promise of to do and this is actually going to give us an array right because i can have more than one to-do as a user and so the name here lines up with the name over here and then i'm going to create a column for the id so i like to just say join column and then give it a name creator id i like to be explicit about this and i can say column creator id uh you can think of this kind of like a fake field that typeworm uses this is the actual field that's going to be stored in the database and so i like to just explicitly add this on my class you don't have to add this but i'm going to use it i'm going to fetch it so i like to have it there all right so now that we have this we can in our index for the api start using it so i'm going to create a new route here let's actually put it below our off method all right so i'm going to say uh to do and we are going to post to it to be able to create so we're going to say rack res and here i want to say to do dot create and here i want to pass in basically the values to create to do in this case i'm just going to say rec.body so to take the data from a post request i can get the body of a request and that's what i'm going to use i'm just going to pass it directly into create now you may want to do some validation if you were in production so you may want to say like direct.body dot text dot length is not greater than a thousand or whatever you want to do to check but i'm just gonna keep it simple and send it like that and then i'm gonna send it back by saying res.send the to do and i need to make this async and did it import it yeah it imported it why is it not letting me save um this is possibly it's not exist on the type array of to do what why does it think it's an array of to-do's oh i think create i think so that's going to return an array of it why i think i think it's just overloading the wrong thing so what i'm going to do is i'm going to say as a single to item and the type is going to line up so if i command click on create i can see that there's multiple different types of create so i just basically went to the definition you can also right click go to definition and i can see that there's different ways i can call create or they have different methods that can be overridden and one of them returns an array one of them just returns a single value this is what we were using but typescript was just by default inferring that we were using this one so i just cast this to it to do so it knew we were using the right one and now it's all happy and also by the way to be able to get this body express is going to have to parse it so if we come up here i'm just going to say app.use express dot body parser or is it json now yeah there we go json and underneath the hood this is going to use body parser and this just parses it to a json object all right and i don't have to pass it here but one other thing that we need to add is this body is really just going to have text that's really actually the only thing it's going to have so why don't we actually change this a little bit and do like this text is going to be rec.body.txt we don't need to pass in completed because we set a default value and we want to keep it to false but the creator id is something we need to pass in and the creator id is actually something we are going to be getting from the token and so we're going to be doing this in a couple different places so what i like to do is just create like a middleware so i'm going to create a new file called is auth.ts because this middleware is going to check if the user is authenticated as well because if you if you want to create it to do i'm going to force you to log in basically is how i want to set this up all right so this is going to take a request and a response and also next um so this is the syntax for creating a middleware for express if you just hover over this we can also grab the type so what post and this is going to take a request handler and we'll copy this all right so what i did is i just hover again over post and then i'm just looking at the type here right it says the first parameter here and i can see it's the first parameter because it has a open print there it says path and then i can also see it has an array of handlers so i just need a single handler so i just copied here so that's kind of how i figured out that type there and i'm going to set the type here and i'm just going to command period and add all missing imports for this i think these two types are just empty arrays or sorry empty objects you could probably also pass any but we're just personally not looking at the body so this is how you specify the body and the query parameters i believe but we don't have any so it doesn't matter or at least we don't care about it for this middleware and we're basically going to do the same logic as we have in our slash me so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to copy this all the way here um the only difference is instead of just returning a null user we're actually just going to throw new error and we're going to say not authenticated and we'll do that here as well and we don't need to return and don't need it here and we don't need this part actually i guess if we make it all the way to here we can throw an error down here um because how we're going to make this work we need an important awt is instead of just setting it on this user id here i'm just going to stick it on the request object all right and then we don't actually care about res so i'm gonna just do an underscore and i'm gonna call next here and we'll return and actually i don't need to have a catch throw error yeah you see how this is grayed out so i'm just gonna get rid of this we'll have an empty catch body like this all right this looks good so if i made it all the way down here we're going to save the user id which we get from the token which we get from the headers and store it on a request id now this is not happy with us because this type doesn't really line up i'm just going to cast this to any for now actually do i want to um maybe i do it like no i'm going to cast it to any for now but what i'm going to do is i'm going to create a new object or new type called rec with user id and all this is going to be is this new rec object so by default if i hover over this it's going to be a request and actually let's take the whole thing take these and we're going to say and user id string so i'm creating a new type by concatenating this type with this type request is not generic do i need to say express there we go we just need to import requests from express so if you've never seen this before how this works is if i do like user id string and uh user id 2 or we'll just say user 2 there's also a string that's equivalent to me just having a single object that looks like this right so it takes these two objects and matches them together so this doesn't necessarily look like an object but it is it just has some generics passed in so now in my index over here i'm going to say is auth and i'm going to say rec with user id as my type there and here i'm going to say rec.user id and let me first see why this is mad and then we'll fix why the other one's mad um type is missing following properties from type to do oh it doesn't like that i'm casting it to to do anymore i don't think we really need the cast do we just not string is not type oh the user id here needs to be a number i forgot that our user ids are numbers not strings all right so that's happy i'm guessing this is not going to be happy because this request with user id changes it's going to tell us the types don't line up yes so i actually don't know the best way to fix that i used to just do this but i wanted to be nicer and have like a nice object that knew the type all right there's probably a way to fix this but to be honest with you i'm just going to cast any for now because i don't want to deal with it so i guess we don't really need our type over there but it's whatever but yeah so notice we are getting the user id from the request object which the is auth actually is going to stick on there for us but if i try calling this without being logged in it's going to stop us so that's perfect all right so let's test out our to-do and let's go to our extension and so now in our form when we submit instead of doing it to do like this we want to send a post request we still want to blank the the input though so we'll do that put down here all right so we're gonna say base url and here we're going to say the path is just to do the method is going to be a post request the body is going to be json and we need to stringify it and the text is just going to be text and oh you know what we actually need to put this afterwards that way we don't clear the text before we do this i'll make this asynchronous i need to pass in my auth header like i was in my sidebar over here so maybe i need to pass this access token as a prop um by the way this syntax if the props name lines up you can do it like this and this is just shorthand for this so you this is equivalent you see how the names are the same so if i save it prettier is going to automatically make it look like this alright so back at our to-do's all right so we're sending a post request to here we have our authorization oh headers should be here not inside the body and then here we're going to say to do is equal to await response.json and then we are going to update our to-do's passing in our new to-do okay so let's give this a shot i'm going to just alt r my extension and i'm going to say first hit enter and it probably crashed so let's open up the webview and see what we did wrong i'm going to look at the network request enter um pending oh does it never respond our server's crashing no value in column text the relation to violates not null all right let's see what we did wrong so i'm passing in let's do a console log of what the rec.body is all right let's hit enter hit enter again because i didn't let it reset wait what oh you know what no i just messed this up i actually have another server started up on 3002 i think so let's do so this is the command you can do at least that id to see what's running on port 3002 i forgot i started up another i started create react app um so it's gonna be this one so i can say kill that id now we only have one running perfect wait i just control seed this shouldn't actually be running either let's kill it why not all right so i killed everything that was running on that port and now i'm gonna restart it so yours actually might have just worked all right let's run it again there we go now it's actually posting to the right place all right so let's see what the request body is the request body is an empty string oh i'll tell you why i know why it's because i didn't specify the content type content type um how do i do this is it content type like that application slash json i'm like 96 percent sure this is the header you're supposed to pass whenever you do json data but i might need to look it up if this does not work but that's definitely what our problem is all right depending oh need alt r to refresh it oh nice first shut up uh so notice how we are actually getting an object that says text first now yeah so you just need to tell the api that you are sending json data because if you don't this does not work our express json parser here does not actually parse out unless you say you're passing in json all right cool so it's actually sending the data to the api is auth is making sure that we're logged in and it gave us the right user and it's actually creating a to-do now now if i refresh my to-do's go away so next we want to actually be able to fetch those to-do's from the api as well so jumping back to our index file on the api we're going to do a git route here i'm going to say app dot get and i'm going to say slash to do and it's totally fine to have these routes be on the same thing but they're doing different methods like this is git and this is post so that's okay and i did backticks here for really no reason so let's go back to single ticks and then let prettier make it double ticks and so we're going to say rack res and this is another place where i need to know who the user is and i want them to be logged in so i'm going to be using my is off middleware here and i'm going to say rec dot user id again to get the user id and i'm just going to cast this to any and i'm going to say to do's is equal to await to do dot find i'm going to say where but let's make this async and this needs to be to do async because we're doing a wait and this needs to be creator id there we go i was just waiting for prettier to format things to make sure my syntax was right all right so yeah so based on the token we are going to get all of the to-do's that you've ever created i'm not going to worry about pagination for this and i'm going to say res.send and send those to dues down so now we can call this endpoint from our to-dos.felt so let's stick this in our on mount and we're going to just populate this to do's array when we get the data so i'm going to copy this response because it's kind of similar-ish alright so here we're going to hit to-do's the method here is going to be git if we don't specify a method it's going to get by default and again make sure to pass in our header we're not doing a post request with json data with a body so we don't need to pass the content type and this should give us to-do's and i'm going to call this payload and i'm going to set to do's equal to do's all right so i'll come back over here reload it and you'll see my titty is there so i'm going to say 2 and i can reload it and it is there now you notice the order is kind of interesting i don't know how i want to do that don't inverse the order because what i can do is i can say if i want to keep the same order in my oh not this one and the find here i can say order by and we're gonna say id and we'll make it descending and i think that should have two on top perfect so now if i do three and i reload it's in the same order i just want to make sure that they lined up now in our to-do's and felt the only other thing that i was going to do here there's one other thing i wanted oh yeah the id so right now if i do like for example three and i already you know it didn't show up right it's because we already have a three and if i open up the web view it's gonna complain about duplicate keys and that's because i'm using the text of the to-do for the keys but i don't actually need to do that anymore i can use to do to id and i need to add an id to my to-do of course id is a string hey what am i doing this number there we go um new to do i'm not going to worry about the i mean i guess if i really want to worry about this worry about the the new to do that happens here in a second we'll we'll fix that i'm gonna just comment it out for now all right so if i reload this it now shows up and i can do three again that's because it has a unique id now even though the text is the same so that's all all good uh and you notice i can cross things out but again i'm not storing that a database right now or at least persisting it to database or it's letting the database know so if i reload it it goes away but okay so this add to do button i kind of broke right doesn't actually send it to do in so how can i do that well you can copy the logic here to create a to do and stick it in here all right so text is actually going to be message dot value other than that everything else in this block is the same i could even refactor this into a function if i really wanted to so why don't we try that add to do and it's going to be an async function um i was going to put text here but i didn't want it to conflict so text is what we're going to pass in but let's call it t and this is going to be a string copy this bit paste it here and we're going to pass t here so now i can call add to do here passing in message.value and i can also call add to do down here passion text now i could await this if i wanted to but i actually want to clear the input right away i think so it's doing alt r i'm going to copy this and push add to do and now it sends it over here awesome again just going to make sure it persisted it does i reloaded it we should also test out our authentication middleware and just make sure if we don't send a token with this request that it doesn't actually send us to do's back so what i'm going to do is just comment out the authorization not on the add to do although that we could test it there too but i want to do it on this one when we fetch i'm just going to save this come over here and i'm going to reload the window and sure enough the to-do's do not show up so perfect so then like the api knowing who we are is all based on the token that we are sending now i'd also like to persist the to do's like when i press it and cross it out so right now if i click these and i refresh it's gone so we're going to add in our api a new method here and i'm going to use put the put method since we're doing a update and again we're going to keep the is auth portion here and i'm going to in my request body instead of the text we're going to say completed and just like flip it from true to false and we also need to do an update now what i'm going to do is just keep this simple and fetch the to do so i'm going to say wait to do dot find one so we need to pass the um id of this do that we actually want to update in the body and then i'm going to say to do dot completed is equal to to do dot completed and just the inverse and then i'm going to say to do dot save now it's putting these question marks everywhere because cadoo or to do can sometimes be a null so if we do not get it to do for some reason i'm going to send back the updated to do as uh null and i'm going to get rid of the question marks now we don't need those since we have this if check here now what is it not happy with type boolean is not assignable to type string all right so let me click on my to do here this should be a boolean all right now go back now this is typeform syntax i think i use it above as well we can just change the value on the field after we fetch it and then we can save it now you could probably write this in one go with to do.update and i believe there's a return syntax but i don't want to get too involved in that because we're going to do like a query builder for that i just want to show some simple stuff for this and uh we're just going to return the new to do back so this is a very simple way you can do your updates and now if i go to my to-do.felt we are just going to do instead of to-do.completed call our api well we're going to do this as well but we're also going to call our api so we're going to say api base url and here we're going to say method put body json.stringify and put basically works very similar to post and this is just like a rest convention you could do if you want to you could just make this a post request too so we need to pass the id of the to do and was there anything else i passed on in the body nope that was it headers and i'm going to copy the headers that we're using for add to do because they're the same hey this looks pretty good i'm going to make this asynchronous actually it's going to be response and we can array response.json and i'm just going to console.log it we don't really do anything with the response we could update the to do completed but we're already doing it here so just gonna refresh the webview i'm gonna click this refresh the webview and it's still there nice and let's toggle it back off and we can add another click it refresh and that's looking pretty good um so there we have it we can now do update and i think you guys get the gist of how we add more and more functionality to the app we can add more api endpoints we can add our authentication middleware in there for the ones that need to be authenticated and then we can make fetch calls um from our svelt code and send the header to auth and uh that's how we also get the user that's one other thing maybe we should add that as well is right now i'm finding it to do but right now anyone can edit a to do right so if to do dot created at creator id is not equal to request.userid so this is just some authorization logic to make sure that the person who owns the to-do is the only one who's editing it so i'll just say you're not authorized so if the id on the to-do does not match the current user based on the token we're going to say not authorized and throw that now normally i would test this but i'm feeling kind of lazy and the focus of this is not backend it's vs code extensions so i'm going to leave this as an exercise for you if you want to like go log in with another account create a token and then use that token and try to update it to do to test this out go ahead but i'm feeling pretty confident about my logic right there so i'm going to leave it as is now i want to go over one last concept for vs code extensions so in our to-do's dot svelt right now we kind of just have one page and that's totally fine but let's say we want multiple pages one way i could do that is actually let's go to our sidebar because to-do's might be a page right so let's say we have a page um variable which we just store the current page in so for example this can either be what the heck this can either be to-do's or it can be uh what do i want my other page to be i'll just call it contact and by the way the reason why i wrote my typescript type like this is because i can now get autocompletion so if i hit control space while inside this single quotes it'll auto complete these two options so by default i'm going to have it display to do's and then down here in my code i'm going to have an if statement if there's a hashtag if page is equal to and i'm going to wrap the to do if it's equal to dues i'll display to do's otherwise we'll do else contact me here right whatever so just pretend this is a really cool page and then we'll have a button down here that says on click and this is just so we can navigate i'm going to say go back and all it's going to do is it's going to set the page to to-do's so we can go back after we go there now if i come to my extension just do a web view reload there oh wait i need to add a button to go there as well so on this dues page go to contact and we'll set this to contact alright save it all right there we go so i can press this to go to contact i can press go back to go back right all right so we have like a little bit of a page set up for us to switch pages now here's the thing i'm on the contact page right let's say someone closes the sidebar and then reopens it you notice the sidebar changed right it's now on the to-do's so by default it's going to recreate your webview every single time now you may want this behavior if so you can just keep it as is but for my application when you went to contact and you closed and reopened i wanted it to open and have the contact page shown so the way that you can actually get it to work is by keeping track of the state and the page that you're last on so if we use the tsvs code there's actually two methods we can use on this and i'm actually just going to command click again to go definition and add the two functions so there's a function called state which returns it's a function we can call and it can return whatever we want it to return and there's set state which takes the state which can be anything and returns void so the idea is in our code we're going to call set state and then whenever we reload the panel if we call git state whatever we last called set state with will be inside there so one way we can do this is and felt if you do a dollar sign like this this code block here will be called every single time uh whatever variables you use inside of your change so what that means is i can say tsvscode.setstate and i can save the page so every time this page object or not object but variable changes salt is going to automatically rerun this code and it's going to set the state so it's going to persist this so what i can actually do here is i can say tsvs code copy this dot getstate now this may be undefined if we don't have a state so i'm going to do a question mark and say dot page and if we don't have a page then i'm going to set it to to do's so when this first loads we're going to check if we have a state for it if not we're going to take to do's and then after that whenever we navigate pages it's going to save this and again this will work for any number of pages all right so let's test this out i'm going to reload it i'm going to go to contact i'm going to close my panel and then i'm going to reopen it and you'll notice contact stays open right and so that's the exact behavior that we want and i can press go back close reopen it and you notice to-do's is still there so that is how you can keep track of the page that you're on or really any other client state it doesn't just have to be you know the page you might have someone filling out the form right so i might have some text in here but if i close and reopen it's gone so for anything that you want to persist whenever this is closed and reopen you may want to store in this state and then reload it like this and basically you're going to do this exact same behavior you can stick any variables you want in a block like this and save it i also wanted to jump back to the api for a second because someone sent me a snippet on how to get the types to work with express so i don't know if you remember earlier in the tut we were trying to get it to work with this wreck with user id but this is like the wrong approach so i'm just going to kill it goodbye and instead we're going to like extend this request object by creating a type i'm going to say new and i'm going to say extend dash express.d.t.s and we're going to say declare namespace express export interface request and basically the names are going to line up express is a name space inside of express and if i command click and look around i should be able to find it there it is and request is also inside of there and you can actually see us importing it so this is us adding a property to this interface so i can just say user id user id which is a string and now it's just going to be there and all of the objects and also we don't need this and our is auth anymore all right so now what does this mean for us well enter is off now you know how i had to do like rec dot as any because this is not on it i don't need that anymore it's now just happy and you know in my index file over here where i had any did i not set it to any i thought i did yeah i did oh i put a space and you put a space by the way that control f or a command f is how you bring up this and you can actually search if you need to in vs code all right so uh this doesn't need to be there anymore well okay this one does because this is just a random access token sorry this is going to be the request object yes this well this one we have to set the any two okay this is the one i'm specifically talking about we use request and we have the user id this one there all right so user id is just going to be on this object now at least as far as typescript types go so we do not need these um oh so if you if we look at this oops i think it's going to tell us that yep so by the way usually when i get i'm sorry i'm scrolling way too much so usually when i get a typescript error you'll notice what i've been doing is i'll actually scroll down to the bottom so personally i find that's actually where the useful information is dude it's really hard to just keep this snippet up i'm scrolling way past it every single time so like this junk up here you can kind of read through it but usually just skip to the bottom this is where the juicy bit is usually but sometimes this can be helpful but usually i start the bomb and read up is what helps me so it says type string is not assignable to type number or undefined and so i can see what property it's talking about because it says right here creator id is the one and that's interesting because we just you know set this right so what's going on there well our user id here i said it was a string but it's actually a number so that that's what i messed up um so that's what's going on there that's kind of how i look at typescript errors and we can get rid of this any as well are there any others that i used nope this one's still fine but there you go so that is how we can handle that case and with that we are done with this tutorial for everyone that made it to the end thank you for watching there is one thing we didn't really cover and that is just deploying the vs co extension i'm going to add a link in my description if you want to check out how to do that vs code has good documentation on this and you basically just have to set up a couple accounts to actually deploy it to their store and also i'll put a link of how to deploy the api if you're interested in deploying that if you like this video make sure to give it a thumbs up i'd really appreciate it and let me know in the comments below if you enjoyed it if you did enjoy it let me know any feedback you have i really appreciate that and i hope you guys have an amazing day you
Channel: Ben Awad
Views: 172,329
Rating: 4.940362 out of 5
Keywords: vscode ext
Id: a5DX5pQ9p5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 214min 2sec (12842 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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