How to Clone a Hard Drive - FREE

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today we're going to uh clone a hard drive I've got a fresh install of Windows on this computer and I want to uh make copies of it so I have uh set up a hard drive with well it's just the docking station basically and the docking station I'm using is this Mcall p HR S250 CC I've got a bunch of these and I just leave hard drives in them and and I can just plug them in when I need to access old data okay so I've got that and this one I've just I have the casing off and so anyway and it's cool because it just has an onoff switch right there so I can turn it on so you see that it's on and uh there's nothing on that okay you heard it so then I'm going to get a free piece of software called dis genius and I'm just going to free download this genius 64bit [Music] and download okay up here it says it's apparently I did it twice I don't know what the difference is but anyway I'm going to grab that guy and I'm going to copy that right click on file explorer put it on C I'll just put it right here I'll just paste it continue that all right good so now just follow the steps to double click on it hope you can see this let's see yes English I agree the Ula and just let it install or it wants to install and I don't need to open a website but I will launch it okay so it's loading all right so just go to tools clone dis select the source it's generally at the top you want to migrate yes Target is this and that is a 500 gigabyte tashiba just making sure we've got the right discs hit okay says warning you're going to lose everything so go yep all right here we want to um merge the partition so there we go and and start says you're going to lose everything hot migration and that's it now once uh that might take 20 minutes or so but once that's done I need to come back and when I reinstall this hard drive on the other computer I just need to change the uh Microsoft Windows key so so right now it's it's working and it's going to take a while so I'm just going to pause this video okay I thought I'd give you a little update this is about 20 minutes in and it's at uh Do's it say perc I guess it doesn't but anyway it looks like it's almost 3/4 of the way there so that really isn't too bad so of course there's nothing on that disc but operating system all right well we'll be back when it's done okay well it's just about done and uh says elapse time is uh 30 minutes and 7 seconds I like it says uh prevent system from sleeping during execution so uh there it is system migration complete I hit okay H complete and we can go to uh file explorer and you can see now we have a a g which is the new drive and it also has a system reserve so anyway that's that's done so you can close that out close that out close that out I guess I didn't e that up anymore but nevertheless there it is so now you have cloned your system and you have a uh new operating system on this drive so when I put this drive in the other computer that it came from all I need to do is change the product key and um and we're done that's it [Music]
Channel: AcePics - Tim Zurawski
Views: 5,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to clone ssd, how to copy hard drive, how to clone hard drive, clone hard drive, make exact copy of hard drive, duplicate hard drive, make backup copy of hard drive, make backup of hard drive, free clone software, best cloning tool, best cloning software, best free cloning software
Id: sQbusgp5yGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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