How to Climb SRT/SRS: The Basics!

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oh I'm just not getting anywhere squirrel here with another fantastic technique if you're tired of not getting anywhere then SRT may be the solution for you [Music] all right okay guys now down to some serious business okay so this is a Basics needed for SRT SRS however you want to call it and the basics to ascending slash moving it's just a quick little easy tutorial for those that are interested into getting into the SRT world so yeah let's get right down to it so the basics needed are going to be your hitch bait system right this is the absolute Basics you can go to Mechanicals and that's a whole different story but for the absolute Basics hitchcord prusik micro pulley I'm using a hitch climber eccentric on mine and you need a rope wrench with a tether okay so the reason for the tether and the wrench if you went up on a on a hitch by itself it's basically no problem the problem comes when you actually have to descend or work laterally in the tree it is said that the hitch may burn up on Long descends a lot easier or if you were to release the hitch on a descent it's going to lock up bind whatever right so now you have to ascend break the hitch loose come down what the wrench does is once it engages so if I drop the weight and I start to descend it's going to create this s Bend into it so the S there is it's going to add a little bit of friction to the system allowing your hitch to release easier and allowing you to work along the tree laterally much easier as well so that's the basics for your primary climbing system now if you do if you are just getting used to it and you want to single up Double Down amazing it's a very good way to do things until you get the hang of it and then as repetition you'll get a lot better at it and you'll find different techniques that work for you right because everybody has their own climbing style their own sauce so I would recommend bringing up an additional carabiner if you plan to single up double down because you just flip the wrench head back onto the onto the eye splice or take it off and switch over and once you're in your final timing point but so that's your primary climbing system now to go along with it you do need at least at minimum one foot asunder okay foot Ascender or ascending on an SRT system on its own it's a one-to-one you don't have that two to one advantage like you would on a moving rope system so instead of pulling half your weight SRT if you're trying to hip thrust you're pulling full body weight and you might you might be doing some damage okay so the foot Ascender creates a step right the cam gives you a step feel like you're stepping on the Rope hence rope walking technique so now foot Ascender you're doing a lot of pumping with one foot you're pumping you're pumping you're pumping and if this is a 70 foot climb to your final tie-in if you're going to switch over you're you're going to have a massive thigh on one side so if you incorporate a knee ascender now you're using both of your legs up down up down up down up down chest harness if you don't care for a chest harness you can throw your lanyard over the shoulder re-clip it to that mini Carabiner over there and it'll slack 10 your system this chest harness is not intended for life support this is just to slack tend and this is just my drip you might be wondering why I have all that extra stuff on there so this this this that the other your Basics right make sense along with your PPE all right helmet lenses all that good stuff and your harness lanyard you don't have to get a super bougie harness one thing that I grew up uh that I was always told was the equipment doesn't make the climber the climber makes the equipment right so learn your Basics and if you ever want to get so fancy and you get into the world of man this gear is awesome it's shiny then Venture off and play with it that's kind of how I view things right but this is the basics there now one thing I forgot to mention that's absolutely critical is throw line okay throw line is key in this climbing technique climbing Style because if you can't get a throw ball up there you're not going to be able to Anchor how you want to now in this scenario we have two anchors that I've done is a base anchor and canopy anchor one you have to isolate the other you do not and we're gonna get right to it so simple base anchors you just need your rope you may see online or on social media posts that there are things like a snake anchor a separate rope with a thimble for base anchors teraby are different ways to use a carabiner muncher hitch locks you got Porter wraps on it you can use mechanical descenders again if you're just after the basics this will work okay so what we've got here is a running bowling and the Yosemite tie off or lock off so as we climb our system loads unloads loads and unloads because we're jumping around we're moving through the we're moving through the crown going through redirects and things like that so the Yosemite is going to prevent that bowling from locking uh backing out and then above that we have an Alpine butterfly Alpine butterflies for rescue purposes if you want to check that out we have a couple different videos on how to rescue someone from the ground if all the factors are perfect right and it's not a perfect world so but back to it now we have a separate line here so it is important to train your crew members that hey this is my climbing system Don't touch don't untie don't do nothing keep your distance until we're good to go okay so it's important that you train your crew members on what's going on and just don't shoot a line and automatically assume that they may know what you're doing because sometimes they won't now with base anchors you don't really have to isolate isolating a stem up top because you just have to shoot it over the desired Branch Union clean it down to the ground and lock it off like this right here and the way that a base anchor loads the Crown the canopy the branch Union it is said that it doubles at the branch Union so if you're seeing 100 pounds here 100 pounds on this back leg then the branch Union it may be seeing 200 that'd be if it was a friction free setting right let's say if I had a climbing off a pulley up top through a base anchor then it's doubled and parallel the ropes are parallel right theory is if you spread open your angles it's not doubling all right that's the theory behind it I'm not an expert right I just take and relay the info that I'm given and adapt it to my climbing and I'm just always aware of what is going on so with base anchors just be a little bit more cautious until you get the full details of the know-how okay so this is a super basic base anchor canopy anchors can be made non-retrievable and retrievable now over here I have a Alpine butterfly with a ring on on the inside of it on the inside of the loop now why would I do that right if I did an Alpine butterfly and rope no ring to choke off up top so I'll bring it down so you can see right there okay so if my rope was running through the loop here upon retrieval I've got all that friction rope might start to glaze burn damage it and then might render that section useless now you have to cut off that section and that's not good so the ring here is to avoid that right there that rope on rope there are limitations to this type of canopy anchor okay it's super basic it's easy I would only probably jump through one redirect and be able to retrieve fairly okay because upon retrieval if you've got one redirect you're gonna start experiencing that friction right there now if this was on rope it'd be even worse so and knowing how to lock it off would be important now that is your it's a retrievable you can also do one with a running bowling and a Yosemite tie off non-retrievable if you know you're going to single up double down so now that I've talked about the super Basics on Camp Anchor base anchor please do some more research right be safe climb safe now comes a part of actually ascending the tree which right here I've got my pre-tied system already now one thing you want to do on the ground and always is load the hitch without the head on to ensure that that hitch will hold you and that the Rope wrench isn't what's going to hold you there so sit into 10 and 10. set that's holding me so now I can engage my rope wrench in there and now we're good before we go up it's important to note that when you're ready to come down or descend with all from the work you're doing just collapse a hitch don't collapse a rope wrench head and come down like this okay that's a big No-No so it's just hitch your body weight will engage the rest and it descends the hitch for you so as we talked about the ascenders and them being used kind of a brief little you know I weigh about 155 maybe and if I tried hip thrusting and holding my weight as I tend slack them shoulders are burning I'll be really gassed out really fatigued and the work hasn't even started okay so that's why we use the ascenders okay so I'm gonna clip my chest in tend to slack a little bit my foot is Center is usually the one that goes on first so here I'm using a camp turbo Evo lock or non-lock however you shall choose to do it Step Up Engage The Hitch and then as we float here and just spin a little bit we're gonna engage open the cam and that's locked all right easy as that now this is one really important thing you're in a work setting we've got a lot of work to do we're going to Crown uh do some Crown reduction ground clean whatever it is it's not a race up the tree okay it's not a competition competitions are a whole different setting they're a whole different thing on their own this is work we may have three four five trees to trim that day and prune so easy steps don't focus on taking huge steps at least I don't this is the way that I find it works for me best so that I'm not gassing myself out on an Ascent okay so you stand up your hands are going to hold you vertical up the Rope you are going to have the tendency to go backwards which is fine all right it's natural you got to hold yourself up knee up foot knee up and foot and just work on your movements work on the key of going up and down up and down and the rest comes natural right so we're gonna go up we're gonna go up and if you wanted to you could take a break sit down enjoy the view right you might be working out by the mountains stop take a quick minute let's go again one two one two baby stepping it and if a limb comes up and against your way just give it a quick push spin yourself face the limb make sure that your Hardware doesn't come into serious contact with it right so this is actually a good example right here of a redirect all right so there's a branch Union right here I've jumped over this way instead of the way I ascended this is a natural redirect I don't have to worry about going up and retrieving Hardware I don't have to worry about making it retrievable but if you are so inclined to you can use a sling right this is just a webbing Loop and a regular triple Action Auto locking 23 24kn Carabiner right here and you can utilize this to make a redirect downside is not going to be retrievable but if you wanted to learn more about redirects we do have a plethora right plethora of videos and check out the rest of them on the YouTube channel right so here what I've done is I'm just going to flake a little bit of tail that I know I'm going to use just like this now here's the awesome thing about SRT or SRS which stands for stationary rope system I can drop down through two three four redirects my friction should always stay the same it shouldn't fluctuate because my rope is touching the limb and that's because my friction is right here right if I'm on a moving rub system or traditional double rope if I drop through a redirect my rope is running up and down with me as I climb so if that rope is rubbing on the tree I'm going to have that friction right there of it going up over and now then rubbing on this limb I'm fighting that friction unless you create some kind of redirect with tools all right so that's a cool thing because me as a climber on a stationary rope system I can move up or I can move back I can move down I'm sorry move down or I can move back up so that's a very big positive to this especially if you're printing out some large spread bread spread crown then yeah oh yeah it makes a difference all right so we dropped through a redirect at this point like I said I'm technically redirected over and if I would push down against the slim it wouldn't really matter the only thing you'd have to watch is your rope angle right as we all know don't exceed a 45 because it can put us in some danger swinging and everything not good so limb walking is something that I would say you're gonna have to get used to big time okay so we're used to having this two to one mechanical advantage on on walking back when we walk back on this we're running the same thing where we pull up hold 10. it's not as hard as hip thrusting but it has it definitely is a learning curve or just something to get used to because going out is the exact same thing so I can come out come out come out right now limb walking back from a super far limb if you don't have the structure like you do on this cherry it's going to be hard because we got to have balance oh oh right oh pull up hold tend okay and now you gotta keep holding to pull walk back hold yourself turn the slack again repeat the process till you get back to where you started and you know you're gonna be safe now you can create retrievable mechanical advantage to help you in this instance but something that I picked up was if I can find a redirect I'd rather redirect on top of the limb rather than create a mechanical advantage that's just less Hardware we have to deal with but in the event that I cannot I absolutely can't find a suitable redirect to keep me in position out here then I may opt out to use something like a scam or a retrievable mechanical advantage type of system but again check those other videos out thanks but here we go back in back in 10 slack 10 slack and we're back to point here now I can come down and because this is in a canopy anchor I could have gone through four redirects and my rope should still pull out fairly easily now mind how men or mind the branch Union right on your Reader X if you go through a branch Union that's got included bark or if it's very very tight right like on some Linden trees just drop through it then you may have some problems okay keep that in mind other than that you're good to come down all right so as I'm coming down if I let go of the hitch it's going to hold me and now remember because we were talking about that added friction uh thanks to the Rope wrench here I don't have to fight to break that loose I can just all the way to the ground or as everybody likes to we can just do a quick kickoff and down right gives a little bit of that best part's always coming down especially after a super hard day of climbing oh one thing I forgot to mention don't go anywhere just yet it is recommended that you at least have a double braid rope for the equipment needed almost forgot that part all right that's pretty important too at least a double braid rope 24 strand or higher count but that is the absolute Basics to SRT SRS climate thanks for watching the video hopefully it helps you out for those that are up and coming and want to get into the SRT world visit us at feel free to check out the rest of the YouTube channel for those redirect videos if you want to
Channel: Bartlett Arborist Supply
Views: 39,863
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Id: -pFSl57iMMo
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Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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