How To Clear System Storage On Android Phone! (2023)

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so you might be trying to figure out how you can clear your system storage on your specific Android phone now you can see for some people out there if you have a Samsung phone Google pixel whatever it is you can make your way over to your you know system settings by going into your settings panel here you can go ahead and just type in storage up there if you want to or you can go into battery and device care click on storage if you have a Samsung and come right here now for a lot of people out there if you come here you will basically see that system storage takes up quite a bit of storage now for a majority of people there's not much you can do if I'm being honest if you just about a brand new phone it has already taken up a lot of storage this phone is pretty much brand new I have a you know a couple applications in here but it's not anything like I haven't been using this one for like a year I've only been using itzugauskas 23 it just came out not even like two weeks ago so this one already has about 70 gigabytes in the system storage portion which is pretty crazy now one of the ways you can normally fix this like if if it's a big number like this again a lot of the system storage may just be taken up automatically no matter what you do but the very first thing I'd recommend doing is going through and seeing if you have an update available for your phone so not every time before a lot of updates out there especially with a new phone like this a lot of things can be fixed and a lot of storage issues can be fixed by seeing if you have an update available so sometimes there's actually a few reasons why for one because if you update your phone they can clean out some things in the background but also sometimes there can be some glitches they had within this first version of software that can be a lot of random cached files that were just there so updating it can fix that but also if an update is downloaded on your phone but not installed that may also be stuck under systems stores sometimes so what you can try doing here is you can make your way over to your you know system settings right here you want to click into your software update here and you want to download and install the latest update on your phone so if there is an update available and that is probably going to be one of the things you can do now if there's not an update available like myself well then you make you can try a few other things but just go ahead and make sure that's not the case like this now another thing if you're somebody who's using some Bill and applications on your specific device you may be able to go ahead and clear out the system data within those specific applications so for a lot of them you may not actually be able to delete them but sometimes you may be able to force stop them like this so you can click here but also you may be able to go into the storage panel here and you might be able to clear the data of some of these system apps so if you're not using any of these apps I'd recommend just clearing the data out of them because you can't delete them you might as well go and clear the data out of them if you're not using them if you're using them keep them but for a lot of these I wouldn't mess with but some of these that are kind of you know under like basic like Facebook for example you might as well if you have the option going ahead and uninstalling some of these types of applications if you're not using like Gmail on your phone you can try for stopping it you can also go into storage here for example you can do the exact same thing you can clear caching data if you're not using that type of application and sometimes those specific things can actually go ahead and alleviate some of the you know storage problems that you're having with that within the system storage panel as well so those are some other things you can try doing you can also try restarting your phone sometimes that can help too but those are pretty much the main ways to do it in my opinion so that pretty much covers it up if you have any other thoughts or questions let me know in the comment section below hit the like button that'll be so much but definitely hit that subscribe button more importantly everything else I love every single one of you guys hope I'll catch you guys in the next video peace out [Music]
Channel: LoFi Alpaca
Views: 349,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lofialpaca, lofi alpaca, simplealpaca, simple alpaca, How To Clear System Storage On Android Phone! (2023), clear system storage on android, how to clear system storage on android phone, how to save storage on android, save storage on android phone, clear system storage, save system storage android, one ui, google pixel
Id: 9z1EJOS0kSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 32sec (212 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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