How To Clean The Garden From Hell | Worst Homes in the UK | Filth Fighters

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the river all-weather at low tide may look filthy but there's far worse behind closed doors in the Suffolk port of Ipswich the walls of this recently vacated Council house hide a dark secret thus far unknown to the intrepid crew of film fighters whose job it is to clear it out [Music] the lads may have seen worse but it doesn't often smell this bad yuria never saw something like this perhaps the smell became too much even for the previous tenants they looks like somebody's left in a bit of a hurry because it's kind of half done and half not done possibly someone's been evicted I don't really know but it certainly is gonna be quite a big clean-up operation upstairs Barry is struck by the original decor it's very for a veteran associate you wake up you tonight and scare the life out here it's got hell out there the place may be far from heavenly but Sam's an angel it's quite a luxury house actually because I found a video player in the bathroom and not a lot of houses have that but not all the mod cons a mod sewing machine if an unfortunate two hours I'll do it for you give us some nice cup do you know nice shapes and everything yeah and the design classics keep on coming a nice eighties retro but none of these treasures will be going home with the lads they've come to clear the place out and now that's exactly what they do sometimes we get the houses people the hoarders so they'll have three push chairs you know eight TVs it's all the electrical items that we found we've just got to take them back to the yard so they can be recycled and it's all going for a song Sam is already looking ahead to the next stage of the operation I think we're gonna need the extra time on the garden was looking at the garden here pretty bad mess and we're also but there's some bits and pieces to iron out first the lads have cleared the house in a jiffy but when they tackle the garden things get decidedly Withey the labs have cleared the interior some fill fighters always see the funny side now the rubbish is out Berry is able to see the house for what it is why no chance for bedrooms quite big and it's terrible it's been left to forget the state like this so many people at homeless Barry's detergent kills off all traces of the former tenants and their pets but outside things are about to take a turn for the worse much worse all right basically it looks like it's been a bit of a tipping ground for quite a long time here there's all sorts of furniture shopping trolleys push chairs there's more rubbish going here that I can't even see what it is yet you've got a nasty-looking shed there it's very flimsy indeed over here more rubbish electricals will have to deal with washing machine drum full of mud I hope it's mud I don't know has clearly been it I'd say at least two dogs here because there's no grass and Rover a large pile of dogs you know what they're yeah I mean obviously the dogs in here really is gonna pose a problem because wherever we go we're gonna have to look where we're treading last thing you really want is a foot full of that cedric is the first to fall foul found the dog food yeah you're - but Sam is a man with a plan and Sam's plan is to make Cedric the man why do I have to do this I have to point it then so Sam's impressed by Cedric's technique Antonio practices a formula one wheel change while Cedric looks for somewhere to store his collection [Music] obviously they cleared out some of their dogs races and as if one wasn't enough [Music] is there no pond too strong for fill fighter Sam ah we'll take it in turns and put it disinfected in there without some special disinfectant especially for animal feces this is how we enjoy ourselves the dogs mess has been removed and the lads can now get on with clearing the yard it seems the tenant who lived here was not only a dog owner but a bit of a hoarder collecting things maybe to sell on or sell for scrap metal because there's loads of pushchairs there's about six or seven shopping trolleys here as he opens a filthy old box it's clear that Barry Scott owns I'm really distressed now but there's more to this job than meets the eye I'm just about to see what's behind me I really want to know for a lot more stuff mountain bike a Batman skateboard and who knows what's in here and in amongst all the items Sam makes an unpleasant discovery looks like a lot of animal feces of some sort probably all right they're quite big the roads could be in that mattress because it looks like they've made a hole and they could be living inside there they've moved in a couple of weeks for no fresh food and they'll gratify someone else's garden Sam can't help wondering how a place gets as bad as this if someone's having a bad time now they're having a problems at home or the families split up I can see how things just go out of control but this is a bit extreme with five pairs of hands it doesn't take long for the lads to truck up the trash and there's even time for a spot of self-promotion since integration good day's work it's been a long day and all that remains is for the lads to take their horrible haul off to the dump you
Channel: Filth
Views: 396,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grimefighters, filth fighters, extreme cleaners, marie kondo, home renovation, disgusting homes, house clearance, Aberystwyth, grime fighters episode 3, grime fighters full episodes, grime fighters episode 1, grime fighters full, grimefighters full episodes, grime fighters, filth full episodes, grimefighters episodes, grimefighters season 2, grimefighters season 1, TLC, filth, filth fighters full episodes, filth fighters tv show, filth uk full episodes, enfield north london
Id: XT9WApPgyr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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