How To Clean PS4 Pro - Fan, Heatsink, Vents, Thermal Paste

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hi and welcome in another video and sorry for the noise but that's the topic of our today's episode so as you can see I have ps4 Pro today I have this game running for about 15 minutes and as you can see it's pretty doubt are going out of console is 54 55 degree so I will just assemble it and show you how to clean your fan and heatsink and maybe I will change our thermal compounds as well so let me fix that come right over the table and let's start ok so first thing is to remove that top cover and to do this you have to [Music] and clip the front and sides and then push it back [Music] and as you can see we have dust they're [Music] also the pawn isn't very very thin [Music] to remove the bottom plate you will need to remove that stickers well under warranty stickers so if you want deep cleaning you will lose your volunteer and if you want just clean your fun you can do it right now without opening it's more [Music] so let's see how are we able to remove them without breaking them [Music] now as you can see we have two screws under them now we'll remove the felt right [Music] and now I can unscrew the drive [Music] now we can unscrew that first booster who were over we were warranty stickers and one was under that I'll try cover [Music] so now there's same meter does the top cover there are few peeps and then move it back and as you can see we have more dust inside there there's also lot of dust there on the bottom pane [Music] as you can see just from that bottom plate so I think the heatsink will have more of dust inside so now you have two types of screws inside they're black ones and see the ones so poor silver you will need same t92 driver and black ones are lot more Phillips Phillips head I think it's small one so it may be a zero [Music] [Applause] [Music] then we can take this out no and there is several parts for memory trips so be sure that you don't use them and I think they are in good condition so I'm not gonna change them [Music] so now I can unscrew that exam and what I recommend is unscrew it a little on each side [Music] before taking it taking this out completely [Music] okay so I think I will also go somewhere for that PSU because there's no dust inside there as well and if you will do it by yourself you should be very careful because the capacitors which can hold electricity for some time after after unpacking [Music] so can we go back to that PSU in a moment - let's get back to this main unit before so as you can see that thermal compound isn't it very very good condition so I will change it [Music] so we have one school then that's everything good holding this weight they're inside and as you can see there's a lot of dust working that hissing which is quickly beep so as you can see it have three heat pipes and blood of aluminium fins but if those pins are blocked it's [Music] and perform very well it looks like dust filter made of dust so I will blow this dust out of this but not here there's no way drive but we don't need to remove it and here we have fun it's called a two screws which [Music] I will remove and now I will have better access to those weights to clean them and also I will clean the blood case [Music] but let's get back to this power Safari [Music] ok so I have everything clean so let's put it back together [Music] [Music] when I was spinning this I decided to take the train out as well and it was good idea because there was a lot of dust there and on sites both sides of that case and that's very easy because [Music] after you remove form some screws [Music] - you just said it's the front [Music] second thing I did is I removed the blue I Drive first to be sure that there is no dust anywhere and removing this is also very easy because you have only four screws to remove and you can take it out [Music] I forgot fun but as you can see it looks much better than before [Music] radiator thanks back inside and as you can see [Music] I remove all dust from there [Music] now it's time whoops mainboard but but first I will have to whoops you thermal paste there and as always I would use talk about busy for this [Music] [Music] [Laughter] and I have to untie it this because I forgot that plate which goes on there [Music] [Music] [Music] and as I told before Zack screws going to metal and silver bigger one's going to request so it's easy to assembly cuz there are only two types of screws so we don't have to worry well you should you should put which one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now last thing is the bottom and top over and you have to push them from to end and then the creeps although those rocks there and for bottom cover you have to put three screws back [Music] [Music] thank well you can put your warranty stickers back and that's it so now I will connect it run the game for high power and we will see is it quieter and [Music] is it work [Music] okay so it's running about 45 minutes and it's same same spot in the game so as you can hear it's not the drought as before and my sensitivity is at the same level and it's in same place as before but going out from the console is to two degree higher it means that IPU isn't that hot as before heat transfer to to the heatsink is better because fun isn't running on full speed like before and we have higher temperature of Earth from that vent so as I showed it it's not that hard to do it but by yourself you have to be helpful and don't try to do it as fast as possible and I think there wasn't any very hard parts of the disassembly unpinning so you can do it by yourself without risk of broken something but you have to be careful and do it so we remember about all those three bones if something don't go out like five times wait don't going out but maybe you forgot about some school and also you can record disassembly process to have reference what you should put in what order when assembly in Crete together oh you can just watch this video I think all parts of that process was show too usually so I hope it will be helpful for you so for now that's everything and if you like that video click the like button subscribe to help me grow my channel leave a comment what do you think about this do you think it should be easier to clean this cause if there's a lot of dust there's fire trends that yo conseguir / he didn't stop working anyway thanks for watching again and see you another video [Music] [Applause]
Channel: TechOps TV
Views: 305,715
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Keywords: ps4 pro cleaning, how to clean ps4 pro, ps4 pro fan cleaning, loud ps4 pro fan fix, clean ps4 pro dust, clean ps4 pro heatsink, clean ps4 pro fan without opening, PS4 Pro, PS4 Pro Teardown, how to clean ps4 properly, ps4 repair fan, how to clean ps4 fan, playstation 4, how to clean your ps4, ps4 repair, how to clean ps4, clean ps4 pro, playstation 4 pro, ps4 fix, clean ps4, ps4 problems, ps4 pro teardown, DIY, Teardown, Gaming, ps4 pro issues, ps4 pro heating issues
Id: SYyAl6O7r58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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