How to clean iRobot Roomba

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hi guys and welcome to 1-2-3 myattís video where we take a look on how to clean the irobot roomba okay guys so recently I did an unboxing of the iRobot Roomba and I wanted to go ahead and do a video which shows you basically how to clean the iRobot Roomba so when I talk about cleaning I am talking about the weekly clean that you will need to do so there is the emptying of the tray so you do the emptying of the tray and that's a daily thing or that is after every time you run the iRobot but there is also the weekly clean and you should actually go through and clean the other parts of the Roomba and I'll show you how to do that now okay so first thing you need to do is empty the bin so the bin is the tray that sits at the back of the Roomba and you need to do this you need to empty this every time you use the the rumor but also once a week you need to open up this part here and take out this filter alright you can see there's two little yellow attachments on either side you just kind of push those in and take that out alright and so once a week you'll need to actually clean this out and they recommend that you actually change this every two months so after two months of use you'll need to probably get rid of this one but obviously it depends on how much you use the device as well if you only ever use the Robo vac once in two months time then you probably won't need to change it but if you use it every day for you know in two months and you might need to change that also if you have pets you might need to clean the filter twice a week so you might need to check it a little bit more often and one last thing I should mention if you need to buy new filters I will leave a link in the description below okay so the next thing we're going to clean here is these brushes so you'll need to just press these tabs and then lift and that will lift this back and then you'll just pull out the brushes like so so you lift one side up and pull it out this way and if you look closely we've got you know some dirt around the ends here a lot of hair along here which you'll need to clean off then this little yellow thing on the end comes up like that okay just slides off and then just clean any hair that would have got caught around here off as well all right place it back on now I'll put some links in the description below to buy these brushes brushes you'll need to replace probably about every six to twelve months same deal with this one so it just pops out as well and then you've got your dirt around the ends just clean that off clean your your wipers here and you can also use the robot cleaning tool if you need to get hair off or cut hair or anything like that you can use this just to flick the hair out and then cut it off at the ends like so and then just put your brushes back and you're ready to go another thing you don't have to do but I do anyways just give the chamber a bit of a vacuum and get any of the dust that's where that where that brushes might be okay so the next thing that we're going to clean here is the front caster wheel and you just need to lift it out like so and the whole thing comes out you'll need to clean this every two weeks and you'll need to replace it probably every 12 months just check if there's any debris caught around the wheel and then you can also pop out you can also pop out the wheel like so just comes out and just clean out any hair that gets stuck around the wheel here and then pop it back in and then all you need to do is just put it back in where you pulled it out from alright the next thing to change here is this side wheel so you're going to need to just hold on to it there and unscrew it and then it should just pop out like so and give that a bit of a clean it's not too bad at the moment the thing you'll see there's also this hair that gets caught just around the base of the brush so once that's done just pop it back on and screw it back into place okay the last thing to clean is just the two points here the two charging points and the force sensors that around the top of the Roomba so I'm just going to use the tissue you can use like a dry cloth just give them a little polish up and make sure the senses are clean and clear and that's pretty much it so you need to do okay guys so that's pretty much it from me if this was a hopeful video don't forget to leave a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe and thanks for watching guys bye bye
Channel: 123myIT
Views: 52,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clean iRobot Roomba, how to clean roomba, filter, clean roomba filter, clean roomba brushes, clean brushes, clean filter, how to clean irobot filter, how to clean irobot 960, how to clean roomba side wheels, side wheels, how to clean roomba 980, how to clean roomba 980 filter, how to clean roomba 690, how to clean roomba 880, robot vacuum, roomba, irobot, How to clean iRobot Roomba, irobot roomba spot clean, how to clean irobot roomba
Id: UiJT7xLC9ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 46sec (286 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 12 2019
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