How To Clean And Maintain A Weber Gas Grill

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Cleaning your gas grill is pretty easy and doesn't  have to take a lot of time, but it'll reduce your   risk of a fire and help it last a really long  time. As a bonus I'm going to go through some   of the common replaceable parts and see whether  or not we need to replace them, so you can do   the same on your grill! It's best to start with a  cold grill and clean from the inside out to avoid   getting grease on the parts you just cleaned. So  take a plastic scraper or putty knife and knock   off anything that's loose on the lid. Use your  favorite grill grate cleaning device and scrub   down the grates. You should be doing this every  time you cook to avoid build up anyway, but don't   forget to flip them over to clean the bottoms  of the grate since that's something you're not   likely to do very often. Upon further inspection,  these grates are starting to rust but not enough   to cause a problem yet. I emailed weber to ask  them what can I do to keep the rust from forming   next time, and they said congratulations! Your  grill is still under warranty, and they sent me   a new set of grill grates for free, and I got them  within a week. We're going to put those on instead   and that's one of the great things about Weber  is their warranty and their service is awesome.   With the grill grates clean, let's remove them  to get at the flavorizer bars. You can use your   wire brush for anything really crusty, but your  plastic scraper should be able to get most of it.   These flavorizer bars are starting to rust but  aren't cracked or falling apart and that means   they're still doing their job and don't need to be  replaced. Remove the flavorizer bars to get at the   burners. They're solid and don't have any gaping  holes or rust which is the first thing to check.   Make sure you brush the burner side to side to  avoid pushing anything into the next burner hole.   A quick before and after shows it removes some  build up in a few of the holes and we'll have a   more even temperature. A better test, is to light  the burners and look at the flame. Constant yellow   flames indicate a problem with the burner or the  air fuel mixture. These are nice blue after the   initial burn off. So we're good to go. If yours  are yellow, you could check the screens at the end   of the burner tubes and clean them with a soft  brush if a spider has made a home and blocked   them. Take your plastic scraper and go all around  the cookbox getting as much as you can out of all   the nooks and crannies. I prefer this method over  using something like oven cleaner since it usually   gets it clean enough. The heat deflectors are  always going to be the dirtiest because that's   where everything drips in your grill. So give  them a quick scrape before you remove them and   then brush any remaining burnt up food into  the grease tray at the bottom of the grill.   Open up the front of your grill and remove the  grease tray and scrape it out into the garbage.   Some people line their grease tray with foil but  I don't suggest it since it can interfere with   grease draining and cause a fire. Don't forget,  the drip pans which are super cheap and easy to   replace. I've linked to those in the description,  but you can find them almost anywhere they sell   Weber grills. This one's pretty empty so I'm  going to leave it just a little bit longer. As a bonus tip, if you've ever wondered what's  hanging on the inside of your grill door,   it's a match holder for lighting the burners  if the igniter is out. It's a whole lot better   than the turn on the gas and drop the match and  hope you still have eyebrows method. They say   that installation is a reverse removal, so we're  going to zip through these steps and replace any   needed parts as we go including the brand new  grill grates that were covered under warranty. For the outside, I like to use simple green  because it's both biodegradable and non-toxic.   It works well for my bike chain and my grill  too. Liberally spray the outside of the grill   and let it soak for a minute or two before  wiping it off with a clean paper towel.   If you do this often this will be enough for  a shiny surface, but you may need to do it a   second time if it's been a while. For really tough  grease like the back vent or on the front lid,   you could use a mixture of half baking soda and  half dish soap and scrub it with a toothbrush   or just be satisfied with good enough! The burner  knobs take a little bit of work but you can pull   them off to make it easier to clean the stainless  steel using the same spray and wipe method.   Don't forget the doors as well as the cabinet  under the grill. Then spray the connections to the   propane bottle with some soapy water. If you get  bubbles it's leaking. If this video is helpful,   consider subscribing and then check out some  of my favorite gas grill recipes on the screen!
Channel: Grill Top Experience
Views: 234,340
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Keywords: grilltop experience, grill top experience, gte, How to clean a weber gas grill, how to clean a gas grill, how to clean a gas grill burner, how to clean a gass grill with minimal effort, weber genesis clean, weber genesis e-330, clean weber grill, clean gas grill, how to clean a grill grate, gas grill cleaning tips, clean propane grill, clean inside of gas grill
Id: ZVoaGzaw6tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 47sec (227 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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