How to clean ABS sensor ring

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okay and now I have take out this this feel and now I am thinking this these ABS system cables are they okay and in here I can I can see that there is there are some some interesting things that I need to check that is there everything okay in here now I first I take this and move that does my feeling here I can see this AP a sensor what location is just stupid can I see it it looks like it is here now I can maybe see and this sense or it's in here there's the sensor okay there's bolt and this is the sensors okay okay and next I think that I open that all there and I take my ten millimeter socket okay and here is my 10 millimeter socket and there is my friends and I insert that in here then can I open that can I take put my boat away now okay there is something handyman's Paul because this is not original boat that I normally this is our suit opens quite easily and now it opens okay and there is this there is this head and look this is full of something does the things and this must be totally clean and next day my my jeans what are actually little bit shorter model and but this is original cotton and I need to clean that array because there there can't be nothing this must be totally clean and now when I this is magnetic there's still something stuff the others even is some kind of damage because this there's the strange thing in here but I think that this should work and there is both paws sensor and then when I look in there inside in here I'm I have to clean that whole also but then I can check that when I rotate that is there everything fine that can I see it those small small those feel parts that all feel parts are in there inside okay because sometimes I take a little bit closer view can I hope that there I am just looking if you're inside then when I rotate that I am checking all time that can I see those peels now I think that maybe I take a little bit better you you can also get understanding what I mean in that whole entire inside now we can see that there's other small peels in there and then then I rotate the disk we can see that but those those peels are more same way at bat and now I check the purse all feels okay and then I also clean those next and I take now my tool where's this shop head I mean that one and their sub I can scratch that and then we go to clean those things okay and now I have your shop spike and I am planning to clean those sensor this these holes in there that I take this everything sent away in that bag and then I rotate that my disc brake disc life take next one it's fun okay okay I clean also that and some some toes things they are also quite much dirty but in here and and when I when I take this dirty obey I attended a pH sensor works better get good and then rotate more yeah see this and there has been not okay okay then then I have clean those holes we can continue okay and now I have clean those all these parts inter you can sit now it's much cleaner and then I insert in here that are they also a little bit compressive here that it takes those dusties away and I use it in that hole to the pit compress dead air that I can clean Tosun next I take my here and here is this my air pistol and then can pull it because this whole thing's okay now it I believe that it's clean
Channel: Peter Finn the Car Doctor
Views: 2,652,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Automobile (TV Genre), Automotive Industry, How-to (Website Category), issue, repair, fix, spare, part, car, cars, service, use, why, Do It Yourself (Hobby), tool, Auto Show, tools, Hobby (Interest), technology, replace, change, maintenance, Hardware, Hardware Store, equipment, to, do, it, self, replacement, hobby, Automobile Repair Shop, Truck, work, clothes
Id: ldTNuilNbJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2016
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