How to Chop like a Chef | Slice,Shred & Mince using a Chefs Knife Kunal Kapur Master Kitchen Skills
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Channel: Kunal Kapur
Views: 1,927,750
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Keywords: how to, how to hold a chefs knife, how to chop like a chef, how to cut, how to cut like a professional chef, kitchen skills, kitchen tips tricks, शेफ़ की तरह कैसे सब्ज़ियाँ काटें, किचन टिप्स ट्रिक्स, chef knife, chefs knife, how to cook, how to use a knife, how to cut fast without cutting fingers, how do chefs cut so fast, knife basics, kitchen dos and donts, basic, how to hold a knife correctly, how to chop onions like a chef, julienne, stirp, dice, slice, shred, mince, kitchen
Id: Zd1q5s2J2ZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 54sec (354 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 11 2019
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