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hi guys welcome back to my channel so long time no see but I am back and today I bring you another skincare video I am super excited for this video because a lot of people do ask me specific questions about cleansers and about the right cleanser to use for your skin type and your skin concern so for today's video that is exactly what I'm gonna tackle how to choose the right cleanser for your skin so we're gonna break it down for my oily skin girlies dry skin combination skin and sensitive skin because you need to understand your skin tight before you can choose the right cleanser for your skin because when you choose the wrong cleanser for your skin you guys you can basically damage your Skin's barrier so if you've got dry skin and you're using the cleanses that are meant for people with oily skin you're basically stripping your skin of that moisture that your dry skin desperately means and then that's when your skin starts to basically look irritated and feel irritated and the first thing that is so so important is you need to understand your skin type now I'm going to talk about oily skin dry skin combination skin and sensitive skin you need to take a look at your skin and basically understand what your skin type is like for me I have combination skin and what that basically means is my outer zone is dry and then my T-Zone is oily and as you guys can see right now my skin is oiling so that's basically what combination skin is now oily skin is basically skin that produces too much sebum so you might see here your pores are a little bit more visible and basically you get very shiny around like certain spots and what you might notice is that you might have a little bit more white hairs and black hairs you might also have kind of like enlarged pores so like you might get a large pores around your nose area around here that's kind of like where my pores are more visible because I have combinational skin dry skin is basically skin that lacks natural oils and moisture so your skin might look and feel a little bit more rough because of that lack of moisture it's not going to be as plump as you know someone with very hydrated skin it might look also a little bit dark and lack elasticity so and sensitive skin is basically skin that is sensitive to external factors and the signs of sensitive skin can be stinging burning and redness so that's basically the signs of sensitive skin so of course there's certain things that we need to look out for for someone that has sensitive skin and I'm gonna take you guys through that okay so now that we've established the different skin types that they are out there just kind of like try and figure out what your skin type is so I basically figured out my skin type through experimentation there was a point where I thought I had dry skin I was very much giving delusional because my skin was producing so much oil but for some reason I thought I had dry skin because my skin felt rough so you just want to make sure that you put yourself in the right category or go see a dermatologist and um kind of like discover what your skin type is but I'm gonna basically break down the different types of cleansers there are the first thing I want to talk about are gel based cleansers now gel based cleansers are lightweight cleansers that basically produce a leather so you can lug them up in your hands and then apply them to your skin gel based cleansers are amazing for combination and oily skin just because that leather really does strip your skin off excess oil that's why I think like they are amazing for oily and combination skin I recommend these ones the dough cleansers that I recommend that I have personally tried renewing salicylic acid cleanser from CeraVe this one is absolutely amazing you guys like I have tried and tested it out it is fabulous like I used it for months and months and months and uh the only reason I'm not using right now is because I run out so the reason why I also recommend this one for people that have combination skin is because when you've got like dry parts of your skin you need hydration and this one as she has hyaluronic acid in it as well so of course you are adding moisture back into your skin and like I was saying to you guys before when you have oily skin you might have a little bit more visible texture from like enlarged pores or like more white hairs and black hairs so you need something that's going to exfoliate your skin and break down those white hairs and black hairs so you need to look for something that has salicylic acid in it because that is an acid that exfoliates so this um cancer actually has that so that's why it's a nice combination you're exfoliating your skin you're also adding hydration where it's needed and you're not stripping yourself of your natural oils which I think is really really good it's only getting rid of the excess oils so yeah it is absolutely fantastic um so this obviously is not sponsored you guys I'm not sponsored by CeraVe at all I'm just giving you guys um my recommendations for the cleansers that I have tried so yes the CeraVe salicylic acid renewing cleanser is fun fantastic and it's very budget friendly in my opinion the Cetaphil Cetaphil one is really really good as well um it's just very very similar to the CeraVe in my opinion they are very very similar I've tried both and they're both fragrance free lightweight now we're gonna talk more about dry skin because we spoke a lot about oily combination skin so if you have dry skin listen up this one is for you the number one tip that I can give you is look for hydrating properties please don't look for a very harsh and oil stripping properties you know I would stay clear from salicylic acid and stuff like that I would lean more towards hyaluronic acid because that is an assay that will help you add moisture to your skin so you want to look for like a creamy and lotion type of textures when you're looking for your cleansers for drier skin and the reason being is like it says in the name lotion will add moisture to your in so these cleansers are very very good for adding moisture when you've got dry skin your skin is basically lacking essential oils and that's what causes that tight feeling and that kind of like rough feels to your skin as well so my number one recommendation you guys trust me I've actually tried this one out even though I don't have dry skin my skin absolutely loved it it is a CeraVe hydrating cleanser it's the one that's in the green bottle I'm not actually sure on my channel before but I did used to use it before and I absolutely loved it it is definitely very hydrating oh my gosh guys I'm actually sweating um it is very very hydrating and it feels really really good on your skin another thing I want to mention is fragrances so when your skin is irritated the last thing that you want to look for is fragrances fragrances even for me that doesn't like I have sometimes I do have sensitive skin when I try like the wrong products for my for my skin I can get irritated and the last thing you want to do is add fragrance fragrance is going to make it worse I actually don't know why they add fragrance to skin care products if I'm honest that's like the biggest red flag for me I try not to get none of that perfume smelling uh Rosy smelling strawberry smelling stuff that to me is meant for your body because your body's skin is a lot more tougher and it can tolerate a lot more um your skin on your face sweetie you will react that second I don't know about you guys but I react literally within the second like my skin will tell me straight away if it's a no yeah the CeraVe hydrogen cleanser it's fragrance free non-comedogenic and yeah that's that's what you want to look for another one is the Cetaphil gentle cleanser again that is so so similar to the surfy one um these two to be honest with you I can definitely compare them because they are just so similar um you can literally just use any one that you you like so then you've got foaming face washes and forever face washes are really really good so what this will do is basically it will foam and create like a bubble like type of feel um I like to leather it in my hands and then apply it to my face and the one I can recommend the one that's been on my channel is the CeraVe foaming cleanser very very good 10 out of 10. I highly recommend it it just makes my skin feel so clean afterwards but that's basically kind of like my guide to choosing the right cleanser for your skin thank you guys so much for staying tuned and watching so since you've made it this far I really really appreciate you guys thank you so much have a great fantastic day evening morning night whatever wherever you are um and I'll catch you on my next video
Views: 75,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skin, Skincare, how to choose the right cleanser for your skin, FYP, explore page, HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT CLEANSER FOR YOUR SKIN TYPE | OILY, DRY, SENSITIVE SKINCARE
Id: W02hho0Ci8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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