How to Choose the Best Roast for Your Coffee: Light, Medium or Dark? | Syzygy Coffee

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what's up guys Pedro here with Suzuki coffee today I wanted to talk about the differences between roasting levels light roast medium roast dark roast and generally speaking there is a very very defined difference between them and we are going to go over them in this video check it out now generally speaking whenever you buy coffee you'll notice that the detail in the bag what type of roasting level you are getting either a light roast a medium roast a dark roast or somewhere in between light medium medium dark roast or very dark roast and right off the bat if you're aiming to get a high quality coffee you're going to be in the medium roast in down so anywhere between light roast and medium roast and I'm going to try to explain the reasoning behind this with light roast coffee you are keeping the most amount of flavor from that original Green Bean now as you may know or not the coffee Farmers spend tons of hours energy and their expertise in order to make it so that their green coffee is exceptional and what this means is when you roast that green coffee and it starts developing within your coffee machine with your roasting machine these flavors start to develop whenever you hint you get a hint of vanilla or or chocolate or citrusy that is inherent to that product to that green bean to the farm into that type of bean you're consuming so if you roast it very lightly you're actually keeping most of those flavors right now if you go too dark into the spectrum that means you're losing uh most if not all of those inherent notes and it's simply because you're burning the coffee so generally speaking our coffee here at ccg is going to be between light and medium light roasted simply because we are keeping the most out of that original flavor without burning it now we can go into the rabbit hole and make a two three hour long video just talking about the differences but um I want to preface it by saying that if you are looking to get good quality coffee try a light roast and if it tastes good that is generally speaking a good cup of coffee simply because you are actually tasting uh the coffee itself and the complexity of the beam if you go into a very dark coffee regardless of how expensive it is how great and it was produced by the coffee farmer even if it was a very cheap coffee or very expensive coffee if you dial it up to 11 and burn that coffee into a dark roast comes too that is going to be like a full City French Italian Roast these are very dark coffee beans that tend to lose out on the inherent flavors and they're all going to taste very similar which is why it makes no sense to buy very expensive dark roast because generally speaking all dark roast taste very similar it tastes like burnt coffee or charcoal so why would anyone roast coffee to a very high degree why would you roast it into a dark coffee there are a few reasons people there's some people who actually like dark Rose coffee and that's fine I particularly hate it but people do enjoy it some people try to get that dark coffee and smother it in creams or milk or half and half or sugar just to mask the coffee flavor or the intense coffee flavor that they're getting not knowing that what they're doing is dialing back the harshness of a dark roast now whenever I approach somebody who doesn't know much about coffee and they're asking me what to get I usually try to convince them to start at a medium roast and work their way down depending on where their starting point is if they're used to dark roast coffee maybe try a medium dog coffee and work your way down while also removing the amount of extras that you add to your cup of coffee when I talk about extras I'm talking about sugar or cinnamon chocolate anything that is going to alter the coffee experience itself it's actually masquerading the actual taste and the tasting notes of the coffee you're Brewing now there is a misconception very common between people that suggest that the stronger the coffee tastes the higher the caffeine content therefore that's what I want and that's actually uh not true whenever you're heating up coffee green coffee in order to roast it the level of caffeine stays the same it doesn't get altered by heat uh the only thing that gets altered by heat is the taste of the coffee particularly how acidic the coffee is going to taste the lighter the roast the brighter and more acidic it's going to be which is actually something that you're looking forward to in a cup of coffee and the darker it is you're going to experience more bitterness which is something that you actually don't want and people tend to associate bitterness with high caffeine content now generally speaking and if you're going to go into the details if you're going to grab for example one coffee bean that's been light roasted in one coffee bean that is then dark roasted if it's assumed for the sake of the argument the same type of Bean in the same volume and weight what you're left with at the end is a lighter weighted Bean on the dark roast versus the lighter one simply because the lighter one is retaining more oils and more of the original humidity so now let's talk about the infamous espresso roast this is actually you'll see in many bags of coffee that is also sort of a marketing gimmick I would say there is no such thing as an espresso roast because you can make an espresso with a light Bean or lightly roasted Bean meter roasted Bean dark roasted Bean the thing is people are usually more accustomed to a dark roast whenever an espresso comes to mind that's simply because in I have no way of backing this out but I didn't speaking in Europe uh there is a very high consumption of espresso you think of espresso you think of Italy in Italians use italian roast and the Italian Roast is a dark roast therefore the espresso with dark roast Italian Roast then you get an espresso roast but we for example don't Brew or espresso shots with a dark roasted coffee if you check out our social media every single time we brew coffee for example on the nine Barista which is an amazing espresso maker you get a golden Crema a delicious smooth coffee that is absolutely delightful to drink alone and this is all with a light or a medium light roasted coffee so what you can expect to get in a bag is espresso grind that is completely different because that is a physical attribute of that coffee in order to get in a espresso machine now don't get those too confused whenever you're looking at Coffee try look at the level of roast rather than the description saying espresso roast and judge by yourself I am not somebody who knows what you like I know what I like I know what our clients like what our friends and families like and they all agree on a lighter to Mid light or mid light roasted coffee but maybe you do enjoy dark coffee and that is perfectly fine it is something that we don't actually push forward to because we are focused on making sure that the coffee producer who worked so hard on fermenting and taking care of that coffee bean delivers Us in coffee that we also take care of and highlight the attributes through our roasting process so that you guys can enjoy it and the only way to do that unfortunately for our coffee lovers is to get it through a light or medium medium light roasted coffee now one thing I have noticed is that people tend to also associate dark roasted coffee with the amount of Crema that you're getting specifically through an espresso shot now it is true that you may get a brighter yellowish golden Crema with a dark roast but as I stated on previous videos you actually aren't getting a better shot of coffee simply because it has higher Crema as a matter of fact if you know about arabica coffee and other types of coffee namely Robusta coffee you'll know that Robusta actually produces much higher percentage of Crema when it's being brewed through an espresso and if you know anything about coffee you'll know that Robusta is not the best type of coffee it's great for other types of things such as desserts or aromatics and things like that but in terms of consumption it's not the best it's just or very fast produced coffee or things you get in the supermarket that have been mixed with a lot of milk and sugars to kind of hide the fact that it's very yucky tasting coffee so overall that's not something you should associate um you know dark roast with Crema or even a blooming well it does look spectacular it does not mean it's actually better now just to summarize the video real quick as you know we went through the different types of roasting profiles light Rose medium roast and dark roast if you want to get a cup of coffee that most closely resembles what the coffee farmer is trying to get into your cup of coffee then go with a lighter roasted coffee now as I said before my suggestion would be if you're used to a darker Rose just try to work your way down and start taking up the sugars and the milk and the creamers and that way you'll notice how much different and how much more enjoyable coffee can actually be no harshness no no scratchiness on the back of the throat because you're drinking a darker roast with a light roast coffee you'll get citrusy fruitiness juiciness very intense flavors that can only be achieved through these types of roasts now if you like this type of video please consider subscribing to the channel leaving a like it helps quite a bit comment down below what you'd like to see next we are making long form videos and shorter form videos and uh would love for you guys to give us some feedback right now we are offering a 10 discount on our website at if you use the code space is awesome and you're also getting free shipping you can also visit us on our social media platforms at cctc Coffee we're active on Twitter Instagram Facebook and Tick Tock so feel free to check us out and that's pretty much it for today guys until next time godspeed take care [Music] [Music]
Channel: Syzygy Coffee
Views: 2,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TbDxrQi285k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2022
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