How to Choose Between an Above Ground vs. Underground Propane Tank | Foster Fuels

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foreign we're here to talk about above ground versus underground propane tanks and what factors to consider when deciding which type of tank installation is right for you and your home if you're considering the use of propane as a heating fuel source for your home or business you'll need to consider above ground or underground propane tank installation there are a few factors you'll want to consider before you make your decision first you'll want to consider the appearance of the tank if you're like most Property Owners appearance is extremely important many homeowners believe a propane tank reduces a property's aesthetic and curb appeal if you're unable to install an above ground tank in a discrete location an underground model may be the best option for you the biggest question we get is what's the cost difference between above ground and underground tank installation an underground tank requires the installation of additional protective equipment to prevent corrosion and possible groundwater contamination when combined with the digging and back filling involved with the site excavation an underground tank will cost more than an above ground unit next you'll want to consider security an above ground tank poses certain security risks that don't exist with underground tanks including vandalism which can make an above ground tank less desirable for property owners in high crime areas and if your tank is located near a roadway or parking area it can also be vulnerable to vehicle collisions temperature is another thing you'll want to consider underground tanks are better suited to extreme temperatures particularly colder climates unlike above ground tanks underground tanks are warmed by the Earth allowing them to function at a high level when the temperature drops below zero lastly you'll want to consider the water table on your property to avoid floating issues with underground tank this typically happens when the water level in the hole or the tank is buried rises above the level of the fuel inside the propane tank if you live in an area that is prone to flooding an above ground tank may be better we hope discussing these factors was helpful if you're in Central Virginia and you need help deciding between an above ground versus underground propane tank installation don't hesitate to call Foster fuels
Channel: Foster Fuels
Views: 1,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SkkoDuBPXbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 34sec (154 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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