How To Choose A Motor - DIY Electric Skateboard Build

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what's up guys welcome to another electric skateboard video today we're talking about motors which motor is best for you how to choose a motor and what options are out there my name is Mike beard I am electric skateboard enthusiast I built a ton Electric skateboards so I've had quite a bit of experience with these motors so let's dive right into it so without a motor your electric skateboard isn't gonna go very far it might power on make some noises but it's not gonna actually go forward obviously picking the right motor is extremely important there are a lot of different components that go into building electric skateboards but people seem to get more excited about their motors probably the way people get excited about engines and cars I'm not sure when it comes down to actually choosing a motor it might seem a little confusing if you're not sure what you're looking for it can t be very confusing with all the different sizes and brands and all of that to make it simple there are two types of motors to mainstream types of motors there's belt driven motors and there are hub motors so about different motors are just a motor that attaches to your electric skateboard and runs a belt that's connected to a pulley and moocher wheel hub motors on the other hand are just motors are built into the wheel of the electric skateboard so it's a little different both have their pros and cons but we'll get into that later so because everybody's needs are different there is no best motor at the end of the video I'm not gonna be telling you what the best motor is because I'm not sure what you want a new board some people want the fastest board possible some want a board to kill every single helmet it comes into contact with others want a really long range and others just want a really quiet board so you know who you are by the end of this video you should be able to make a decision based on your preferences so let's start off with belt motors belt motors are by far the most popular electric skateboard motor in the DIY community mostly because you get to choose your wheels and customize your gearing ratio how motors you don't get to do that but belt motors you do so if you really like the orangutan wheels or really like a specific wheel on your longboard you can absolutely have that freedom with the thumb motors but remember if you do opt for a belt motor you do have to get a couple extra things you have to buy a motor mount to mount the actual motor to your skateboard and you have to get a pulley system to attach the motor to your wheel so just remember those two are kind of extra costs but to me well worth it so you start searching for electric skateboard motor especially you belt motors there's a lot of numbers involved like the size and the the speed and the ratings of all these motors there's a lot of numbers in law so I'm gonna break down the most important numbers for you so you know what you're looking for when it comes time to buy the size of electric skateboard motors are indicated by four numbers in this case we have a 6355 motor basically all that means is it's 53 millimeters wide and 55 millimeters tall so 63 55 there they also make 63 74 motors they make 50 55 motors you'll start to see those numbers pop up a lot when you're looking for electric Sabre motors but yeah that's what those numbers mean I'm just the the width and the length of the motor so basically when you're looking for a motor just remember that the bigger those numbers are the more torque you're gonna have more powerful that motor is in this case we have a 50 55 motor right here next to a 6355 motor here so you can see the size difference they're basically the same length but this one is much beefier which will give you a lot more torque a lot more hill-climbing ability so you guys get it the bigger the motor the more powerful it is so these three motors the 50 55 the 63 55 to 60 374 are basically the most common sizes for motors so depending on who you're looking at as far as bender goes their motors are probably gonna be around those numbers if not the exact same numbers but just keep in mind a lot of motor mounts are made for 63 millimeter motors so the same motor mount that you would use for these would not work for this one so keep that in mind these are more popular than this these are this is a pretty small motor still great but not as powerful as these so most people pick these so there's still one more number associated with Logix keyboard motors and that is kV rating kv grading is basically rpm per volt so say your KP rating is 10 and you have 10 volts of electricity 10 times 10 is 100 so with your battery and your motor you'd have a hundred rotations per minute those are just example numbers you're not going to be dealing with numbers that low but yeah we could go really deep in the topic of kV ratings but it's pretty simple and I'll give you just a bare minimum that you need to make an educated decision so when you're looking for a motor you'll want to find a motor that has a kV rating of about 200 anything between like 180 and 2 bhindi is pretty good pretty ideal I've had a lot of people ask me you know they'll send me a link to a motor and it's got like 3000 KB rating that does not work most most of those are for for model airplanes and stuff like that there's just not a whole lot of torque there so basically the lower your number the more torque you'll have and the higher the number the more speed you'll have so at 180 you'll have a little bit more torque than you will speed at 270 you'll have a little bit more speed than you will torque very very similar results all those numbers but that's something to keep in mind if you want a little bit of a faster board go a little higher but I find 180 to 200 like such a sweet spot I love it so much so that's what i always recommend everybody but yeah around 200 is where you want to look so everything I just told you about kV ratings that's for belt driven motors hub motors are a little different hub motors you don't want it a 200 kV hub motor you're looking for something around 75 and the reason why it's different is because of the gearing ratio there is no gearing gearing changes the the ratio of how many times your motor spins compared to how many times your wheel spins but for a hub motor your wheel spins one time for every time the motor spins so 75 is lower so basically your wheels will have a candy rating of 75 which is great so just keep in mind for hub motors you want around 75 for Belgium and motors you want around 200 which brings me into hub motor so we just talked about a ton of dolt driven stuff I know it's a lot of information but if you're totally confused on motors hopefully this will help anyways hub motors basically very heavy but the motor is right here within the wheel there's no belts there's no mounts there's no nothing like that which is very appealing there's very low profile here there's nothing going on there's just wires coming out of the the truck and that's basically it these are awesome for sure there's a couple different things you have to think about with hub motors you don't really get a wheel selection you can't get to can't pick like your favorite wheels that you've always used you're kind of locked in with these and then the front general regular wheels there's nothing special about them you can't use orangutan or anything like that something to consider not a big deal but you know someone might really love their wheels and then how motors are just totally off the table so you guys would go with the dump motors another awesome thing about how Motors is they're super quiet they're really really quiet there's so much less friction and noise so associated with them but they have a lot less torque they're not as torquey as belt motors so Hills still not a problem especially with dual motors but they're not going to be as good as a belt driven board so um it is what it is but the quietness of these absolutely is worth it if you don't live in a super to the area so the numbers behind hub motors are very very similar like I said the kV rating is 75 vers 200 but the numbers associated with hub motors mostly hum owners are dictated by by the wheel size so like this is a 19 millimeter set but if you want to get really specific into what size and actual motors are it should be listed in the product description depending on where you're buying it from but so this case this is a 73 millimeter by 55 the actual measurement of the motor itself obviously these can't be 90 millimeter motors because there needs to be some kind of room for the thickness of the rubber of the your thing so yeah that's basically it the larger the number the the more torque you're gonna have the more powerful they're gonna be same exact thing with the Bell motors for reference here is a 90 millimeter set that we have and here is a 70 millimeter set that we have much smaller but still a ton a little power in this little thing like there's good power here you can get a lot of good speed out of this but look how much smaller they are it's like if you had a penny board or a really small short deck these are awesome obviously not as powerful as these these are more powerful than these but still a really good deal and and they're much cheaper than these so yeah just like all long boards electric or not you do have to replace the wheels once in a while so when you buy a hub motorist you do want to look at whether or not the sleeve comes off in this case with a couple screws this sleeve pops right off and you can replace this leave when it gets old but our 70 millimeter pair these do not come off because they're so small and the form factor needs me as small as possible these the polyurethane does not come off which is not a big deal I mean there this is a pretty thick rubber sleeve I can't imagine how many miles you'd have to before this actually withered all the way down to the motor but keep that in mind if you really want to be able to switch these out keep an eye out and make sure that they are replaceable so if you made it this far hopefully I haven't rambled you to death but there is still one more thing to consider single motor versus dual motor setups if you're going with hub motors duel all the way duel most places don't even sell single just because our motors are great but they just don't have a lot of torque so a single motor would be kind of underwhelming but so the real debate is whether you get a single belt motor or dual belt motor if you've already decided on hub I guess you can stop watching but if you're still curious here you go the single motors are great I've used my very first build with a single 6355 and it was awesome I never even wanted a second motor ever but a second motor does give you a lot more coming power way faster acceleration but it does take a toll on your range two motors gives you about 70% of the range you would have had with a single motor so again that's something to consider obviously cost is something to consider you'll need two motors two mounts two pulleys so and you know double is the price of your motor budget but still really awesome if you want that acceleration so so hopefully been able to keep all that in your head I know I've been just yelling at you about motors for the past few minutes but here's a chart on the screen to help you kind of make a decision on which motor you would want or what motor best fits you are built like always all the links to all the products you've seen today are in the description below definitely help support the channel if you check those out and potentially get your motor from us and yeah so again all of our social links are in the description subscribe if you're into Electric skateboards and in love building I mean you want to learn more yeah anyways have a good master day and we'll see you next time with another electric skateboard video
Channel: MBoards
Views: 180,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY Electric Skateboard build, DIY Electric skateboards, how to build electric skateboard, best electric skateboard motor, how to choose a brushless motor, brushless motors, hub motors, belt driven motors, DIY ESK8, esk8builders, DIY electric longboard, how to build diy electric skateboard, electric skateboard parts, electric skateboard build, DIY electric skateboard tutorial, electric skateboard tutorial
Id: vJ_P3-72TxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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