How to Choose a Blog Topic the Best Way

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hey everyone in this video I'm going to show you how to choose the blog topic the best way okay so let's dive into this real quick here so what you'll probably hear some girls recommending is it's a you know as far as picking a blog topic as a strategy what you'll see some of them you know share with you or recommend it's basically strategy where you sit down you grab a piece of paper and you create like a little mind map of yourself and a whole bunch of different passions and interests and things that you have in your life that you might want to blog about right so for example you know one of your interests might be making music so they'll say okay write down on a piece of paper you know that could be a blog topic like you know making music or maybe you're interested right now you're going through a period of time your life where you just you know you focus on getting out of debt so maybe that's something that you're you know that you're focusing on right now it's a it's an interest of yours or maybe it's like CrossFit or some kind of exercise program that you're specifically you know involved in or maybe you're training for a marathon or something so that might be a blog topic or you know wood carving you know that might be something a passion that you have an interest that you you know that you have there that you really enjoy doing or maybe you want to blog about making money online you know because maybe you're trying to make money online and you know as you're learning you want to also teach people what you've learned so maybe that's your blog topic that you're thinking about um or you know blogging itself rewriting that maybe you want to start a blog I'm talking about blogging tips or maybe you have a passion for horses maybe you know horses are a big part of your life and maybe that's something that you're you know very interested in so you know you might have all these different interests all these different things that you could potentially start a blog about that could be you know one of your topics and some girls will actually go a step further and they'll actually recommend that you you know you dive into an even more specific topic like instead of let's say making music they might say you know you should get more specific and figure out you know what kind of music are you talking about like maybe you could write it you know start a blog on playing guitar or maybe they say no you need to be even more if they've done that you know maybe you know what kind of guitar is it electric guitar acoustic guitar right you know and they'll say well maybe you should start a blog talking about more blogging about playing acoustic guitar or whatever right now here's the thing let's just take this example and you know this is something that this method doesn't work I can tell you that right off the bat and I'll explain why let's just say that we picked a topic like wood carving let's say you're a person that just enjoys wood carving you sit down you know and you grab a piece of wood and a chisel or whatever and you start or carving knife I should say not a chisel a dive I have no idea what how to do wood carving so I guess I guess they use a wood carving knife so let's say you have a wood carving knife and you sit down piece of wood and you start carving whatever out of it right and so they say okay well you're going to focus your blog on wood carving that's going to be your audience you're going to start a blog so what you need to do is you need to start you need to go get yourself a domain name and you know you want to you want to pick something that has your keyword in it right like if your topic is wood carving then you want to have like you know your blog you know your domain name might be like Julie's wood carving right or if you were starting a blog on CrossFit it might be like you know Julie's CrossFit or whatever it is you know or Jon's acoustic guitar playing calm or whatever right so the idea is that they go okay you pick your topic that's what you're passionate about and you know you register your domain name and then you start blogging right so you write your first blog post and you write your second blog post and your third blog post maybe you shoot a couple of videos and you're writing these blog posts and eventually you hit a point where it's like oh what do I do now okay and there's a number of things that can happen at a certain point it might happen you know after your your first blog post it might happen after your fifth or tenth or maybe even after like three or four months or maybe even after a year but eventually what I find is that one of these situations comes up number one what could happen is you could run out of ideas to write about on that topic okay you just you know you write it but you thought you were passionate about the topic you just you start writing you know certain things about an adventure you're just kind of like you know what everything that I could potentially say I'm on this topic I've already written about I have nothing else to say right so you might run out of ideas in terms of writing about that topic or the other thing is you might realize it it's not as much fun writing about it as doing it right like maybe you love wood carving because it allows you to just you know take some time off and just sit down in a quiet room and kind of go into almost like a meditative state and just you know carve something out of a piece of wood okay and you might really love that that might be one of your your passions that you've you know you've gotten into and you just really enjoy doing that but maybe writing about or blogging about it is not that much fun right not everything in life that you enjoy doing is also enjoyable to write about or to create videos about okay a lot of stuff is but I'm not you know I'm not saying that that it's like that for everything but I'm just saying maybe after you start your blog after a while you start to realize you know I'd rather spend you know my time carving the wood instead of writing blog posts about it so you might not have a passion for writing about that specific topic may be another topic would be better right or another thing that could happen is that you realize that there really isn't a lot of people interested in that topic online in general you look maybe the hobby or your passion is just something that's so you know different that not a lot of people are looking for information on that topic online or maybe the people that are looking for it online maybe they don't read blogs right like maybe they prefer to visit forums or you know or chat groups or something like that like maybe maybe blogs are you know people might not be interested in reading blogs about that specific topic right another thing that can happen is you can have a season change now season change can mean a lot of different things like for example it could mean you know specifically just like really like in terms of seasons like winter summer fall and spring and stuff like that right like let's say that your passion is skiing right and you get into skiing for three or four months and you're writing blog posts every day but then you know the the skiing season ends in and you have nothing to write about for three or four months or well let's say you start a gardening blog and everything's going fine you started in the spring everything's going fine then you know summertime comes and you're building up this blog and then you know fall comes and now you're writing all these blog posts about harvest and then winter kind of shows up and for three or four months you've got nothing to write about maybe it's a heavy winter and you know there's a lot of snow or or just you know that you just run out of things to say and and talk about during that season right so that's one thing that can happen another thing is that you know seasons in your life could change right like you know you might be interested in something at a certain point in your life right like you know like for example having kids or something like that and then you know five years later you now you're moving into let's say you wanted to buy a house or you're getting into investing or something like that and you you know just things change in your life and you're no longer interested in that topic or it's just something that isn't really that exciting to you at that point in time right another thing that can happen is you could be forced to or you could choose to put whatever it was your your hobby or your topic or your passion you might be able make force to kind of put it aside as an example let's say that you were running a blog on marathon running and you know it was going well for about a year and then maybe you had an injury right or you know or you you found out you had some you know some kind of health condition and your doctor told you listen you know I recommend that you stop running marathons for a while until we get this thing under control and now all of a sudden if you're you know if your blog is like Julie's marathon running tips calm right and you know you've built up an audience and all of a sudden you've kind of you're not running marathons anymore you can't even run marathons anymore you kind of would slowly start to run out of things to talk about right because you're not even doing it anymore or another thing that could happen is that you you know you maybe you're not forced to change topics but you just kind of lose interest in something after a you know six months or a year a couple years because you found something else that that you're even more passionate about right I mean most of us have had this situation happen where you know you're going along your life and then you discover something and you a new passion like maybe it is marathon running or maybe it's CrossFit or maybe it's making music or maybe it's you know some hobby or wood carving or whatever it is you find some passion in your life that you're just like man this is so cool and and you want to write about that topic but if your blog you know if your blog is specific to only one topic and you're you know your domain name is like Julie's wood carving journey calm and all of a sudden you're not even into wood carving you're more into you know running marathons and you can't write about the thing that you're excited about right now it just makes it difficult right you're going to be sitting there and you're going to be resenting your blog because you're like well I don't really want to write about wood carving anymore because I don't have an interest in that I want to write about running marathons right or vice versa right so what usually happens in this kind of situation is people kind of slow down and eventually stop blogging about whatever it is that their topic was because one of these situations or something else happened and they no longer have anything to write about and then what ends up happening is the abandoning the blog and the blog ends up in the you know the blog graveyard and there's so my mean there's literally millions of blogs out there that people started and you know they had a passion or an interest or something about that specific topic for a period of time and then you know things changed in their life and all of sudden they have nothing else to blog about so the blog just kind of dies away right now I'm speaking from experience here because you know I've gone through some of these training courses and I've listened to some of these gurus and you know and and and I had my main blog where I kind of blog about whatever and then they would say no you got to start a niche blog you got a pick you got to pick a very specific topic and just kind of write about that thing and and you'll see that that'll work way better for you right and so I listen to them right and for me one of the topics that I picked and I've probably done this about six or seven times now in my life but one of the ones one of the topics that I picked was tabletop gaming right which is basically just like painting these small little miniatures and you know that you play on on the tabletop and so I created a blog called tabletop game this is a few years back I set up the blog and I started creating content right and I I don't know I might have like maybe 40 or 50 or 60 different blog posts and a whole bunch of videos that I created talking about tabletop gaming right so I was like you know I was publishing blog post publishing blog post publishing blog post creating videos creating videos creating videos and then it's like I hit that oh right I hit that whole point and you know for me what happened is I had to actually put the hobby aside for a while write some things in my life change and I had to kind of put that hobby aside for a bit you know and I could pick it up at any point in the future but for a period of time I had to kind of put it aside and something else came into my life that I was more passionate about right so when that happened it's like I stopped blogging right because you just you know if you're not doing that thing if you're not if I'm not painting anymore miniatures or I'm not focusing on that hobby or whatever it's kind of hard to write content I mean you can still write a few more blog posts or maybe you know spend another 1 or 2 months writing about something but eventually you just kind of run out of stuff to talk about because you're not even doing that thing anymore right so of course I stopped blogging and that blog has basically been abandoned it's just kind of sitting there in the blog graveyard so all the people that I built up you know an email list and a following or whatever they were kind of disappointed because I just kind of was there and all of a sudden um I've kind of just disappeared right now I could come back and I can kind of resurrect this blog buddy but if I did that if I got back into this hobby because I haven't been blogging I haven't been communicating with that group of people for a period of time they don't even know who I am right if I send him an email today they and the last one they got from me was like five years ago you know they're probably not gonna know you know what you know who I am or what I'm doing right so I speak from experience when I talk about this right like I've done this so many times I've I tried setting up these niche blogs and it just never works out I've never seen you know a person I might have seen some people set up really specific niche blogs there's like their second or third or fourth blog besides their main site but for somebody just starting out and starting up and setting up their first blog or their main site their main blog I've never seen you know a successful ultra specific niche blogger continue on it you know if there are people out there I would definitely say that they're an exception to the rule because in most cases what I've seen is I've seen people you know start very specific blogs where they're talking about one thing and one thing only and then after a while they just give up you know it might be a couple months or maybe six months or a year but something changes in their life and it's like they don't want to talk about that thing anymore they just can't talk about it there's nothing for them to blog about you can't generate content and it just kind of dies away which is a shame right so you know how do we choose a blog topic then if that's not how you choose a blog topic what do we do right so here's what I recommend okay first thing I'd recommend is you know I would go through that process of sitting down and writing down all the different things that you might potentially write about and what are your interests and your passions and things like that let's say your passion is wood carving and horses and you know you know getting out of dad making music playing guitar making money online blogging give CrossFit whatever it is let's say that you make a list of all the different things that you're interested in right and then what I would do is the first step is I would choose a domain name okay now how would I choose the domain name well what I would recommend is choose a domain name that encompasses all of the topics and maybe even more okay so don't pick a domain name specific to any one topic pick a domain name that just kind of it could fit in with any of these topics okay so it doesn't matter which one of these topics you'd be blogging about if somebody looked at the domain name and then saw the blog post that it wouldn't look weird okay so um if you're probably the best thing to do is actually register your domain name as your name meaning you know if your name is John Smith try to get John Smith com right now there's a very high chance today that your name is probably not going to be available right but if it is if your name and last name together com are still available I would definitely recommend signing that up unless you know you got a last name that's like impossible to spell right you know it's like 47 letters long and nobody in the world would ever be able to spell it it's like you have a hard time spelling your own name you miss type at every time you type it then maybe it's not a good idea to use your first and last name but if you know if your name is fairly simple - you know to spell and easy to remember and version of is available I would definitely recommend getting that I don't recommend getting dotnet or dot info or dot o-r-g or any other domain extensions except com personally I also don't like using hyphens or dashes in my domain name so I wouldn't personally I wouldn't recommend you know getting John Smith com because most people when they type a domain name they'll just kind of type that they'll forget the the - they'll just like John Smith com so that's one of the other reasons I don't recommend that because you can tell somebody yeah my domain name is like John Smith net and then the five seconds later they'll go into their browser and their fingers will type John Smith calm and you're basically just sending traffic to whoever owns the dot-com version of your domain name right so if your if but if your name is not available right excuse me if your name is not available um you could pick a domain name that's kind of generic that encompasses all the different topics you could potentially write about so as an example you know I use my own domain name which is free you now com write all the different things that I blog about they can kind of fit in with that domain right like for example if I write a blog post about you know success or making money and somebody sees a domain like free you know calm and then the blog article says you know how you know seventeen ways you can you know you can achieve financial freedom faster or something like that it makes sense right like for you now makes sense if I write a blog post about you know losing weight right and the domain name free you now still make sense because people might be thinking okay so this is a blog post where he's talking about you know freeing yourself from being you know overweight or whatever right it's a generic enough name that it doesn't sound weird right like the name is not like Paul's woodcarving journey com and then my blog post is about weight loss like that doesn't make sense but if it's generic enough like this like free you now it's just you know it could be really about anything right um some other examples you could use you can pick your name and try to kind of pick another word that someone hasn't registered like let's say your name is Julie you could say like Julie's journey calm or Julie's blog calm or or if you have two people who are you know you and your partner starting a blog together it could be like Julie and Joe calm right incidentally I don't really recommend starting a blog for two people it's I think it's better for each person to have their own domain name but you know if you want to do that then you could do that I guess but the point here is to choose a domain name where you could technically write about any of these topics and it can still make sense okay so that's step one okay so that's step one now step two is basically start blogging okay now you might be thinking what do I start blogging about well basically just pick any topic out of you know your list of topics that you have right and just pick one that you're inspired to write about and just start blogging it doesn't matter which one of these topics you pick if you know on day one you're like okay well I kind of feel like writing a blog post about woodcarving so you write a blog post about woodcarving the next day you might say well I kind of feel like writing a blog post about making music so you write a blog post about making music on day two and then next day you might write another blog post about wood carving and the next day you might write and blog post about making money online and then the next day you might write blog posts about playing guitar the point is just start blogging okay now if you're using the Calado brand station platform what I would recommend is you go through the 21 day blogging challenge system that's built right inside the the platform because what it'll actually teach you is first of all it'll teach you to develop the habit of daily blogging for a period of 21 days but also more importantly than that it'll actually show you 21 different styles of blog posts that are out there right because there's different types of blog posts there's blog posts that are let's say like a list post where you know like 17 ways to you know whatever right and then the blog post has you know number one number two number three number four and it kind of gives a little bit of a description of those things you know another blog post type might be an article where you're basically telling a story about what happened to you you know an experience that you had or something like that another blog post type might be a video blog where you you know have a couple of paragraphs of text and then you have a video there where you're you know sharing something in video format or whatever so there's different types of you know styles of blog posts that you can write and the 21 day blogging challenge system inside collado basically walks you through 21 of those styles and my time you're finished those 21 you'll kind of get an idea for which one's fit with your personality type which styles you prefer which style of blogging you know you enjoy more than others and you kind of start to pick a you know a few favorites that you kind of end up favoring a little bit more than others and that's fine right everybody will have a different style of blogging right so you're developing your style at this point moreso than whatever topic you're writing about okay um and just keep doing that just keep blogging daily or as often as you can write for 30 60 or even 90 days and what will happen is you'll actually see which blog topics you naturally tend to favor okay so basically whatever you're really passionate about blogging about right and it may not be the same things that you're passionate about doing like I mentioned before you might be really passionate about wood carving but you have no interest in writing about it right you won't really know that until you start right you start trying to write a blog post right so after 30 days or 60 days or 90 days you'll start to see a pattern emerge where you just tend to naturally favor certain topics on your blog okay and you know you'll start to see that you know 75 or 80 percent of your blog posts tend to be centered around the same topics right like you might and the funny thing is it probably won't be what you expected like let's say that you're really really passionate about making music and then like 60 days later you find out that like 80 percent of your blog posts are all about getting out of debt okay or the other way around like you might be saying well I'm really focused on getting out of debt and making money and that's my main thing that I want to blog about and you know ninety days later you find out like 80 percent of your blog pole are about like CrossFit or something right so a pattern will kind of emerge by itself without you having to try to control it okay you'll just allow yourself to blog about whatever it is that you want to blog about and see what happens you know 30 or 60 or 90 days later right and what you actually realize is that your blog topic actually chooses you this is a kind of an interesting thing a lot of people ask me well Paul how do I choose my blog topic and in reality what I've discovered as a blogger for almost nine years now is that I find that my blog topics choose me right like I'll wake up in the morning and I'll just have an idea for a blog post right and and you know it's it's always something different right you know might be related to same topics but something just kind of pops into my mind I want to I'm inspired to write about it right and I don't try to force it I don't wake up the morning and go okay today I'm going to try to write a blog post about this keyword or about this topic whenever I find I try to do that I'll just sit there at the screen and stare at it blankly and go well what the heck am I going to write about right whereas if I just you know allow it to kind of flow in then it's much much easier right so you will actually discover that your blog topic chooses you you don't choose your blog topic okay and what will also happen is over time and this is you know basically step three is don't quit when things change right because something in your life might change you might lose interest in that you know topic that you're you find yourself kind of blogging about more than others or certain circumstances might force you to give up on that topic or you just don't have anything else to talk about or a life you know some kind of positive experience will happen in your life that changes everything like for example you might be passionate about writing about you know CrossFit or running a marathon or making music and then all of a sudden you find out you're pregnant or maybe you have a kid or something like that and and now it's just like oh my god you know you're so passionate about writing about kids and you know early child education or something like that or or whatever right or maybe you you you pick up a new hobby that you're really really passionate about or something that you kind of reignite something that used to do when your younger and all set now you kind of just reconnected with with a new Pat it with a passion that you used to have and and you know that thing is way more fun for you to blog about then whatever it is that you're currently talking about right or it's you're currently blogging about um what you can actually do in those situations you can try to bridge the topics right so like if you're you know let's say you're doing CrossFit or let's say you're doing marathon running and all of a sudden you know you're a woman who just had a child right and let's say that you just you don't want to continue doing CrossFit for whatever reason you don't want to keep running marathons right you find it doesn't fit with your schedule right having let's say you had twins or something right and it's just so much of a time dream on you that you can't you don't want to do those things anymore right well you could bridge the topic and you can now kind of combine those two together and say well I'm going to still want to maintain you know I still want her exercise but now I have these kids and take up a lot of my time and I'm you know I love my kids whatever maybe now your blog becomes a little bit more about you know how to stay fit as a stay-at-home mom right so it's kind of like you're bridging over a little bit to a different topic right and some topics just you won't be able to bridge them right like if you were mostly writing about wood carving and all of a sudden you're talking about playing guitar you know it's just two different topics and that's fine what will happen is if you can't bridge your topics a certain percentage of people that you know may have subscribed to your blog because they were interested in that one specific topic that you were mostly blogging about they may leave they may unsubscribe but it won't be everybody right in most cases what I found from my experience is that only about five or ten percent of people that follow me on my blog and you know subscribe to my email list if I ever switch topics I go and start talking about something else only about five to ten percent if not less unsubscribe and leave most people continue to read my blog with whatever topic that I'm talking about at that point in time right like they might have joined my blog when I was focusing on exercising and you know they were interested in that side of it but then now I'm talking about blogging but they're still interested in that topic as well right so some people may leave but you know at least you won't be starting from scratch even if 50% of your you know your list or your email is to your followers left you at least you won't be starting from scratch like you would have to if you know your blog was like going back to like Julie's marathon and all sudden now you're not doing marathons anymore now you're like okay I'm gonna start a new blog like Julie is now and mom calm right now you're starting from scratch again and trying to you know rebuild everything also the domain Authority with Google you'll be able to keep that even though your blog topic you know changed right so if your blog you know if I'm blogging about you know making money online right now on my on my domain free you now calm and then tomorrow I start blogging about you know weight loss or whatever it is I'm still maintaining that domain authority even though my topic has changed on the blog okay so that's one of the other benefits of having a blog where you're not specifically picking a domain name that's only specific to one topic okay another thing that may happen is you may choose to kind of tweak your main blog topic a little bit if for example you're looking for a way to make money with your blog and your blogging about a specific topic and you're getting a bunch of people to your site so you're getting traffic but you know maybe you're getting the wrong type of traffic or maybe you know you're trying to figure out a way to okay how do i monetize my blog and how do i how do i actually start making some money with my blog so you might choose to tweak certain things right you might choose to you know if let's say you're writing about exercise or whatever you might start looking at you know what you might want to start blogging about how to become how to you know how to blog as a personal trainer how to you know how to build a successful personal training practice or something like that there's different things you can do to kind of tweak your blog where you're still writing about your main topic but you're attracting a different audience a different type of audience that might be easier to monetize to you know for them they might be more willing to click on on certain ads and you know purchase certain products as an affiliate or three affiliate links or whatever so that my also happen right but the main thing is to understand is that you've now if you do this way if you follow my advice with what I shared with you in this video is that you've which are basically going to be creating you're going to be creating your what I call a forever blog right and you're essentially able to pick a topic and just start writing about something with no stress and worry about having to pick the right topic because I've seen so many people get stuck on this point they're sitting there it's been six months and they still have no idea what the heck they're going to start blogging about they're like Paul what should i blog about and then I tell them well what are you passionate about let go through this and they're like I think I'm gonna start a blog on whatever let's say wood carving and then three months later they still haven't started they're like well you know what Paul I'm really glad I didn't start that blog on wood carving because I'm not even doing that anymore now I'm into you know running marathons right and then and then they're like okay well I'm gonna start a blog on marathons and they still don't do it right and then two or three months later they're like oh man I'm really glad I didn't start that blog because I know I'm not into running marathons meanwhile I'm doing something else you'll never build a blog you know with AB of an audience long term if you're jumping around you're switching you're launching a brand new thing every five you know every five minutes right so start a blog that's just based on your name right or you know a generic domain name that can be something that people can associate and you can brand around yourself but that's not specific to any topic the way I kind of like to think about it is almost like if you look at your facebook profile page like your personal Facebook profile page and you ask yourself okay what's the topic right what's the topic of your personal Facebook profile page and the answer is that there is no topic the topic is you right it's not like your personal Facebook profile page is only about cooking right because you like cooking or it's not like it's only about one thing now if you look at people's Facebook profiles like the personal page you're not talking about a fan page I'm talking about their personal page it's whatever they're doing in their life right now right like if if if somebody just had a kid you're seeing like 50 pictures of their you know newborn baby on their Facebook profile three months later if they're building a new house you're seeing 50 pictures of their new house of their building you know a year later if they started training for a marathon you're seeing 50 pictures of them you know training for a marathon right so it's it's kind of like you're documenting your journey in your life on your facebook profile page and it's the same thing with a blog right I think that your main blog should be like that it should be about you your life your journey all the different things that you're interested in about you know of course like I mentioned before chances are that even if you allow yourself all these different topics plus 50 more different topics you could blog about what will probably happen is you'll probably find that 80 or 90 or even like 95 percent of your blog posts end up being about one or two topics anyway so your blog is going to become a niche topic blog anyways and you're going to start ranking on Google and stuff like that so you don't really have to worry about it but if you stress out about it you try to sit there and spend you know six months or a year trying to pick the perfect topic it'll never happen you never get started you'll never get to the next level okay so just follow these steps and I guarantee you're going to have much better success than sitting around and trying to you know figure out what is the right topic and trying to do Google research on keywords and things like that and trying to find the most profitable keywords in the most profitable niche market all that stuff doesn't work been there tried that it just it doesn't work okay so if you enjoyed this video what I'd recommend is first of all subscribe to my youtube channel which should be pretty easy there should be a button that you can just click and just subscribe the other thing I would recommend is visit my blog and my blog is once again WWF ryu now calm and i'd encourage you to sign up for my email list as well because you know not only do you get access to my latest blog posts i share that with my email list but there's also certain resources that i email out to my email list that i don't have on my blog that i don't put up publicly you know I have certain private resources that I only share with my email list okay so once again my domain name is free you now com go in there subscribe to my email list and I'll see you in the next video
Views: 13,437
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Keywords: how to choose a blog topic, how to pick a blog topic, blog topic selection, best way to pick blog topic, best way to choose blog topic, best blog topic, blog topic ideas, blogging, Blog (Industry), How-to (Website Category)
Id: I1bulK8Qssc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 8sec (1988 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 06 2015
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