How To Change The Graphics Settings | Creating An Options Menu | In-Depth - Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial

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hey guys welcome back to another online 4 tutorial today i'll be showing you how to apply and change different graphics settings in your game so in today's video i'm going to show you how to change the screen resolution the view distance the anti-aliasing the shadow quality and the texture quality and so in the last video i showed you how to make a main menu and this is the second part of that where i'm showing you how to make the options menu so let's get straight into it so what i'm gonna do first is open up my level where i've made the main menu so main menu level and then also open up the main menu widget i'm not gonna do anything with it at the moment i'm going to make a new one but we'll open it up as we'll need it anyway it's like says as soon as i've opened this i'm just going to close it and then i'm going to right click in the content browser user interface widget blueprint to make a new widget and i'm going to call this options menu widget and then just open that up straight away and so what i'm going to do in here is actually create uh the menu so you can change between what you want to do so what we'll do first is the screen resolution so let me just get a text box here actually i'll just call this the options one so you know where you are to get options text and then in the actual text itself i'll just call it options and i'll put it in full caps like that and again mess about the color the font all of that but for the moment i think this is going to be fine for me and then again i'm going to anchor it to the middle and just move it up a bit like that there and what i'm also going to do is get the back button that we made in our credits one so we can see here we have this back button so i'm just going to copy and paste this so i don't need to make it again go back to my options and paste it on the canvas panel like that i need to move up a bit but that's fine so we have that again and we'll just create the functionality of that straight away so if we go the button and then do unclicked what we want to do is take this back to the main menu so we'll do is remove from parent to take away the options menu so take that off the screen and then create widget and this widget will be the main menu like that and then again obviously add to viewport like so we can compile that as that part's done again let's go back to designer and we'll start with the other graphics settings so again we'll get another text box and this one is going to be for the screen resolution so i'll just call this screen res text and i'll link this to the uh to the top left yeah and then inside i'll just call it screen resolution like that again size content scale this up a little bit and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to have different options that you can click on so obviously you can choose which ones you like i'm just going to have the main ones that i would like so i'm going to have four different options so i'll get four different buttons and i'll customize the buttons again first so like i did with the other one i have normal it's just white hovered i'll set to a little bit of gray so you can tell and then on pressed we'll have it black so again it's easy to just tell the difference again customize this a lot more for your actual game and however you want you get really creative but this is gonna be all right for me so i think this will be fine for the moment let me call this one the first resolution i'm gonna do so i'll call it 720 by 480 button like so that's good so let me just duplicate this so ctrl c and then on the canvas one or control v and i'll get another three as i need four so one two three four like that and i'll just move all these into place again i'm not gonna bother too much about how it looks i'm just mainly focusing on the functionality of it so if they're not all perfectly lined up then that's all right for me but again i'll see you do it properly so just anchor those like that this is 720 by 480 this one will be 1280 by 720 and naming the buttons really isn't uh important but i like to do it just to keep things nice and organized and easy to tell what's what this will be 1920 by 1080 and then the last one will be 2560 by so we've got a kind of small one hd then full hd and then uhd so now let's get the text in there so you actually know what you're doing so like i said this one is 720 by 480 and then the actual text again 720 by 480 i'll set this to a nice black as well so you can easily see it and then i will copy and paste this onto the other buttons so they're already there and they already have black and stuff like that so this one again will obviously be 1280 by 720 and then 1920 by 1080 and then last but not least 2560 by 1440 and so now let's do the functionality for these so if we click on the first button and scroll down and get the unclicked event and if we just do that for all of them so we have 720 by 480 and then over here if we click them again on the variables so then the next one will be 1280 by 720 again doesn't matter what order i just again like to keep things organized 1920 by 1080 and then 2560 by 1440. and i'm also just going to move these up a bit just to keep them a bit closer together like that and then simply all we're going to do is just execute console command and the command for the screen resolution is r dot set res space and then the resolution you want so 720 by 480 if the buy is of course just an x so now if we get this another three times and then plug those into the correct button presses so i might need to move these down a bit and then again just change the command accordingly so this one will be 1280 by 720 and then 1920 by 1080 and again finally 2560 by 1440. now the last one i can't test out as my monitor isn't that big but obviously if you do have a monitor like that size you can test it out so to test this we're going to want to hit the little arrow next to play and then standalone game and then save selected and this means that it won't be in this little edit here so you can change the resolution of the screen so we just let this load i'll show you how to do this although we actually haven't created the way to get into the options so if we do that now close this and then open the main menu again and then click on the options button go down i think we already made it but no it didn't go onto unclicked and then if again we just remove from parent and then create widget and then we do options menu widget like that compile and then we test this out again so now if we click options we'll go into the options menu and if it doesn't work you get a black screen like this it may mean you need a background which i've got to add as well my bad so we go back onto here go to the designer and if i just add image to the back and again i'll do what i've done on the other ones so 0 0 1920 by 1080 anchor to the whole screen and the image i'll set what i've got for the other ones and then set the z to minus one so it's behind everything compile this should hopefully fix it ah i know why i wasn't working sorry i didn't add to viewport so if we go here and then add to viewport like that it should not work so that's my bad i forgot to do that so now if we try it again this should now work so we have our main menu click options shows the options menu we can go back like that and then if we set it to 720 by 480 i'll go like that 1280 by 720 and 1920 by 1080. and again obviously i can't check this one as it does that because my monitor isn't the correct size so 1920 by 1080 but as you can see that works perfectly let's quit and then we'll do the other ones so if we go back into our options widget here we'll next do the view distance so if we get another text like this and i'm just going to call this view distance text like that and then in the text itself i'll obviously put view distance and for this one we're going to get three buttons as that's the different kind of settings we have so again i'll just copy and paste this button up here onto the canvas panel sorry and it's already got the text that's fine because we'll change it and that means the text is the same so that's good so we'll get three of these like i said and we'll just put them here try and line them up but again i'm not worrying too much about the looks of it so this one i will call view distance so it's going to be low or near or anything like that so actually i'll call it near and then the next one will be medium and then the last one far so call this one if you want but these are quite common names for it so again there and i'll change the text in here as well and then medium and finally far so now again we should do the same thing so we go on to it and then go to unclicked so so the on clicked command here and then we'll do the same for these so we've done there and then if we get medium on clicked and far unclicked and again we're just going to execute const commands so execute consequent like that and then for the view distance it's going to be r dot and the r stands for render so this one is then r dot view distance or one word uh scale like that and then space and there's three different values well it's a value between zero and one zero being basically none and one being the default so as far as normal so on the uml forums they recommend for near to be 0.4 medium to be 0.7 and far to be one so for near button here we're going to set it to we're going to go space and then obviously 0.4 and then we'll copy and paste this another two times medium i'm gonna have as 0.7 and then far i'll have as one so the default distance you can see and this is basically just going to render in objects from different distances so like obviously the view distance and i'm also just going to put a comment on all of these just to keep it easier so you know what does what so select this press c to do a comment and this is screen res this is obviously view distance and then we'll go back to the designer and we'll test all these out at the end so in designer what we're going to do next is i'm going to do the anti-a listing so again get this text i'm going to duplicate it i'll set the end kit to the left side now and actually i'll do the same with that one as well and then this will be obviously anti-aliasing like so and then i'll put that in the text as well there so anti-aliasing and then again for this one we're gonna have four buttons like we do at the top as there is only four different options you can do for this so if i actually just select all four of these buttons and then duplicate them and then just drag them down to where i want like that and then i'll just change the anchors for them like this and then obviously change the names in the text and all that good stuff so the first one i'm going to call the button low and then the second one will be medium i'll put a afterwards just so i know which one is which let's already have some of these called that so low a medium a a4c anti-aliasing and then high a and with unreal they say epic instead of ultra because obviously epic games but it's the same thing epic and ultra it's the same so i'm going to call it epic as well just because we're an unreal engine orange by epic games obviously so in the text again i'll do low and then low in there as well and medium and then high and then again obviously either epic or ultra you choose which one you want to call it so actually i might also just say epic slash ultra there like so and again we'll just do the unclicked commands so as you can see it's quite repetitive it's very simple to do once you get the hang of it all you need to do really is just know the console command and you're set so we'll get low a a then we'll get medium a high a and epic aaa so like that again keep this organized there so again obviously execute console command and then the console command for this is r dot post process aaa quality and you obviously want to make sure you spell everything correctly so i'll probably write all these down in the description below so you can just simply copy and paste them so that's r dot post process a a quality and then the four different values you can have for this i'll move my mouse there are zero two four and six so zero is just completely disabling uh anti-aliasing two is then obviously a little bit of it four and six obviously getting better each time so for low i'm going to set it to zero so r dot post process a equality is space zero and i'll copy and paste this another three times move these down here and then for medium i'll set it to two for high i'll set it to four and then for epic i'll set it to six and then i'll just plug all these in like so accordingly and then again i'll keep a comment on it just so i know what does what keep everything nice and organized so this is anti-aliasing and then we'll go back to the designer and what we'll do next is the shadow quality so again i'll just duplicate this text and i'll call this one shadow text and then i'll sit in the text oh there we go i'll put shadow i'll probably say quality shadow quality and again this has four buttons so get these buttons and duplicate them move them down here i might need to make a little bit more space for the final one later but again we'll do that when we come to it i'm going to keep the actual text the same so it's low medium high in epic that's ultra again but i'll just change the names of the buttons and text and stuff so this will be low a sorry so this will be low uh s for shadows button i'll do s cube shadow quality medium sq high skew and epic sq then obviously the same for the text so low sq medium sq high sq and epic sk so again we don't need to change the actual text itself so we just get the button events again so on clicked we'll get that for all of them so we've got low sq and then medium sq high sq and epic sq like this and then obviously again execute console command this one being sg dot shadow quality and then this is from zero to three so zero one two and three obviously zero being the worst three being the best so i believe zero just takes off completely or if not is very low so obviously for low i'm gonna have it zero and we'll duplicate this another three times so one two three and medium i want to be one high i want it to be two and for epic slash ultra i want it to be the highest it can be so three and again plug these all in accordingly and once again i'm just going to comment over it shadow i'll call it shadow quality i'm going back to the designer and we'll do the final one which is the textures quality if i just duplicate this we need a little bit more room let's call this textures text and then i'll put texture textures quality let me just select everything and move it all up a little bit so it sets everything i don't want the image as well the uh background sorry so yeah then i can use the arrow keys to move everything up there should be enough room if i just move the button back down again so it might be a little squashed but obviously just make these smaller for you um yeah and again this is four buttons with the same names fully text so i'll just duplicate these there and move them down to there so yeah it just fits so again obviously i'll just rename these to low tq for texture quality and do the same for the text as well then again i don't need to change the actual text as i still want it to just be low medium high and ultra so the text isn't as important to change the name of uh it's more the buttons so you know what's what but again just in case you ever want to change do anything with the text it's good to just have this ready and done in advance so again go to low get the on clicked event and then do the same for the other ones so we have low tq medium tq high tq and epic tq then once again execute console command and for this one it's simply sg dot texture quality and then once again zero one two three zero being the worst three being the best so for low i'm gonna do texture called sg.h quality space zero and then i'll copy and paste this another three times and then plug these in like that and then i'll change so obviously low is zero medium is one high is two and then epic slash ultra is three and then once again just comment over this textures quality and then we can test this out so you might not have to tell that much of a massive difference uh just as i'm in the third person template but these will work and you should be able to see a bigger difference in your games again this is now done we have the screen resolution the view distance the anti-aliasing and the shadow quality and then also textures quality and designer it should look something like this again make this look a lot better for you but this works for me so if we now hit play so hit compile play save all of this and then we can test this out so if we then hit options we can go to this 91 by 1080 and we just set all of these to low and there go back and hit start i just realized this might not work as we're then changing over although no it did work so it just doesn't look as good so i can see there's i don't have a shadow so play has no shadow there's very bare minimum shadows for everywhere else and it just doesn't look as good or as smooth and i don't know how well youtube will pick this up but on the edges of these it's kind of jittery it doesn't look as great as it should or as it could so it doesn't look too bad as um my pc isn't that bad so it's still looking quite good but you can just tell it doesn't look that good so you can see i don't know how well youtube's going to pick this up with all the compression and stuff but there's just jittery edges on the edge of blocks and stuff the overall quality is just not that great and that's because of the textures there's a very bare minimum of shadows and my character doesn't have any shadow at all and yeah the textures the anti-aliasing all of this just isn't that great so now if we put it back to high or epic on everything sorry so we go through again and change everything to epic slash ultra we should see a massive difference so obviously go back to options 1920 by 1080 for epic epic and epic hit back and then hit start you can see that everything just looks a lot better so i have a shadow the textures just look a lot better it's not like blur or anything like that and there's no jittery edges on the lines they're perfectly straight and look fantastic again the shadows are just a lot better they're all here now just overall the game looks a lot a lot nicer and a lot more pleasing to look at so i think that'll be it for this video done everything wanted to do we've set up an options menu where we can change the screen resolution the view distance the anti-aliasing the shadow quality and the textures quality and this works in our game and it looks really good all really bad obviously depending on which one you choose but it works out perfectly so thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed and i hope you found this video helpful and if you did make sure to like subscribe down below so thank you for watching and i'll see in the next one
Channel: Matt Aspland
Views: 74,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ue4, unreal engine 4, unreal engine, tutorial, ue4 tutorial, unreal engine 4 tutorial, how to make a game, how to, blender, unity, games design, execute, console, commands, command, ue4 main menu, ue4 change settings, ue4 change graphics settings, change, graphics, settings, options, menu, view distance, draw, anti aliasing, texture, texures, shadow, shadows, quality, screen res, screen resolution, resolution, low, medium, high, ultra, epic, unreal, easy, easily, in depth, advanced, simple, basic, ue4 how to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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