Hey everyone. I'm Max Dalton, and in this video I'll show
you how to change your Facebook Messenger background theme. The default Facebook Messenger conversation
is a simple layout with very little flare. Thankfully, Facebook does make it possible
to apply a theme to your conversations on Messenger, which will give them a background,
change the color of the icons and chat bubbles, and change the default emoji. Alternatively, you can also just change the
color of the chat bubbles and icons. In this video I'll show you how to change
your Facebook Messenger background theme using either the Facebook Messenger app for iPhone,
iPad and Android devices, or the Messenger.com website. First let's look at how to change the Facebook
Messenger background theme using the Facebook Messenger app for iPhone, iPad and Android. Step 1. Launch the Facebook Messenger app, and then
open the conversation you want to change the background theme for. Step 2. Tap your profile picture at the top of the
screen to open a menu, and then tap "Theme" in that menu. The Customize Your Chat menu is shown. You'll see one section for Themes and another
for Colors and Gradients. When you choose a new theme, a background
for that theme will appear in your conversation, the color of all of the icons and chat bubbles
will be changed to align with that theme, and your default emoji will also align with
that theme. The theme will also be updated automatically
for everyone else in that chat as well. People using Messenger.com will see all of
these changes with the exception of the theme background. Alternatively, when you choose a new option
from the Colors and Gradients section, only the color of your chat bubbles and icons is
changed. Next let's look at how to change the Facebook
Messenger background theme using the Messenger.com website. Step 1. Open a web browser, navigate to Messenger.com,
and then open the conversation you want to change the background theme for. Step 2. Click to expand "More Actions" in the menu
on the right side of the screen if it isn't expanded already, and then click "Change Theme"
in the menu. The Pick a Color For This Conversation window
is shown. Themes will be listed first, followed by colors
and gradients. When you choose a new theme, the chat bubble
color, icon color and default icon on your Messenger.com display will be changed to align
with your theme. Additionally, anyone using the Messenger app
for iPhone, iPad and Android devices will see these changes, and will also see a background
for that theme. Other people in the chat will see these changes
automatically. Alternatively, when you choose a new option
from the Colors and Gradients section, only the color of your chat bubbles and icons is
changed. Let me know what you think of Facebook Messenger
themes in the comments below. If you liked what you saw here, click the
video links on the right side of the screen to check out another video, or click the logo
on the left side of the screen to check out my website to see more great tutorials like
this one.