HOW TO CHANGE DEFAULT FONT OUTLOOK 2024 | How to Change Font Size in Outlook Email

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In this short tutorial I am gonna show you how  to change the font in outlook. Before moving   on to the video don't forget to leave a like. I  recommend watching the video once before trying.  We can change Outlook's interface font and the  font for sending e-mails. To do this, we open   Outlook. After opening Outlook, click on View from  the top and then click on Change View. We click on   Manage Views. In the tab that opens, click Modify.  As you can see, there are Fonts and other Table   View settings here. Click on Other Settings and  continue. Then we click Column Font. Here we can   choose Font, Font Style and Size as we want. Since  I only want to change the Size, I will only change   the Size. You can also change the Font and Font  Style if you want. From the Sample section we can   see how the new view will look like. Click OK and  save the change. After doing this, we click on Row   Font. As with Column Font, we can change the Font,  Font Style and Size. After making the change,   click OK. Finally, we click on Font under Message  Preview. In the same way, we make the changes we   want to make and click OK. After doing this, we  click OK and close this window. If it has not   changed directly, we click Apply View. As you  can see, we have changed the font of Outlook.  If we are using outlook new, what we need to  do is open Outlook new and click on View from   the top. After that we click on View settings.  In the Text size and spacing section we select   our preferred font size and click Save.  This way we can change the font of Outlook.  If we want to change the font when sending  e-mails, what we need to do is open Outlook. After   opening Outlook, click on File and then click  on Options. On the left side we click Mail. Then   click on Stationery and Fonts. After that, click  on Font in the New mail messages section. Then   we set the Font, Font Style and Size as we want.  Click OK to save the changes we have made. We will   do the same for Replying or forwarding messages.  We click on Font and make the changes we want to   make. Then we click OK. We will do the same for  Composing and reading plain text messages. Click   on Font and make the changes we want to make as we  did before and click OK. Then we close the windows   by clicking OK. We have changed our mail default  font, now when we create a new mail we won't need   to change the font style and size again. We have come to the end of the video. I   hope this video was useful for you. If the video  helped you, don't forget to like the video. You   can also subscribe to my channel to support  me. Take care and see you in the next video.
Channel: Last Error Fixer
Views: 144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to change the font in outlook, how to change default font in outlook, how to change font size in outlook email, change default font in outlook, change font in outlook, how to change the default font in outlook, outlook, how to, outlook default font, how to change default font, how to change default font size, microsoft outlook, default font outlook, change default font, how to change font in outlook, how to change font size in outlook, how to change outlook font size
Id: 9ZWx_n2Twnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 59sec (179 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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