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hey guys welcome to today's parts decoding UK video my name's James today we're gonna be changing over a central heating pump we're taking out a red pump and putting in a V glow green pump you're gonna love every second taking the rack and at my ban as well now I'm actually quite enjoying it like that it's a little bit windy out here today as well anyway please remember to follow us on Instagram I'm going to post some stories from this video right now my Instagram story so click the link now to follow us there but also follow us on Twitter failure on Twitter Facebook and snapchat as well and don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel well you put videos up every week of plumbing fun plumbing tutorials plumbing disasters and just random plumbing stuff anyway I've seen the video I'll Jack so here we go guys ruin the airing cupboard now and it's nice and easy to get out we've got a red pump here I did a little test on it a minute ago and I think the valves aren't holding so I'm a little bit popo's there we go we're going to show you this video now because I've just I mean I've done a bit ly on this before so this is for apprentices but also you diy's can use it as well so the first thing we're going to do is not the water off so a quick brief description of the system we've got here we've got our pump on here we've got our two gate valves here these are prone to blocking up and going wrong a lot of the time that's due to the fact that there's a magnetic field around a pump and over time when you get a lot of magnetite in the heating system that can obviously it's a metal particle that's floating in suspension in the water and and then that can get clogged up around the pump area and I know for a fact that these aren't working today this is a massive house as well so the first thing I'm gonna do is turn the water off and that's this valve here so that's our feed pipe coming down from our loft tank and then we've got our actual vent and expansion pipe going up here which will go to the crook up and over in the tank itself the thing is sometimes us plumbers are really really pressed for time and we have to make a call as to whether we're gonna drain a whole heating system down to change a pump or whether we're gonna shut these two valves down as hard as we can but not mentally hard because these pump valves are very very prone to seizing up and then you can actually ring the gate off and leave it in the shut position in which case you are gonna have to go out and do that but the thing is right once we've done this what I'm gonna do in another video is give this whole system eclair and hope that actually clears these two out a little bit gets rid of the debris and then actually makes these two valves work properly but for the purposes of this video which is purely to show you how to change over a century tin pump yourself we are going to shut these two down as hard as we can we're going to crack this nut here you never know we might be able to stand the water well enough what I have usually for this sort of job is I'll just get my wet back and just pop that under here or get something like a paint scuttle and a bucket to catch the water be prepared but before we continue doing that let me just show you the new pump that we're installing so I've got myself a new V low here this is a little yaaaas picot this is a pretty big house as well so we've got the very stylishly named 25 / 1 - 6 - 130 - brackets ro w close brackets already have given it personally another name like super pump or well yeah super pump in fact can you just call it from that from now on just call it super pump and then everyone you bring out after that call it super pump 1 2 3 you know you could go on forever well I say inside the box you've got your instructions you've got your actual pump itself which we'll have a look at in a sec oh yes a lot of her manufacturers never used to supply these pump valve rubbers ok now what these do these are actually they go between the flat plates on inside here so when we slacken this off if we've got time if the water is in a controlled state then we'll be able to like get a screwdriver in there take the old one of this off give it a quick fall down get the face nice and clean and then pop a new rubber in which will really help with setting up the new pump and then we've actually got our electrical path it's not like the old days with pumps where there are wired directly into the pump body now you are in a lovely little plug like this and that gets it working for you let's have a quick look at the features on this very light the new your mas pico there's a few new features on it that you would not have seen in some previous models firstly it has a slow startup so if the pump has been off all summer are not been running you can press the slow startup button to slowly bring the pump on therefore removing any debris and hopefully preventing any problems for me the handy is setting so far introduced on this new pump is the air setting we all know as plumbers sometimes we have to jockey the pump on and off to remove any air around the system not so with a Janos picot you pressed the air purge button and for ten minutes it will automatically turn itself on and off to jockey around to any high points in the system or a IVs hell handy is that guys a quick look at the settings you've got three sections for just houses with the radiator system so for example the small house are usually set for five to ten radiators the middle house ten to fifteen radiators and the big house for 15 plus radiators but always check the instructions supplied through the pump to make sure remember the young speak-o has a modulating function whereby if any radiators shut down on their t rvs the pump speed will be reduced and you'll save energy and maybe the world the top section is for a constant rate pump setting to C this is the pump settings you'd have had 20 years ago on the old type pump the right-hand setting is for a house that's got the standard heating system but also underfloor heating therefore the pump doesn't modulate as much in the first six and if we spoke about but it still will modulate a little bit as the tale of these open and close and also as the manifold heads open and close as well so there you go I hope you enjoyed that lovely description there all the new Pico bits and bobs oh my god well then guys there's no time like the present so now that it's a sort of moment of just getting prepped getting ready for this job the next thing we'll do is look at the actual pump body and on all pump bodies there's an arrow donate to noting which way they're pumping so when you change out of the old pump for the new pump make sure those arrows are in the right direction so as you can see on this one here we've got an arrow just there and that tells us exactly which way round this should be going I've checked this pump and the arrow on this is going in this direction off towards what we call an S plan system but so I don't forget I'm just going to draw an arrow on the wall as well the next thing I'm going to do is I say electrically the whole heating system now go as far as you want to of this and if you're not happy with doing electrics and I suggest you do not carry on with this job I mean what I usually do is switch off the heating system and also pull the fuse out of the fuse for the hint system as well and if you've got a breakup on the main house Circuit that says boiler or heating system ping that off as well we can't be too careful and also before you do any work as well use an electrical tester to make sure that the electrical system has been isolated as well so there we go should all be ready to go here now well I've got the tilth it helped this health-wise II put a massive Briggs block on there Chris why did you do that so I'm just gonna get my channel here come on have enough towels so what we're gonna do first we're gonna shut both these valves off sometimes you'll find they've got a nice lip handle on them but most the time you find they won't that's just how it is now as far as you feel fit okay when it comes to this bit remember you are twisting a brass shaft and brass is quite a soft metal and it will shear off so easily you wouldn't believe remember if you're doing this on a pressurized heating system you get loads of water around you're gonna have to find a way of learning how to read pressurize the system so now we're just gonna get a bit prepared so we've got our pump here I'm gonna lay it down on the floor and the direction I want to point in so it's going that way I've got my two pump own rings here also gonna lay them down there as well and then I've got a myriad of different sets of grips alright big chunky beasts okay fine I've been aware I've left my fire but I've left my far summit usually how far the faces up on these when we crack them open let's just see if we get out of there first or obviously most importantly of all I've got a bucket Oh y'all phones guys so just go through this quick little checklist before you begin number one have you turned the water off number two have you electrically isolated the whole heating system number three have you tested the pump to make sure there's no electrics to it number four have you switched both these two valves off on each side of the pump and make sure they're nicely closed number five and then lastly and it's the easiest bit as well have you removed the electrical wire connections from the pump itself I'm not going to show you how to do it because that's Nouri or I'm expecting you to know how to do this anyway once you've removed the feed wire to the pump and you've done all the little check list you're pretty much ready to move to the next stage what I'm gonna do this is gonna be a bit noisy I'm just gonna plug my Charles Hoover which is a wet vac in and get prepared properly because you don't want to flood all around do we Oh No sorry about the den guys assist governments soon we get sometimes you have to grab the body of the bow because everything will just twist about plus he's cracked at all and we're in control of the situation at night this is getting a bit more of a loosening and see what we get out of it - what's not too bad because of that I would have trouble or gothic work so me slap the other one off like so we've just got a little bit of a dribble nothing to worry about massively here well you are gonna get now bit water come out and take the whole pump out try just to drop the pump or whatever you've got straight into the box look at that so there we go the old pumps out and it's in our it and we're happy we've got control of this situation here this one's definitely letting by a bit you can see it coming through one thing I wanna point your over to is the fact that most pumps have a similar width body okay from face to face that make sure that you're within a few meal cause you do have a little bit of flex either side and it should be okay just gonna clean the faces up on this so we've got a rubber on here let's just pop that off so there goes our old rubber on there it's pop that in there and the other ones already come off clear with the pump let's just give that a little wipe down usually what I'll do is one face at a time now this can be a bit of a problem so you want to pop on the little rubber on the face here just offer it up so this here and then try because these are fall down try and sort of pinch it up against the pipe a bit and then start doing up or so you can get that go in this is always a little bit of a faff it's just one of those things there we go so that's started now I'll just show you on here as well as you can see that's loosened off right and now with anything like if you've got enough room about a nicely slip your rubber into there like so nice and easy look at that and then just marry these up together get them nicely lined up this is this is always a bit of a pain there you go so it's line up like that they could do that up so now it's nice simple job of nipping out both of our nuts on each side sometimes it depends which bit sort of spins but you'll have to grab like to see that the whole body there sometimes you can either get a big set of grips and grab the whole body itself just get that a lightening up near Park now remember we are going onto rubber here so we don't have to go absolutely so like tighten this up as hard as possible Robert it's very obviously very easily squashed and once you've got it nicely squashed then that should really sup hold any leaks that might come out once done there I think now it's just a matter of testing whether we've got any leaks so I'll just open this up let's hope these open all right you'll know if you've run these off because they'll just keep on opening forever and you'll Spacely have a nervous breakdown at that point there we go outside opened and then this one here just nice and easily to get to the point where it's I'm doing and then this is the bit that's worrying it's go easy there's no you don't have to go absolutely mad under it anything on these now you can turn this back on notice first off is that we're going to make sure there's no leaks before we do any electrical connections as well so grab yourself a little bit of toilet roll dry everything off around here and look we've got a little weight wrist on there so that's gonna need a little bit more of a nipper the like I said we're on rubber seals here so we've got plenty of ply to get on there and we've got nice clean faces to work with as well so it's a real easy job for me now I'm just gonna follow the instructions sent over by Vela and get our little plug made [Music] right then guys first got the plug done and now what will it do is we're gonna plug this in and then we're gonna press this little button and then over 10 minutes it's gonna purge itself of air okay so any gobs of air in the system won't get stuck in the pump or it in its gonna shoot them out and up to a higher point where it can vent itself so let's quickly do that now that's on there and then we're just gonna pop that and now as you can see that's flashing air there and what that'll do it was sort of pulse for over 10 minutes and pulsed the air away some are to 10 minutes you're gonna want to actually set up your pump for use so this house here is quite a large house we've got 15 to 20 radiators so why I'm gonna set it to this sitting here okay and then it will set up the meters and the wattage output according them and that's basically it so it's really easy to sell so there you go guys all done we've managed to isolate our palm the old one whip it out do it all nice and safely with the electrics switched off we've got no leaks now we've got the whole system running also off camera I went round and balance the whole heating system as well if you want to know how to do that I'll leave a link in the description below and we've just had a great time in fact I've loved this so much I'm gonna get my phone and Instagram it please do follow us on Instagram I'm gonna post this somewhere Instagram story right now there you guys are and there's the pump I've just swapped over sending that over to my story you can watch that right away and keep up with stuff that we're doing on a daily basis so please follow us on Instagram by clicking on the links appearing right now please also follow us on Twitter Facebook and snapchat did you like the city stuff and all these things we do plumbing disasters with your bits and bobs like that if you've got any more problems you need any more help or you think we've missed something out you think we can improve this video somehow then please comment in the comment section below that thing just keeps cutting in and and we'll see if we can help you out also if you've got any problems or any specific questions about filos pumps i'll leave a link to their website in the description below as well but thanks ever so much for watching guys I hope this has given you apprentices a better idea as of how to change over a central heating pump safely and also some of the problems you can get around remember if you can if you've got the whole system drained out pop your finger inside here and just make sure there's not a load of magnetite around there as well we're going to get this system a really good power flush and that's going to be something I am going to film and put in a video so please do subscribe to us on YouTube as well and I'll see you in our next video remember everyone what do you go do hold tight that's what it is I love my towels I love my towels they're so wet and man Keeley I love my TAS I love my cows I might even use them as a bed for mr. G maybe look how clean that is it's much as beautiful [Music]
Channel: plumberparts
Views: 115,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to change a central heating pump, fix heating pump, replace heating pump, install heating pump, noisy heating pump, noisy central heating, heating not getting hot, heating not working, heating faulty, wilo pump review, wilo yonos pico, change pump, yonos pico review, best central heating pump, heating pump, heating pump faulty, heating pump broken, plumbing, plumber, advice, how, to, instructional, video, installation, plumberparts, official, Wilo Yonus pico installation guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2018
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