How to CAULK a Big GAP. PRO Tips! Start to Finish!

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[Music] today's video is how to run a bead of caulk in a big gap so the first thing we're going to do is take the backer rod and push it in to the gap this gap over here is a little bit small we could actually not put it in there but you get the point we're just sticking it in the up so over here so let's go to the thick spot so over here it's thick this is where we really need it this is a thicker spot right here and you do need something like this one and a half inch putty knife to push it down this is a good tool to do it okay so i'm just going to show you you shouldn't be able to see the back rod you don't want to push it down too far but you want to push it down a little bit below the level you need a little bit of space so you can get the caulking [Music] so this section right here the gap is small enough i didn't really need it so the backer rods in here and then if you bring your eye to this plane you'll see that you can't see the backer rod anymore we pushed it down but not so far that there was a huge gap we push it down just far enough so that there you can't see it this way so if you see the tip of the caulk here there's about uh what's about a quarter of an inch and so that's how long i'm going to make my cut on the tip of the [Music] i don't know if you can see that there you go so just a quick tip make sure you have a caulking gun assume the cost starts coming out that has a release button so this is the release button just make sure that it can release it doesn't release well then you're going to be in a world of pain with all kinds of top coming out automatic sometimes work but i like the manual ones so one of the biggest mistakes i see people make with caulk and paint in general is not having sufficient lighting so this little i really like this nebo uh headlamp i'll put a link in the description and so it's really powerful light so that when i go down and i'm running i need a caulk i've got a really good uh i can see all the imperfections so one of the things that i always try to do whenever i'm running a bead of is i don't know if you can see this thumb my whole fist is wrapped around the caulking gun i'm trying to create something that's that is gonna that i can use to slide so that it makes my caulk line smoother so here we go i'm gonna start doing it that one's not working too well actually this is going to be a little different angle for the camera so i'm going to try this one and so i've got the edge of my hand against against the sill here and i'm releasing and pressing the release button back here just press the release button so i don't dump a bunch more on my there is pushing against here holding it and then i'm angled so there's my angle of my cut and i'm angled at a 45 degree angle back and down both directions up 30 degrees here we go so always want a little bit more than you need but not a ton so the tip started getting dirty this is one of the things i always like to say is clean and throw away paper towels as many as you need keep the tip clean don't let it be dirty don't let keep your fingers clean again resting my arm against the cell here [Music] okay so what i have now is i have sponge and the water and my paper towels i'm gonna start finger troweling it and i'm trying to keep the caulk off of the window in this case you notice how the light on my head gives me so much more visibility of what's happening i'm trying not to dig into the groove so i'm trying to make my finger rest on this plane and not push down okay and the key to this technique or the key to what i think is the key is keeping your fingers clean just clean your fingers and make sure to have something to throw your towels into but you don't want to throw them on the ground because they'll you'll get caulk everywhere and then it is a nightmare so just always keep your hands clean [Music] and then look down here i like to just rub my finger off on the edge of the bucket and clean my finger and start over [Music] i'm looking really close at the line it's coming up pretty good keep going [Music] the paper towel fingers clean get them a little bit wet wipe them on the sponge throw away the paper towel and then there's a little dip right there so just come back so what i'm when you want to lay more caulk down you got to angle your finger forward with the extra and then when you want to take some off you angle your finger back so i'm going to lay some down more so i'm going to angle it forward and lighten it up angle it forward and lighten it up [Music] so right here there's a little bit of extra caulk right there so i'm going to do is i'm going to fold up the sponge real tight and then i'm going to really tightly press and just take that off with the wet sponge write it down a little bit do it again i'm just taking it i'm not going down into the arc of the line just right above it and then this so the line got a little bit off again so i'm just gonna another trick is you get your hand a little wet won't move it as much and it'll give you a little bit more you can make a lighter touch and not dig it as deep so i hope that was valuable um subscribe if you got value and please leave comments or questions below have a great day
Channel: The Regenerative Homestead
Views: 134,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to caulk, caulking tips and tricks, caulking, caulk like a pro, caulk, home caulking tips, caulking tips for trim, how to caulk like a pro, how to apply caulking, caulking trim and baseboards, how to caulk trim, how to use caulk, how to apply caulk, perfect bead of caulk, caulking and spackling tips, caulking trim for painting, caulking windows inside, Lush Planet Design Build, Mike Stokes, wild alive eduction, wild alive living, ecology of prosperity
Id: utijkt0RKzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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