How To Catch LOADS Of Catfish With A Pool Noodle!!!

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oh god that's a good guard right there that's a goodie right there yeah oh lord oh reach in there and get him that's big negative that's a big negative okay look at the teeth yeah i don't do that at home [Laughter] let me get him well good morning folks richard gene the fishing machine here today we're going to be doing something a little bit different and we're going to let hank wells tell us what we're going to do because i don't have a clue today we're going to do a little jug fishing um there's a lot of different ways of doing it but i use the simplest form i use a swimming pool noodle with uh just a little bit of string and about a four alt circle hook on it and uh we're going to be using shad for bait today there's a million different ways to make your your jugs some people will use pvc pipe in them they'll use weights on them they'll use 20 foot of line i just run my line through just a hollow part of the noodle tied off and put about three foot of leader on it and a hook and put the bait on it and drop it with no weight i have a lot of success that way in my opinion it's the best way of doing it but other people will have their way of doing it that works for them this is just what works for me that's right that's the way to do it water temperature 76 on top and now hank you're gonna let's watch him right here now this old boy knows what he's doing i like to take his shed and hook them through the nose they seem to live a little longer but i have used live shad dead shed it doesn't matter and where it's legal if it's legal in your state brim works really well for bait uh-huh i usually just take bait mine on there and uh just troll a little do you need me to move the boat okay slower for why let me slow it down a little okay about a 20 foot space is what you're using there ain't yes sir and your space can vary depending on how much area you have to fish i have fish these in the main channel but i typically like to fish them in sloughs it's easier to keep up with your noodles and usually around these weed beds you'll catch a lot of your bigger fish uh-huh now what species have you caught you said flathead blues and channels flat head blues channels i've caught several bass uh stripe guard i ain't that song drum i've even caught crappie on the smaller shorts what about that yeah because they're alive am i at the right distance from weed line you want me to push out just a little right in here is fine okay also i like to store my jugs or noodles in these laundry bags uh-huh it lets them when you when you're gathering them up it lets them dry and it keeps from rushing your hooks and things of that sort so they just last longer and typically if you take if you take care of your jugs you can get three or four seasons out of them before you need to replace hooks or or lines or anything so it's an economical way to fish and it's a good way to feed your family very good way to feed your family um like i said there's several different ways to make these jugs and you can put as much money as you want to in them typically i have between uh 50 and 80 cents per jug in mind i know some people that have five six dollars in each one of theirs oh i believe i like the first one a lot better as high as everything's getting now no doubt simple is better in my opinion also you'll notice this god look there went away strip that i have on here that's just reflective tape most people think you can only jug fish at night and have success and i do like to do it in the summer time at night because it's a lot cooler but i have just as much success mid day uh afternoon as i have at night before but the reflective strip when you're using your spotlight to locate your jugs makes them really easy to locate because it just stands out so well now we skipped the shad catching folks me and me and hank both we uh or hank and i let me say it right we uh we caught us some shad they were a little bit scattered up but we double teamed them and it took us probably 15 or 20 minutes probably to catch them all right hank we got them out and we're watching them now so what are you looking for right here we're waiting to see one uh take off with a fish with a bait that's now swimming with it uh usually they're not hooked at that point usually when they try to go uh deeper with the bait uh and pull the noodle under you'll get the hook set because you're using a circle hook right got you so now it's just there when a shad right there y'all see that folks so it's just a waiting game right now like any other type of fishing let's go after that right underneath there's one right there in the middle it looks like it's swimming away from everybody okay folks i'm stalking one down right now we got us a fish on this one right here they're kindly tangled up together let's see what we got right here folks yeah there's a fish on it oh my goodness that might be a good one there's a good one hank good fish all right we'll get him in the bucket take your time with him that's a good big blue cat one did you see what a net job yeah that was professional i mean i'm not pat my it just was that's a good blue right there fishing is a sport second to none yes sir that's right you got it brother yeah hold that that's a good blow opening now there's a way you fix fish when it comes to catfish that's delicious ain't it look at there i like to take one this size fillet and cut the bloodline out of it and then cut it up in about one inch chunks and then i will take and cover all those chunks and yellow mustard and batter it inside a ranch cajun fish fry and bright golden brown it don't get any better than that richard i know sir it don't nice blue right there now that's gonna you're gonna eat him man we're gonna eat okay so we can put him in the bucket well we got three whales in a good blue that's right we'll just stick with it whoo what would you call this technique get technical with it this is jug fishing but you can't use milk jugs or coke bottles anymore because people would be lazy and leave them in the river and it was trashing up the river so they made it so you have to use uh these swimming pool noodles and within a year's time they'll deteriorate and just fall to the bottom you don't see them you know i didn't know the reason for that but that's the reason so it's environmentally friendly if so if you so have to lose one or or whatever situation and for for the lazy folks that just won't go and collect their their jokes yeah yeah i don't understand that that's one thing i never did understand is why people would throw trash around another thing uh folks used to use oil cans which made really good ones i remember that but that's polluting the river because you got some that leak and or have oil on the side of them you putting excess oil and chemicals into the river system that's right but i do i remember that that was the old way they'd use whatever they had back then okay folks we're going to bait up some and then chase some more let's check that one out because it has moved all over the place i'm thinking it's just lively but we will check it anyways well one never knows do they i wish we'd catch three or four more like that one one never knows when it comes but we will throw them back because i have got enough to make a mess of fish marshall wanted to come folks but now i can take it now he has continuous gas but i don't know if my buddy back here could take it or not i'm tender [Laughter] they y'all see that boat up and boat up it'll be a good one richard yeah that's a pretty good fish when they do that yep he is bowed up ain't he definitely i'll get you in here close as i can hank now i'll turn you got him i got him all right i'm gonna get with you right here in a second hold him it's a good night yeah nice in there big blue big big blue wait a minute i don't want to knock him off there you go oh my my my look at there sticky finger in his mouth i know all about that they will see your flyers there richard my my man that's a good one that's a good one that's kindly like he was talking about yes sir i have caught several good ones like this elevation over the years he just didn't want to move did he no sir they get in there and still turn him sideways turn yeah that's a good one right there folks he's peeing y'all see that that fish is spawning that's a male that's a male fish hey richard let's let him go let's let him go you got enough we got enough for supper let's let him go right here that's the way to do it take a few and release a few all right folks we're going down through here and we're picking them up and rebaiting them now i'm out of reach whoa get him look at that fish he's a pretty good size fish whatever he is pretty good fish let me see if i can get you alongside him you got him hey yeah it is a guard look at there my my my man come here oh my goodness he was just holding on to the bait he come across this net here and he's stiffened up and he wouldn't fold into it but that's just signs of a guard you can see teeth marks right here inside the bait he tore it up he's just holding it in his mouth you don't eat you weren't gonna eat him was you no sir i was gonna throw oh my goodness that was my bad but he come acros he would not limber up and fold over in that net but you was right you was right that was a gar old catfish don't care if that bait stayed they don't cure do they god it's deep that's deep deep that's a good deal for them to get under right there that's deeper water all right hank let me get you over here to him richard i'm gonna let you pull that one up and i'll never okay this might be a bigger catfish than what i thought look how he's acting might be a good one can't it's hard to tell ain't it it is hard to tear but it takes a strong one to pull that noodle on me yeah it's a good one unfailing oh turtle oh no folks big softshell turtle look here what i call god it's big that's how big richard that's the biggest sausage now florida we've ever seen in florida we we people eat them yeah he's gonna get me that's a big assault show well he bites your finger yeah he'll tear it slightly hey what this i know i just don't do that sometimes a man can ask for something and get exactly what that's a big night yeah there we go finally got him there we go now what are we going to do we are going to put him back in this dip net and drop him back in the river like i said that is the biggest software hurdle i have ever seen that's so good this net is 36 inches and he's every bit of 24. yeah he got it [Laughter] well that might as well knuckle up that was a big one it was a big on it you either get it you either fire it or get it that's right they ain't no way in between them that just goes to show you you can catch anything while jug fishing that's right never know they let's go after him folks there ain't no weighing out run this on it let's see now it's a catfish [Music] now that's a that's a good eating size you want to keep him there's a big channel cap what that is is it yeah it's a real look there folks now i'm gonna tell you we're catching the far from them that is a big channel cat yeah that's a look at there you know that's a heavy fish to be a channel cat it is it is let's let him go let's let him go there he goes now you can make them there's a lot of different ways to make noodles you can run you can cuddle old 14 16 16 inches long run a pvc pipe through them and do all kinds of stuff like that but there's no reason for the expense as far as i'm concerned because it's an easy way to fish nothing to it so what we're going to do is take this 49 inch pole noodle and we're going to cut three out of this little cheap note one we're going to put together one real quick to show you a quick easy way to get it done let's do it this one's 16 inches i measured 16 inches they're easy to cut look here and that's a dull knife i need to sharpen it now i'm going to show you what kind of line and why we're using this type of line to fasten this note okay i've cut me a piece of this cotton line this is cotton line and cotton is the very best to use uh instead of mono and as far as color of the line it don't make no difference to a catfish it don't matter if he's a little bitty one or a big one catfish are definitely not line shy we know that so i'm gonna run this line through this noodle just like that and then right here i'm going to tie three overhand knots i might go forward just little granny knots right here three of them a loop and just go through there three times pull it and cinch it up tight just like that right there on the corner okay let's make pretend this is reflective tape but it's not you're better off using reflective tape because really you'll catch more catfish generally speaking at night throughout the summer they feed more aggressive we all know that um but late in the evening let's say if you stay you're you're doing it in the evening you're just gonna fish a couple two or three hours well you need reflective tape on here so you pick up all your noodles you'll be able to see it if it starts turning dark so all you do is just take it and wrap it around this just wrap it around it this is not a fancy way to go about it but it's just as good as the fancy ways and cheap if you're a partner or electrician or a plumber a rod buster you'll see this stuff laying everywhere now let's talk about hooks now there's two types of hooks that i like using a noodle and they both work equally as well although i think one works a little bit better than the next but i'm going to show this is a kale hook that's a great hook for a noodle great hook the next one of course is going to be a circle hook that's an eagle claw three out circle hook right there now me i prefer a circle hook a lot better it just seems like it does a little bit better job but every fisherman's different remember that's just my opinion now as far as the knot goes what i do is use a uni knot and that's one of the strongest knots you can use one of them so i just run it through there like that okay make you a little circle like that take the tag in and run through there you don't have to run it through there but about three times three to four times and that's enough it won't slip okay and then cut your excess off leave about 3 8 right there you don't have to you don't have to be neat when it comes to catfishing cut it off about like that and that's a perfect jug hook right there that size right there to me will hold a big blue or a channel cat without any trouble now today we're not going to use weight and the reason why because we're going to be fishing up shallow six to seven feet deep so actually our line is going to be about four or five feet long from this point right here now the reason why is because we're gonna be using live shad not cut bait but live shad we're going to catch them with a net hook them on here alive and let them just swim one of the best ways that i know love to catch blues and channel cats when they're up shallow and hank i appreciate your company thank you so much and i'll tell you what else i appreciate your love for the lord today we went and eat a hamburger and before we eat it we took a moment of prayer to uh pray over our food and that right there when i seen hank do that there's no doubt in my mind folks i tell you nothing nobody's in control but the lord the lord's in control of all this just live live each and every day the best you can and let the lord handle it don't worry about it worry is a sin that's right i want to say god bless each and every one of y'all thank y'all for all the great comments hey dog whoa how'd you remember okay don't fish it with your pants but call this [Music] you
Channel: Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Views: 167,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jug fishing, jug fishing for catfish, jug fishing for big catfish, jug fishing with pool noodles, jug fishing setup, jug fishing for gar, jug fishing tips, how to make jugs for jug fishing, how to make pool noodles into jugs for fishing, jugging, jugging for catfish, how to jug fishing, how to jugging for catfish, how to make jugs for jugging, catfish fishing, catfishing, catfish fishing with pool noodles, catfishing with pool noodles, catfish fishing tips, catfishing setup
Id: 2Lc-zq2PLfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 26 2022
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