HOW TO catch Kokanee every time!

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I just a corn in the corn or corn and Megan okay yeah this is all about you this is why you to be rigging to so oh no my back rods are 160 to 180 okay my next rods up here are like 140 to 150 and then the downrigger rods the bottom rod because it's down about 23 feet I'm doing like then I shuttle puck one down on the top and if it's closer to the surface the boat I put it out about you know 75 feet or so yeah it can be a mess but it seems to work pretty good numbers because I am NOT these are like my donor juice no matter how loose I get do not want to let them go so you got a mean we pair why not play that so I remember the distances because I'm found willy-nilly [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we notice you get back on one direction and he goes absolutely so then I asked him why do you think why do you think that is he goes I don't know if it's a light thing or or what and so you know me I just my mind just tries to process absolutely everything and right I'll grant license but then I got to thinkin well that's the way the wind blows right and so it creates a current and so all the fish all of a sudden are facing that direction because there are fish they point towards pressure at all times so all of a sudden the surface water is going that way all the potential bait or whatever they're jealous you're rolling when you're trolling with it your gears acting normal yeah and then you turn and get going into it it's like it all kind of flares out you're like why aren't I getting bitten I thought the same thing yes me I'm like why am I not getting bit now going this direction again there are salmon they're just landlocked no different they don't act any different they they act the same exact way every fish swims into pressure and so when they're facing one direction you bring your gear into them this way it's gonna make them react whereas if you're going this way with the fish a lot of the times it's very difficult for any salmon to follow right behind a lure and actually track it and bite it so when you come this way though Byam flasher catches the attention the gear goes by hope they buy that it so you know your block codes do you pick the color the hook makes a difference I don't I think it's more about the babies on there I guess red I use black put the lever over just watch it till it gets out there and then click it over okay two girls on the top and then one on the bottom or one two on the top and one maggot he just I got kids on here that do four and then we're catching hey that's a hard question so the way I'm rigging this on here is I'm trying to replicate a dying piece of horn and I'm from Eastern Oregon I grew up farming so I've done everything from harvested corn to throw dump truck for corn I've seen dying corn I know what dying corn looks like so I'm gonna make this corn roll through the water like it's dying [Music] how far do the sin we're ten minutes in you've asked three times how far you know dude that's why when I do seminars and guys like how far I have no idea because it changes every time 40 i'ma write it down you need to take a sharpie and write it on the side too you know you're doing what's ever asked that many times I'm gonna get the hang of fish in one of these days from the inviting obvious attention kokanee backbone that were 1719 inch company and somebody invited me to go a button back in the day and I came out and he's like oh that's a nice one that was like 11 inches and they like and the more I do it now the more the more students outdoorsman not even fishermen just outdoorsmen right we always have intensity to fish the same gear hunt the same way you know we do what we do is outdoorsmen and it's a matter of finding your comfort level in something but if you want to be well-rounded and more consistent in your catching and write and success of you well then you got it and I mean that yeah that Arsenal goes deep man is deep we didn't buy all this stuff and run you know everything we run just to get stuck in a pattern but look how long it took us to go to well for me to go to Pro Tools originally yeah I wasn't I would not do it what thing on my rock what are you got going here talk to us about so I I mean obviously I watched my electronics but for the most part I'll start one on about 30 feet and down down down start 30 feet down on my down my lowest rod and then my second rod I've got it set up about 8 feet so you're about eight feet above it and I shut a puck it down and you know just to get just like we do salmon fishing you know covering the depths this time of year it's about 30 feet up is about what we normally get hit on pretty good so that's about where I start and then you know at times I'll have these downriggers I used to just I used to use the down out of the way so I put it down it was way well now I've got a little bit more you know I have no experience especially when when you're comparing my lack of knowledge one of the things that I appreciate about the guys on the pro staff at VIP outdoors is that we're all open to being able to ask whatever question you want without feeling ridiculous about it you know I'm a self-proclaimed good salmon fisherman you know but when when it comes to a fishery I don't know I asked you know that's the only way we learn as human beings and so if you ever have a question about kokanee fishing about downriggers whatever it is and you some see somebody with the VIP outdoor logo on the side you can ask them and you will not be made fun of you will not be anything we are here to help you guys we are here to bring excitement to this industry and enjoyment because that's what this industry is right so again don't be afraid to ask question did you have a question leave it down in the comments right now and we will back to you so any questions on downriggers right now leave it in the comments [Music] [Music] I'm here on speed you have per person to two per and I try to run as many as possible we get more out dad do we look like a giant porky we get more out one two three four four just on one side well in at some point you know we're gonna hit that pot of fish it's gonna be four or five rods go always type of new or not usually just pull up astronaut the clevis we need that porker why nobody told me our Columbus workers so spinner goes will teach you spinners here that thing is gone I'll find it oh you got him on the challenge - no just like a bead it's gone Frank Valdez can move on your favorite action [Music] all right we're gonna go over to the three lures that we're gonna be using today number one is just a good old fashioned hoochie small hoochie a couple pieces of corn this thing right here is 100% manipulated by the dodger that you're using this is a pulsing cascade Dodger so you check out the action of this and that Fuji is going to again 100% manipulated by the action of the Dodgers so see how it's getting yanked around the longer leader on there the less action you're gonna have in your lure so that's a straight hoochie I'm gonna go and put this one out there to just free spool it to whatever bill said to put it out there adds that I can't remember okay this right here is a Brad's flasher and then this is a Brad's mini cut plug okay unlike the hoochie we just put out this lure itself has its own motion so you're getting two different motions between the flasher and the lure itself this one's gonna rotate in the water as this one makes it dance back and forth so they'll give me a left-handed lure Braille it's ridiculous you'll see that see you have that mini cut plug have its own spin to it and then it gets yanked back and forth by that dodger good act there's a lot of action going on and then third what we have is a bit of a combination between the two we have our flasher then we come down and you could either just stack beads or you could use hoochies but then we have our VIP 1.5 cocaine blade on there the auctioneering get out of this again this whole setup is going to be manipulated by the movement of this washer but now you have something inline that squirrel opposed though the entire lure twirlin VIP saw every time I try to try to say something official okay when you see on ours see how that blade spinning around you get that movement created by the Dodger as the blade spinning so we have three different presentations ee we have one that's completely Dodger applied we have one with the Brad's that is not only Dodgers but lure communion also and then you have our setup which the Dodger creates movement and then you have the blade rotating as well so three different movements I don't know which one works the best wind I will say that I forgot about this guy here and it's under 300 feet so I'm gonna roll that back into 140 she that's her supposed to be I'm bad yes are they just reeling in fish you know another coke sauce lassoed hooked in if you wanna you wanna catch a lot of smaller fish you go with some pretty awesome recipes actually I took the kokanee that we even had last week I did two different things with them three but I smoked them and we did whole fish so I we gutted head of them took all the scales off so the skins edible and then we smoked half of them and then we blackened the other half and out of those we were able to make just regular smoked kokanee obviously who made smoked kokanee poppers out of the black blackened kokanee I took that and obviously just black and kokanee one night for dinner over a Caesar salad we did a blackened kokanee fried rice with one of them I can't remember what else we do with the other but anyways we'll have all that on an episode coming up so you guys don't have to pay attention to that we did that reddish one that's both front and back then we also attend one that for I think he's gone I'm not sure he's gone that's how good of a fisherman I am I don't know if I gotta wake yeah exactly jury figures in yeah I'm down burger I'm about 50 feet out cleaning the kokanee I see very often the guys are just filleting kokanee here's one of the ways that we clean coca means that really really make it nice to be able to enjoy the whole fish and also makes the skin edible one of the first thing we want to do is we want to knock off the scales there's two ways to knock off skills you can take your hose and go against the scale and start blowing them off or you take your knife and you start scraping they also make scalars that does this the same exact thing but I don't know I don't find that they're that much better keep that knife against the grain see bumping get the skills off there get them all off one side and we'll flip it over and do it to the same thing on the other side rinse all the scales off there then what we're gonna do is we're gonna come up right up the middle start at the vent my fingers are frozen and that's a good thing about wearing a cut glove and you can't fill these things it's nice to have this cut glove so you cut it all the way up the middle turn them over cut down until you pop through the spine I can literally barely feel my fingers pull that down I've got some head come out get rid of that don't weird do it going open the cavity make a slit you got your spoon you remove that blood line and now now you have a kokanee that is ready to throw on the grill smoke repair any way you want you're like mermen we just came out for a few hours to enjoy it wanted to get a couple more kokanee for some recipes and all sorts of good stuff again this is Bill woods here but the session guide service he's been on the pro staff for three years now and you get a chance to come up here you want to fish any one of these Southwest Washington fisheries we do have a couple guys one with Brent that we're out with a few weeks ago and we have bill as well we'll have this contact information for you I'll tell you Bill I really appreciate you having preciate having you on the pro staff one of the things that I really like about build and I think you're gonna grow to appreciate as soon as you fish with them also is that it's very rare that you don't see a smile from here to here on this and it doesn't matter if you're in a story a doesn't matter who here is such a big personality and just a true pleasure to fish one throughout the day and that's an important part when you come to selecting the guide you have to be with that guide for eight hours unless you get them all before that so finding the right guide for you we could do that at VIP outdoors whether you want a kokanee fish whether you want a salmon fish sturgeon fish walleye fish ocean fish you let us know and we have the guide for you so bill thank you buddy appreciate the day someone in position and thanks for coming out we're gonna wrap it up and clean some of these bad boys up and go get warmed up man it's cold it's the oldest one enough for sure thanks for watching guys really July don't tell him don't tell him oh so obviously we know who the credible one is to the attention the gear goes by a pump they bite at it I wish the story got some readers my eyes number one let me start over with that caring because that's not the way I wanted to roll in that cable on your bra so it's all part of the experience doing a bungee cord our TR one twenty-five hundred two dollars a bottom cuff that goes like this when you lift your arm guess where that water go to go shoot we need the Valhalla meet outside clothing manufacturers boom has anybody tried Velveeta cheese if anybody could identify this dish try me I'm gonna guess steelhead
Channel: VIPOutdoors1
Views: 35,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kokanee, kokanee fishing, lake merwin, vip outdoors, landlocked salmon, spinner fishing, fishing, fishing in washington
Id: MBMN7-pXPuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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