How to Catch Crappie Trolling Jigs on Lake Wylie

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hey folks i'm peter melhorn in this video we're going long line trolling for crappie now this particular trip i'm fishing on lake wiley and we started out kind of up in the middle of the day we let temperatures warm up a bit and in the beginning of the trip it was fairly sunny uh we went into a creek where i had caught fish the previous day and uh we were trolling around and it just wasn't producing we were actually finding more bass in here than we were finding anything on some of these points and stuff we worked our way out of this small creek out toward the mouth picked off some perch and put some of those in the boat and eventually found some small crappie but there was no big concentration of them so what we decided to do was change the game the one thing with fishing uh fishing for crappie is that things can change fairly quickly especially during the transition periods of uh going from summer to fall fall to winter uh spring to summer winter to spring these trenches transition periods create kind of unstable stuff that's going on with the water temperature so we decided to try another area getting a little later in the day and this started to pay off this is that b m rock are you serious that's a good crappie there crappy boy crappie crappy what i'm confused i'm confused man look at that slab master yeah that's a fat dude all right white or black uh that is a uh black crab white crab's got bars vertical bars there you go now my buddy mark he likes to have a spinning reel handle on the same side as a bait casting handle i'm one of those people that has it on the opposite side i am right-handed and i crank a bait caster this way and i crank a spinning reel this way he was giving me a lot of crap about that did you lose another backwards reel did you lose another one yep ah dang that's about it's about 12 yeah supposed to be like jeff manning like fishing that's what i gotta start doing there yeah dude the boulder man effect dang dang oh that's the problem i ain't got chartreuse and black i got red oh yeah he's spitting it blue metal look at it sucked his eyeballs out spit it out sucked his eyes out all right guys we popped a couple of fish making a turn in here sucked his eyeballs out bit his head off that's all that fish bit precision biting there on that one uh now we found some fish on this little point got a couple we're going to drag across them again let's see if we can spank them mark fish monster finally button button one dot man he's too short he got yeah he got he got beat by something oh yeah old flathead trying to get him i throw him back out there put a bigger hook in him yeah he's going to be close i don't think he'll make it i'm going to say no i don't think he'll make it i don't think he's going to make the show man i must say no on his precise measuring board is that it way under yeah it lay under i've actually on that mark yeah it's it's actually that's fresh too man that is that old flathead bit in the hammer looks a top fin too yeah look here look here chomped that door broke his broken fins off spines yeah he is lucky in two two times one day missing the frying pan missing the flatheads and missing the coronavirus so they lucky oh yeah dang that's a monster perch that's a fatty liking some chartreuse it's funny those things are getting a little bit of yellow tint to them i noticed that the other day you know this chartreuse baits is that what it is chartreuse is rubbing off on them in the tank now the technique we're using is just really slow trolling long lining as some people call it basically what we're doing is putting out jigs uh usually 16 ounce to 30 second ounce jigs behind the boat a pretty good waste how far you put them kind of depends on how fast you're going there's no exact science to doing this and you really can't do it wrong the speed of the boat will dictate pretty much where those jigs fall in the water column you're going fast it's going to pull them up higher you go slower they're going to fall more so i put them on a pretty good way this is the best way to describe it we troll along anywhere from a half mile to a mile an hour and kind of let the fish tell us what's going on on this wrong rod again wrong rod got my man reeling back that's the one we're looking for that is a slavalicious one right there pal how about a pound that's good though you catch put 60 of those in the cooler and we'll not only uh get a ticket and go to jail but we'll have a lot to eat pretty fish good fish pretty pretty pretty now what we're doing is we're just using like i said these jig heads these these weighted jig heads they're 16 ounce to a 30 seconds of an ounce uh this kind of decides where they're gonna be at in the water column and then i've got some carolina hookers uh jig skirts that i'm putting on there the popular color for us was black and chartreuse but they make a lot of different colors so take a look at what they got a lot of different options there i like to vary them up i like to put out about three different colors in the spread and kind of see what's working some days it's all the difference in the world they're hitting one thing better than another some days it doesn't matter and then we just tip them with a minnow that's the easiest way to do it to get the most bites you can catch them without minnows on them but i like to catch fish so i'm going to cheat a little stopper knocker that's another right side handle too slopper knocker you ain't got no excuse now hang on you you don't want to need them now i know they're on your side of the boat now slobber knocker dang three quarter pounder that was on uh just a jig jiglets just uh just a mineral roy mineroid on a jig head fish dude yeah he'll make the idiots krill they're right up here on the bank can't they it's ticking yeah he's only got two rods landing for it uh we may have hit something it's either time of day or the location or we just started holding a mouth right well we come across a lot of open water never got bit and then we get up here on the bank and about eight feet of water and poof guess what we call it knocker catching up 60-degree water a little warmer than where we were so who knows let's see if my man up here can catch some more school me buddy school me go get your notepad school's in session make me ask yourself why was he catching more on one side of the boat than i was well sometimes it could be a depth issue sometimes that boat can be in a better sweet spot as far as the depth especially if you're on a bank if you're on one side of the boat and appear shallow this may be deeper but what was happening here was mark was putting his baits further out behind the boat this uh extra link put them in a better sweeter spot than where my baits were at the other thing was it was a little more of a subtle bite and uh he was really keying in on that but it didn't take long and i made a comeback sorta see some more showing up oh look at that look at that look at it look at somewhere look at this on there don't say dumbledore that's that's that's a fish there got a floater dang look at you hey that's the one you put the dye juice on yes sir man quality not quantity you're dialing them in now man yeah just like the sun getting dialed in as the sun goes down that's just it i'll be cool when it goes down now if you're new to fishing for krabi be sure to check your local regulations they change from state to state many times season to season one year to another these regulations can change uh we have an eight inch limit currently uh but it's good to keep an eye on that and see if it changes we're actually in north carolina uh legal force to use them for bait fish you know i fish for catfish a lot and they make excellent catfish bait you just got to follow the length limits and the krill limits and don't cross over into south carolina which lake wiley is in north carolina and south carolina because it's illegal to use game fish on the south carolina side it's macaroni smack it down get to use my mirror again nice reusable mark's putting smackdown on he started off very bad i mean very bad he had interceptions there were fumbles turnovers and now he's looking back playing with you unanswered points unanswered points laying back playing man i threw my you you threw yours in gear faster than i did that's what it is he's staying down we're going to find out what that marches were oh yeah sloppy knocky that night be hanging out the other end he's so deep i think it popped leaves yeah it is it's that good job mr bass fishing with you i gotta mark's taking care of business here he's killing them uh we're running out of two things uh minnows and daylight it's good fishing it's good fishing it's good here in the last little bit this is uh i've been wanting to come here all day and uh mark on the fish from other places but he told me we'll hit that last since there's probably not any fish there well the reason i saved it for last i know we'd run out of minnows if we got here too early right right right right now i've done this before he's looking out for me i've done this before you come up behind this one trying to kind of kneek up on it man sometimes you got to bring the jig up behind them and bump them in the table catfish bait or flesh image oh got the camera going late on that one dad damn it let's see what we got there we got him the lip and fish nice one pretty black crappy even though he's white well folks if you made it this far thank you for watching here are a couple more videos that i think you're gonna like i'd watch that one and then that one no no do that one first and then that one just watch them both they're both good
Channel: Dieter Melhorn Fishing
Views: 3,782
Rating: 4.9572191 out of 5
Keywords: How to Catch Crappie on Lake Wylie Trolling, Catch Crappie on Lake Wylie Trolling, Crappie on Lake Wylie Trolling, catching crappie on Lake Wylie, Carolina Hookers crappie jigs, How to Catch Crappie on Lake Wylie, crappie lake wylie, lake wylie crappie, lake wylie crappie fishing, Trolling for crappie with jigs, dieter melhorn, Best crappie jigs, best jigs for crappie fishing, Crappie bait, crappie jigs tipped with minnows, how to catch crappie, best color jigs for crappie
Id: CkbNbL9hMSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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