How To Cartoon Yourself !- Step By Step Full Video Tutorial ( ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR )

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what's good YouTube this your butchy world back child again with another art tutorial if you new to the channel go ahead and hit that like button and comment subscribe make sure you click post notification notified anything but Johnson heat and today's video man I will be giving you a full walkthrough of making a cartoon here and another thing too I want to show y'all like if you tryna if you drawn some dope artwork and you want it to fit perfectly inside of Instagram you know saying when you want to show your work I'm sure y'all like the size I like to use so this jaunt right into it come over to fire click new did not go to my custom saying I like 18 by 18 inches that's what I use that that seems to work perfect for me when I'm drawing and I want to upload it straight to Instagram and keep keep everything and frame you know saying so after I find my size I want to use I find the art the picture and I just dragging chop it right into Adobe Illustrator stretch out the size a little bit hold shift and out at the same time so you can keep keep the same light hi in whatever time see then come right here John opacity down lock that layer create a norm come over here brushes and if you got a tablet you can have this saying when you use pressure sensitivity that's the brush I like to use the one after you do this just put three right here both of these numbers and both of these spots right here and click OK and it'll give you that brush you see me use all the time with your sharp points now that is looks like pressure like I go light and I press down hard and I in like so it's just like a technique that you can get so it's good to have a digital tablet you should invest in one so first time we do I do it's like I started at least with the nose or our eyes [Music] click onto this brush so I can get some more control if you move your smoothness up meaning if you got the stabilizer too high in a correct your line too much you know I'm saying sometimes that's a good thing when you're really trying to make clean clean lines but then and sometimes you don't want it that high because it it affixed when you're trying to make little curves and stuff so I'm gonna bring that down for now and all idea was to get to this option let's double click my brush so I'm gonna click OK see if is just doing how I wanted to do okay [Music] that's a pretty good when you're working on your line work don't be afraid to like he raced like keep you racing it until you get it exactly how you wanted [Music] the cleaner your lines is the better your carts on here to come out so mushy we're gonna make it some clean line I [Music] get a lot of my inspiration to like from anime like I like how clean like they do they artwork you know so you was wondering what like what art style I'm really into this is like enemy so I just watched some random enemy and just look at the detail that they put into those cartoons like everything is fine so see me taking out of time and the linework coming out pretty clean ain't rushing it like going with the flow I'll make my brush a little smaller when he's talking to these I rose it was coming together slowly but surely this are we gonna make we're gonna make our brush a little smaller so we could do like to look fine hairs and we gonna make the lines a little more closer together so it a little more fuller [Music] close close that off on down and ease hairs now what you want to do for the hair so you can cover a lot of ground at once you want to come like to a big size brush then we just gonna fill in you know fill in a lot of space but we're gonna go too close to the edges [Music] it's commonly just feeling and without going too close have you doing a picture I saw someone with a lot of hair you just wanna [Music] kill all of you so you were [Music] okay now that we've got all that all you want to do you want to come to like uh we're gonna start out with the one we can just come to the edges and you want to just do different swirls one lifting right so to give it like a fake I just a lot of hair the more you do it it'll just fill up [Music] see you get that a fake like it's a lot of hair going on I'm saying and it was just by you sometime if you just fill in the inside and just worry about that the edges gonna make this brush a little bigger keep that one [Music] [Music] on the same time we did at the bottom we're gonna do at the top you know and another thing you can do after you don't win all around you can go back around like one more time with a smaller a smaller brush and do the same thing so it'll look like it's just just more really you know something like it's just Brian uh fake out more I was gonna do these ages are we done dyrdek what you wanna do is gonna come back like I said with a smaller brush then you can just go wrong [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] finally completed the line work it's time to start the process of coloring every time wait wait we got one more finally see it LUMO make sure I got all the little details [Music] we've got all the details and linework what you want to do wanna highlight everything call the object expand appearance then you want to go to your Pathfinder where's my Pathfinder windows find you when your power finally you want to click merge ok I think lemur you can click off of it go to your line work and make a copy of your line work and lock the top copy okay now while you got the second copy selected you want to choose a good color to start with for the skin tone [Music] see and it's pretty good to start with go to your rectangle tool and drag the color over the long word anyone right-click the rectangle tool I mean right-click the rectangle you made and go to arrange and see into back you'll know if you did this step right if you look over here to layers and you see your yo line work sitting on top of the color that's if you know you did that part right so now after you do that you want to select all this together and then you want to click merge on your Pathfinder and what that's going to do is make your line work become one with the color and after you click merge to make all that one you want to right-click this then you go you want to click isolate selected group so after we grouped everything together it made it out one now we're isolating selected groups so what that's gonna do is it's going to make every area that's by itself like these little corners right here like inside it it's gonna make it separate if you click onto it everything that's closed off like even in this area so that's why when you're doing your line work another thing you want to make sure you're close enough you want to make sure you don't have no openings and the eyes the mouth the lips everything that you're gonna know you're gonna want to make a different color so go to isolate selected group and now we can click colors individually that's closed off in color see it's showing me so we can call it is and call it at what color this cuz everything is closed off another thing I like to do is go ahead and delete the outer and you notice we got a lot of hair we got a lot of color stuck in our hair and it'll be like it'd take forever just trying to go through like this and manually delete everything so I got a little treat for that what you want to do you wanna come over here to your layers tool and you wanna open this tab right here and then you want to open this one again and you want to stroll and right where you see the last line work you wanna start locking all these layers coming up but leave all the color layers open just stroll up locking out of the layers of the line work and leave these first to unlock after that after you do that you want to close this back now we're gonna be able to come right here and delete out of color and because we lock the blind I mean because we lock the black line where it's not gonna touch that it's only gonna touch remember we didn't lock our colors so now we can just select everything and we don't have to worry about making a mistake and clicking delete in our black lines it's gonna go through and clean up the colors out the hairs and I will be dropping a couple tutorials like this so eventually if you don't get it if you can't understand it this time eventually you will if I just keep doing it so much you will start catching behind or what I'm going to lean are these little colors [Music] I thought we got everything clean I like to zoom in and go through chicken maybe sure Shane was a little pretty good to me so now what we're gonna do finish finish coloring everything isolates Lily group so we can color only certain areas [Music] hold shift if you want to color two things at once or multiple times at once [Music] and this is what I do every time I'm doing like a cart so ahead I just put on a base the base colors down before I started like doing the shadows and shading the stuff [Music] okay now that's looking good so now we finish we finished with our live work and we finished with our color there so now what I do is put a layer in between so we can do like the shadows the different shadows and stuff and we're gonna make one more layer too so we can do like the detail in the hair so we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna go ahead and get that out of the way so to do the look they look detail inside the hair what you want to do is you want to come over here to your look great anything wait wait I know a whole another way what we're gonna do is we're gonna come up here to our windows and we're gonna click swatches and after you pull out your swatches you just can go through your little books until you fine grading okay either you find gradient you can just click one you're gonna be either one [Music] okay you got your gradient pulled up and now you can pull out this so you can tweak it I just did that so you will know how to find the gradient option cuz I could've easily did it how I had it you know set up already waiting to to use so what I do is I just bring these two edges to a darker color and I make the center like the color I want it the hair to be okay so I want to try to be like a brownish so what you want to do you want to make these two dark edges blend into a brownish color so we're just gonna find something that we just gonna keep mixing cuz maybe I don't know what color hair you would probably want but you can do like anything I'm just showing you any color you put in the center you want the two edges to blend into its or to have a nice even fade and there to give it a better effect okay I'm starting like that okay I like that so what we're gonna do now we're gonna get our brush and it's gonna give us that just gonna give us that a fake that we're looking for [Music] you and you put this layer on top of everything you put it on top of your line work so it uh so you'd be able to see it [Music] we did everyone all right here I'm gonna click find the white side opacity down a little bit on we just come on add some glares in the eyes and then we can we can start our shading process okay now go back to the layers we're gonna lock that layer and we can go to the layer in between I think I'm gonna I wanted to swish that skintone will do better than you will switch it up a little bit I think I wanted it look a little more Reiter so what we're gonna do for the shadows we're gonna in deciding we're gonna sample the skin tone natural color and then we're gonna find a good would it be a good light color for the shade I think time that'd be pretty good a little lighter I was on star say them [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] first of all we gonna gonna lick my shadows I'm gonna expand the pants then we're gonna click merge on my path on this so we can make it want now I really want to change the color of the face with the shadows all together so we're gonna unlock the bottom layer and the shadow layer and we're gonna select it all together and we're gonna go to object I was gonna go to edit and now we can go to these colors we wanna change and tweak them [Music] [Music] I'm a writer that's Percy that so [Music] that's a little better right there so what we're gonna do we're gonna add another layer under under them shadows we're gonna come in with a little lighter and both of these - a girl [Music] [Music] [Music] you you you [Music] [Music] you you [Music] [Music] [Music] you well there you have it you guys how to make a cartoon he I notice a boring video but I decided to make one like this so you can keep up and really try to you know I'm saying figure out the way I'm doing things you new to the China go ahead like what coming like I said at the front of this video so strive hit post notifications Mohit coming soon and I'm understand
Channel: CHIWORLD1234
Views: 523,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #art, #music, #games, #life, #adobe, #illustrator, #stepbystep, #howto, #tutorial, #adobeillustrator, #ai, #cartoonhead
Id: -LvQvi3atX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 48sec (2148 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 03 2018
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