How To Carry A Toxic Player With Chang'e New Skin (Paint) | MLBB

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Hey guys, the new skin color for Chang’e is here, so I decided to play her. But once one of my teammates saw me picking Chang’e, he decided to become toxic. I am not sure why many players tend to give up and troll, when somebody picks a hero that they don’t consider meta. Here we have the prime example when that happens. Our fourth player decided to troll when he saw that we picked Chang’e and Bane. Little does he knows that Chang’e is an insanely strong hero when played properly, which you guys will be able to see throughout this gameplay. And to no surprise, this player will end up performing the worst, with a whopping score of 0-7 and 12% of total hero damage. This is the recommended build. And this is the emblem set up. When you are facing against many heroes that have burst damage, such as Chou and Selena, then I would recommend to buy the defensive jungle item. Upgrade it to tier 2 before buying the boots. This will allow you to kill the jungle monsters faster and gain more experience. I heard Selena putting traps in her blue buff camp. This tells me that she will definitely try to invade my buff afterward. Knowing this information, I would plan my next move. Since I know she will try to invade my blue. Instead of going straight for the buff, let’s harass them first and make them low. That will make it very hard for them to contest it. Okay now that we scared them away, they decided to go for the Littlewanderer first. That would give us enough time to take the buff. When playing against Selena, make sure that you are always prepared to sidestep her stun. If you are always conscious about it, it a lot easier to dodge it. Don’t be afraid of attacking the enemy’s tank, because every time Chang’e inflicts any sort of damage, her skills will deal more damage because of her passive. Our tank got stunned, which means they will 100% try to finish him off. So let’s preemptively use my ultimate to inflicts as much damage as possible. Because I kept poking the tank, I was able to get a double kill. I won’t be criticizing this Yi Su Shin, because at least he stopped being toxic, and is actually trying. I think... You guys can already see how strong Chang’e actually is, if you know how to play her properly. Remember, when the enemies have Selena, always be conscious of her and you will see you can dodge her stun a lot better. Rewatching this part, I definitely should have tried to kill the Karrie. But I was too worried about Minotaur’s and Atlas’ ult. Even though we are almost even in kills, the enemies definitely are farming way better, especially their Karrie. Chang’e is pretty decent at taking down turrets, thank to her extra attacks from her second skill. Max her second skill first, because every time you level up her second skill, that reduces its cooldown and she will gain more shield. If her second skill shield is not activated, Chang’e would inflict a lot less damage. So you want to be able to constantly cast her second skill when the enemies somehow manage to break her shield. You might be wondering why I am not using the Purify sometimes. You should only activate it when it’s necessary. For example, when you are in a very dangerous situation, or there’s a target who is about to die. Chang’e is actually really good at killing tanks once she gets Glowing Wand. So don’t be afraid to focus them first. I have seen that some of you guys pointed out that in my tips and tricks video I said that it is not a good idea to take the turtle after min 8 if your team is way ahead. Well, when you are playing with randoms, most of the time they won’t listen to you when you tell them to stop. Here is the perfect example. Remember, every time you manage to make the enemies use their Flicker, that’s still a victory. When you see an enraged Minotaur, just retreat a little bit and wait for him to use his ultimate. Here is a good example of when you should use purify to chase a target down. You can see how I preemptively used purify to get away from Atlas’ stun and ultimate. I really doubt I could kill Chou, so I decided to change the target. In a chaotic team fight, it is a lot harder to pay attention to Selena’s stun. Yin Su Shin tried to finish the game, a good attempt. But very unlikely to succeed. If he only had Purify, he definitely should have been able to finish the game tho. Usually, I would use Flicker, but if you see that the enemies have so many crowd control heroes, then you definitely need to use Purify, that’s no brainer. I completely underestimated Karrie’s damage and resistance. Instead of going inside the bush, I decidedto wait for the Hylos to go in first, so he can stun the Chou. Okay, I would be honest here, I wanted to get more kills before finishing the game. Sometimes you just cannot help it. I hope you enjoyed today’s video and if you did, don’t forget to like and subscribe.
Channel: Betosky
Views: 347,333
Rating: 4.9499431 out of 5
Keywords: new skin, new hero, mobile legends wtf, Ml, MLBB, Mobile Legends, Mobile Legend, Mobile Legends Bang Bang, Top Global, Top 10 Heroes, TOp 5 Heroes, Tutorial, WTF moments, Funny Moments, Betosky, Gaming, Fanny, Gusion, MOBA, Free Mobile Game, Strategy, Online, Pro, Hayabusa, Top Global Gusion, Top Global Fanny, League of Legends, MMORPG, Best Heroes, Best Build, Claude, Free Game, Top Mobile Game, Best Mobile Game, Online game, yt:cc=on, Solo To Mythic, Free To Play, Chang'e Build
Id: LayIinulGWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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