How To Can Potatoes. Step by Step.

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Oh hello everyone welcome back as you can see if snowing like crazy outside today I had a couple of projects I wanted to do out there one of them was gonna be butchering the goats but it's only 2 degrees out there and it's snowing pretty good snow is supposed to blow through here pretty quick but two miles to warm up some of those outside projects I'll do then for those of you that watch a lot of the videos that I post especially the ones from up north you realize that I love pork steaks and I love to make canned fried potatoes and I can't lay all the potatoes and bring them up north and of course they have to get pulled out for a winter so they don't freeze but I used up all of my camp potatoes so I know that it's a crappy day outside I'm gonna can't a whole bunch of potatoes and I've gotten several several people have asked how do i camp potatoes and it's super stuffball and I can never you know believe that people want to know how to camp potatoes but I thought this time I might as well video like okay so the first thing you're gonna have to do is you have to get some potatoes now if you guys watch the gardening videos this year I grew a lot of potatoes and I still have a whole bunch of them but I kind of prefer to eat those you know cuz I grew them I like to make baked potatoes mashed potatoes and stuff like that so when I can't potatoes I just wait till they go on sale at the store and I buy those because I don't have enough to do both you didn't grow that many potatoes last year so I'm gonna start with this 10 pounds of white potatoes I prefer myself I prefer red potatoes when I'm bacon or whenever I cook them but these were on sale once you can if it's not that big of a deal another thing is one reason why I really like cooking up the camp potatoes is it once there can they do get a little bit of a different taste so I'm sure you guys have eaten the camp potatoes that you buy in the store and there's just a unique kind of a little bit of a taste to them and I really joy so we're gonna get these washed up right now if I don't have enough to fill up seven quart jars to do with my canner then I'll grab some of my reds and we'll cook somebody or cut some of them off now when you watch these potatoes up you want to get them washed pretty good any little bad spots you see how to get rid of those a lot of people like to peel must play that a little bit I well when you're doing your washing up your potatoes you should miss the watering of kanar I put about three inches in the bottom of line I'm sure everything are they have a difference different amount this fall - but you know to three inches of usual beans right in there I go up to three the foam is kind of evaporate a little bit when I lean for everything to heat up but I'm getting everything cut up so anyway excuse your water started so you have to wait for that you're gonna have to heat up another container of water to boil in because look water is what you're gonna pour over the potatoes once they're put into the jars okay so now for with your jars I'm doing a course this time like I said I've done it in pints before but I find that every time I want to make a batch of right canned potatoes I have to open up two pints so it's worthless for me to do that so I'm just going to put them in quarts this is another thing that to me and my mind I debate I do I am gonna put these in the oven have to take 240 degrees and leave them in there for 20 minutes or whatever to kill the bacteria that's in there you can put them in your dishwasher you can put them and boil them in water or whatever to kill it and in my mind I debate that because I'm gonna be putting it in a pressure canner that's going to go over 240 degrees I see no reason why you have to do that but it's one of the things that I do that I keep it safe so maybe you guys should do that too one thing that is super important is that you get your lids can way stand up they don't have to really boil that much what gets hot water on them so these seals get soft and will seal real good so I always do that okay once you got all that stuff started back to washing more potatoes after your potatoes washed up if you're if you're doing little small potatoes and new potatoes like that size you can do a whole I always just slice line up if they're small like new potatoes I like to eat those not can't so I just cut them up into pieces look at your I see this one here we got a bad spot pull that out one thing that people debate when they're doing potatoes you can find just as many recipes online where they peel them or don't feel on some people peel them put them into a solution of water and like lemon juice to retain the color until and then they go ahead and blanch them for two minutes if they're little ten minutes if they're whole I don't do any of that when I can something for me if I'm canning something I want it to quick takes enough time the way it is so I don't peel it I just make sure I wash it good I don't blanch it and do some go right into the jar and you know if it's not gonna look exactly like one that come from the store no you know but it but you wanted it to look like one from the store go buy them from the store I just wanted to taste good I'm canning I wanted to last a long time I want to be able bring about north where I don't have to worry about any kind of refrigeration or if I'm not up there for a month my potatoes aren't gonna grow I is that they're not gonna be any good I can too can not to make it look pretty so as you're gonna cut off go ahead and grab a hot jar out of the oven just start packing them in their wide mouth jars weren't good for this you can get a little bit it's easier to put it in there but I like the looks and how they stack better when I use a regular mouth so I use those and you just want to stay a good inch down from the top okay so there we have our seven quarts of potatoes the reason why I'm doing seven that's how many quarts my cooker will hold and then this does how many potatoes we had left out of a 10-pound bag all right now before we put in the boiling water you can either not put in any salt or you can put in salt directions always say 1/2 a teaspoon for plates a full teaspoon for quarts I usually just put a half a teaspoon in the quartz it's only for flavor does nothing else and I feel like I'm not putting too much salt in all right after you got your salt in it's time to put hot water in there just label it in you want to stay one inch from the top like right above me wait below this ring right here gives a room for expansion after you've got your water in make sure you go through and get the air bubbles up you can see those bubbles come off there's a lot of spaces and potatoes you want to try to keep the air spaces out so everything cooks evenly after you do that you'll have to adjust your water height again I'll add a little bit more thing you want to make sure and do is to wipe your lids I mean that's something that everybody tells you every time but it sure sucks to go through all this work and then have one that doesn't seal because you didn't wipe your lid okay after that parts done you're almost there put your hot lids on after you put your lids on you have to do your bands these here we're just will go down like this that tight just finger tighten them just like that so after that it's ready to go into the canner just place all your jars in this boiling water like so alright now that we have them all in the canner we're just going to leave this whole thing for now and just wait till this comes to a nice boil and then from there we'll put on the lid I like to let my a reed come back up to a boil with the lid open versus putting the top on so it's kind of a slower heat up I'm not saying that that would help but there's many times and I've had broken jars before so this is kind of everything's kind of heating up together one real nice thing about canning on a cold winter type day is that the whole house gets so dry when it's that cold ah and this is just it feels so much warmer in here just because of all the moisture okay now that this is all come to a rolling boil everything is nice and hot I'm going to put my lid on we are not going to put the weight on yet I'm gonna let this sit and when this starts blowing steady steam I'm gonna let it sit for at least 10 minutes so everything is equally you know all the right temperature in there stayin pressure and everything okay so now it just started blowing out a good steam I'm gonna let that sit for at least ten minutes okay venting for about 12 minutes now put my weight on there and I want to do this at around 11 pounds of pressure so when this builds up to right when it hits 11 I will turn down the knob and then we'll just try to keep it between 11 it'll probably jump all the way up to 12 and stuff I need to stay above 10 so I always do things at about 11 so I can stay in my range okay so we're just hitting 11 pounds I'm gonna start my timer at 40 minutes I'm gonna turn it look for my stove anyway I've got to go all the way down to two at first even a little bit lower so this won't go way too high it'll stay right just go just above 11 and then it'll just kind of hover there all right so now all we're gonna do is keep it at 11 pounds for those 40 minutes and then we'll be back okay well 40 minutes is up we're still running at 11 pounds now I'm just gonna slide this off shut off the heat and I'm gonna let this cool down all by itself till the pressure is gone okay everyone well there you have it all these are done they've already sealed I just waited until the pressure went all the way down hug them in for a few hours and I just pulled them out some people like to wait 24 hours to pull the caps to the Rings but I do it long as using touches it's cool enough is good so now you know how to camp potatoes thanks a lot for watching you
Channel: JoeandZachSurvival
Views: 399,455
Rating: 4.8948116 out of 5
Keywords: joe and zach survival, canning, potatoes, potato, how, to, can, your, own, how to can potatoes, Food, Cooking, Step, Kitchen, New, Recipe, pressure, cooker, cooking, canner
Id: 4_hZxEgFMok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2013
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