How to buy your first #NFT

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what's up guys welcome i am going to be teaching you how to buy your first nft it's going to be sick it's going to be amazing it's going to be a little complicated so pay attention so that you can get all the way through if you're on youtube make sure you like subscribe because there's gonna be a lot of information it's gonna be really helpful and it's gonna get you your first nft where you can make maybe you can make a lot of money right look at these guys right here these crypto punks um as you can see these crypto punks were the first of their kind and there's ten thousand of them and these guys are selling in upwards of seven eight million dollars and you can see the numbers here the lowest price punk on out of the 10 000 of them is 365 000 so somebody's trying to sell right now the lowest price is about 102 eth at this very moment that is huge number of sales in the last 12 months 13 000 the value of the sales just in the last 24 hours is 35 million if you think there's no money in nfts you're you're kidding yourself you're mistaken look at these guys you might think that these are whatever but let me tell you there is a market for this art and these transactions for example just happened updated 52 seconds ago offered for 340 1.2 million dollars guy just posted this uh you can see all of these new bid offered a new bid of 80 286 000 these are bids but the sale price you can see here the average bid over the last year was 37 each that's 135 000 dollars the these were given away for free guys these were given away for free think about that right um look at this the average sale price of a punk over the last year is 30 80 140 000 basically uh the total value of punk sold over the last year is 501 000 each it's a billion dollars it's crazy all right so um as you can see they started getting into like they they added these into open c open c is a platform where you can go and buy kind of ethereum based uh nfts you want to start getting into at least for me i started to uh interested into like the space which is more of the cardano network um and the nfts on the cardano network and so we started uh actually getting into a lot of these cardagos that just came out and um and you can see let me show you the two things that are very important this is our crypto group we have 3 000 members in here um you can see that our members that are active um are 170 right now at this very moment but we have a lot of active members and they've already changed a lot of their profile photos to reflect on some of the uh some of the uh cardogos that they've purchased that this is mine so let me show you here uh look at this some of the guys are are choosing they're looking to find one of their best ones and so how do they do that how do you find the best one let me show you i know you're probably thinking oh this is silly there's no but dude think about this these are this is a market it's a marketplace and once you start let me tell you it gets really fun you're starting to sell art between you and these individuals and if you if you hear if you hear in the background of this noise that's a group that is going on on discord for cardagos that you could join and these guys are talking about all the cardagos that are being purchased which ones are going to be for sale a lot of the guys are in here just talking about like the floor so just increase my floor to 75 for more common doggos so you're starting to see that they're starting to raise right they're starting to raise their uh their prices as more get purchased so there's 2100 right so 2100 of these uh cardiagos so out of the 2100 how many are left right how many are left well before you even get to how many are left you need to go to cnft dot io okay and you go to when you go to you can simply go up to the main page and all you have to do is simply put in here you know let's say cardago right into the marketplace and it's going to pull up all of the assets the tokens that are currently listed doesn't necessarily mean that they haven't been sold it just means that they have uh you know they have them on the marketplace right now for sale so now we go let's filter by highest to lowest and you can see look at these guys they are you know they have uh you know almost two million data 100 000 ada 50 000 ada right and so you want to look at all right well which ones are worth a lot of money which ones are legendary which ones are are the ones that are going to be the you know those million dollar ones that are going to be in the future and so uh you can see like these are like holographic they have some rainbow and so it's very confusing right and you see a lot of these different colors and and you're like what's going on well there's actually a list that breaks down the rarity factors of each one of these uh nfts and each one of these tokens and so when you go let's say for example you go to this list most times the provider has a website and they typically will have a list like this and you can see look how many people right now are on this spreadsheet and they're looking for a cardago and they're looking through which are available and they're going through every single one of the attributes that each one of these has and you can see that there's thousand one hundred but out of the two thousand one hundred these are probably the most rare we can move this over to the side you can see they're about 105 percent rare um you know you can see that uh that this 104 percent rare it's a ghost doggo a murdogo skeleton doggo and so these these doggos are like the most rare so astronaut doggos so let's find out you know because if these are the most rare right these are the these are the legendary these are the ones that are there's only so many of these and these are the ones that are so you want to find out what's what are they going for right and so how first how do you find these out well um i love to have a group because the group gives us access to being able to gather information really really fast and so um so you can check this out look at this uh jake posted this he bought a dog a cardago and uh you can see these are the legendaries that we need to find so if you can remember look at the ninja this is an under underwater dog a skeleton and a few others here right so this looks familiar this looks familiar this ghost talks looks familiar um you know so you want to look for these legendaries right okay so once you look for these legendaries these are the prime time ones these are the ones you gotta be looking for but if not you can use the rarity guide to find what are the most rare so look holograms are rare two percent rare there's only 40 holograms so that right off the top you know there's a hologram that's rare so then if you can find a hologram that has a rainbow or a spot uh on their fur like their first style that that's also very rare too right so if their fur is rainbow and if their background is hologram it's worth a lot right because that's two percent and hologram so right there just off the top of your head think about it that way if their fur is rainbow and they're in a hologram that's already one of the most rarest breeds right plus remember these these are are legendaries these are legendaries that you want to look for so we want to see what's the legendary pricing at and if there's any deals because if there is then you won't want to buy one right you want to buy one so let's go to the marketplace right let's go to the marketplace okay and uh and let's take again let's make sure we have this open let's make sure we have this open so we can see what this looks like we need that rarity uh we need that rarity chart that'll help us understand which one of these is worth so so let's see if we could uh just say save as or let's do this yeah let's save let's save this as that and let's go where it says show the message okay so here it is all right so here's the message original message from jake now let's go here so here's the first one which is this one right here this little ninja is going for 32 000 ada right so that's already at kind of like the top of the ladder here so you can see that there's actually no rarities are at the top there are rarities but there's no legendaries at the top right do we see any legendaries other than uh doesn't look like any of these these none of these are legendaries right except for this ninja right here right there are rare ones for example like this uh this cardago is very rare because you can see that it has fur that's rainbow so we know that that's very that's rare and it has a brick wall so let's see what the brick wall is so if you look at the the background right here brick wall brick is four percent so it is rare it has the rare rainbow with the brick uh with the brick background but we want to try to get a hologram with a with a rainbow right or we want to get a legendary so this legendary is already um it's already pretty you know it's already pretty expensive um at thirty two thousand ada right how much is thirty two thousand eight and let's do the math right now we're looking at 250 per eta so let's say two dollars and fifty cents times 32 000 right that's 80 000 this little photo is going for right so keep that in mind look this is this is a rare this is a rare breed right here this is rainbow on rainbow so what what is rainbow on rainbow right so you would say uh background is rainbow right where's the uh the background let's see rainbow so it's not rare right you would think it is you're like oh well the rare rainbow for the for the fur but then the rainbow uh for uh is 10 on the background so that's not actually that rare right so again you got to go back to a hologram holograms are going to be something like this right hologram is going to be something like that let's keep looking okay here's two other legendaries right these are two other legendaries look here's one of them right here right and here's another one so these are two legendaries so these two legendaries are going for 8 500 ada and it's 8 000 ada so what are these going for so now you start thinking okay this is the floor so far for legendaries right so you say all right so what's 8 500 or let's just say eight thousand ada right so two point five that's twenty thousand dollars so this cardago right here is going for twenty thousand dollars right and it and this is these are very very new so these are gonna obviously they're gonna they're gonna keep on uh rising right and if ada is rising then also it it also continues to rise let's see if we can still find another legendary right so we found already we found this we found uh this one we found this one we still i own this one right so you know we're not going to find this one but we still need to find so what we're looking we're shopping for a good deal right so we're looking for these other ones so let's keep on looking right let's keep on looking 5008 you're already seeing these prices already pretty you know they're pretty strong based off of what they originally started at which was zero right they got minted they were even given away okay so here's another one here's another one right here so you can see this is a legend but it's at 2500 so this is a good deal because the next two legends are running at 8 000 and 8 500. so this is how you would do the math so you would say okay this space uh what is this this is 1105. so we got to look at the list now and we say all right what's 1105 well let's let's look for 1105 on the list right so where are we let me move myself there it is astronaut doggo 1105 so this astronaut doggo 1105 is the num is the is number one that's number 2100 that is the first that is the first legendary so that that cardago is going for 2500 so somebody is probably trying to manipulate and try to get you to put an offer in for 2500 then leave you sitting there and try to have you raise your bid right or they just don't know what they have and so think about it this way right 8 000 is the floor on the other two legendaries so you have a delta of 2500 right so what well sorry you have a 2500 so you have a delta of 5500 5500 times point sorry 2.5 of eta that's a 13 000 difference that you have between the price of this cardago legendary and the price of the other two legendary cardagos that we've seen now of course that means you got to keep on looking for the other ones that are still out here so you'd have to search it up so this is what you would do so you'd say you know what let's let's try to skip the time because we don't have all this time so we we know we found the uh we found the pride dog that's mine we got the uh we saw the ninja dog we saw the ghost dog and the astronaut dock so you would want to look for cardago 901 024 231 so let's go let's go real fast let's go 901 and 024 so this is what you do you say cardago 901 and you'd search no results found so that's not on the market uh zero two four you search that's not on the market either okay so now you know the floor is still at 2500 but the delta between the floor of uh astronaut dog and the next two um are is like a 13 000 spread so now you can make some money off this so we saw 901 and 024 are not on the market ninja dog is like a hundred thousand dollars so pride dog that's off the market also dogzilla 231 yeti doggo 657 and zombie doggo which i think we saw zombie zombie doggo but let's go 231 657 and seventeen fifty six so two three one what was it what was the next one my bad it was a a six five seven and seventeen sixty five six five seven nothing and seventeen sixty 1765. here we go so we saw this one 8 500 so that's there we have the floor is 2500 so far on legendaries um and what's robot dog so 15 what is that 1567 okay last one 1567 1567 1567 not on the market so now you know the lowest legendary is astronaut dog why that's on there for such a low price i have no idea why but that's that could be a bait and switch or it could be uh what is it 1501 let's go to 1501 all right let's just go let's go back to uh let's go back to the marketplace go back to the high low right and so you can see that these these dogs will end up having to price uh adjust because they're they're not some of them are rare but they're not or maybe somebody will buy them for those prices doubtful somebody's looking for legendaries first before that so legendaries are really going to determine the the value and you can see here um that we have a legendary sitting at 32 000 and and sitting pretty strong then the next is these two right here so this 2500 right now based off all the legendaries that are on the rarity guide is the floor and if that means that it gets purchased then it will be gone and somebody and somebody can now raise that not only can they raise their astronaut uh doggo above the uh current existing 8 500 and 8 and 8 000 floor but they could raise it to as basically as much as they want and then now the floor becomes 8 500 and as this marketplace gets more filled up and you can see this by let me show you go to the low to high right there we go low to high so you can see this on the low to high that the floor for very common unrare is like 25 ada so you're not really seeing and you're seeing 38 uh you know could you keep could more people keep scooping these up of course you know how you know that they're buying them because this value an asset keeps going down every time we've uh every time i come back to refresh this it's come down last night this was at over a thousand today this is at 800 so there's still great opportunities but a lot of them are now being resold for a little bit more if everybody on here would raise their prices up more people would buy them at higher prices especially the ones that are trying to resell you know so this is where a marketplace comes into effect and we start to create a lot of interest and excitement because real money is then being shared on these on these uh cardago so how do you buy one right so all right so let's say you wanted to buy uh you know you wanted to buy one of these cardago so let's say you wanted to buy this 25 ada cardobo think about what's 25 ada right so 25 times 2.5 it's about so you're spending 62 dollars to buy this thing but if the floor becomes a hundred aida right and if ada stays at 2.5 or you know goes up or goes down you just made that's 250 now so minus the 62 that you originally got in you just flipped this for 190 bucks and it could take two or three days or four days maybe it could take a week for you or if you're diamond handy it could be even more than a hundred it can be eventually at some point these could end up being let's say a thousand ada right where you have a 25 unrare and you have it at 2.5 or maybe eight even goes to three dollars again and your 62 dollars just made you 2 500 bucks right this is why nfts are becoming so popular and why people are getting really excited about jumping into them so this is what you would do so you would go to this you'd search up cardogo you'd get to the one that you want after you searched it in the group we have our uh we have the list but of course any project that you go to always might have a list or you might have to make the list yourself and you can go down here and you can click on buy when you click on buy it's going to give you the option to connect your wallet when you uh need to connect your wallet you need a wallet that's compatible to the cardano blockchain so the first thing i did was i sent money from coinbase over in ada to a wallet called nami right n a m i so nami is this wallet right here you're gonna see as it opens up and nami can sit on your browser it's an extension and uh all you got to do is just transfer literally just transfer over from uh your coinbase or your finance or any other wallet can transfer right in here and then once you do that you're going to be able to um you're basically going to be able to store your uh your nfts and you can see here i have nfts that are stored here across the punks and cardago's and um and of course as i keep on adding more as cool projects come out these can continue to go up in value right and go down in value right it just depends on what you're buying so you always want to be one of the first to try to buy some of these really cool uh really cool projects right so as you can see here you send some data this literally takes a second like it takes nothing this is the fastest transaction i've ever done cheapest one of the cheapest two i've ever done on uh on blockchain so it's from coinbase instantly over to nami nami i can then connect to my uh which it would just once it connects it's going to ask you to create a username and a password and then you're going to be able to see kind of like this internal dashboard right and you'll see this internal dashboard and this internal dashboard will tell you your inventory the live listings that you have if you're selling any i'm not selling any of my uh any of my my tokens i have them all just stored away um any active sessions so things that i've bid on right you can see things that i've bid on here um you can see the wallet so you can see when it's connected right and you can see of course the profile etc so um so you want to go of course to your active sessions and you want to find out are these guys have these guys accepted right live listings um and so the way you do that is once you connect your wallet your nami wallet to your account you can just easily when you go to make your purchase let me see if i have a a previous so like this for example let me see if this is was last night right let me refresh the tab and see if it's for the same price 3.99 let's see if it's at the same price if it's if it's even uh still up okay cool so it's still at the same price so 399. this has a holographic i was putting i was going to put an offer on this because it looked really strong right so what you do is you click on buy you connect your nami wallet and then all you got to do is down here it's going to ask you at the bottom and i can't do it because i've already bought too many things in too short of a period of time it says you're in a cool down period for 24 hours but basically what you do is you send from your nami wallet it's going to say send the exact amount so you'll send 3.99 you'll send the exact amount to the uh to the wallet that it displays right here in this in this section right so once you click on buy and you connect your nami wallet right here it's going to show you that you are um that you you need to send it you need to send the 399 to that specific wallet so how would you do that you go back to your nami wallet right you click on the send right you click on the send and you say all right i'm gonna send uh money the ada 399 to this wallet and you would select that wallet down at the bottom they give you an option to copy it's not this one it's not the policy it's down here when you click on buy so don't confuse that and you just click on send when you click on send you can put in here the wallet address right and then the exact amount 3.99 and then that's it once you click send it'll just uh send it over and it'll look like something like this let me see if i can show you uh where are we here we go so when i sent my transaction right it then allows me to see where the buyer i am the buyer sent aida to the seller the seller this is instant also the moment i send the money it automatically updates here on cnft that i sent the money and then step two immediately starts the seller has 24 hours to send me back send me the token and they'll send it directly once they send it cnft confirms it through the nami wallet address that that asset was sent over to me and now it'll just show up in my nami uh wallet as what you saw before the asset itself so the token now you don't want to send this out of your nami uh wallet because you're going to be transacting back and forth with it right there on the uh page so don't take your uh your nfts and start moving them around because you might not have a compatible location where you send it to and that might impact your um your you know your token you might lose it right so that's basically from start to finish not only what nfts are how to find them how to look through the rarity guides um how to search through functionally and look for them on the marketplace how to create your profile how to connect your wallet and then ultimately how to buy the uh the cardago or the the nft right so i highly recommend uh try it out on this one cartago um not obviously i have a an interest in cardiac doing well but it's an ecosystem with a lot of people that are also very interested it's a big marketplace there's 2 000 plus of them so take a stab at it you know there's right now for example there's some that are extremely cheap you know this one right here that's actually a rare um at this very moment going for 3.99 just to show you right 11.94 right hopefully you don't steal it from me but 11.94 399 times 2.5 right that's a thousand dollars so if you're like well i got a thousand dollars to buy an nft if it goes up to five thousand dollars i make four grand so hey why not if you want to try that out again this is a marketplace and as i've seen it's going up so i like i like how these nfts um and these uh these platforms work really well of course you can come back over here after you buy it and if you want you can list it for sale it's very very easy to do very simple to do let me show you how to do that all you got to do is just go to your sorry your inventory and you can click on any of your assets and you can just say sell token you can say oh i want to put this for whatever price and when you do that you just click on confirm sale and boom it should automatically list them and you should be good to go right so uh this is your this is this is a really cool fun way of making some money enjoy it and um leave uh again a quick comment i'll answer a question um send me a message if you have me on instagram and make sure you like right and subscribe to the channel alright talk to you
Channel: Richard Garcia
Views: 5,744
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: gojLhXppYGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 45sec (1785 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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