How to Buy Shinkansen Train Tickets on Klook, No JR Pass Needed!

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today I'll show you how to purchase Shin conin train tickets online from cluke the why book on cluke first it's super easy to find what you're looking for on cluke all you need to do is enter your starting point and your destination this could be either the city or the train station and chances are it's going to know what you're talking about checking out is re it's super easy since they have multiple forms of payment not just by credit card but you can pay with Apple pay Google pay and so on and so far this is the easiest method that we've come across to purchase Shin consen tickets cluke sell tickets for all 2900 Plus Shin Consin train routes throughout Japan I don't know of any other service that does this you name it pretty much anywhere you want to go in Japan you can book those Shin Consin bullet train tickets on cluke the cluke website has been translated into multiple languages this makes it really easy for people to book tickets so how do I buy shinan send tickets online with cluke let's go through an example on the web app but using the mobile app is just as easy and I'll put a direct link in the description below where you can buy these tickets all right so we're on the cluk website here I like the system cuz it's really smart so if you are not sure of the name of the stations you need to go go to you can just click here and it will give you a list of places but the default is always think about where you're starting from and where you're going to so let's just say we're going from Tokyo and we'll choose Tokyo and we want to go to ulaka now you'll notice that there's no actual station for Osaka but there is one called Shin Osaka so this is going to be the correct one a lot of times the name of the city is not the name of the station so just start typing in the name and there's a very good chance that the system is smart enough and we'll be able to choose the right thing okay so we're going to do that we're going to go from Tokyo to AKA and again the name of the station is shin olaka we're going to go ahead and select departure date here of the 25th of October let's go ahead and click search and it will give us a list of available train times now from here at the departure time let's choose a different time between 9:00 and 2: p.m. because I don't like getting up really early and let's scroll down here a little bit and if you watched one of our other videos about uh getting from Tokyo to olaka you'll be familiar with this 933 time anyways I like to go around this time in the morning morning however if you look one below it there is also a 939 time now look over here the name of this train is the heati 637 and if you look across the way the cost is 13,870 Yen now right below that is the noomi 2117 it is also 13,870 in if you're familiar with the Jr pass you know that the noomi was never included and as of the 1st of October it is now included at an extra cost but look at this you can write it for the exact same price if you are purchasing your tickets separately so this is really cool and as you will notice also that the heati takes 2 hours and 54 minutes and the noomi 2 hours and 27 minutes so of course let's go and take the noomi even though it leaves 6 minutes later it's going to arrive about half an hour before this hiati at 933 so let's go aad and choose this and it'll give us the options of where we can choose a non-reserve seat on ordinary car which is second class or a reserve seat in ordinary car second class or even the first class which is the green car now one thing to note is if you look up here at the ordinary car class you can see that the cost of the reserved seat is more this is by default the Jr pass it is included in the price but once you start purchasing tickets separately reserve seating is more also is if you decide to purchase a reserve seat through cluke you do not get to choose your seats instead what the system does is it tries to choose the best available seat for you and if you are traveling in a group it will try to group you all together if you've purchased your ticket within the 30 days are traveling so you purchase your ticket today and you're going to be riding the shin conen in the next 30 days then you can check the cloop mobile app and it will tell you your seat reservation the web app does not offer this information at this time if you're not happy with your seat reservation once you get to Japan and you're at the ticketing machine you can choose different seats or if it's easier for you you can go to the ticketing office and they can change your seats for you as well all right now that we know this I'm going to go ahead and choose an unreserve seat and up here you can see the adult price is 13,870 Yen and the child is 6,935 which is Happ on the right side we get more details about our trip it's at 9:39 in the morning and arrives at 12:06 at Shen Osaka station this is the noomi 217 and the time is 2 hours and 27 minutes now if you look down a little bit further we have a breakdown of the cost you can see that the cost again is 13,870 Yen however right below it there is this fulfillment fee and it is 10% at 1387 Yen this is a fee charged by cluke however even with this fee that cluke charges this price is still very competitive and to help offset that they give you a couple freebies the first is a big camera discount coupon of up to 10% you can use this coupon on a lot of items however you cannot use it on any Apple items but we did save a lot when we used it last time in Japan and you also get a donot discount coupon of up to 5% there is a very high chance you will be going to donot so this extra 5% would be nice to have as well and that would certainly help offset this extra fee of 1387 Yen we do have a discount for you use coupon code Keno Quest during checkout and you will say say 5% off of your purchase and you can use that code also for a lot of different other purchases on cluke and depending on your journey you will be given different options of how you can pick up your tickets if you are traveling on the golden route from Tokyo to kyotto and or Osaka then you will most likely be using the QR code method if you are traveling anywhere North from Tokyo you will be using the QR code method let's see how this QR code works you'll receive an email like this one and it will contain a QR code as well as instructions of how to use the reserve ticketing machines we used it here in Tokyo and there were multiple options but it was still pretty easy so just as a backup you might want to have this link readily available on your phone just in case you need a little extra assistance to get your ticket you need to visit a reserve ticketing machine that will look something like this and just in case cuz sometimes machines won't show correctly in your language you should have the Google Translate app installed on your phone and also download the Japanese language just in case you don't have an internet connection this way in the unlikely event that the ticketing machines are not showing correctly in your language you can translate it right there on the spot first find the reserve ticketing machine it must be a resered ticketing machine and choose your language then choose read QR code if that's not available choose pickup tickets then choose JRE E Train reservation and then QR code next scan your QR code from your mobile device and as you can see here you're going to get two tickets the first one is the base fair this you can consider similar to like riding the local trains now when you ride something like the shin conen in this case a super Express train you have a separate ticket that's why you have two tickets now you need to take both of these two tickets insert both of these into the machine without that you cannot ride the shin consent if you purchased a reserve ticket then you will get three tickets actually well actually the third one is not a ticket it's your seat reservation and the third one you just hang on to it as it has your car number and your seat reservation hang on to this just in case the attendant ask to see it when you're in the train there are two other methods and this depends on where you are traveling within Japan anywhere south from Shin Osaka station the other two methods are either mail delivery within Japan so this would be sent to your hotel or if you're way far south near fukoka then you'll pick it up the fukoka airport another cool thing about purchasing on cluke is the system is pretty smart that it can tell if there's no shinon sens available and may offer you an Express train instead for instance if you're traveling from Kyoto to kazawa there currently is no Shin consen that will go that full route so you would have to take the Thunderbird Express by entering kyotto in kazawa it already knows that and here you can see Thunderbird Express is available which is an Express train if you have oversized luggage and you are traveling from Tokyo anywhere on down south then you will need to reserve a dedicated seat for your luggage any piece of luggage that is larger than a combined length width and depth of 160 cm is considered oversize and you must reserve a special seat for your luggage now when you purchase your tickets through cluke you cannot actually get this assigned so what I recommend is still purchase a reserve seat and then once you get to Japan go to the ticketing office and tell them that you need a special seat since you have oversized luggage it's possible they might charge you a little bit extra for this to summarize purchasing shinon send tickets from cluke is very easy especially if you're traveling on the golden route which goes from Tokyo to kyotto and or Osaka where you can just scan your QR code now remember if you're traveling south of shin Osaka then you're going to have the options of delivery by mail or picking it up at Koka airport and you can pre-order your tickets up to 90 days in advance which could be a very big selling point for some of you let us know your questions in the comments below next you might be interested in our guide to purchasing either a pocket Wi-Fi or a Sim or eim or mistakes to avoid in Japan we are a slow traveling family we have a ton of videos to help you with your travels in Japan and throughout southeast Asia so please subscribe
Channel: Kensho Quest
Views: 26,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family travel, traveling with kids, family travel vlog, family travel tips, family travel inspiration, travel vlog, traveling family, travel hacks, how to buy shinkansen tickets, how to buy shinkansen tickets klook, where to buy shinkansen tickets, buy shinkansen tickets online, shinkansen train, shinkansen train tickets, bullet train, bullet train tickets, shinkansen train japan, bullet train japan, how to buy bullet train tickets
Id: zwMKE3pmBP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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