How to | BUY Products on Dark Net Markets | And be safe

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[Music] subscribe to my channel and hit the bell icon so you never miss any video from my channel welcome ladies and gentlemen to the final video in the ultimate deep web guide in this video we are going through the process of purchasing a product from the Deep Web this video is a culmination of everything we've gone through in this course we've broken it off into sections learning it but it's now time to bring it all together so you can see the entire process to start out will be on our Windows desktop and then of course move to our tails environment when we need to so before we dive into the Windows desktop I wanted to cover one important issue and that's the issue of security security is very important when purchasing stuff from darknet markets especially if they're illegal or illicit in your country so you want to be sure you're doing a few things at this point you should already be using a non personal computer if you are not if you just want to trial run the process like I am on the Windows desktop you can do that but if you're actually going to purchase you want to make sure you're using a computer that you don't use all the time you'll also want to be sure you're using the tails operating system through USB that is the recommended way SD card and DVD work but the recommended way is USB and then you should be using open public Wi-Fi now you don't necessarily need to use open Wi-Fi wouldn't initially buying your first Bitcoin and things like that downloading tails but to actually transfer the Bitcoin and actually purchase the products you want to make sure you're on an open public network good examples of those are our coffee shops maybe even libraries things like that so throughout the rest of this video we'll show you the rest of these security steps we'll want to make sure we're using our tour bridge so we will set that up we want to be sure we're purchasing our Bitcoin anonymously and we'll show you that process will go through tumbling Bitcoin and how to transfer it to dark net markets we'll verify our vendor and then of course we'll purchase our product and use PGP encryption to send the information we'll go all the way to the final step of hitting submit and actually purchasing I'm obviously not going to be purchasing in this video that's because using the tails operating system on Windows is the best way to record but definitely the best way to purchase so I don't want to mess around with anything like that so we'll go ahead and jump into the video we'll hop back to our Windows desktop to get started back on our Firefox browser we've opened up the coinbase website to actually purchase our initial Bitcoin no I'm gonna use coinbase for this video however for actually purchasing anonymously you want to be sure you're using local bitcoins like we talked about before this is the best way to do it anonymously but I wanted to show the process on coinbase coinbase isn't horrible but definitely not recommended this is the best way to get secure private Bitcoin but this way it leaves a lot more named identity because to this account I have my bank account linked and also my government ID so it's a lot more vulnerable in that sense but if you're wanting it anonymous be sure you're using local Bitcoin so if you're on the coinbase application which is in my opinion one of the best web-based Bitcoin wallets you can use you want to just go ahead and up go to the buy and sell option and we've got Bitcoin and then we'll choose our method of payment those are blurred out for security reasons and then of course we'll choose how much we want for the amount of Bitcoin I want we're gonna do whatever is around oh that's USD not Bitcoin we're gonna do whatever is around I believe $50 we're just going to stick to that so $50 USD it's about two point zero to one Bitcoin so you can buy it instantly we go a little less we'll go 30 why not bitcoins a bit expensive right now I'm not looking to buy it that's at 23 it pretty high but we'll go ahead and buy this 31 just to keep small they'll ask us who we want to confirm we should get it instantly to our wallet which is awesome so we'll go ahead and confirm the Buy and then we'll go to our dashboard and then it'll say it's buy it's gonna take a minute for it to actually come through to our wallet but we'll go ahead and go to our accounts page to take a look at our wallets you see my wallet right here we'll click on that and then you will see that it came through and our Bitcoin should be in our wallet now what we'll want to do after this is actually set up our wallet on this side of the machine so we don't want to be using it on the web wallet and you definitely never want to take it straight from the coin base wallet to something else like a tumbler or anything like that we'll want one step in between are actually two steps in between so we'll go to electrum on this computer and actually pull up our main electron wallet and our electrum has finally pulled up took a minute to actually get it all up and running you can see some basic transaction history here nothing crazy and some of you might be worried hey why is he showing this wouldn't people be able to find out info about him or what he purchased from this maybe you could but again all of this info is publicly available to everyone so it's not like showing this does me any more damage then it's already being out there so we have our electrum up now we'll want to send coinbase money to our electrum so we'll go to the send in requests tab and then we'll need to get our receiving address for this one so go under receive you can just copy that whole address or you can just hit this and it will copy it to put that in here and then you specify your amount so in this case we'll do point 0 1 2 and then wash with you - 7 because there will be a small Network fee and crude for this so we'll do our Bitcoin wallet there's a little bit in our theory in wallet but we'll stick to the Bitcoin wallet that went away 7 ok optional message if we want I don't have a message so we'll go ahead and do this and it actually did give an error and you'll see because of this network fee it just is a tad too high above our wallet amount so we'll actually just lower this maybe go to 5 1.19 how about that that is close almost just a little over one point one seven five there we go that's a little less than our balance I'm looking at the total here because that trans Network fee that transaction fee and this network fee again is this is how miners make money so this is how the people who help verify these transactions actually make money by giving you give a little to them so we'll send the funds now that everything looks good it'll ask you to confirm it will ask you to confirm so of course we'll confirm that and it will give us confirmation that the send is complete now we can go ahead and go back to our Electra mullet and you can see it already has it in there just $11 and it's just waiting to confirm it so we'll just wait for that to actually confirm the rest of our Bitcoin and then we'll continue from there so once we send the Bitcoin it will go to our balance on our electron wallet and we are ready for the next step so for the next step we'll want to get our tails operating system booted so I'm going to go ahead and pause the video until that is all ready and again you should be doing this step on a non personal computer with their tails off of a USB but this is just a trial run on the Windows desktop so we'll go ahead and boot our tails and take a look at that so once you have tails up the first thing you're going to want to do is actually go to the more options button and then you'll you can add anything else you want but we just want to make sure we have the setting for creating a tour bridge on so we'll go ahead and hit login and that way once it actually comes up we can configure our tour bridge accordingly so we will let the desktop load once it comes up with the desktop successfully you'll want to of course configure your tour bridge so we will go ahead and configure that no before you actually got on tails hopefully you got your tour bridge information down for me I'm just gonna be using detour bridges over here I have one a Firefox browser obviously pulled up so I'll just go ahead and put those in but does it censor connections you say yes and then you will add your tour relay which I'll go ahead and paste tour bridge really love it and paste that in so assuming we did everything correctly we will hit next we don't need a proxy so we'll hook connect and then it should begin to connect to the Tor network so now we've gone through the basic steps we've got our Bitcoin we transferred it to a wallet that's not a web-based wallet it's our own wallet and now we have the tails operating system and it'll be loading tour with a bridge and our obfuscated bridge as well to keep it more secure so one store is up and running the next step is to actually tumble our bitcoins we've talked a little bit about this already in the Bitcoin section the process of tumbling and why it's important so we'll go through that and then after the tumbling will actually transfer to the marketplace and then go through the process of buying so on tails once you have everything ready you want to start by going to your applications and then under internet and you should see electrum bitcoin wallet right at the top there now you'll want to create a different electrum account you don't want to actually use the seed from the one on the Windows desktop we were using earlier you don't want to use the same one because that would be an issue so we'll go ahead and just this and it does warn you that you know this is not in persistent mode which means that all our electrum data will be lost including our wallet so we're gonna run it anyways of course for this example because the coins gonna go into it and then out of it so it's basically a one-off wallet we don't really care about it that much so if you recall the process of tumbling is fairly simply you purchased the coin from coinbase you transfer it to a secondary wallet like that electrum on the Windows operating system then you transfer it to a third wallet and this would be electrum on the tails operating system and then after that you would transfer it to your tumbler and then the marketplace so we'll go with the standard wallet will create a new seed it will take a second that is our seeds he'll definitely want to note that it of course will ask us to confirm our seed so we'll go ahead and do that we'll just type it back in from before and it's good to go we'll hit next and it will ask us to put in a password so we will create a password and be sure you're using good technique for your password remember mixed number letters and special characters we confirm that one and it will generate our addresses and we have our wallet so once it pulls up we would actually at this point go to our other wallet which is right here and we will send this Bitcoin and we'll pay two we obviously need to get our recieving address for this one and it hasn't fully connected yet we'll wait till it does that and at this point once you have your wallet up on tails you would then want to transfer the coin from the wallet we had over on the Windows desktop we'd want to transfer that over of course in this situation there is an issue with electrum in the VirtualBox environment it actually has issues connecting so what we'll do we'll just go straight from this account and actually to the tumblr although the best practice would be actually transferring it from your other tails from your other electrum account to this one and then going to the tumblr we're gonna skip that step just because this has connection issues when in a VirtualBox environment which we're still running so we'll skip that for now we'll assume that step was already created and this is actually that wallet after you get that coin to your wallet on tails you would then want to begin the process of tumbling the coin to actually tumble the coin so we'll want to open up the tor browser so you'll want to go to applications and then the tor browser right there the next step in the whole purchasing process is actually tumbling our bitcoins so that's what we're going to do now we're gonna first navigate to the Bitcoin tumbler we're gonna send our coin to it and then of course send our Bitcoin to the marketplace wallet that we have so we'll let the tor browser load up and we will come back when that is done once tor is loaded we will go ahead and navigate to Deep Web slash links to grab our link for the grams browser which will also lead us to the helix tumblr because they're connected owned by the same group of people so we'll load up this links page really quickly and then once it is loaded we'll go to the popular onion sites option and we will go ahead and just hit this first one here which is the Graham's market search engine and this will pull up in a different page we can close that other page we don't need anything from there and I'll actually make this full screen for now we'll let this load up and then from the Graham's homepage you can go up to the top here and just go to the helix option and this is the actual helix tumblr so we will let that load as well and then once it is up you can read through the basics of what we need to do or what it is I guess you say so we'll go ahead and just scroll down a little bit and see which helix we're looking for so the helix regular you do need an account the return time is 10 minutes 24 hours but you can have multiple addresses so that's a pretty useful option the OTO is about the same but not multiple addresses the light works pretty fast it's faster but you don't need multiple addresses either and then the market as well we'll go with the light in this situation just because we don't need we don't want to go through making an account and all that so we'll hit on that option we'll let it load and then we have this option here so to say he looks made simple you know enter the Bitcoin address the clean coins will be sent to so this address is gonna be our actual marketplace address now if you don't know your marketplace wallet address you can get that by going to the marketplace so we'll go to our alpha Bay market really quickly here we'll actually have to grab that link again because I do not know these links off the top of my head so we will hit that link I'll open up in another tab for us we'll close that other one and they should bring us to the signup page our login page perfect so we can go ahead and login so I'll go ahead and do that we'll see if we can get the caption the first time here for some reason I can never quite get these all right there we go let's see if it logs us in and it looks like that worked it got us in so from here we'll want to actually go to our account and once under the profile we'll go ahead and scroll down to the left-hand side and hit balance and that will actually give us our wallet address now in some cases a marketplace might not offer a wallet with your marketplace login this alpha Bay does offer a wallet with it some do not in which case if they do not you would just basically tumble the coins and then you can send them to a different wallet and you could kind of skip the tails wallet you can go straight from a Windows wallet to tumbling to a tails wallet and that would be it so we'll hit that balance option it's loading up that page there we go and then this is our Bitcoin address we'll want to use to deposit funds so we will go here and we will copy that address so of course once we have that address we will paste it over here and we will hit let go and it'll take us to the next step in the process so what we will need to do now is send payment to this address right here so what we'll do is we will copy that address now there are some notes you need to be sure of before you actually send the payment be sure under here you're reading these little disclaimer x' to avoid losing your bitcoins don't send it more than one transaction just send it once make sure you're sending point zero two or more and don't send more than 43 bitcoins so once you're sure of all those things you can go ahead and go back to your electrum wallet over here and we'll just hit send Bitcoin the pay to address will of course be that that's the bridge information didn't copy ain't here we'll go back up so we'll just paste that information there and then the amount you want to select I've already hit it before but we'll just hit max and then if you want to increase the fee or decrease it you can but we'll just keep it at the normal amount for the fee so that should be about it once you think it's all done and you can verify the address and be sure it is right but it looks good so we will go ahead and hit Send and I'll need to put in my password for electrum really quickly so we'll do that and it will sign it and it should send it off and it shouldn't take too long for Hilux to actually recognize the transaction it's coming through so we'll take a look at that once it starts happening so after just about 10 15 minutes it looks like it's finally complete so once it is complete you can of course go back to your alpha Bay and check your balance to ensure it went up in this case it did this is a different account than I was logged in before the other one had zero this one had a little bit more than zero so you can see it now reflects the current balance so that's pretty much the entire process when it comes to tumbling your coins so now that we got that out of the way it's time to actually go and purchase something so let's go over to our alpha Bay we'll just navigate back to the home screen and we'll start looking for some products we might be interested in you know and you could do different ones for what you want I'll just be looking around we'll say we'll go to drugs and chemicals most popular one obviously you can see the amount in that category compared to any others so we'll just do a little trial run with something like that and let's say let's say we go to psychedelics pretty popular ones and definitely widely illegal so just so you know of course this is all pretty much illegal oh and actually our balance to just update so it wasn't quite updated before now it is updated to have about point zero five bitcoins so there we go we can look through here if you see anything you like we'll stick to let's say we stick to shrooms all natural from the ground and again be aware that in some countries viewing anything like this is illegal so it's best to be safe but we'll go down we'll pick this one here so this guy's name is trip with science is the actual user name so let's say I have been browsing around and this looks like something I want to I want to actually purchase so the process from here would be pretty simple so once we get this page pulled up we're gonna want to do a little research on the guy and make sure we're not just purchasing someone something from someone we don't trust so usually it means that they're pretty reputable vendor with alpha BAE if they come up pretty high in the search result but it's never bad to double-check so we'll let this page load and then we'll take a look at their information so now that we see his page loaded up you can see some basic information about the seller obviously you can see the vendor level and trust level those are pretty important but the most important is actually the feedback oh you know this stuff isn't faked it's actual reviews from actual people who use the site so it's a pretty good indicator of what you can expect from the seller now a lot of the times it's of course always usually good stuff you know a plus shipping fast shipping great product things like that that don't actually give you quality information about you know the receiving process or how the seller actually deals with transactions so we might find some of those in there and that's really what we're looking for we're not looking for the ones just say he's great we're looking for the ones that actually kind of give a breakdown of what they experience so we'll take a look at that again once it loads and obviously the loading takes forever because we have this tails in a virtual box and tour in a virtual box and this computer's not not that fast anyway so hopefully uh hopefully it loads up here in a second and we'll be back when it does so our review page just loaded up here so go ahead and scroll down and you can see some reviews pretty basic information how fast they got it how good shipping was a little more in-depth so order shipped for extras on top of five it's pretty great so you can read through these just to be sure but another thing we showed you earlier how to use is that actual info desk so we'll take a look at trip with science on the info desk will over to the helix page because you'll have a link right there on the info desk will load the info desk up and we'll actually take a look at this vendor and see if we can find any extra information that we might be missing so we will go down here and search by username we'll just search his name click spell that around and we will search and it should pull up some information about the vendor and you can see here the result it goes across a few markets so we got agora alpha bay evolution they might all be the same guy but sometimes they could have the same name on different marketplaces but we will go ahead and go to the alpha beta one because that's the one we are using and once it loads you can see how many reviews this user has gotten and then of course the star rating so this would be a very good vendor to do business with it looks like they're very rated well and they have some good information and of course you can read all the reviews on them as well and this pulls from different marketplaces so not just alpha Bay so you can read through these just to be sure it's something you'll want to do but if it is and you think you're ready to move on what we'll do is we'll pick out a quantity so in this case it's $20 for a vial I guess so we can hit it if we want to purchase it now you can purchase it with the XMR the etherium or the Bitcoin option obviously we want to do Bitcoin because that's what we have so we'll hit buy now and then it'll go through the buying process it'll take us to our purchasing page so you can read through all of this if you would like obviously there is a shipping attached to it any notes we want here and as for the notes I would definitely want to encrypt it so this is where you would actually put your address so we'll take a look at the Avengers PGP you really quick we'll get his key so it should be over here there it is so we'll actually copy this entire thing now once we have this vendor's key copied we'll definitely want to import it so we can encrypt a message to them so we'll start by opening the text editor you can close out of this for a second while we work on the desktop in the text editor you'll want to paste why you just copied and that's the actual PGP key block you can see that here add the two dashes I didn't copy at the beginning there I'm go ahead and hit save it'll ask how we want to save it we'll just name it tws for trip with science and then key so we can know what it is we'll go to the desktop save it there once it is saved we can close out of this go back to our clipboard up here for our PGP applet go to manage keys then we'll go to file and import to actually get the key imported we'll select this right here we'll say open and you can see even his email says tws so we did something right we'll go ahead and say import and it should begin importing the key now we'll go down here to our GnuPG keys and it should be at the bottom if added correctly and the name there is Tripp so that does look like it imported successfully so now what you will want to do is actually get your address because in the notes if we go back to our tour browser you can see over here on the purchasing page there are notes the quantity and then actually what you want now you could just hit this say encrypt the note using the seller's PGP you could put in your address hit confirm and it'll crypt it for you or if you want to be sure it doesn't mess up at any point you can go to text editor and this is where you would put in your address because in the notes you do need to put where you want this shipped you could say 1 2 3 Main Street and the city state zip code if it applies and obviously at the top there you'll also want to add a name and that's pretty much it so what you would do is just copy that hit the clipboard you can say sign and encrypt clipboard with public keys it'll ask which key you want to encrypt it with will obviously want to do it for this vendor you could sign the message as well if you would like but we'll just go ahead and hit OK and it will give you a warning saying it's not fully trusted that's okay we can just hit yes to actually do it and then now if we paste under here I should have our message now encrypted with his key so you can take this whole entire message which is already copied go over here and then of course you can add it right into the note I would definitely read the information here sometimes they might have certain things you need to do or put in the notes that you might not know and of course number 5 there is highly recommended that you PGP encrypt your shipping address yourself and that's what we did so at this point if everything was good and everything was true you would hit confirm purchase and it would send your coin to his wallet and begin the purchasing process and generally that is the entire process for purchasing things on the dark web obviously we're not going to purchase that because it's a totally fake address and we don't want to waste our Bitcoin on that so we can close these out and close that out and kind of wrap up this video so hopefully you have a better understanding of the entire process it won't be the exact same for every marketplace hands-on marketplace is a very popular one but it's a tad different like that instead of having a wallet on your marketplace you have your own personal wallet and then once you purchase something it'll say send your Bitcoin to this address it will tell you the exact amount to send and you have a certain amount of time to send it and once you do it will verify transaction and everything like that it's a pretty fluid process and pretty straightforward I would of course browse around to different vendors and different things but you need to note that most of these things are illegal or illicit and you will be prosecuted for such I can't be responsible for you doing anything illegal this is just to show you how the process is done because you know online anonymity [Music]
Channel: Tech Updates
Views: 68,536
Rating: 4.6992908 out of 5
Keywords: crime, hacking, tech, anonymous, leak, privacy, nsa, cia, daekweb, deepweb, darknet, technology, network, internet access deepweb
Id: UHk_dtEJyDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 09 2018
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