How to Build the Chicken HOOP COOP - EASY DIY

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[Music] do hey friends thank you so much for your votes on the chicken coop that i lost but i didn't really lose because michael's having to build me a chicken coop the chicken coop idea that lane had those storage buildings are just way too valuable and i didn't want to move them they looked good there at that time we're going to build an ugly chicken cake today yeah so i looked up chicken coop ideas diy chicken coops and i was trying to find something simple also something that we could move kind of like a chicken tractor if you've ever heard of those you just kind of move them around it's not like a stationary really heavy thing it's this this is temporary for us because of the fact that we are here at the moon shack currently this is where we want to have the chickens say hello grady he's going to be my helper today along with everybody else there's actually some other homesteaders that is called living traditions homestead they are from ava missouri or they live in ava missouri and i went to their channel and they have something called the chicken hoop coop so that's what we're gonna do today is a chicken hoop coop got the idea from them however i'm not gonna build one quite as large as theirs theirs is a little big and i it's going to be harder to move we have to move ours in like two weeks yes because temporary this is this is going to be really temporary uh and then we've got to move it up to family of my parents house up the hill because then we have plans where we're going to be gone and they're going to take care of the chickens for us yeah so that's that so let's do it let's show them our chickens this is what our chickens have been living in for uh six weeks these are the nice ones yeah the yellow ones are the nice ones so grady what kind of chickens do we have um easter eggers and these are the buff orpingtons and they're a little bit nicer but the easter eggers are supposed to like green and blue eggs so i'm excited about that so they're a little confined in here it was great whenever they were really small because we got them whenever they were babies uh but now they are way too big for this dog crate that we have them in and so we have got to get this coupe built asap so what i love about the chicken hoop coop is the fact that i already had a lot of these materials so i didn't have to go out and buy a whole bunch of different things to build this also what i like about it is that it's something that is very diy and very cost effective and very easy because of the time constraint that we are in and everything else we got going on i just wanted to have something simple to make and i got it okay so let's talk about some of the material so i have four two by fours that were ten feet long i cut them down to a hundred and one inches that comes out to a little over eight feet so an eight a little over eight foot square is what i've got i've got the two cattle panels these are 16 feet by 50 inches wide then i have some more two by fours that are eight feet long and i'll show you what we're going to use for those for but it's basically going to be for some bracing that are going to go up and down it's going to be some bracing for the back end of it i have a tarp i got some chicken wire i have a tin snip i also have this hanger strap or pipe hanger just depends on what you want to call it but i've got some of that and i'm cutting those down into sections and i'll show you what i'm going to use those for i also have some hog rings that's going to be to make sure that i get the panels fastened together i have a gate latch and i guess that's it oh and i just have some uh uh hinges that i'm gonna be making a door with and i've got a bunch of three inch screws and two inch screws that i'm gonna be using as well so since we figured out who poopied who poopied not you the first thing we're gonna do on the coop is um we're using three inch screws and we're just going to fasten our boards okay by fours right okay can i help when mommy gets involved everybody wants to get okay gabriel come here oh yeah that's perfect all right one more are you holding it super tight oh use all your muscles two more corners all right are we ready okay [Applause] so the next step in the process is these cattle panels and we're going to stand them up now one thing we like about this also is that this coupe is going to be tall enough for us to walk into yay so we don't have to worry he's in this too okay and then put your end on the inside of that board all the way up in the corners ah look at that can we stand so yeah once yeah we'll be able to stand i'm about six feet tall and that's about what this is gonna be i like it the next step and this is why i made these i cut these pipe hangers like i actually got this idea from the living traditions homestead so what we use these for is instead of using fence staples you know where it's just like a u-shape and you hammer it in what i'm going to use is these i'll put a screw in each side of it and fasten it that way i'm gonna help bless you okay thanks bubba you're welcome this is heavy oh it's a heavy uh-huh okay oh hang on let daddy get it on there okay okay [Music] okay screw okay i can do it with you okay all right don't push the button yet ready set go [Music] okay good job dude me and that one yep now i got to do more i will buddy when i'm ready so here's what it looks like using those pipe hangers just now i did realize i had a feeling they would go through but i am using two inch screws i probably should have used something smaller however like i said i'm using what i have and i had two inch so i can clip off the ends or hammer them down but it's not gonna be that big of a deal now another reason why i'm doing it this way is because of the fact that see my finger elaine loves it when i do that so when i make a fist and i try to open my hand my middle finger does not want to open and it happened i can tell you when it happened it happened whenever i was hammering in all the joist hangers for our deck because i probably had 400 of those to hammer in and you're you're smiling at me oh i just don't want you to like she's like oh you're just getting old no i mean he is but he's still a little hot again i tell you it's a real thing and we don't want it we don't want to make it worse so i haven't been to the doctor to get medication or a shot i feel like something's got to happen but that's another reason i don't really want to do a lot of hammering is because of my finger so screwing these in is just going to be a whole lot easier on my hands is that for chickens so next what we're doing is using hog rings and this is what i'm using to fasten the two panels together and it's a pretty simple thing you just put them in use some pliers squeeze them together and just press it make it tight and it'll hold those two panels together so we're just going to do that every other every other one through here and do that in chocolate now it's time to set the door frame and so we were just trying to think of like how wide do we want our door this can be dependent upon you no i have seen where people have used old like screen doors and placed them on this it you know it makes the the door go above the actual chicken coop but we're just gonna make our own i think i can make it out of the same hog panel i've got some extra over there but anyway so i just stick it up here and then just basically mark where where the hog panel is on both sides and then i'll just make my cut right through there and i'll do the same thing for the the other two by four we have over here oh for a tip okay i wasn't thinking earlier when he was trying to figure out this door frame what we should have done first was measure so the distance from here to here is 101 inches divided in half is obviously 50 and a half inches so we marked the 50 and a half and then we said we want roughly a three foot door so we put one and a half on center and then made a mark on each end for three foot then see here's our mark that three foot mark on this side and so then we stuck our door frame on the inside of that mark we're gonna do that on the other side and then we use our level to level it up and to fasten it on top i just use the exact same the pipe i use the pipe hanger lane's laughing because i forgot what it's called the pipe hanger and screws screwed it down so now i've moved to my back bracing so i put my 2x4 up and i moved like all i did was count each one of the sections i went up five and uh made a mark on the board like that same thing over here went up to the fifth section made a mark and then i stuck this piece over and laid it up on top since lane is not helping me currently that way i could get this side fastened down and then all i'll do is i'll come back over here and do the same thing here and so i made sure and used when i measured i made sure i measured it to where i had one of these wires running this way that way i could put that pipe hanger running over it like that so now i have cut this other support and very simple just measured again to 50 and a half the way i knew where to place it on the center i measured this board also to make sure i put it in the halfway mark on that and then i just drew a pencil mark up there and you wouldn't cut it and same principle i'll use that pipe hanger go over that pipe right there and that'll and then i'll screw it in here and screw it in down there and that'll be my support for the rear [Music] well the chicken coop is taking shape what do you think about it chicken lady looking good looking good i love it it's great now it's just when we put the brown tarp on that's not pretty but it's okay it works right there yeah it works temporary so now i believe i'm gonna have to double check but i think now my next step is the chicken wire that we're gonna place over that so let me get that stuff out and get it going watch out gabriel i'm just gonna roll it over watch out guys [Music] so on this back side how i fastened the chicken wire was just using these staples they're not the normal like staples that you would use for the cattle panels like a fence staple these are for like your wiring type staple that you use in houses a lot so i just use those they're a little bit smaller a lot easier to nail in i had some left over from our cabin build anyway so that's how i fastened our chicken wire to the backside was using those i also fastened it along this 2x4 on the inside down there i didn't film this process because i was a little bit nervous about how well i was going to do making the door i understand the the simple basics of it but i've never done it before and so i wanted to build it instead of showing you me building it in case it was a total failure and now i'm wishing that i would have just filmed it but anyway and so i don't think i did that bad of a job anyway i'm gonna set the camera down and and film the rest of this me getting the door on after i get the chicken wire on i'm gonna go ahead and put the door on and check it and see if it if it's gonna work but i think it's going to i'm i'm happy with the way it turned out and that i accomplished that part because i was like i said nervous about it so i've got my last section of my chicken wire laid out you may not be able to see it very well but i've probably only got about six feet of it and yet i've got this whole front to do so i started off my door in chicken wire on the bottom but i had some more galvanized cattle panels and so i'm going to make the top part of the door this galvanized part which i think will be okay if i have to go back in later and cover up this section because it would have to be a pretty small raccoon to fit through there but maybe he still could i don't know but i'll have to kind of see how that works so i have a gap that this is the reason why i left this cattle panel a little long is because from the top of my coop down to the top of this door is about three and a half inches so i i made this cattle pen a little long and i went through and made pencil marks on all the spots i don't need to cut the top piece but i do need to cut some of these here so that it'll fit and cover up that gap there and not let critters into okay grady's gonna be my door tester i just temporarily put it up there what do you think i like it it'll work yeah you can still too what about this right here well so i gotta put a latch i'm gonna put a board on the back put a block on the back and then i got a latch for the front all right let's put my block on the back so now whenever it goes shut it just stops there okay well i've got the chicken wire all on what i have to do now is put the tarp over the top which will cover this back spot i may get some more chicken wire and have that completely covered too because i guess a if you wanted to could crawl up between the tarp and this and try to get in but i'm hoping when i put the tarp on i get it tight enough in the back but we'll see the tarp i got was a 10 by 16 heavy duty tarp all right so i got the tarp draped over it for right now i neglected to get the washers i have the screws but i neglected to get the washers to fasten it to here so i would just use a washer screw it in that's what would secure it to the 2x4 there and i also need a nylon rope that i would use to run through all of the excess and the reason why i have excess is because i want some light in the top maybe not a ton but at least a little bit instead of covering it up completely thanks buddy but other than that i'm gonna just go ahead and let the chickens in there for tonight and let them enjoy their coop okay boys it's time to let the chickens in let's get out put the chickens in there for the first time see what they think about their new house okay get the stuff out [Applause] let's go get them where's the dick okay [Music] eggers flip their legs they're not they're as friendly as uh oh that one just went right back enjoy your house girls enjoy your house fly around them [Music] or [Music] well chicken coop is done the chickens are in and i must say dinner's ready that's what i gotta say so it's time to go eat but thank you guys for watching this this was a super easy project really wasn't difficult at all really quick really easy really inexpensive probably only took me oh i would say a total of five to six hours so now all i got left is just put the tarp on yeah anybody can make a hoop coop i don't know if we're gonna be home setters or what but this is the step to us being more self-sufficient having animals going back into the farm life so thanks for watching guys hope you have a wonderful day god bless [Music] you
Channel: Loftis Party of Six
Views: 72,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hoop coop, easy diy, chicken coop, how to build, Off grid, Living off grid, Off the grid, Off grid family
Id: ZG1zHzpCxps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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