How to Build the BEST DIY ROLL AWAY CHICKEN NEST BOX for under £30! Part 1

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welcome to another video from the farm today we're going to be making some rollaway necess so these are the most common sort of style rollaway nest boxes you can get and pretty rubbish to be honest as you can see there's one installed an insert like this little nest area you put some straw in and whatnot and then the eggs were all away down to this bit in theory but this entrance here gets blocked up very easily therefore your eggs don't roll away they just sit in there so you have to be on top of maintenance with it all the time every day there's maintenance with keeping these clean basically and also bit low to the ground don't like put a nest boxes this low to the ground as I feel that encourages them to lay eggs around the nest boxes if the bottom ones are full and chicken still want to move in there to lay that galvanized steel one that's available on the Internet and one of the few sort of larger nest boxes you can buy on the intern so basically gonna be saving about 90% yeah roughly about ninety percent of the cash by doing it this way because that one's just under a hundred that's for ninety birds yeah a lot of savings all around making these now you can still make one of these if you're only having say 1020 chickens but you can end up with a lot of waste wire you're not gonna be able to buy the top of why you need get a small enough roll but you're still gonna save a lot of money so your choice and this is what you want half inch square 60 centimeter wide by however long you want to making this box is worth now this is PVC coated hence why it's green you definitely want the PVC coated stuff you just get Galvin our stuff it's not going to last more than a year or two because specially gonna rot away chicken manure is very corrosive and you're also gonna want to get some 3 B 2 CL s by 8 foot lengths now these are about to pound a piece from a hardware shop I think they're what 260 or something I saw them at in the big super store in the UK wicks the other day but you can get them around 2 pounds if you just go to a local hardware shop makes this build really cost-effective because this is pretty much the structure of the nest box worth of wood alright then first step wire unrolled obviously get it like that on the end you would give yourself at least two squares overhang cuz you're gonna put piece of wood connecting these two soon enough well you're gonna want to secure both edges with one of you with two of you 3b twos start with with some little new nails then once you've got that in place we can tension the wire got the wire tacked to both sides roughly every six inches got one of these as you want it to be nice and secure flip it over next cut some 60 centimeter pieces off the 3v to put both ends next some support across the middle now if you're doing this same sort of design this won't be big enough for a 150 Birds or so you're gonna want to do every 80 centimeters so you've got perfect spacing only 2.4 maybe those supports are in place next step add some pieces of board onto both ends and then we've got the basic structure there we have the end boards cut and marked out ready with a correct angle that we want this thing to sit up she's pretty easy to do it's just a triangle to work out this angle you just need to know this length and this height that you need basically all sorts of apps out there you can do it with if you don't know the math here we go the main shapes in now as you can see got the angle set the same on both sides and then just literally attached to the two tops of the board together with another little next along the back and then comes the fun bit started making a little place where you ex can roll away too and the chickens can't really get them walk on them you don't need massively precise measure for this next bit what we do in his basically just building on a little edge sideways aren't with your 3b too it's a little tiny overlap there he don't want much cuz eggs will get caught in that corner 100% and then you coming down here which should be 20 centimeters while 21 ish if you've following the similar design as me and then put one piece there do another 21 on the other side and then just run another 2.4 along the top and then that will give you a little area where your eggs can sit in and then pull it on [Applause] we've pretty much all the front frame on it's time to put this bar here from that corner the same corner over there leaving underneath this three inch gap be ready to roll underneath here we go it's all done lift the top off because I'm going to stack two of these on top of each other as you can see it rolls down the bottom so a bit of a steep angle at the minute so it's rolling pretty fast just leaning this way but just tip it back correct angle you can see much more gradual pace so you will get the odd broken egg with this but it can greatly reduce that by also adding in sort of the false astroturf stuff you can get online and now this is about sort of an inch and a half astroturf and it's red usually comes in for poultry and it's got a slightly wider holes in it so it's easier to jet wash off now you don't need that in there we tend not to put it in we've got some so we're going to put them in these nest boxes but as I said you don't really need it works great as it is now if you not putting another one on top of this you're gonna want to have an angled roof going off at least 45 degree angle and that'll stop the chickens jumping on top of here and roosting on it keep the top nice and clean we're probably going to be mounting our straight on the side of the Politan to the metal bars or we're gonna stick three big concrete blocks underneath it so it's up off the ground about that high about foot and a half to foot that's how high you want them just high enough that the chickens can't look into the nest box and have to jump onto it to be able to see inside you can also add in a few partitions in the middle if you like we tend not to do that because we've got such a large amount of nest boxes anyway they never really get too crowded but if you've got one of these and a lot of chickens they will tend to go in the corners so to avoid getting loads of eggs in the corner of your box and damaging a few put a couple of dividers in and then you should get a more even spread of eggs along this bottom tray with a little collect and really cost-effective - will definitely save you a lot of money if you're going to make some of these for yourself and even if you've only got say 10 20 chickens you definitely don't want one of these because it will get you some nice clean eggs and you won't have to deal with many broke eggs either or chickens eating your eggs because they can't get to them that's it for now if you enjoy this video please give a like until next time bye bye
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Views: 85,417
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Keywords: farm, homestead, solar power, offgrid, sustainable, self build, earthbag, free range, chickens, pigs, how to, uk, barn, 12v 24v batteries, diy, wind power, green roof, organic, chicken coop, free, tractor, debt free, construction, recycle, upcycle, vegetables, hydroponics, aquaponics, cuttings, hydro power, cabin, shed, tools, machinery, solar panels, off grid living, off grid farmer, house build, renovation, market garden, nest box, roll away nest box
Id: YFK6qiZB34s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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