How to build Marlin Firmware Using VSCode easy way (2022)!

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hey guys this is jimmy here i'm doing a video that's a little bit out of the norm uh typically i do videos on diy fixing stuff around the house but or anywhere inside the house or outside or anything else but cars whatsoever but today i'm doing a video on how to build a marlin firmware now this is per request from my uh discord where i've been hanging out lately um i've gotten a 3d printer back in january of last year so i've seen a lot of people are struggling once they get bl touch or see or touch so i've got asked by multiple people to do a video that's latest not stale with older commands and stuff like that i got a cheat sheet that i might attach uh or i will provide the commands um so let's get started here first thing obviously once you get a b of touch it's not rocket science here you're gonna download visual studio code that is basically directly from uh there are three install installers out there uh zip user installer and system i go with the system installer i do 64 bit because my machine is 64 bit so depending on what machine you have you could go 64 32 or arm you could yes you could use on a raspberry pi too but uh the today's is basically 64 bit but windows once you download it uh once you click on it it's going to prompt you where you want to save it so obviously you see it on your desktop for now and then also you want to download marlin build um note to you guys uh first before building a new firmware you might want to open up your machine's board area to see what chip you have now the creality starts shipping out newer boards with rct boards here those are the crappier 256 eeprom boards and they stink basically so if you happen to have that make sure you use the bug fix if not if you download the stable release you're not covered and you're gonna be basically banging your head why i can't compile that and it will not it'll throw you some errors so rct is only in the bug fix if you happen to have ret board uh 427 ret ret422 or 427 your standard or skr you could download the 2.09.3 stable build you click on this this is direct hot link so you're going to click on this i'm doing i have the four two two ender three v2 board which is with the silent steppers so obviously i downloaded already so you save it on your desktop then you're going to click on view configurations here you're going to be landed on a git and then you click on the code and download the zip file here um yes some people ask where do you download the zoom so i point it out basically here once you do that you want to basically minimize or close whatever and you're going to install vs code i already have it so this is the setup you're going to do make sure you do with elevator rights run as administrator um to avoid any issues once you do that once the installation is done open vs code first thing you want to do is and then download um these plugins actually sorry i already have that so i'm going to skip the installation process so once you have that open up your base code you're going to click on this little box go to extensions you're going to search for platformio i already have it installed but i'll show you so you click it and you're gonna basically see install here or in the main screen you're gonna do install and then you'll look for auto build marlin makes your life 100 times easier you're gonna install this and you're simply going to close the app um let me do that she's gonna close it you know reopen vh code again can't type sorry um once it's open you're going to you're going to see this screen here you're going to click on autobuild marlin and you're gonna be here at this point minimize the application go to c drive and create a folder i already created a four to two silent board uh folder because i'm working on that firmware so you're gonna copy the desktop files or remove whatever i like to move um to keep it in one spot you're gonna right click and extract um you can do extract with whatever extraction tool you use i already extracted that to make life easier to speed up things and then you're going to go in configuration release go to examples creality and then i do have into 3d pro but i like to use enter 3 file configurations because they have things more things enabled um just going to copy these i'm not copying bootscreen.h but you will need to copy it um because i have custom bootscreen uh already moved into this folder so i'm going to go in marlin2.o.x and then there's a marlin folder in here you're going gonna copy these in here oops replace then you're going to browse your open your vs code again you're going to click on open a marlin 2x you go in the folder you click on this one don't go in here marlin you're just going to go into the marlin 2x and hit select folder once you do that it takes a little bit time to open up um and it opens up give it a give some time to settle down all right when you see pio home loaded at this point you're ready to move all right so first thing obviously you want to do is in your configuration files you want to change whatever you want to change here i'm going to go through my cheat sheet here so i'm going to flip-flop in between the two apps to cover all my commands for via touch and uh compile so i have under three pro i'm gonna do ender three four four to two silence just so i remember down the road like to update my name and then i'm going to basically go in this spreadsheet here that i have and then i like to enable s-curve acceleration so like i mentioned the ender 3 configuration has a lot of these things enabled already pro might not have it so you might have to enable that and then level bed corners there you go you don't have to enable every single thing that i enable um because you that's your custom firmware i like to enable individual axis homing menu because it'll give me the list if i want to home z individually or if i want to enable home wirex individually after homing when you're tweaking and if you have four to two silent you could leave this warning enable disable that's totally up to you i am going to i have um this is optional if you have the 42 board with noisy drivers you don't have to change this so while i'm here i'm just going to make a real quick change here um all right so if you're using creality board that's tmc 2208 standalone um i got to do that that's for x y and z and then also extruder otherwise i'll start getting noise out of my steppers if i have it why not use it but again check your board which one you have don't enable these by default and then next thing is for if you have a bl touch a lot of the the old guides tells you to enable z probe min and stop inverting to true leave this false this is no longer needed so don't touch this one now for bl touch whether you have sierra touch bltouch or 3d touch you're going to enable this then you also need to define your nozzle to probe offset so these needs to be measured value if you have a standard shroud and you're mounting bltouch on the left side of your printer with the crealities rod the range is basically in between negative 42 to negative 46 so i'm going to go negative 44 here and then y is typically around like negative 5 to negative 7 so i'm just going to ballpark at negative 6. i will eventually measure these and update it but now i'm going to just leave it for our sanity purpose here so this way probing margin here 10 is basically um if your probe is far away from the middle or whatsoever you could adjust this value typically i've seen people using 35 as a probing margin to adjust their bed accordingly um next one is obviously auto bed leveling by linear um all right and then i've noticed a lot of people use for this one they have once they enable this they get five five time five grid which is 25 point grid you want to go with nine point you have to make change here uh grid point is three here for me um i notice the ender three pro configuration has five in there um so you might wanna change that to three so to keep nine i don't i think 25 point is way absurd and way too much for a two 235 millimeter bed size and then you want to enable z safe homing if you don't enable this your [Music] bltouch is not gonna work and next one you wanna enable is i mean sorry disable this value right here so what this does is allows you to basically take your printer below z 0 on z axes if you leave it enable it's going to stop at 0 and you will not be able to adjust your z offset so now if you have your bl touch connected with nz and stop what you want to do is you want to disable this one this is assuming your build touch is connected to be a touch port and the end stop is connected still connected you want to disable this value here and then you want to enable the define use probe for z homing so you're using probe to do your homie after that so these are the two i covered and then you want to go in configuration.advanced for bl touch you want to define bltouch delay for software mode some of them have a glitch so you wanna now that's a high speed mode to speed up some things it's optional so if you have thick one or whatsoever don't enable this one um i think i'm i'm gonna enable it to take a chance on my 3d touch to see if it works or not and then you want to enable probe offset wizard unless you like to do manual the wizard makes life easier and then for a wizard you also need to enable these which is exactly and then you want to enable baby steps for everything so enable that and then you also want to enable for offset z probe offset the baby steps allows you to basically adjust your z offset with microsteps alright and at this point you're basically done so you can just hit compile so yeah so here we're done um with updating everything you're just going to go to auto build marlin now you're going to click on show abn panel once you click here you'll select your [Music] board type so skr mini comes in two variants where you'll have um ret rct again ret is 512 and rct is 256 creality now started doing rct so again creality rct is only in bug fix um not in stable this is stable release i'm doing for my uh ret 422 board and 427 should be with it's four to seven is fine with marlin stable build so you're gonna just click on build uh first time it might fail because it needs to download dependencies and uh plugins or whatsoever so if it fails just rebuild click the build once it fails um it'll go through now um i'm just gonna go quiet for a while let it run so we could fast forward this section all right so looks like the firmware build uh build is done uh you can click on this little folder here to open up your um folder and it'll point you directly to the bin file now you take this bin file put on the microsd and connect insert it into your printer and boot it up it should flash and you clear your eeprom and you're ready to go um i know the build took a little bit longer i think my laptop got through all throttled so that's all that is thank you for watching have a good day
Channel: Jimmy's DIY
Views: 12,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marlin Firmware, Custom Firmware, BLTouch, CRTouch, 3D Touch, BL Touch, CR TOuch, Ender 3, Ender 3 Pro, VSCode, Marlinfw, Marlin, How to build a marlin firmware, Creality 4.2.2, Creality 4.2.7, SKR, SKR Mini, SKR Mini E3 v2, Skr Mini E3 v3, Creality 4.2.2 Silent
Id: vO9QmRr4gG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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