How To Build & Install A Wood Privacy Fence Yourself! WITHOUT breaking the bank!!!!

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hey guys what is going on so on today's video we are gonna do a fence installation this video is gonna be kind of done in phases we're gonna kind of do the work off-camera and then I'm gonna come back and show you what I've done I pretty much done with phase one which is the four corners of the fence so let's go and flip the camera around and I'm going to show you what I'm talking about this is our first fence post that we have installed let's go back over this way so you can see there's number one there's number two there's number three and the number four is right up on the other side that is the number four so it comes down there's the string line comes across over here and then goes up to that post right there what I can recommend to everybody is to do the four corners on day one and sink in your posts level two feet under the ground so set them for 24 inches add your concrete add some water and then from there once those are dry for a few hours then you can run your string line and you can see the ground is really throwing it off but you could see right here that they are level it's kind of hard to tell but these are leveled out they don't have to be 100% perfect but they're as close as we can get it I think it is actually pretty good alright so that is the first phase of the fence we're gonna let those sit for 24 hours and then when we come back in the next day or so we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna set all of the other posts that are gonna run here we're gonna set those at 7 foot on center alright so we're basically going to do every 7 feet we're gonna do a post you could see I got them already marked out okay seven feet we're gonna do a post well dig the all the holes first 24 inches deep 22 24 inches should be good and then we're using one sixty pound bag of concrete per post then what I did was I have a string line connects those posts so what we're gonna do is I'm gonna after we get all the holes dug one two three four five six seven we're gonna connect a second string line and that is what we're going to use to keep the posts all level upon each other we're going to basically make sure that they're level touching the string this direction and level in this direction because of this yard this yard has such a big slope on it we have to make sure that they're all level this direction and then this direction we're just going to go ahead and make sure that the bottom and the top string are being touched when we come back in the next couple days we're gonna go ahead and start digging the hole for the rest of the posts and we'll show you that phase next here we go so we are now on day two and we had started the process for installing or actually digging all the holes I will tell you this is the dark side of putting in a fence by yourself I've never done it so learning things but using an auger it is with the bit on it it is super heavy so there it is right there so let me show you some of the stuff that we've been pulling out of these holes and the obstacles that we have to endure while doing these post holes that you will come across probably in your time if you're gonna be doing offense I want to flip the camera around I'm going to show you some of the obstacles that we've come across check this out these are just a few rocks check this thing is the size of my hand that's just the start of it check this one out we came across this guy this is a stump that was in that hole I think this one right here that thing we came across it was dead in the center of our posts what we did was you could see right here there's a little tiny line there's a tiny hole that we ran a straight line through from that post to that post and that way we knew we were dead center of each hole and we marked our markings so we got a gate that's going to go right here that's a 4-foot gate and then we evenly divided in between here and it ended up being every six feet the gates gonna go right there so it's 6 foot 6 foot 6 foot 6 foot 6 foot 6 foot six foot six foot six foot each post going up the side of the house has a seven foot span just because of the way that it fell so we wanted to keep everything even so that is a 777-7777 actually that one is a little bit less than seven because of I'll show you because of the electrical box we brought it in a foot so it's the electrical box won't be hidden in the fence so that is the next step that is for installing a fence we did all the four corners and today you can see drinking plenty of water we have done all of those holes so we have one two three four five six seven stay tuned I'm going to show you using this crazy auger and how ridiculous it is it made it made the job a lot quicker but it definitely didn't make it easier because the thing weighs a ton you hit all those things you got to wait have kickback you got to be very careful I've already kind of messed up my wrist a little bit I'm okay nothing major but you could like I actually had that kickback and my wrist twisted it kicked back and hit me in the thigh so definitely something that I don't want to do on the norm alright stay tuned and we're gonna go to the next step [Music] [Music] you so alright we're back for Phase three of the fence install and I'm gonna show you real quick we got everything done we went ahead and got all of the posts put in so I didn't do that on camera but all the pent fence posts we put in it's pretty self-explanatory dig two feet down with the post hole digger that thing was almost the death of me it was the most ridiculous that it is so hard if you got really soft ground it's probably okay I'm not gonna lie to you if you think otherwise put a comment below if you think a post hole digger is like the easiest thing in the world because let me tell you something I must be a real wimp I guess anyways I'm gonna flip the camera around but I'm gonna show you how is perfectly straight and how we got our fence posts perfectly straight on every time so here we go I'm gonna kind of go at an angle and show that it's so hard to see on camera but these fence posts are perfect there's a perfect straight line they don't have any kind of waviness to it and what we did was this we have to string lines okay to string lines there's one right here this thing is super tight and I connected this one to the corner pole down there then there's another one at a low level about 15 inches up there's one here going all the way down and as you can see this is how we went off of this it was either a fraction of a centimeter of an inch or it just touched it like that you know you look how close that is right there so every single one going down like this one's off by less than a centimeter okay you can see it right there but this one is basically touching it because each pole is a little bit different so you're never gonna get a hundred percent like this one's touching just a little bit you can see I'm shaking it right there but this guy right here is off by a fraction and by the time you get to the end you don't even notice anything so here it is right here this is all of the fence posts in we did this in one day it actually took us a full day his work from start to finish we started this morning and you could see right here boom it's it's literally it's nearly perfect I mean I got to be honest with you I had my neighbor help me and he did such an awesome job while I was doing the concrete he was leveling you know every once in a while there's one that's just a fraction of an inch off here you know but it's equal there and it had to be there's no other way around it like look how close these are there's heather up there she's actually cleaning up some of the dirt we're gonna start the process now of cleaning all this excess dirt we're gonna get all that done clean all this and get this 100% done and then next week next weekend we are on to the phase of adding the cross posts that connect all these posts when you put in the concrete into there just pour the bag we got it wet got the post wet with the hose put a little puddle of water poured some concrete got it wet again poured some concrete got it wet again towards it so on and so forth so by the time you get to the end it basically took almost one bag some of them took a bag because of how much dirt we took out and every once in a while it was a little bit where it didn't use a whole bag maybe a little bit less so what do you think it's so far you loving it alright alright guys so we are on another phase of the fence post what we're doing right now is I had measured we're getting ready to cut all the fence posts down to length we're allowed in our community to have a five foot fence so what we're gonna do is I'm gonna go five feet two inches I'm just gonna make each post two inches taller than the what we're allowed to have for the total top of the fence because we're gonna add caps to these so let me turn around and I'm gonna show you what I'm doing so these three I already cut just for testing but you could see how this one's much taller so what I did was I measured from the outside of the fences fence posts I measured from the outside base 52 inches and you can see I have a line that goes all the way around each fence post all the way down so each one of these has already been marked 52 inches and that gives me a two inch cap because what I'm gonna do is we're gonna add at the top of these posts we're gonna add a nice decorative cap and you can see right now you can see where I got a little squirrely on this but that's okay because like I said we're gonna have a cap on each one of these fence posts that'll be like a decorative so anything up here will be covered you won't see it it doesn't have to be exactly perfect I just wanted it to be a little bit higher because each I guess fence slapped that we do is only going to come to roughly about this height all the way around so these will be sticking up all the way down on each one so let's go ahead and get all these things cut off and when I come back we should be done with that you and so far I have almost completed one whole side of the fence connecting beams I guess that would the joists or whatever that connect the four by four so let's turn around and I'm going to show you how I did so alright so here we go this whole side of the fence is pretty much squared away done nice and even and it follows the contour of the ground and I'm gonna show you a little trick that I used which you can see right here of how I did each one so the first thing I did is you remember I cut off every pole at five feet two inches so then what I did was I used this little template and I kind of did my first set and then created this template right here on how to measure so what I did was I gave myself two inches and then this is the top of the fence right here where each slat is gonna go basically it's going to end somewhere along like that but what I did was I took this template and I made a dot so every pole now on the way has a dot eight inches down and then I used this and I measured perfectly on how I wanted the next poles joist I guess we'll call them to be so we're gonna pretend that this is a 2x4 and this is a 2x4 then this is a 2x4 so from the bottom right here that is ten inches from that point right there to that ground level so that's ten inches but in between is 16 inches 16 inches right here and then eight inches here but we're only going to basically use so that but really there's only six inches so then I took this template and I went down each pole let's go way down here so I took my tape measure and I measured down from here to here eight inches okay eight inches and I used this template and I took the top line okay and I lined it up there and you can see and I made a dot and they came down to this middle one I made a dot and then I went down here and I made a dot okay and what that did now is every single pole as you can see here has that mark every single one and that way the contour of the ground to each pole has a shape you know because otherwise if I try to go straight across down there would have maybe been almost a six-foot tall fence and up here might have been like a four and a half foot tall fence so it wouldn't have really made sense so now what we did was what I'll do is I'll take my 2x4 so let's pretend this is a 2x4 and I'll line it up here underneath that dot so it'll just line up just underneath that dot and then over here I'll underneath that dot that's where I will screw in the 2x4 but the good thing is once the 2x4 is secured here to here as you see this one and you could see the dot right here I'll measure from this point to that point so that is where I will cut the 2x4 and that's how it will look right like that I didn't connect I didn't cut everything at angles because that was just way too difficult I just went ahead and cut like this because you will never see you're never gonna see this because it's going to be covered by slats fence slots so that's how I did it well can will measure I measured from that dot to that dot to get that length because every pole is a little bit different there is not an exact distance between the poles they're roughly 7 feet so because they're not a good they didn't have to be a hundred percent perfect so that's basically how I did that part of the fence nothing crazy alright everybody so that is it and this part of the phase what I'm gonna do is now I'm gonna basically just go all the way around so when we come back all of the fence posts going all the way around should be done all right guys just to show you this is how I get all of my woods if I don't have anybody with the truck which I've only had it one time he's my neighbor he helped me with the four by fours getting those in but I do everything like this sorry I'm no selfie stick so I got a bunch of two by fours these are all for the rest for the one side I've got 18 treated two by fours in my little roller skate key assault so alright let's go ahead an get these installed alright guys what we're gonna nail it alright alright guys so we are back and two things have changed number one I shaved I don't know if you know that's the they probably did cuz the last like first half of the video I add a full beard this time I shaved it's really not going as bad but it's just time consuming so what we're at that we're at the stage now of putting up slats so I'm gonna flip the camera around and show you what we've done so far and how we're kind of cutting everything and measuring and then we're just going to go at it and we have the rest of the fence the perimeter all the way around over there to do and I think we're probably a quarter of the way done I think we've finished a quarter of it we kind of wanted to practice a little bit before we went so let's go and show you flip let's put flip the camera around there it is so we started all the way up there and we got everything down to this point so roughly we're about a quarter of a way away but what we're doing is this is the coolest thing so we cut we're cutting every slide at 5 feet okay so we've got every slap because we're allowed to do a 5-foot fence so we've got every slat cut at 5 foot and we are using this template template right here to measure so show them what we're doing they're just a little bit yeah that's good okay now that'll hold it into place for us and what we're doing is every top-left corner we're measuring right to this point so everything will be nice and level as you can see it goes right up nice and level so you're ready to do it I'm gonna let's install all right I'm gonna put the camera down and then we're gonna go ahead and install some slats fast mo I might put us in fast mode when in editing so let's do it yeah [Music] you yeah pretty awesome so all right when we come back we'll pretty much have the rest of the slats done and yeah we'll be good she's ready to get over a time one at a time all right we'll check this out this is my Kia Soul filled to the hilt with the rest of the select there's a hundred and fifteen slats in here right now so in that hilarious look at that so all right well so we have finally finished the outside of the fence and I'm gonna do a quick rock around the kids are actually outside right now with the dog we made some makeshift gates because it's been over three and a half years that our dog has not been able to run around inside a fence we always had to have him on a leash so this is the first time that we've lived at a house in three and a half years with the moving and renting and trying to do all that stuff you know now owning our house we built our fence after one year of being here so our dog Mario as you know him is loving life he's running around here right now so I'm gonna flip the camera and we're gonna do a walk around I'm gonna show you some really cheap makeshift fence gates that I just made it's just temporary because tomorrow we're gonna do the gates so let's see what we look what we look like all right so here it is look at those gates those things are awesome aren't they and yeah this is it so now we went all the way up to the edge of the house and look at this down honor I'm so look so happy so so happy and the funny thing is we actually made a decision that this little one right here we're actually gonna leave it it gives it that's our little character one so that dude right there we're keeping I guess they went inside dog was outside so we're gonna keep it but there it is a hundred percent completed all the way around and you can see what I did over here to was these little edges these little corners I filled them in with just little pieces of wood so the gaps are all filled in you can't even see anything and then we come over here done oh no no no is he out let him out kids are up there so then we went ahead and cut this off so now this is nice and flush so the gate will shut come on down here for the first time hey there he is so we got this over here and then you come over this way looks awesome and same thing over here I just kind of did some little makeshift corners nothing crazy just to kind of fill in the gaps nobody's really noticing follows the flow of the property so guys this is a very time-consuming job it's not hard it is laborious it's kind of like I've never done one before so if I can do it anybody can do it and finally the last makeshift gate awesome huh where's yet there's love in life but anyways alright guys that is it what I'm gonna do is tomorrow we are gonna do the fence gates get those finished up so this video will be done pretty soon so stay tuned well let's go ahead and do some fence gates Bubba alright so we have come a long way since day one of this defense build and I am almost done right now I'm actually just finishing up my first gate it's actually mounted behind me and I'm gonna show you how I did this because this fence is definitely not a straight flat yard so sorry my air conditioners going right now so what I'm gonna to show you is a little trick and how I did this to match up the here let me go turn around how I matched up the two by fours to make the gate kind of go online so here it is over here let's see so this is the gate right now when you close it okay so there is the gate you can see the ground right here goes up so I wanted the flow of all the two-by-fours to connect and go down so I came up with this way to create these angles without having to really measure and I'm gonna give you a little tip about these hinges - this is awesome this is a quick tip that everybody should know about but first of all what I did was I clamped a full 2x4 from this to buy on the other side I took a 2x4 a long one and I clamped it to here and here basically like this took this clamp and held it into place there and then I did the same thing here but it was on the backside of the fence and what I did was I drew lines I drew a line about a quarter of an inch off and I just ran my pencil down the line here and that gave me the angles that I needed this way then I took this 2x4 and held it up to it and did this way which the cool thing was when I used my chop saw when I found the first angle that I needed it was the same angle all the way around you never will have to change anything and then I used my template to line everything up and when I put it in it fit perfect real quick about the tip about these Walmart these were two dollars and ninety seven cents each at Walmart and then the hinge kit which I'm going to use which will be a latching hinge kit because if you notice there's no way that I can do a hinge with a little clasp like this it's gonna have to be one that buckles over and then moves back and forth and I'm gonna drill a little hole right here so it'll go into the 4x4 and lock the gate shut and flip over so we'll flip up pull out flip down pull up flip over down and then go in one of those little pin so it'll actually sit inside the 4x4 about that big but here it is did you do open it up there's the gate all right when we come back I'm gonna have all these gates completed you guys are in it all right guys hey we are done oh my gosh I am so excited we are done with the fence I am absolutely ecstatic baby done you happy that's it all right so we got the gates done I'm gonna go inside I'm gonna go inside for a minute guys bye I'm gonna go ahead and watch out modèle you know lock up this hinge real quick and that way I can show you oh my gosh what I did hold on I'm struggling here one-handed all right so we got the hint gates all set squared away and you can see there it is I got all the panels on I got the latches I'm gonna turn the camera around and show you everything and pretty much how I did the latches hold on one second let's turn the camera around so there it is right here so this is the kind of latch that we use because when the gate opens in with the pole you can't put one of those flip up locking latches we had to use this kind this pulls up and over and what I did was I drilled a hole that's a little bit larger than that inside the inside the 4x4 so that is pretty much it what do you think papa do you think you like it Mikey oh he loves it Mario loves having offense he's excited so that is it here's the second one this one the fence opens out so we had to put the gates hinges on the outside so it swings open but I did the same thing I used the same kind of latch right here and you could see it's sagged a little bit but that's okay after eventually what I'll do is I'll use maybe some tensioning wire and hook that up but you know what I saved so much money by doing this I saved a ton of money oh there's my dog peon saved so much money alright guys so that is it that is me installing this fence from start to finish this is probably a longer video than normal I'm not sure how long it's gonna take to edit it out but yeah this thing I'm so happy with it I'm super excited thanks for watching I know if you guys are gonna install a fence if I could do it you could do it I know it's not a hundred percent I think we're probably about 95% professional there's probably some one offs that I did wrong I don't care all right everybody thanks for watching like subscribe stay awesome alright everybody we'll see on the next video thanks so much hope you enjoy it that's a great that thing right there that is that's the money shot right there alright everybody see on the next video bye I got the money shot
Channel: The Crawlspace Craftsman
Views: 1,027,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fence, how to install a fence, how to install a wood privacy fence, how to, wood fence, wood fence installation, kalindslife, youtube, video, fence from start to finish, cheap fence installation
Id: qLj4wZVmkYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 56sec (1736 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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