How To Build Hoops For Your Raised Beds {Full Tutorial}

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all right so what's up everybody welcome to the girlfriend man Network and today I'm gonna show you how to turn your bed like this and to a bed something like this just with a little bit of added protection and all these are heads is actually like PVC pipes and I got some conduit the reason why I got the condom because it's way cheaper way cheaper than rebar and it does the exact same thing and I'll show you it actually fits perfectly over in a PVC pipe I have 4 PVC pipes i watch a lot of people they do five you can do five I would do five but I already have four five will give you a little bit more a little bit less space in between your hoops but this is all it is it's 3/4 PVC pipe I'll show you and I'm going to show you this I'm gonna bring you to Home Depot where I actually got these from show you exactly where to get it from that way it'll be I mean it's foolproof you can't mess it up so we got the PVC pipe these are like a dollar and fifty I'm gonna actually when I get into the editing process of this video I'll put it in exactly how much all of this stuff cause piece by piece it's always better to buy in bulk so I think it's a little higher if you buy them separate but if you buy like 10 it'll be a dollar 50 something a piece which will be around it's fifteen sixteen dollars and these are just this is in the electrical department it's called conduit and all it is it's just pipe they run the electrical wires through and this is how easily it fits to unless we make our hoops we'll take this and this will be in the ground you kind of do it you're gonna put in the ground with a hammer em all and it slides right over just like that okay right over so we want to take these now this is gonna be a one-time purchase you're gonna have to make or if you have like a sawzall you can use that but it's gonna router you to pieces you can buy one of these for sixteen dollars I think it costs so this would be like a one-time cost but after that you won't have to buy this too much anymore like I said I have a sawzall I did all mines where the stars are but I went and got this the only reason I got this was to show you all that you can get this that you don't have to do it the way I do it at the end of the video I'll do one with the sun's all to show you how it looks it's real fast but some people that are kind of timid might not want to mess with that kind of a electrical power and it's a song so it could cut you but this is what you need so i'ma show you exactly you want to cut this these come in ten feet pieces this is ten foot and your PVC pipes are ten foot but these we're gonna cut in two foot pieces so out of each piece you're gonna get a five foot not a five foot at least ten foot piece you're gonna get five two-foot cuttings so you want to mark I'm at two feet all the way down so get your tape measure put it at two feet all right if you can see that it's probably upside down low but put it at two feet 24 inches have one already cut at 24 inches you're gonna take your next one 24 inches and I got something to mark it with there we go chalk pin anything and you just mark it that's one let me get up a little closer so that's two feet right there that's one gets a little harder when you out by yourself but you're gonna lay it on the ground and it's easier that's two or if you had somebody working with you to be easier to hold it but for the purposes of the video there's three I'm out here by myself that's four so you get four markets for markings and the last one makes it five so you're gonna do that twice we're going to show you how to cut one time with this little cutter so we're gonna take it out it's real sturdy I went to Lowe's and the ones that Lowe's were a little bit higher so I found this one at Home Depot for just a few dollars cheaper and it's gonna do the same job come on out of there so here it goes so I'm gonna do one on camera and this is just the cutting blade right here these they sell replacement blades and you'll just if your blade gets dull you just go right here unscrew it out put a new replacement in and put the screw back in and tighten it down but the effect is what what's gonna happen is you're gonna pull this up to your pipe size and you're gonna turn it and then you're gonna spin around so let me show you that come down here this one is on a little bit of paper so I'm gonna take that paper off later we're doing this thing once again it's a little bit more difficult when showing more easier when you're doing it by yourself because now I got hold all right so I'm gonna put it in there I like to put my put my blade let me see you see my mark is right here so I like to take my blade put it right on it then go ahead on and close it down right you're gonna screw it down now all it is is a spinning action is you just taking it and spinning it as you're spending it you're gonna tighten I do need something to actually hold his other side but it's alright see if I can do it with just my hands now this is a little bit harder where if I have my sores on I'll just cut straight through it but this works so real time I'm not gonna hit it I'm just going to show you this is like the most safest way to do it all you do is I say one turn tighten right one turn tighten let it turn tighten and you'll see how oh that was easy right and it just makes a clean-cut move put it right here it makes a clean cut the sawzall makes a real real jagged cut so this one is a clean cut just do one more this has a release mechanism and I can do it for some reason as long as I'm not on camera showing you or that there goes so you take it you take your thumb push this up and you don't have to it just goes up and down easily you don't have to keep on strong just put it on there again put it right on your line tighten it down and then just start Turner just start turning so I don't know you can look at the time if you was going faster I would much rather have something like a pair of pliers or something to hold right here so you don't have to grip it with your hand it is kind of uncomfortable but just keep on turning not ready yet tighten down don't forget when you make that turn tighten it a little bit that's gonna be to the right right it's tight left is loose always righty tighty lefty loosey I've got a good break in our product and almost breaking up I'm gonna do a few more and there you go so I'm gonna do the rest of you so remember you're gonna take those two electrical conduit and you're gonna do your two foot pieces mark them off this is real easy it's real easy just turn tight and turn tighten so I'm gonna end up with ten of these because I'm gonna get three more pieces out of this one and out of this one I'm gonna get five pieces so we're gonna end up with ten pieces after that you basically done we're gonna put these in the ground and we're gonna put the PVC pipe over the top of them and gonna let you do your thing alright so give me a second I'm gonna come back with all these done one second [Music] all right so I have these already said it's like two dollars and it's a solar piece so you you end up getting five I already have one my dog I end up getting five out of each one what I'm gonna do is I'm only gonna use four on each side just for just because that's how I have it on this side if I would have already had five on this side I would have just made five on that side so to measure I kind of just want to put it kind of even with this one to make it kind of look good so I'm gonna put down low it's always best to work with your ground like after a good ring your ground is real soft and all I'm gonna do is I'm not gonna really measure it but my idea is to put half in the ground and have sticking out of the ground so that'll give you one foot in the ground one foot above ground and that should be enough for you so go ahead and kind of measure it now I don't know if this is gonna even work because right behind you I have two huge pine trees that I actually cut out one we actually first brought their property so there's a lot of roots under here but I think it should go through if it doesn't go through I'll have to move them over a little bit one way or the other but now I'm gonna just take a hammer works good I have them all hammer if you have a more hammer use that because with a smaller hammer you just have to hit it a little bit harder we're a mile hammer you basically the weight of the hammer can just drive it in the ground so right there I'm hitting the root take it back up just move it over just the tap ah get root again put it over its head this way all right there we go so oh if you look on this side we still I can show you I put this brick right here to kind of hold that down and keep the animal so yeah you can see it yeah you can see it so this is all I did you can kind of pick right to the edge of your bed should give you about half and half in the ground enough so you can get it down right when it gets even with your bed that's gonna be plenty enough go to the next one [Music] okay so the beauty of it is you basically don't you just go ahead on and take your PVC you see if I can bring you in closer cuz I really want you to know exactly how it looks then I spin down take your PVC like I told you you don't even have to cut this pipe if you don't want to if you put it on and you decide your hoop is too high or whatever you can probably cut it I like mines these are four foot beds five foot pipe I mean ten foot pack your slides right over it's real easy take it on the other side bring you over the other side on this you over here just bend it just bend it don't worry about it let me get out the way all right so this is the pipe on that side is in are you just bring it over here and bend it on there [Music] push it down same thing real easy real easy let's see if I can give you a better angle on the whole bit so that's the whole bit [Music] [Music] [Music] so you can actually get on Amazon there's a frost protection blankets garden fabric I'll just get you some sheets from my thrift store blankets from a thrift store really cheap use that to throw over your stuff get you some zip ties zip tie it me I don't really use I'm not really looking for frost protection right now what I'm looking for is over here what I need is deer rabbit and rat protection and these do wonderful this is just your regular what they call bird netting I actually don't use it as bird netting on my trees or bushes I actually use it over the gardens I got some of these on sale at Walmart but when it was like fall clearance for like a dollar for the 14 by 14 gardening and are burdening and sorry but I've just draped that over because you want your vegetables especially your fall vegetables to or your fall greens to get the Sun that it needs and let the cold through and you just don't want things that can get in and eat on it possums raccoons deer rabbits and they don't like this stuff my chickens even don't like this stuff they'll get tangled up in here and run away so it's basically you can you have a blank slate basically right now to do whatever you want to do after you get these in like I say I'm going to take you to Home Depot I'm gonna show you exactly where to get these and they're coming a bundles like this let me show you like I said it's best to get the bundle is cheaper and you never know once you do one you might want to do two and three so start off with getting a bundle they just come like this in a bundles a dollar and 50 cent apiece your actual can't do a pipe same thing they come in a bundle I think it's like two dollars and something a piece but let's go to Home Depot and check it out I really want you to see where to get this stuff from you can do that cool let's go check it out [Music] here we go so if you look over here look like he's doing up a little bit but now is there's $2.99 if you buy 10 so what I tell you to do is just buy 10 of these and if you give I'm single as 350 goodbye a whole set is $3 so get to know them that's $30 [Music] this is in a plumbing section but this is gonna be a husky says one and one eighth inch Quick Serve released to Qatar this is gonna be this is what I got this is the cheapest one that's why I got it cuz I'm really not doing a whole bunch of luck you have one that's $30 then it just goes up $45 this one is $23 a little bit bigger a little bit more heavy-duty it might be a good might be a good charge but sixteen seventeen dollars I said get this one we're gonna do the work for what we need now let's go find the piping that's right on the top out the great piping I showed you they say that it holds up a little bit better in the elements that one was two dollars and a teaspoon this one here is another half inch pipe it is just a regular white PVC pipe and as you can see these are 198 each but if you buy a bulk of 10 it goes to 158 so for 150 you just come here and basically just like the conduit just grab you a whole one that's already wrapped up and tied up so 150 times 10 will be about 15 15 [Music] so you got $30 Ziegler's $16 whatever that is that is 36 about $46 to get you started if you already got that cutter you don't need it all right you got our sauce already you don't need that cutter and about each pint like I said about a dollar and fifty cent so this will be about you cannot do what I did a five so if you're doing five idea for if you're doing four of them like I did that'll be 150 times four or six dollars like two dollars a piece 250 apiece so that'll be another all you need is two of those so I always buy about it so really under $10 you actually have that set up that I have if you got something more you want to do each Bay should get done under $10 when you divide everything that you got I'm gonna show you why I don't use the rebar because they're being expensive as a [Music] four feet and therefore 25 these are reborn these are way harder to pin it then the conduit pipe that I showed you and it's so much higher by four feet four four twenty five when you can get it 10 feet for a 2056 that's why I don't 5 cent just for this when you can get the the whole tension so over the 10 feet I put it in my minivan you can feel it a man do the back or just lighting with our fan just to throw it on the back of there just to get it home so I will tell you get most of the box and that way you'll just keep that stuff because they won't go bad or x-pyr you can buy both of them involve keep and that way bigger power too [Music] and make sure to subscribe before we get in like always [Music] all right so to achieve this and to get disinfect you can use a sawzall I saved this for last I found these cheaper at Harbor Freight don't let's spend a whole lot of money on these I think this was like $39 at Harbor Freight as opposed if you go to Home Depot you might be paying $100 so it does get the job done and what I do with this it's a little bit a little bit more dangerous I wish I are not dangerous I don't know what a better word is it's faster but it just shakes you to pieces so what I do is I want to take one of those key foot pieces that I cut and I would just mark it either with something I actually use the sawzall actually because you don't need it to be exact so I will use that and just score it right there and that way I know exactly where to cut this apart to hold it down let me bring you in a little closer so you can see exactly what I'm doing the thing you do right here all right so what I would have to do like I said it's all as always more gotta put my foot here gotta keep the card out of the way from getting cut but oh and get those glasses on a little bit of pieces of metal I mean I've done it before and didn't have the glasses on and then getting under my eye but if you got some around please use it and basically you just put it on there we can get another one in right quick and these I had cut this in half for something else so this was actually a 5 foot piece which is gonna leave me one foot piece on him I much rather cut it with the bigger piece on here put it on it again I got the part I want to cut right there put the sauce on it [Applause] so you still get the same desired effect we come back up you still get the same desired effect a little faster if you have one or the other it doesn't matter you'll still get the same result of what I actually got here you'll still get the same result of a piece so so buy in bulk buy those pieces in bulk and it'll save you a whole lot we'll show you over here what I have this is like where my little station is follow my stuff and I still got another 10 count of that are PVC so that's it and try it out and as always grow grow grow peace
Channel: Grow Family Network
Views: 195,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to build hoops for a raised bed, raised bed hoops, how to make a low tunnel, building a polytunnel on your raised beds, garden answer, raised bed ideas, Gardening Channel
Id: PWLq6hh8Vgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 58sec (1738 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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