How to Build Business Credit in 2021

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how do you build business credit in 2021 that is exactly what we are going to jump into in today's training we are going to run an hour plus but by the end of this training you're going to know what business credit is you're going to know how it works you're going to know the benefits that provide you you're going to know the step-by-step formula for 2021 to be able to get credit for your business ein that's not linked to your personal social i'm going to show you how to get business credit when you can't get any other kind of financing i'm going to show you how to get business credit without a personal guarantee without a personal liability separating your consumer and your commercial credit and i'm going to teach you how to get business credit regardless of personal credit without a personal credit check so whether you have good or bad personal credit you're able to build business credit without putting any inquiries on your personal credit report and without your consumer credit quality controlling the actual results you get while you build business credit so a lot of things that we're going to cover today let's jump in today we're going to talk about exactly how you can build business credit for your ein that's not linked to your personal social security number in 2021 all new vendors update on process everything you need to know we're going to be diving into talking about how to beat the banks and become fundable they have a secret formula they don't want you to know about that they look at to determine if you should be approved for money how much money you should get and the rates and terms you should pay we're going to decode that formula to help you get the most money at the best terms for your business we're going to talk about how anybody can build business credit if you have a business in the united states you're going to be able to succeed with this doesn't matter if you're a for-profit non-profit i'm going to show you how to get that done we're going to talk about brand new vendors that are our new personal favorites here in 21-21 and some of the old ones that have now come back that used to be our favorites that are now reporting and a lot of cool things that will help you build business credit without having to provide a personal guarantee or credit check to get the initial credit on your business credit reports and we're going to talk about how you get high limit revolving credit cards as well in your business name that's not linked to you personally how to do all this with no credit check how to do all this with no personal guarantee and we're also going to talk about how to get approved for up to 150 000 in credit lines even as a startup business that will help jumpstart your business credit building process a lot of questions are gonna come in along the way i'm gonna have literally thousands of people here in the webinar and in the live stream so if i don't get to your questions i'm not ignoring you i'm gonna get through this and then i'm gonna hang i cleared a whole hour after this just to make sure that i have time to answer all your questions somebody's asking right now how to become a partner we're gonna cover that today as well as many other things so look you're in the right place if you're looking to get money to grow your business if you've tried to get money before a loan a credit line building business credit you've failed i'm going to decode how you can succeed there if you want the easiest and fastest way if you want to take years of business credit building and condense it to months but i'm going to give you the formula for that as well if you want your business to fund itself where you don't need to personally be the signer for all the money that you're getting in the business we're going to decode how to make that happen if you want to get away from those personal guarantees and if you want to get the most money for your business at the best terms i mean the lowest rate and the longest terms that give you the lowest payments all of that we're going to decode the formula today you're going to get it all i won't dive in and tell you a little bit a lot about myself i can just tell you that uh along the way we've helped about 42 000 business owners with this process it's very important look there's a lot of gurus on youtube and other social media channels that have succeeded doing something for themselves and they're teaching you what they do thank you to all those people that learn something and teach the rest of us entrepreneurs how to do it i am not that guy i'm the guy that's here going to tell you how we've helped 42 000 people through this process and all of the knowledge that we've gained from helping those 42 000 i'm now here to pass on to you to teach you the end result of the fastest way to achieve this uh we're best entrepreneurial company in 2018 by entrepreneur magazine inc 5000 in 2019 and 20 a plus rated with the bbb and we are not accredited that means we didn't buy our a plus we earned it because we don't have complaints we have hundreds of reviews online hundreds of actual results and case studies on our website and i'll show you many today as well and then features oftentimes on radio tv shows podcasts entrepreneur inc forbes those type of publications i only tell you this so you know that i'm credible and that we are credible to have this conversation with you today about how you can succeed with building business credit so if you're staying to the end of this training there's several things you're going to get you're going to get a playback of this event which is priceless you're going to get 30 days of free business credit monitoring with dun and bradstreet equifax and experian they charge 249 for that i'm gonna get you your reports at no cost and i'm gonna get you set up with a no-cost consultation with our team if you ever look at our reviews online you'll see most of our reviews are about this phenomenal experience people get on the consultation with us i'm going to get you all of that if you're staying to the end for free i'm going to show you how to tap into all that so look let's talk about the problem getting money for a business is hard per the bureau of labor and statistics more than half of businesses will fail in five years or less 82 percent of them are basically failing because of issues with cash flow and and 90 of business owners agree that the ability to get loans um is difficult for them as a matter of fact a large percentage of business owner this is what keeps us up at night is thinking about the financial problems of the business how are we going to get the money to actually grow the company so that's the problem that we are here today to solve so how do you succeed with getting money well we figured it out with three very specific things you must do if you want the most money the best terms for your business first you have to be able to actually set up your fundability the right way there's this criteria that lenders and credit issuers look at they determine if you should be approved how much you should get the rates and terms you pay those fundability requirements changed in 2020 obviously with kovid and now it's a whole new world in 2021 we're going to decode that today you also need to get business credit for your ein that's not linked to your social think of it like this imagine trying to go get a car loan trying to get a credit card trying to get a mortgage and having bad credit or no credit established it's very difficult to do as a consumer same thing in the business world building and getting money for your business is very difficult to do if your business doesn't have a credit report that reflects it's responsible enough to pay its bills this is why you have to establish business credit i'm going to decode that today and the third part is you have to be able to access capital in one place look there are thousands and thousands and thousands of different lending opportunities out there but if you go to most of these lenders websites they don't even tell you what their approval criteria is so you don't know that one's based on consumer credit quality one's based on your cash flow once based on your collateral so you have to be able to have access to all capital in one place and by the end of this training i'm going to teach you how to access that as well today if you do these three things that's what will help you get the most money at the best terms in your business and i'm going to teach you today how to do all of that and again a lot of you have questions and comments coming in i'm not neglecting you i promise you i'll get to you i'm going to hang out at the end you have me for a full hour to make sure that all your questions and comments are answered so let's talk about fundability so think of it like this if you've applied for a credit card before you've either received an automated approval or you received that dreaded message you'll hear by mail in seven to two days i laugh when i say that because that has never worked out well for me i always get the mail and it says they turned me down and what bureau they pulled so we understand that instantaneous is is what's ha an instant approval or denial is what ultimately the lender is coming up with we know somebody's not looking at it to make that decision we understand computers are doing it this is what we call fundability what these computers are looking for in your application will surprise you it surprises many people and the reasons you get denied for credit financing will also surprise you because they're not things like you think like your revenue or your credit it often has to do with one of these fundability issues so if you know what fundability is you know what to fix and how to set up your business the right way this will account for more than half of the not denials you may see so by fixing basic things about your business you can take a lot of previous denials and turn around and get them into approvals just by improving fundability now there's over 125 factors that we found when we dove in to figure out what makes a business fundable you can see here this is kind of our our wheel that we created for our own internal team to understand fundability this was never even created to put out in the world but i'm showing you this because this is how we look at fundability and if we zoom in a little so you can see a little better you can see that there's all these factors that lenders and credit issuers tap into to be able to determine if you're fundable or not so we can see this little section right here for example lexus nexus and check systems are just two of those 125. we're going to talk about both the lexus nexus and check systems today i'm even going to show you how to get your reports and fix that stuff um without having to pay for that either so again there's all these factors that tie into fundability and if you set up your business where it's fundable this is the stuff that lenders and credit issuers are looking at this is what makes you credible this is what makes you lending lendable with actual lenders and credit issuers because this is where they see that your business is worthy of being issued a credit line a credit card or a loan so you got to make sure that you fix a lot of things when we talk about fundability now some of the changes this year is first of all you have to make sure your entity set up that has not changed into 2021. lenders and credit issuers look at a corporation a partnership or an llc preferably they look at that better than a sole proprietor you don't ever want to be a sole proprietor you just don't it makes it very difficult to get money and look i'm not an accountant i'm not an attorney this is not legal or accounting advice but the statistics are that a sole proprietor gets audited one in seven times by the irs a corporation's one 50. so not only do you dramatically reduce your chances of getting audited by being a corporation but you also look a way better for lenders and credit issuers so be a corporation if you can if you don't want to do that consider an llc or consider a partnership but avoid sole proprietorship at all cost okay the type of phone number that you use we are looking at business phone numbers and what i mean by this is that you don't want to come in and you don't want to use a home phone as your business phone on an application for credit or financing you don't want to use a mobile phone you want to use a business phone number an actual plugged into the wall business phone line they set up or you can use a voice over ip or what's called a voip phone but you still want to avoid google voice into 2021 i don't know what the deal is but for some reason we see a lot of vendors a lot of credit issuers not liking google voice numbers so that's one thing that can get you denied for credit financing so you can use things like ringcentral you can use freedom voice there's a lot of these voip numbers out there that you can get but make sure you get a phone number make sure it's toll free lenders or credit histories still look at toll-free numbers as being more credible than non-toll-free numbers so have a toll-free number even if you're a local business you don't really need to have a business fax number i've always said in the past that one of the fundability requirements is the business fax number it does look better if you have one but it's not something that we've seen people getting denied for in 2020 so if you don't have the fax number it's okay just get the phone number get it to be listed or get it to be toll-free and get it listed with 4-1-1 listing that number with 4-1-1 is very very important this is still one of the big factors in 2021 that we're seeing credit issuers look at especially vendors is if your phone number is listed with four one one you can go to a company called list yourself dot net list i think is it i think it's net and they can actually set that up for you at a cost i'll talk to you about how you can get that for free as we get later into this training the type of address that you can set up for your business you still need a physical business address if you can get one you still need a virtual address i know covet has moved a lot of businesses into the home but the credit issuer and lenders have not changed their perception here where a business with a real physical location looks more credible to them than a home operated business not me i'm here teaching you what lenders and credit issuers are looking for so you really need to make sure that you have a business address like a retail location if you don't consider a virtual address our favorite is still alliance you can go to davinci you can go to regis they'll all help you get addresses that make it look like you're in a big high-rise building in dallas texas when really you're working from your home you're just using that address for mail purposes where you get mail they scan it in they email it to you and you still have the benefit of making it look like you're in a big physical location even when you're not now in 2021 we are seeing ben and bradstreet make a bigger move to putting google street views of your business on your business credit report so remember if your home address is your business address and that's what you're using and that's what you're telling the bureaus it is then you can expect to see a google street view of your house on your commercial credit report in the months and years to come we see that in 2020 dmv was experimenting with that and we're starting to see that happen more and more in as we move into 2021 uh type of licensing you have if you have a license there's a lot of credit issuers that look more favorably on your business don't know why but if you can have a license it makes you look more legit to lenders and credit issuers in florida you can get an occupational license in a county even though you're not required to so getting occupational licenses getting a license in your industry in your state in your county definitely helps and goes a long way today i'm going to teach you about a vendor that will give you like a 2500 credit line just because you have a business license congruency of record still remains at 22.1 the number one fundability factor you need to focus on the reason most of us get denied is because we fill out an application with information the lender in the credit issuer automatically defaults to thinking that it is a fraudulent application because most applications they get are fraud and it's even worse through 2020. so all these fraudulent applications come in and you submit yours and they're trying to see if yours is fraud or not so what they do secretly behind the scene is they take all this data from your your application and they're checking it against these secret credit reports i'm going to teach you about today these secret databases they keep it and they're just seeing if the information matches or not if it doesn't match then what happens is they automatically assign the application as fraud and they kick it to somebody for manual review and you know if you're that person and a computer just said this is a fraudulent application you gotta really not like your job if you're gonna say no computer you're wrong that application's fine so most of those manual reviews result in denials because if the computer thinks it's fraud that person is usually not going to trump that decision it all happens because of an incongruency of what's actually happening online remember done in bradstreet experian equifax they're getting information from your facebook page from your social media pages from your website there have crawlers that are crawling the yellow pages they're looking for all of this you got to make sure all that information is congruent especially with your secretary of state records this is where almost 90 percent of entrepreneurs mess up they set up their secretary of state record their business entity then they get their business address and phone number then they never go back to the secretary of state and update it you got to make sure that you do that if you don't do that then the very first place that they compare your application to is secretary of state and the first thing they find is your name your address or phone number doesn't match they think the application's fraud and you're denied it's not because of your credit it's not because of your revenue guys i can't tell you enough client after client after client after client we help we fix basic fundability stuff i'm teaching you today and they go to the same sources that had just denied them and they get approved so you've got to make sure that you fix this congruency especially with secretary of state it's one of the biggest reasons you're getting denied and getting bad terms and you don't even understand or realize it's happening the type of references you have you need to set up a business bank account quickly in your business you need to have a bank reference that you can use on these applications as we get into 2021 more and more credit issuers want you to have references from your bank on that application so they're going to be asking you for it more than they ever have before where your when whether your bank account is set up or not you have to have a business bank account set up so many things from your check systems credit score to your bank rating that's used to determine if you should get loans to all kinds of of loans that are available through things like revenue lending it's all based on you having that business bank account set up like if i had to tell you 2021 one of the five the top five things to do to make your business fundable having a business bank account set up would definitely be in the top five if not the top three you've got to get that done the way your website and email are set up make sure you have a professional website set up don't set it up on like a wex url you need to own your own url it's very important somebody's actually having an audio issue so is everybody else if you're able to can you hear me okay if you're in the webinar let me know if you can hear me okay if you don't mind cause i've got some people with some audio issues yes okay so it looks like those audio issues might be on your end if you're in the webinar and having a hard time hearing which that might not be okay because everybody is saying that the audio is okay so my apology to those that might be having issues might be on your local computer end okay and the numbers you have you need to have a duns number set up i'm gonna teach you today how to get it done at no cost you need to have an ein believe it or not you could be in business and not have an ein so you need to have an ein set up and that and that is something that i'll teach you today how to do actually i don't need to you can just go to to do that and you need to have a bin number a business identification number set up with experian and that's something that i'll teach you how today to get that bids number bin number set up as well so even if you're fundable you could still be denied as i mentioned because of potential fraud concerns so let me explain to you again what happens lenders and credit issuers get your application they pull secret credit reports behind the scene they match the credit reports with this information to see if it's congruent some of this stuff comes from lexus nexus done in bradstreet experience small business financial exchange and equifax and check systems done in bradstreet equifax experian are business or commercial consumer or commercial credit reporting agencies they're just like experian equifax transunion on the consumer side but they populate credit reports for businesses we know who they are we'll talk about more of them today lexisnexis is the root of all evil everything comes from lexisnexis guys law enforcement uh insurance companies uh lenders credit issuers they're all pulling information from lexisnexis let me give you an example a recent example okay i had got i had a new watch and i went to get it insured i got denied for the watch because of my lexus nexus insurance score being too low it just happened to me a week ago so i called them up and said i know about lexisnexis why is it denied i got from them they're not even looking at the data they're not even looking at it they're just looking at the score so she couldn't even tell me the underwriter i'm talking to an underwriter can't even tell me what the data says just tells me my score is too low that's fine that gives me enough information to go get my insurance report with lexisnexis and my score address anything that's a concern and then go back and apply and i will get denied that's why you need to know this stuff if you know where they're getting the information and you know then how to fix it you can come in you can get it fixed then you can turn around and you're able to get approved check systems is what is used it is a report and score that actually looks at how you actually manage your bank account so you need to know about that and the sbfe they are something you really need to know about the sbfae is a third-party data aggregator that is owned by its members its members are banks wells fargo chase bank of america they're all members of spfe spfe has a very simple philosophy which is called give to get if you want to be a member of spfe and get information you have to be willing to give all information here's what that means it means bank of america everything you put on an application you submit to bank of america that goes into spfe and bank of america is sharing it with every other bank so if you go to apply for a credit card and you put your revenues 300 000 a year and bank on your bank america application then you go to apply with wells fargo and put your revenues 350 000 a year what you might not know is that wells fargo and bank of america see the information you're putting on each other's applications it happens because of spfe all information from what you put on an application to how you pay your bills with that loan credit line or credit card all gets funneled into spfe and every bank can access it so we don't realize this and we oftentimes we change a thing on an application like our revenue a little or this a little or that a little from bank to bank we might even get a denial think we learn lessons and go back and change the application for the next source what we don't understand is spfe is all sharing it anyways they all know what you put on the other lender's application so this is part of why you're getting denied because they're all sharing information through these third-party data aggregators and then they know what you don't think they know and they oftentimes think the application's fraudulent because that information is not congruent it's how a lot of denials happen now if we look at lexisnexis here's some things that are on your lexisnexis credit report if you've never seen it it is the most intrusive thing you will ever see in your life mine is over 300 pages thick i could grab it right now and pull it up it's a book here's some of the stuff that's on there every home you've ever owned the value of the home the sales prices the building materials of your home the homeowners association number of bedrooms bass roofing units ac units deeds mortgages title companies interest rates loan amounts terms loan types from every mortgage every phone number and email address you've ever had in your life every license you've had firearms boating mortgage pilot and any violations on those licenses traffic tickets felonies misdemeanors sex offender records give you an example when i went to get my sba loan they asked me if i'd ever been convicted of like felonies misdemeanors and i said no i'm a straight shooter okay and then they came back to me and said sorry you actually have two misdemeanors on your record uh now you have to explain what happened and why you lied to us guys i had to literally pull a background check on myself to even remember what they were talking about and all this happened when i was in my teen years when i was in the military and i had to do it popping a willy on a motorcycle trying to impress a female cop there's a whole story behind this stuff it was awesome at the time but 20 30 years later it's still haunting me because it's on my lexus nexus credit report i don't even think about this stuff but it's one reason an example of how this information is hurting your ability to be able to turn around and get money aliases all name variation marriage divorce records every vehicle you've ever known including vin number every insurance policy you've ever had and the details of those insurance policies every business you've ever been associated with so because i used to be in the consumer credit industry i get denied a lot of times for bank accounts for merchant accounts when we figured out they were getting it from lexisnexis we deleted and had that information removed i never had those issues again another example of how understanding where they're getting the data and correcting it will help you family info including children loans leases aircraft and voting records public records including bankruptcies judgments lawsuits and liens when we went to get our sba loan they wanted to actually ask for my home as collateral very weird requests considering our account receivables are worth way more than the loan amount come to find out there was two judgments on there that they didn't like that was on my lexus x's credit report which weren't on equifax transunion or experian worse worst part they weren't even legitimate judgments they were wrong so we had to go through and prove to the lender that the judgments weren't correct then go to lexisnexis and fix that issue but once we fixed it our ability to get loans credit cards and credit lines was significantly better one more example of where they're getting information and why having it not addressed on your part becomes a problem getting financing education information including degrees you have schools dates attended graduating military records online records all of your short term credit guys that is your lexus next credit report it's not all that's on there i just ran out of room on the side so there's this is the kind of stuff that lenders and credit issuers and insurance companies and law enforcement knows about you here's where they're getting it get the reports and fix it our clients we get check systems credit report we get lexisnexis credit reports we help them get those we help them fix inaccuracies because it's so important it is such a big deal that is why i'm teaching you about this today so even the slightest change to one fundability factor can turn an approval into denial and this is one of our clients hermann that that happened with with credit suite your 101 consultant calls you every 24 hours of signing up they call you at least five times in a week in the first two weeks and then thereafter even though it's been several years i still get calls my one-on-one consultants still call me every other wednesday without fail and that's absolutely incredible my favorite line of credit i got is a 10 000 amazon card i used to purchase things low and sell high on different market places i also was able to get a 40 000 amex business card none of my accounts show up my personal credit report so if i max them out it doesn't hurt me personally so i was able to purchase two properties in cleveland ohio and it's been a blessing do you want a 40 000 amex card what herman's story is is that we fixed some issues with this fundability as part of our process with our business advisors and he turned around and went from getting a denial on his credit card to getting that approval that's what the power of fundability is it takes these credit lines these credit cards these loans you once applied for and got denied and it turns around and starts making those it easier to turn those around and get approvals because of issues with fundability it's not your qualifications guys in a lot of cases it's the fundability not matching up that's why you got denied so fixed fundability and it makes all the difference now when you get a home loan when you get a car loan when you get a a credit card you know your consumer credit's being pulled you know it's important the same applies for a business but let me tell you why you might not know that in the consumer world there's a law called the fair credit reporting act and this law requires if a lender pulls your credit report first they need your permission to pull your credit report it's called permissible purpose secondly if they pull your credit report and deny you based on something there they have to serve you up with the letter explaining to you why they denied you the fair credit reporting act does not apply in the business world it does not apply to business credit reporting agencies or business lenders or credit issuers so the problem is is that first they don't need your permission to pull your business credit reports like they do consumer so they're getting these credit reports from us to make all these decisions suppliers lenders credit issuers insurance companies we don't know they're getting it and they're making all kinds of decisions based on the information and not telling us because they don't need to they're not required to tell us they denied us because of what was undone in bradstreet so it's all happening behind the scenes we're applying for credit we're applying for a loan we're getting denied and we don't know that the reason is because our business credit quality sucks or does is not established now you might say my business credit quality doesn't suck it could suck and you don't even know it does and here's why i'm explaining that two other credit reporting agencies as i'm about to teach you will give you failing business credit scores even if you don't have any credit so this is why a lot of times you're getting denied that loan credit card or credit line to be able to that you want because you're not able to get approved you're not able to get the high limits that you want you're not able to get the rates in terms you want all because of your business credit quality so we got to fix that today during this training so you want to get approved with business credit regardless of consumer credit quality it's one of the huge benefits you don't have to have a personal guarantee i'm going to teach you how to get this credit without personal liability okay there's no consumer credit inquiries a huge benefit of building business credit look even if you have great personal credit you don't want to have inquiries on your credit report when you're trying to get business accounts hey some loans credit lines you need to but credit cards you don't if you're going to get a business credit card you shouldn't put an inquiry on your personal credit report and that's a big deal because those inquiries will cost you a tremendous amount of money in financing that you could get if they're not there so i don't care if your credit's excellent or bad you need to prevent these inquiries from happen and it would a way to prevent it from happening is to make sure they're not even pulling our consumer credit reports if you're building business credit the right way i'm going to show you this you're going to get limits 10 to 100 times higher than with consumer credit a lot of our clients and i'll show you actual approvals are getting 10 000 limit credit cards 30 and 60 days into this process it sounds outrageous but it's really not businesses spend more money than consumers the limits on these accounts are way higher so not only is it easy to build business credit if you get the right steps and i'll show you these then you also have a chance not to have a chance you will also almost always see a significantly higher approval amount than what you'd see on the consumer credit side the credit's very fast to get because your scores are based on how you pay your bills dun and bradstreet equifax and experian commercial all have five scores but the primary score they use is all based the same way it's based on how you've paid your bills in the past if you pay them early you get a 90 score if you pay them on time you get an 80 score if you pay them late you get 70 score you pay it 60 days late you get a 50 score it's all based on how you pay your bills so all we have to do is get you accounts that report on your business credit reports that you pay on time or early that gives you a good score then we have a foundation with those accounts reporting a good score we use that as our foundation to springboard off of to get all the credit that we really want i'm going to show you how to do that today but it's very easy to do concern paired to consumer credit because business credit scores are primarily just based on how you pay your bills inc sba entrepreneur forbes they all tell you to build business credit for the same reason you've got to separate your consumer and your commercial credit report okay so that being said and some people said that they're not able to hear so but i think everybody's okay okay so everybody's good all right so and somebody asked is it truly live i love that there's no reason a little way to prove that when it's actually live so you've got to construe you've got to separate these consumer and these commercial credit reports okay if you don't do that you're always going to be personally liable for what happens in your business but most importantly i think the number one reason that you want to build business credit this information is publicly accessible to anybody that wants it lenders credit issuers suppliers prospects clients competitors people that want to buy your business anybody can and will access your business credit reports so you've got to build the business credit reports because this is your credibility this is the front facing credibility that all of these sources will see and any of them that want to can see your business credit reports matter of fact if you go to dmb equifax and or experian you will see that the number one thing they do on their credit reports is they actually ask you if you want to get a credit report for your business or somebody else's business so you've really got to make sure that you build your business credit reports if you don't do that then the problem is is that you don't look credible okay and that is one of the reasons that you need to make sure that you're actually doing this if you don't then what happens is you just don't have what looks like a credible business to the people that you want to make sure that you actually have a credit very credible business set up with so you also need to know that you can be issued a failing business credit score even if you have no credit reporting okay and that happens and i'll show you exactly what this looks like experian and equifax will create a failing business credit report and score for you even if you have no credit now dunna bradstreet requires three accounts in 2021 beyond your business credit reports before they'll create a score but equifax and experian will create a score if they have one piece of what they call firmographic information that means if they know your business name your address and your naics or your industry code they will give you a failing credit report here's what i mean 28 score out of 100 which is a failing score thousand dollar credit limit that happens and you can see current financial stability score about a higher risk as you can get and this is somebody that has nothing on their business credit reports whatsoever hold on one second go quick all right sorry about my two second delay my dog's going crazy and if i didn't let her in here i think she was going to scratch through the door so this is somebody that has no credit on their experian commercial credit report but has still issued a failing score now here's the good news you have only one account on your business credit report you can go from a failing score to an excellent score i'll show you this person has a 96 almost as high as you can get the credit limit is going up and we can also see they're very low risk and we see that they only have one account on their business credit report i'm gonna show you what this account is as we get further into the webinar so what i'm saying here is that one account can take you from failing score to good score here i'm showing you off from an actual commercial credit report what actually looks like so you can see they went from a failing credit score here to an excellent credit score because they added one account on their business credit report guys this is why we're here today think about it go imagine having the worst credit report you can have adding one account that you pay on time for you can see less than a hundred dollars and going from as bad as you can get to as good as you can get you can't do that with anything else other than commercial credit but this is how commercial credit works we've got to get good credit on the credit report paid as agreed since scores are based on how they pay then all you have to do is pay as agreed and that gives you a good score now we use the newly established credit profile the good scores as the foundation to come in and get all different types of credit so here let me show you what else happens as we continue to do this this is the secret sauce they don't teach you as you continue to grow your credit the approval amounts will get higher and higher and higher the more accounts that show on your business credit reports i'll show you how this works so here is a thousand dollar credit limit i showed you that to begin with right was the first little image and these are snapshots from real experian commercial credit reports i could show equifax as well but i'm just using experian as an example thousand dollar credit limit recommendation first of all you ever wonder why you get one limit one place and another limit in another place or why your limits become higher and higher in time i'm showing you from a credit report perspective why that happens credit limit recommendation a thousand dollars remember this person had no credit on the credit report okay this was the one that the second one i showed you they had one account on their commercial credit reports but here's what's interesting they went from a thousand dollar recommendation or credit to 2500 two and a half times just because they had one account on the credit report okay that's interesting now here's somebody that's being recommended for nearly 7 000 credit please note the credit score is bad it's still not even a good score but yet they're being recommended for 7 000 worth of credit and they have two accounts on their business credit reports here's somebody being recommended for nearly sixteen thousand dollars or credit and look they have one two three accounts on their business credit report here's somebody that's being recommended for nearly 66 000 worth of credit they've got one two three four accounts on their business credit report and here's what we all want to see 724 000 credit recommendation limit and they have 15 accounts on their business credit reports we noticed a trend and a formula in helping 42 000 people through this process and here's what we noticed the more accounts you put on your business credit report the higher that credit limit recommendation is now you might say do credit issuers really look at that this box is the most important box on your credit report this is what experian pulls out and puts in a separate box to show credit issuers because it's what they care about most there's three things in this box an intelliscore which is the score i taught you that's based on the average of how you pay your bills the average time frame you pay early do you pay late how early or late you pay the second is called a financial stability risk score remember that second credit where i show you the really high risk with this this literally depicts your risk of going bankrupt in your business in the next 12 months going out ceasing operations shutting your doors and the third is the credit limit recommendation by the way financial stability risk takes into account financial data there's a reason that these three things are the first three things they box off and show credit issuers it's what credit issuers look at most so credit insurers really look at credit limit recommendation and the bottom line is the more accounts you add to that business credit report we've seen this over 42 000 reports the higher that recommendation or credit so if you want to get loans if you want to get credit lines if you want to get credit cards with the highest amounts this is exactly how you do it this is the formula that we've seen that they're using to determine how high those amounts would be don't get me wrong okay i've spent 20 years in lending and i can tell you that other factors like your revenue and other things will absolutely tie into this but the number one trend that we've seen is the more accounts on a business credit report the higher the approval amounts are it's just the way that it is okay so that's a lot of examples of how that works now here's one of my favorite clients christy and she's one of my favorites because i saw her go from having challenges doing this on her own hired three companies and failed and then she came in and built like a multi-truck operation it was like absolutely insane but i like this because it shows you how business credit progression works she started with small accounts two to five grand in my world that small two to five exxon tractor supply amazon she started to jump up into the ten fifteen 000 range here we see lowe's apple shell murphy usa office depot sears then she starts to jump to the boom you watch this jump in tears she immediately goes from about the 15 range almost immediately up to that top tier of what creditors look at 40 50. remember we saw that testimonial from herman he also said 40. 40 seems to be that next tier once you start proving that you're using 15 20 000 limit cards they bumps up to best buy 40 dell 40 pilot flying j50 etcetera etcetera she got a 185 thousand dollars of ford you see this truck i think i have a picture of this truck that she's buying it's insane so here's her actual credit report showing that her scores were high as she's building it here's one of her approvals that she used to get 15 grand here's her holding a bunch of her cards and says hey um a good if you follow ty crandall's program you'll get what you need talking about the business credit approvals that she has here's 150 000 credit line that she got approved for so it gives you an idea of what's possible as one person she's on a million dollar club one of many of our clients who have obtained over a million dollars in business credit and used it i'd like to say to fund her business but the reality is is we're entrepreneurs we're like bing bing we're like atd right i don't know about the rescue that's how i am so she opened multiple businesses like a lot of our clients do like herman did where he said hey i sell stuff online i buy it low and sell it high i buy real estate that's what happens is these business owners buy build business credit as you can then they're able to actually use it and end up running multiple businesses which is exactly what christine did so here's some recent approval so you know what's possible because and i get kind of good i it kind of drives me crazy sometimes people try to sell you that you're going to get some 250 000 credit line building business credit let me show you what real business credit is a lot of it you start with vendors then you move up to retail credit then you move up to visa mastercard type credit auto financing computer leases okay so here's some actual approvals here's a uh you know 16 uh from a 16 000 sam's club card here's a 3 000 sam's club as well here's an amazon that bumped it to 55 to 5 000. it's now 15 or 10 000 with amazon guys you can buy a lot of stuff to do a lot of damage with a 10 000 credit line at amazon sam's club for eight grand jiffy lube for 1400 amazon for 5500. okay here's a gas card with uh no pg she also got uline quill crown office supplies suma uh amongst many others and here's some of those approvals with texacon with amazon with chevron here's a 22 000 limit with pennies here's a 10 000 sam's mastercard there's a difference between a sam's club card you can use in sam's club and sam's mastercard which let you can use it anywhere you can use the sam's club mastercard at costco for example it's a cash credit card okay here's another approval for 3 500 with amazon a 7 500 with amazon or let me see 3 500 oh they say they bumped it to 7 500 pilot flying j as well here's an exxon approval for a thousand here's a another approval for 3 000 and on and on there another 10 000 with sun belt rental here's a navy federal credit union approval here's a bunch of approvals with navy federal credit union capital one spark and a fleet card right here dell for 10 grand oh bunch of approvals here right strategic network solution granger t-shirt club hd supply monetize your marketplace national pen sun belt rentals all with different approvals okay of different approval amounts here's another approval for twelve thousand five hundred here's a wawa approval for four thousand here's a forty thousand dollar lease with dell that's approved here's the summa office supplies a five thousand dollar uh canocos philips 76 card a suntrust uh account a 2500 with robert's handbag boutique i don't know where that place is oh no that's that's your approval i want to buy handbags from you i i got not for me personally people around me here's an approval of hertz another sam's club approval here crown office supplies vendor ten thousand dollar sam's card you get the idea okay the bottom line is is that that's what's possible with this building business credit you get all these high limit accounts without the personal guarantee and credit check here's kyle and trower one of our clients i believe the business finance suite's the best step-by-step paint by number system for securing anywhere from 50 grand to 250 000 of business credit that reports on your business credit reports and helps you separate your personal and business credit report what i like most is i have access to actual coaches that will take you by the hand and walk you through the system and answer specific questions that you have related to business it's an amazing opportunity so the reason i show you this is that this is what happens kylan's the million-dollar club he's one of the ones that established more than a million got in the business as a partner of ours and then goes around and built he was a gym coach he wanted to get out of it he built the whole sales team offering business credit financing and he goes around and this is what he does is he builds business credit financing he's got over a million bucks himself as well but the nice thing is is that keep in mind the other side of this beyond using the free information and doing it yourself is to work with us and if you're working with our software and our coaches it literally condenses years of this process to only months as kyle is kind of outlining there so here's some points before i show you some of the steps any business can do this i don't care if you're a for-profit i don't care if you're a non-profit i don't care if you're high-risk i don't care about your any ics code if you own a united states business even if you live in canada even if you live in the ukraine as long as you have a business in the united states you can do this startups non-profits owners outside the us it works with multiple businesses what i'm showing you here today you can get approved even when you can't get any other kind of loan or credit line and here's why if you want to get any kind of loan or credit line you need one of these three things cash flow credit or collateral i call it the 3c formula you need one i don't care i don't care what kind of loan or credit line you get you're not going to get a loan or credit line without one of those three cash flow credit or collateral but you can still get business credit you don't need to have cash flow which means you can get it as a startup your credit can be bad because there's no credit check and you also don't have to have any kind of collateral either which is needed for a lot of loans like sba anybody can get what i'm going to show you today so if you're trying to get get your business off the ground or growing where you want it to be in 2021 and you're saying i just need money but my credit sucks i don't have the cash flow to get the business started yet i don't have collateral nobody will give me money you can get this you can build business credit you don't need any of that stuff in order to still be able to build business credit so how do we do this well first we get initial credit and there's two ways to do this but initial credit is credit that reports to the business credit reporting agency remember what i showed you we've got to go from no credit report to adding one or more accounts to give us a foundation and the score so we've got to find credit that reports to the business credit reporting agencies that's hard because 97 percent of trade vendors out there don't report the credit that they give you to the credit reporting agencies one of my buddies john buys massive amounts of media for his clients he does they do all kinds of advertising marketing media plays for their customers he got denied for a credit line actually they called his credit line due which is even worse meaning he had outstanding credit line they said you have to pay it off within a month we want all of our money back we're shutting your line down because his business credit quality was bad he called me in a panic and i said john the problem is is none of those vendors you're paying actually are reporting the credit payments to the business credit reporting agencies you got to get credit with vendors that do report number one number two credit issuers got to approve you with no current credit check or no credit meaning you can't have any established business credit and we need people that will give you credit even when you have none so we've got to have very two specific criteria of people that we want vendor wise to build business credit they got a report and they got to give us credit when we have none and we have options here we can either use a personal guarantee and good consumer credit to jump start the process or we could do it without personal credit even being looked at with no personal guarantee we have two options to be able to do this so the number one the first option i'm going to teach you is based on you providing a personal guarantee and having good personal credit that's okay your credit sucked don't worry i'm going to give you two options around that right now first of all with this program you can get up to 150 000 in credit lines with zero percent rates it's no doc you can get it as a startup no bank statements no tax returns so in covet even if your revenue declined year after year or month after year even if it's still declined you can still get this it's still the number one funding program we have going into 2021. you could take cash out of the credit lines that's why i call it a hybrid credit cards the biggest benefit is zero percent rates credit lines the biggest benefit is we could take cash out of the lines and not pay 20 like we pay on cards put them together we get a credit line hybrid we get a hybrid of the two we get the benefit of taking cash out of the credit line and the benefit of a credit card is zero percent and we get this insane program where we could take cash out of a credit line at zero percent a hundred fifty 150 000 worth of credit we can buy properties we can do all kinds of stuff that we can't use the credit line with now credit line hybrid you have a card you can use the card for everything that you need card for but some things you can't you can't go buy a property on a visa card i've asked title companies that nobody seems to know why but you can't but you can take the cash out of that credit line at zero percent to buy a property for flipping as an example of how this could be used startups are welcome with this credit partners are welcome even if your credit sucks 50 of that of who we help get approved for this program are using a credit partner a family member a friend a potential investor etc maybe it's and let me give you an example if i go to my dad today and i said dad i need 25 grand to get a business off the ground my dad would go liquidate 25 grand worth of stocks and give it to me but i can say dad i need 25 grading my business off the ground i i don't need the money i need you to sign as a credit partner for me then he signs as a partner i get the credit line for 25 grand he's not hurt in any way because the credit reports on the business credit reports not the consumer credit reports okay so as a result of that i'm helping build my business credit now let me clarify with credit line hybrid you have a choice you can get max funding some consumer reporting some business reporting or you can just get business reporting you'll be given the choice you choose that but if you have a credit partner just get the business reporting none of it even shows on their credit report you're building your business credit because these report to the business credit reporting agencies so even if your credit's bad you could still use a credit partner it's willing to sign for you you know collateral or cash flow requirements so again even if you don't have cash flow even if your cash flow is declining even if you don't have collateral you're still able to get it okay and you can get multiple card approvals so you can get five to eight different kind of cards okay with this one uh one program now why that matters is this i don't need to tell you i already taught you remember when we showed all these different accounts and we saw that the more accounts that we get the higher the recommendation of credit this could add five or more accounts on your business credit reports they're all cash accounts with high limits so imagine starting a business credit report with five ten and twelve thousand dollar credit lines on there okay that's what credit line hybrid will help you do it expedites business credit building gets you access to nearly 150 grand how much you get dependent on the highest credit limit account you have now on your credit credit report you get it at zero percent rates no doc okay phenomenal program okay and again they will charge you a funding fee the lending source is all due usually it's like 12 our clients pay like 9.99 because we negotiate that down we don't keep the money we give all that money back to our clients but they roll that fee right into the credit lines the same as they do with sba bottom line you pay no money up front you decide business or consumer cards you decide how much money you want i mean they'll they'll cap you typically at five to eight times the highest credit limit account you have but if you don't want that much you don't have to get it and whatever fee you pay they roll right into the actual credit lines so that's way number one of building initial business credit now way number two is we use vendors we look at vendors that offer net terms that 30 and at 55. that amazon gives you a net 55 account for example gives you 55 days to pay back whatever you put on that credit line there's no credit check there's no personal guarantee okay a lot of them um you can use vendors with that you would typically buy normal stuff with office supplies etc uh and some of them have a minimum purchase requirement they want you to spend 50 bucks in order to report to the business credit reporting agencies and remember you've got to use vendors that do report the credit to the reporting agencies here's my favorites for 2021 uline they sell all shipping supplies crown office supplies crown office supplies very familiar i know the ceo well and they report the dun and brad three equifax and experian i like that a lot because that's three payment experiences i'm gonna give you another tip right now so an account one account reported on one business credit report is called a payment experience so if you want to speed up business credit building then we want to get more payment experiences faster so in order to do that we want to work with accounts that report to more than one business credit reporting agency if we have more than one business credit reporting agency then what happens is then we have multiple payment experiences so that means if i go to crown office supplies for example for example then what happens is we can come in with crown office supplies and we can actually get three payment experiences because they report to three different business credit reporting agencies so what matters here is that we want to get accounts with those that report to multiple reporting agencies because it helps us build business credit faster i keep looking to the left here because i'm going to show you what our clients see and how this is actually used so i love crown office supplies they have a 99 annual fee but they'll approve anybody they report to all three reporting agencies it's an absolute fantastic starter account lachlan associates we're back baby lockwood and associates used to be one of my favorite vendors i recommended for business credit reporting there was this gray area of whether they were reporting the credit to the reporting agencies or not got the ceo on the phone the other day and said what's going on he brought his team up and i said you're losing a ton of business we have a whole community out there that will work with you if you report they are verified they are reporting the business reporting agencies so locklin associates they offer some really cool corporate setup type services that could work for a lot of us some reports of the business credit reporting agencies and supply works they sell all kinds of things too that our business use these are some of them i haven't talked about for years or at all these are my favorite vendors going into 2021. i told you earlier that if you have a business license i would tell you about a source that will give you a 2500 credit line that is granger granger is notorious for giving you a 2500 credit line just because you actually have a business license now i was talking about payment experiences this is the system the business finance suite our clients use to build their business credit you can see here the difference this is why we make it so obvious now these are all grayed out our clients can see what's not recommended they don't have enough payment experiences to qualify for these accounts yet and then we we light them up with greener orange to say hey these i say green orange because i'm colorblind i still don't know if it's green or orange so we light it up with greener orange to tell people hey you can qualify for these so these are ones that i don't have enough trade lines per my sample dummy account to qualify but you can see here that this reports the dmb this supports the dmb this reports to all three so what i've taught you so far you know this will help you build business credit faster because it's three payment experiences not one okay if we go to meijer it's three payment experiences if we go to quill it's only one if we go to luke oil they report to all three three payments these are not starter vendors these are revolving credit which i'll teach you in a minute but you see that importance of knowing the where they report because that is what will tie in and what will give you more payment experiences and help you through this process even faster okay so steps to build business credit well we talked about step one two fundability then we move on and we build initial credit using credit line hybrid or vendor accounts with five payment experiences i say accounts but now you're you know you're knowledgeable now you know what payment experiences are so with five payment experiences you can move on to retail credit you get that i gave you a big tip there if you got crown office supplies as a vendor you already got three of five payment experiences with one account so i just made it really easy for you to get to the retail credits tier retail credit is here retail credit is all of these guys it's office depot it's home depot it's uh you know it's lowe's it's amazon it's staples it's tiger direct it's pilot it's you know it's all these retailers it's amazon it's cobbs costco and sam's club and and walmart it's retail credit so with five accounts we start to get to retail credit okay and i say start to get to for a reason because look at this if you look at our business finance suite works you can see that we haven't broke down into tears the tiers are based on how many accounts you need how many payment experiences you need to get approved so you can see here we're saying you need six to move into this step if you have six you can get these if you have three you can get this tier if you have you know ten you can get to this tier etc so you can start to get them some retailers will give them to you with five other retailers are going to require that you have 10 or more payment experiences but you can start to get retail credit with five hint amazon's one of the first retailers you get real easy to get with them when you have five payment experiences reporting then you move to eight accounts then we get into what's called fleet credit fleet credit is used for transportation companies that need to put fuel in vehicles and and and uh maintain vehicles and and be able to fix vehicles it's it's credit at places like exxon mobil here it's places like uh uh valvoline it's places here like uh pilot flying j okay 7-eleven that's what we call fleet credit so most of this survey is available on a revolving basis without net terms when you have eight accounts reporting and still into 2021 if you want to get visa card mastercard credit which i showed you real examples of you can get there with 14 accounts on the business credit reports remember by accounts you're an insider now so you know that that means payment experiences and you know if you get one vendor like crown office supplies that reports the dmb equifax and experian that's three payment experiences so we understand that with 14 accounts we have can get cash credit but one of those has to have a ten thousand dollar high limit in order to get a ten 10 000 limit you have to be using the credit you get one of the worst questions i ever get is how long does it take to get to the end you don't get it you're never going to get there if you think of it that way the way christine got over a million dollars worth of credit when she got credit she actually needed to grow her business she came in and got real credit she needed she got dell then she used the dell to come in and actually get credit with dell right now guys first time i've asked you if you're getting value just do me one favor hit the like button hit the love button if you really love me hit the share button that tells the social platforms this is valuable info and they'll get other people in here okay so the bottom line is is that you can actually get to the top tier if you have a ten thousand dollar limit fourteen accounts reporting but you can get a ten thousand dollar way higher than you think you just have to be using the credit you got along the way don't go get a uline and spend a hundred dollars and get a crown and spend a hundred dollars and then get amazon and spend a hundred dollars as you look back and if you remember the credit reports i showed you initially your commercial credit reports will show the recent amount of credit you've used on that account if you're not using them very much or buying very much on these accounts you're never going to get a ten thousand dollar limit but if you're actually using the credit that you're getting then you're gonna get ten thousand dollar limit and higher and higher the more accounts you get as long as you're using those accounts now post covet underwriting relationships really matter okay this really is a big difference don't authorize a per okay so some things that are some extra notes what i mean by that is that credit line hybrid for example we saw underwriters shut down you couldn't even get a chase card unless you were calling an underwriter and had a relationship to get approved everybody was coming to us and why is every application with chase and bank of america died they denied everybody so relationships with underwriters really matter having that privileged information really matters and keep in mind we have a whole data team at credit suite all they do is call all these credit sources on a regular basis to make sure that all of our information the finance suite is updated if you're not working with us that's okay then formulate your own relationships with underwriters because that really matters it also matters that you don't authorize a personal guarantee or credit check look one of the changes that we saw take place over the last few years is the government stepped in and mandated credit issuers and banks to be so if you go to get a staples office depot they're going to ask for your social to verify your identity you need to make sure that you're only supplying it to them that based on them not doing a credit check and you're not providing a personal guarantee you have to clarify that now that you have to give your social if it's underwritten by a bank it becomes a necessity otherwise you'll be offering a guarantee and the decision will be based on based on personal credit you don't want that to happen you have to clarify that when you apply okay use the credit you get we talked about that that's important to continue to get higher and higher limits you want to pay your bills early we talked about this as well your credit scores are based on how early you pay and you also need to make sure you get loans and credit lines that report when i apply for a loan a credit card or a credit line i always get to an underwriter and ask where does this report if i have a chance between a loan at one place and somewhere else one place reports the loan one place doesn't i always go with the place that reports the loan on my business credit reports but you have to be careful by reporting they may be telling you what's called a ucc filing a ucc filing just tells other people that you have an outstanding loan it doesn't show your your payments aren't reporting so you want to ask them hey if i'm paying my payments as agreed are you reporting those payments to a business credit reporting agency if so which one and try to get loans that report to the business credit reporting agencies i'm going to give you an example we have a hundred thousand dollar credit line that reports to experian no personal guarantee that's not based on consumer credit quality if you you can get up to a hundred a hundred thousand dollars or up to that's the ceiling but it's based on how much you process every month in merchant account transactions so if you process credit cards you can get that high limit of what you process in a month advanced you in a credit line that reports to experian without a personal guarantee we found that credit line because we're conscientious about making sure that we work with lenders and credit issuers that report so again you want to check and make sure that the company you're working with or the loan that you get actually reports employee number when you're filing annual reports a lot of us are about ready to file annual reports into 2021. you need to make sure that you understand the repercussions of the number of employees that you put on the secretary of state filing because this is used in lieu of financial data to determine scores like your financial stability score remember the score i touched earlier that depicts your risk of going bankrupt every 12 in the next 12 months that's made up of financial data remember i told you that okay but here's the problem if they don't have financial data i.e your tax returns which you can submit to them if you choose to the business reporting agencies but if they don't have it they look at the number of employees you have to determine the financial stability of your business i have no idea why it seems absurd to me but they do so you again if you're putting zero employees zero to five just keep in mind that that will hurt your financial scores with the business credit points i'm not telling you to lie i'm just saying you need to understand when you make x decision why result i'm just teaching you why result of x decision you just need to know that that's how that's done and that's why if you have good financials you might want to submit them to dmv you're at the end of 2020 you really want to make sure that you're going actually at the end of going into 2021 as we are you want to make sure at the end of 2020 that you take tax returns and if you can show some kind of profit profitability will go a long way to helping you get financing and you can then submit those financials to dmb and overcome that number of employees so you've got to build business credit in order to get the highest approval amounts the best terms here is our business credit building matrix there is nearly 200 factors that we use into that uh and again the reason i show you that is that even though i make this out to be uh fairly easy uh here's the kind of questions that get asked all the time right people are asking all kinds of questions all the time we get hundreds and hundreds on our social platforms we come in on a monday and we have 500 questions on our videos because people even though they look at this process they get stuck along the way i don't want you to think it's easy i want you to realize that there's a lot of places you're going to get stuck there's a lot of things that can trip you up and again that's why working with experts helps you right you take that difficult path of doing it on your own and you condense it to getting it done much faster and much easier here's one of our clients josh one thing that's beautiful about credit suite is that you start with baby steps the first thing that we did is get a couple of revolving credit lines and store credit then we graduated the gas cards then we ended up getting a very nice line of credit at amazon then we worked our way up and got a very very nice sba loan thanks to credit suite we were able to really get our business finances in order from what looks good to potential lenders remember we talked about fundability and potential creditors and we became very attractive to lenders went from not being able to get a loan to in the newer phases of the business getting an sba loan the best options are always available for those who have their credit game locked down and that's what credit suites platform allows you to do we've been able to make smart investments in staffing marketing systems sales systems product development all these things before credit suite we really couldn't do i just don't have to stress as much because we've got money in the bank to take advantage of opportunities i'm not a stress anymore i can keep a bank account that has plenty of cushion there and that cushion just honestly it makes me a better dad it makes me a better husband because i'm not stressing out i i love this and i love this because josh has become a good friend of mine and my hair literally stands on uh end when i read it because i'm a dad right and i i do everything i do for the sake of my kids and so this always touches me because it really makes me i feel the same way when you have money in the bank and covet hits you're not stressed when things are unpredictable you're not stressed and what i found is the way out of not being able to sleep at night as more than fifty percent of business owners can't get the capital is just having access to revolving credit you can use when covet hit we freaked out like a lot of people did and what we did was we relied on our revolving credit to pay our bills until we figured out what was going to happen we had that luxury because we built our business credit and we're able to access a lot of revolving credit a lot of people didn't and they really struggled so the key to success the key to that peace of mind is just knowing that you have that money available so look as an entrepreneur you should be able to get the money you need when you need it but not knowing the approval standards not knowing how to build your business credit not being able to access financing is probably one of the things that's holding you back well look our system if you're really interested in the shortcut our business finance suite it does all of those with you you're working with coaches you've seen a lot of people along the way the results they're getting the success they're having when you're working with us we're giving you 24 7 access to our business finance suite to do this in english or spanish you're getting business advisors that know way more about the stuff than i do there where i get my information from that holds your hand to literally walk you through this process maybe not literally walk you through they hold your hand and walk you through the process i corrected myself because i read somewhere that literally is the most misused word in 2020 so i'm fixing that we help set up your business name the right way your entity your ein your address your toll-free number we fun we list you with 4-1-1 without paying the money that you're going to pay list yourself to do it we help you make sure your website your email address is set up we actually integrate remember those secret credit bureaus i told you about we integrate with them we're the only company that takes their back-end information and makes it available for business owners on the front end we help you get check systems we help you get lexisnexis we help you fix those credit reports to be in compliance bank account merchant account setup we help you get your bid number with business with xperia and we done's number with dun and bradstreet without paying for any of that we have you dispute and fix any inaccuracies on your business credit report we have the largest supply of starter vendors you're going to find anywhere the largest supply of retail credit fleet credit cash credit okay we have auto finance you can get without a personal guarantee and credit check remember christine got 185 000 at ford using our system without a personal guarantee or credit check we offer all kinds of financing which i didn't even talk about today financing based on cash flow the zero percent credit line hybrid we talked about less than two percent interest rates on asset based lending it's not even based on credit quality sba loans okay term loans lines of credit all of that is what you're getting when you're actually working with us and if you are enrolling through friday we find the people that get the best results take action quicker i'm throwing in six bonuses as well i'm going to give you 30 days or 30-minute coaching call with a business advisor to tell about your business anything you want to dress to help you get capital you've got that and regular advising calls as well 90 days of business credit buying it's almost 750 bucks from the bureaus you're getting with dmb equifax and experian at no cost as part of this as well if you're getting started by friday okay you're getting credit money for only twenty four dollars a month after that for all three we're getting a really cool widget on your website that shows you multiple review sites because we need to manage reviews everywhere nowadays a 28-page business evaluation report and a complete branding course one of my my buddies mark instant sells for two grand okay we're giving you that as well so that's about seven grand worth of bonuses uh and ultimately our value of what we've got is well over twelve grand seven grand worth the bonuses but if you're getting started with us by friday it's 29.97 okay that's actually what we're going to get you in on on top of the bonuses of course or you can break it down the seven payments of 597. we make sure your payments are affordable if you can't afford 597 that's okay all you have to do is give us a call our numbers right here on the bottom and if you give us a call we will work with you on payments that will be affordable for you we'll customize a payment plan for you we work with all kinds of sources that will finance your enrollment too to make it easy to enroll and of course we can help you get loans and credit lines to help you get the money to enroll as well so if you aren't able to afford the 297 or 2997 the 597 payments we will work with you to make sure it works if you like what we have we've even got a lot of pricing options which aren't on our website that we'll talk to you about as well and um if you don't feel that what we have is worth every penny that that that you get or that you paid then well you can cancel any time within 30 days and get your money back it shifts all the risk to us even if you make the first payment we still get you access to everything this is one of my good buddies some and i'll tell you his real story here after i read this because this helped him get through covid my business is dragon gym a martial arts studio that was founded in 19763 my instructor diego and took over by my partner and i 10 years ago about a year and a half ago my business partner i decided within 18 months we were gonna open our second location we got connected with credit suite we were able to accelerate our timeline and open this location only six months instead eighteen getting the financing meant that we could start fulfilling our dream of having 10 or more locations they used business credit and the business credit accounts like credit line hybrid and commercial credit to be able to open three locations in 18 months they were gonna open two they opened three in that time frame then uh guess what happened covet hit martial arts needless to say contact sport they really got hit hard and they used business credit and those revolving credit lines to pull them through they opened an online course and now they're crushing it they're back to where they were and they have all this online course revenue that they brought in plus they opened up the t-shirts and all of their uh their gear they opened up an area selling all of that and have absolutely crushed it and they not only mitigated what could have been caster catastrophic and through covid uh but they were able to do that and grow their business by two new verticals buy gear shirts etc and buy an online all because they use business credit so again here's everything that you're getting when you enroll everything you need to set up your business the right way build your business credit access financing all in one place you're getting some really cool bonuses worth about seven grand as well including 750 bucks worth of credit monitoring an awesome 2 000 branding course i send this to all of my friends so they can actually go through and build their personal brands as well and you should be in 2021 and of course you get that guarantee with us as well and get everything with your first payment so uh i promise you if you stayed to the end i teach you how to get the playback of this webinar credit monitoring for free no cost consultation it all happens by giving us a call at 877-600-2487 or you can go to creditsuite.comconsult if you want to actually get started with our special that goes through friday you can go to forward slash webinar or give us a call send us an email look we have thousands of people that are going to see this right so a lot of people will call our phone lines all at once just leave a voicemail they'll call you right back okay or send an email at info or go to consult or credit forward slash console you can get those bonuses and get your free consultation and again if you got value hit the like button hit the like button hit the share button that means a lot to me and it's the only thing i've even asked you to do so now you have two paths you've learned a lot here today that will get you on track in 2021 of building your business credit and we have a lot of free information on our social channels you can access them all at our top of our website and if you want the faster path you're working with a company that's the top in the space it's helped forty two thousand three thousand people through this that takes years of this process condense it to only months and you have to ask yourself if you get that money in six months versus 24 months how much of a difference does that make to your 2021 well that's what happens when you're working with us so i am going to plug this a little bit because we can help you get their way faster and if money is an issue we have affordable payments we have pricing plans and options that aren't even on our website you're never going to know how affordable this really could be for you until you give us a call send us an email or schedule at creditsweet.comconsole i promised you i would hang around for webinars and that's exactly for questions and that's exactly what i'm doing so let me jump in and answer all your questions we have a db profile banks keep telling us no uh need 500k to take out other security companies like ours keep in mind it's not a dme credit profile that matters okay what matters is that you have an established credit profile score with dmb equifax experian the more accounts you have reporting the better it's going to be you also need to know that if you're trying to get a loan for 500 000 which that's not what you're saying here but if you are business credit alone isn't going to be the only thing they're going to look at they're going to look at other things like tax returns etc but business credit's a big driving factor so having a dmb credit profile doesn't matter having a deep dmb experience in equifax credit profile does matter rob hopefully that helps you ike says does your business bank account also need to reflect the virtual business address your your business bank account needs to reflect the same address as everything else everything should have the same address and you should stay on the excuse me virtual address side versus the home address side so yes that does need to be congruent um can i get access to lexisnexis you can look online lexisnexis now has an online form you can fill out to get your copy or alexis next credit report it is free uh and again if you're working with us as a client we help you get lexisnexis and check systems and fix that as well will this be emailed if you stayed to the end of this we will email you back the playback of this yes if you didn't stay to the end uh then which you wouldn't be here but if that was the case then you'd have to email us or give us a call we could talk to you but if you stay to the end it's always the reward of staying to the end as you get that playback uh hey tai i'm interested uh the issue i'm running into is fun as funding i filled my business secretary of state how am i done i still need a business phone number address um okay sure all you have to do is give us a call or send us an email and then what we can actually do is we will talk to you a little bit more i will take a picture and send this to our team but give us a call send us an email and we will talk to you a little bit more about making it affordable for you to enroll angela says when i set up my net 30 accounts with quill uline does the purchase have to be over a certain amount everyone is a little bit different again if you're working with us that's what's nice because right here in each one of our accounts we actually list that we tell you the exact requirements to get approved so you know that but the short answer is some vendors have a minimum purchase some don't um some of them it's 50 bucks some of them it's a hundred bucks so if you don't have access to our system if you're not a client then what you really should consider doing is call the source before you apply especially quill and uline they definitely have minimum requirements so you've got to check with them directly um angel against is a guy from duns called me and told me that my net 30 accounts will not be reported if i don't have more than three that's correct we talked about that today during the training in order to have a credit profile set up with dun and bradstreet you need three accounts reporting to dun and bradstreet and your duns number if anybody calls you from thunderbrad street i promise you they're trying to sell you the credit builder you do not need to buy their credit builder you do not need to buy from us to build business credit if you go to our youtube you'll find a lot of training where you can self learn and do this so never feel you need to buy what they're selling you okay do you guys have a payment plan to sign up with your program we do and also remember we have a partner program where you can offer business credit financing as a product or as a service it's 597 on our website a month to enroll if that's not affordable give us a call we will construct a payment plan that works specifically just for you uh time on a different situation i had the business already have ein have a bank however my phone business address is a house in short it's been idle for about a year i need help to revise this someone was doing that for me we could do that for you if you give us a call we can go from helping you set up the initial business and all steps involved we can also help you through that process of actually getting that stuff on track uh if you don't want to work with us at least give us a call we'll do a consultation to talk to you more about what you need to do to get on the right track latonya says how do i add my daughter to my llc and change business address phone number professional email uh the daughter to llc you should be able to do with secretary of state you can file an updated amendment to your corporation or to your entity with your secretary of state uh and how do you change your business address phone number email you've got to go get all those things the the professional the business address email phone number and then you need to update your records everywhere if you want to update all your yellow page records and everywhere online through one source you can use a company like yext y-e-x-t yext is very powerful that could help you do a lot of that in one place uh latonya says i don't want my home address yep we just talked about that tamika says how do you build credit with just an ein number we talked about that that steps i told you today are how you build business credit for the ein that's not linked to your social uh and i just seen your prices so am i done most of this will be cheaper for me if you've done most of it sure give us a call we'll give you a discount if you've done a lot of it but i'll be honest with you the first thing we're going to do is we're going to pull a fundability report and we're going to look and see if it's done or not meaning we pull a fundability report to see what lenders and credit issuers see and if you're saying i did a lot of this that means that everything should check out in that fundability report if the fundability report shows there's still a lot of issues then you really haven't done as long as much as you think you might have done a lot of people are in that vote but we'll definitely talk to you about that let me know um can i start this over if you're on the webinar and you stayed to the end we will send you a playback what percentage of dti and credit lines must have business maintain as an advantages and tiers of credit building they don't look at dti uh they don't look at dti to determine that ultimately they're looking in lending and business side of your ability to repay those debts so it's not a particular dti curtis says how do you get revolving credit on a business credit account we just talked about that today as well that was probably that was looks like that was in the beginning of the uh no it wasn't uh curtis asked that question again because that doesn't make any sense how do you get revolving credit on business credit account i walk you through the steps that's what we just walked through was getting vendor account then getting revolving retail credit account getting fleet credit getting cash credit so we did walk through that process if there's something not clear let me know how much is recommended to open a business bank account a lot of them will want 50 deposit but every bank's different michelle says we're building several businesses one of them is going to be a real estate holding company they'll eventually be held in nest corp should we build credit the real estate llc or the s corp that will eventually own it you could do it either way you could do it in the llc or the s corp or both it really there's no right or wrong we see people do it each different way you have a holding company a lot of people build business cards the holding company a lot of people build this credit for holding company and the companies that are under that holding company there's no right or wrong way it depends on how you're going to use the credit how would you get a source as a private business i'm not sure you're going to have to ask that question again that doesn't make sense to me want to start up my business don't know where to start is this for me we walk you through every aspect of setting up the business structure the right way but if you're asking about you know selling products what to sell all those kind of things that's something you really need to know first but if you're ready to get your business off the ground you know what your business is going to be etc then our system is perfect for startups because we help you structure your system all the way through the right way and it's perfect for established businesses because we help you go back and fix the thing that's done incorrectly how about corporate steel and stock kit do you help with that you don't need that it's it's something that i've never used i've never used the stock seal and that kit and i bought several of them i tell everybody not to buy it it's an upsell you don't need it's not something you're ever going to need in your business um maybe you will maybe somebody will correct me but it's nothing i've ever needed before and we talked about investment it's 5.97 a month to work with us or two 2 997 one-time payment um or we can work out specialized payments we've got stuff that's off our website as well just give us a call or send us an email and uh michelle says regarding multiple businesses how does this work you follow the steps in our system and do the same thing for every business is how you do it and you can do multiple businesses you don't need to buy our system multiple times and june says are these advisors based in the u.s and not the philippines i'd like to know where is the u.s call center-based we are 100 virtual credit suite had two offices one in tampa one in washington state and through covert we're like nah we're not doing it so we shut down both offices 70 of our team has always been virtual and answer your questions our advisors are both we have uh phil we have people in the philippines that have worked for credit suite for um 10 years sarah has been with me now for 10 years and probably knows more about business credit building than all everybody on here combined not as much as me but she's getting there and then we've also got advisors a lot of them are us-based so our head business advisors jan who runs our advisor team she's actually out of wisconsin so our whole team is virtual we are 100 virtual based company we shut down both offices and covered we it was too much liability and risk for us as i think a lot of people will actually do okay um that being said uh i said oh gosh i got a bunch of other things questions and comments here we could be here for a while which i would i told you i would answer and so i will make sure that these are answered i think maybe i did let me make sure that these aren't the same ones but i'm to sit here and make sure everybody's questions can be answered okay so i'm just going through real quick i had a bunch of a bunch of uh things regarding auto okay i'm a sole prop and was able to get approved for eidl i've heard somewhere that once you are within sba database sba lenders will be able uh to your sba loan history is that true uh look this is part of this this is part of as we talked about spfe when you're in the system and a bank gives you a loan or even if you got in the idl all of that loan that information is trackable from spfe so yeah we did talk about that today um and so that is the case they can see that i have that same question offered a lot a lot of people are afraid okay are we able to receive a recording we talked about that as well let's record it how do you get the first card to start the good credit go into your business those are through those vendors and we talked about that i think you asked that question before we talked about crown office supplies we talked about uline quill granger et cetera those are those vendors that we talked about that's how you'll build the initial business credit and um my doc i think you're talking about loc and that's line of credit clarify to me if you're asking something else no doc probably means no documentation that's right no doc means no documentation like no bank statements and tax returns to qualify for that credit line hybrid okay uh dan says so if you don't have good credit or other docs showing good credit worthiness then no doc means it's easier as you don't get required well there's a couple things no doc for the credit line hybrid for example and a lot and almost all business credit accounts are no doc too first of all you don't have to supply any documentation it's just easier and faster to get approvals that way secondly your bank statements your tax returns aren't being scrutinized there's a lot of things lenders look at and i have separate training on this on what they look for in your bank account well every time you supply a bank statement supply documentation then you're going to get scrutinized so when i talk about a credit line with no doc well they're not looking at bank statements they're not looking at tax returns so it's way easier to get approved it's easier and faster to get approved because there's less things they're looking at and there's less things that can stand in your way of the approval after opening a trade account how and when do they report it depends um most of them are 30 days some of them are quarterly in our system we say how often they report if you're working with the credit issuers directly not working with credit suite then you just want to ask them but a lot of them report monthly and some of the others report quarterly okay um let me look and see learning a lot okay will the recording we talked about that as well yeah the recording will be emailed to you if you attended the webinar and stayed until the end how do you keep them from checking your personal credit uh most the vendors won't ask you the revolving sources we talked about that you need to clarify when you apply that you put no personal guarantee authorization no credit check authorization let them know that you're not authorizing it you can even put social ssn is only being supplied for identify identity verification sometimes you can even call in and tell them that as well just so you know and deborah says how can i watch this from the beginning we talked about that how do you build credit with justinian we talked about that process of getting started with credit suite forward slash webinars the link to get in on this special also just give us a call our team can talk to you about getting started as well great stuff uh from a fellow dad uh that's awesome i appreciate that and this is a great session is this we talked about the recording uh interest is yeah it can't absolutely can uh rob's made a good point is wow paying a lot of interest if i pay monthly payments yes we heavily discount it if you are paying one pay because we want you to make one payment not over seven or eight or nine months if you're paying it over seven or nine months you're definitely going to pay money and interest there's ways around that as well by doing one payment or by us helping you get other kind of financing as well so absolutely rob as you can see we highly incentivize somebody for making one payment uh and that's kind of the way that it is we like that we find that the business owners that come in and a lot of them that pay one payment kind of get started faster and also have better results just more committed to the process which is why we do that okay and 29.97 is a one-time fee or you can break it down at the payments of 597. you can see that at creditsuite.comforwards webinar i'd like to know where and we talked about that as well had to work late we talked about recording 50 of those items remember somebody might say and this is something that you've said multiple times i have 50 of those items complete remember i showed you 10 or 15 of 125 fundability factors so we just scratched the surface of all the fundability stuff but again as i talked about give us a call we'll talk to you more about that as well can i build business credit while living in mexico you can as long as you have a us-based business how often must i buy they every 12 months the credit limit on your the your credit reports show the recent amount of credit you've used in the last 12 months so as long as you're using an account once every 12 months you're going to keep that on your credit report at whatever number that you actually recently put on your credit report okay what percent of gti we talked about that as well i'm applying i am don't know if i need to select the s corp or llc you could talk to our advising team about that if you're a client if not you want to talk to an accountant you can even talk to an accountant about that about the benefits between an s corporate and llc because there are very unique benefits between the two and i have at least six tier one accounts duns number of 80 experience 91 equifax shows zero how long does it take for the accounts i should be reporting every month or every quarter but equifax is tough man not a lot of people report to equifax so it's very common for equifax to be the last bureau people build because so few report to them but most of the time you got to make sure you got credit with credit issuers report to equifax and then of the ones that you know do talk to them and ask them how long it takes them to report and they'll tell you individually can a person on a disability open a business secure card up there establish a business you can but secure cards in the business world aren't very popular wells fargo used to have a good one they don't anymore i don't even know of any good secure credit cards most of them are net terms you don't find a lot of that but you absolutely can do it i've heard somewhere that once you're within okay we talked about that as well what are the repercussions of changing from a sole prop to an llc there are none as long as you keep your same entity or excuse me as long as you just do an entity change um you're able to do that uh jim would start with an llc in regarding to getting db there is no repercussions when it comes to duns number for that hey ty i've tried to apply for credit based on just my am but most of them asked for a pg to process the application how can i get around that um i promise you that if that's what you're running into you skipped steps which is what a lot of entrepreneurs do everybody wants to skip fundability everybody wants to skip vendors then they go to amazon and revolving sources and they don't understand why they get approved i showed you the answer in this training i mapped it out step by step the reason is is that you're skipping steps and the skipping of steps is what's creating your problem so you've got to remember you've got to have at least five accounts before you even get to revolving credit if you're not able to get approved for that revolving credit card without a pg you don't have enough payment experiences you have to start continue to accumulate them until you can get approved so for example you know amazon might approve you with five accounts while lowe's needs 10. so the short answer to your question is that you skipped steps you didn't do fundability and you didn't do vendors i bet if we pull your business credit report right now we don't see dmv equifax experience commercial credit reports with three four five plus accounts on there that's the problem so the answer is is you have to establish those payment experiences before you get to revolving credit uh are these we talked about the advisors as well uh how much it cost how much does it cost for the blueprint but no assistance we have a program for that as well give us a call and we'll talk to you about uh one a unique payment plan that works for you but we do actually have our finance suite with uh with out the guidance without our coaches that's more affordable that might be a better solution for you i'm a sole prop one was able okay we talked about that as well um i drive a truck at some of the vendors you mentioned is not in my field look there's a lot of well that's okay because there's still stuff you're going to need if you go get a quill account to get office supplies they sell over a million products and there's all kinds of stuff when you're in your truck that you're going to need so remember those are some of the primary vendors that you have but you got to find stuff that might not work i'll give you an example granger sells outdoor supplies i use granger to buy first aid kits and batteries something we all need is a first especially truckers first aid kit and batteries so there's stuff that every vendor you can find that you need remember it's just the short term sacrifice for kind of being able to come in uh and being able to get those vendors report to the business credit reporting agencies you're getting vendors to sometimes buy stuff you normally wouldn't wouldn't be able to buy uh so somebody's asking about the pricing again we did cover that just guys just go to forward slash webinar it'll show it to you it's 2997 one-time payment or seven payments of 597 and we have customized payments payments that work for you as well um i'm not sure you covered but i missed how much for a plan to build business credit we just talked about that okay i have my ein and duns i also have a small business credit card the capital one i forgot about and didn't pay uh did should i pay it off close and start over i have a capital one spark card i don't use because they report to consumer and commercial credit and i told them it's a crock of i told them it's not good it said i caught myself there and then uh and and i told him i won't use it and i don't use it we use it as an emergency backup card we never use it so i would get something other than capital one spark because they report to consumer and commercial credit cards how do i become a partner to offer business credit financing and help people give us a call we'll talk to you more about our partner program with the purchase of the plan how many times do we get to speak to consultants as many times as you want you can call us email us and chat online as many times we typically call you five times the first five days and regularly after that until you don't need us anymore so we'll call you and you call us and we'll spend 30 60 minutes on those phone calls with you that's why people rave about our advisors is because we don't rush you off the phone okay we'll spend 30 minutes we'll spend 60 minutes if we need to to help you through that process um and i appreciate that this was not what i thought okay uh royal says it was not what i thought not what i thought it would be well hopefully it's better than what you thought it'd be and you're not disappointed do you recommend to apply for secure gas cards like circle k 7-1 i don't fuel cards will require a 500 deposit and a personal guarantee until you have eight accounts on your business credit boards be patient get your eight then you don't need the deposit you don't need the personal guarantee that's my recommendation you can provide the guarantee in the deposit and get them sooner but my advice is build your eight then get them without the pg without the without the down payment uh okay does it matter how we pay for this nope you can do that's up to you how we addressing the business address alliance you don't want a po box you don't want a ups address alliance is the best virtual address source davinci and regis are ones that can work as well at what point can you go out there and purchase a vehicle with just your business credit 14 accounts reporting on your business credit reports gm mercedes i just had somebody in my webinar last week that bought a brand new mercedes with no personal guarantee or credit check 4 gm ally toyota they all offer it it's about 14 accounts that you need on there and a ten thousand dollar high limit to get to get them without a personal guarantee or credit check does using a dba work for attaching an llc you yeah you know you if you're a sole prop you want to get away from sole prop dba helps you but it's not gonna be help enough you need to get away from the dba it's changing from soap up to llc any potential issues with sba eid or pvp it's not i've been approved for a crown office supplies and got approved i even made a purchase still don't have a score what should i do it's probably because you didn't give them enough time to report as i said multiple times here if you don't have three accounts reporting to dmb that can account for your problem as well okay um if i'm a client can i apply for the hybrid credit line you absolutely can give us a call anybody on our team can help you there so it'll be five payments of the five night sim it's seven payments of 597. you can get all that information at forward slash webinar you are amazing i watch this step by step uh for i appreciate that and how does your previous personal foreclosure it doesn't matter at all when it comes to business credit building but you do want to have it addressed it will come and become an issue with loans for you down the year down the line do i have okay we talked about that capital one spark clip if you use one of those companies for your address where does your mail go to if if i have we i'll give you an example our main address is on kennedy boulevard in tampa and when we get mail there they scan it to us and they email it to us then they mail it to us so we get it right away because they scan it name it and mail it to us and then uh and then they actually mail it to us as well how to become a partner we talked about that today i am uh i'm loaned to expand my business can you help me with that we do we work with every legitimate kind of funding source now i'm on to answering facebook linkedin periscope youtube all of your questions i'm here to answer you i got to meet with a client now will this be available it will be you're on youtube augustus so hopefully you're able to access that again on youtube you will be able to it's crazy and every time i need to research something it was not a video the next day yeah i am fletch i'm in your head i live in your head and i know what you need and then i deliver content based on just that topic it's hard because there's a lot of things happening fletch in your head that i'm able to do that okay uh spfe a lot of people are surprised by that how long should i do vendor credit with a 700 credit score well it depends on you i would use credit line hybrid if i had a 700 score that's what i would do but if you don't want to use the personal guarantee and get the credit lines etc uh then you don't need to use the vendors more than one two three purchases i still use them i use quill over staples because quill helped me out to build business credit when staples wouldn't and i'm the most loyal dude in the world like i am loyalty is my number one life quality i believe a lot in loyalty so it you quill helped me and i continue to buy stuff from cool over office depot and staples because they helped me when office depot and staples didn't but make two three purchases and that's it and or again just make you know make one every year um and you'll be fine but if you want to keep those accounts active on your business credit reports you need to be making at least one a year that's a really good question to do what's your number okay what should i apply for first i'm trying to establish business credit now we talked about a lot of those sources after you asked that question but you saw that crown office supplies granger quill we talked about a lot of those as well a great info what kind of accounts do i apply for to start off we talked about that crown office supplies granger we talked about lachlan and associates today uh we talked about uline we talked about quill amongst many others those are the ones that you want to start off with from for my advice in 2021 short life just waiting for my income tax returns to open my business bank account that's awesome remember it doesn't take a lot of money maybe 50 bucks and you're good so you don't need to wait to do that and also remember the sooner you open your business bank account the easier it is for you to get money in the future because a lot of things are based on that including a bank rating credit score which i don't have time to dive into now but you could check our training online we've got a lot about that uline reported to mine so fast the trade line was there before i made my first purchase that shouldn't happen you in order for an item to report you need to actually have an account and make a purchase and pay it or they wouldn't be able to have your payment history to report but uline is very fast you're absolutely right about that without as well um okay i think i just went back virtual webinar i think i just lost my place got an email okay so let me go back here for a second okay i love you uh crown office supplies reported to my dmb okay there we go okay uh that i use crown office supplies you line girl gent granger and quill so somebody's answering that question i got approved for 2 300 for crown office supplies i love current office supplies guys they're fantastic yep 30 to 90 days is what d lo says and that's exactly correct on how long it takes accounts to report to the business credit reporting agencies okay i'm in heaven right now i'm just waiting for the price at the end okay then we went through that as well that was at two o'clock so just to show you where i am in your con i'm all about considering time is money you know that it uh that that's exactly how you have to look at it in running a business eventually you get to a point where your your time is worth more than the money and i was i had that happen the other day i was i was at target and i needed a universal charging cord for my son's laptop and they charged me fifty dollars for a universal charging cord i was so mad but as i was checking out with a friend i was with i said you know what's frustrating is i said i'm gonna pay the 50 because i know that if i go anywhere else to price shop it's not worth the time my time is worth so much more than the money that i will save so you know as business owners when you start to really get into seven eight figure businesses you just get that your time is money and remember with us we're cutting years off that business credit building process and it's cheaper to build business credit with us and do it on your own because you know you don't pay for a duns number we get you credit monitoring a discount we get your 411 listing at no cost you get evaluations for um for your business at no cost there's so much stuff we discount or give you for free that if you really look at the math it's actually cheaper to work with us anybody else oh subscribe delo it took me all this to get you to subscribe thank you so much i appreciate that everybody else if you got value here please subscribe tyra says i got an email from credit suite regarding ppp round two can i qualify even though i'm a new business uh ppp round two compares 2019 quarter to 2020 quarter you had to have had a business open in a quarter in 2019 and have a decrease in sales by 25 that's ppp's requirement here for second round of ppp you've been a blessing to our company thank you because that's exactly why i'm here because i got frustrated because all the stuff i teach you wasn't out in the space so we built the company around going to get that information and making it available and giving it out for free even though everybody thinks we're crazy okay we give it out so much content for free because we want everybody to be able to benefit and we know that some of you want the faster path and enroll with us to get that faster path um i'd like an email the webinar email us or call us on our team we'll send you that i sure as well love you and thank you very much aunt i appreciate you sharing and we'll sign up to work with you guys i appreciate that the share means a lot everybody that shares it really means a lot and i see that we keep a log of everybody that shares two cybershare um the 99 membership with crown report uh they do report that to the business credit reporting agencies yes how do we get on the actual webinar next time uh you have to get on our email list so there's i i i do live streams three times a week once a month i do a webinar like this and to get on the webinar you have to well i'll give you a shortcut go to forward slash live if you go to forward slash live type in your first name email phone number to get our guide on building business credit that will put you on our email list we will send you several notifications every month about our email list let me give you i'm going to give you the first time i've mentioned it i'm going to give you guys a hint next week or next month i have a three hour webinar everybody's excited i don't even know how i'm going to pee in between i haven't figured that out yet but it's a three hour webinar on 50 different ways to get money for your business in 2021 so i went through and found every viable way to get money for your business we put it all in one massive presentation and next month that will be it will be 50 different ways we will go about three hours don't worry you'll get the playback so if you want to get notified when we do stuff like that you have to get our email list you can get on our email list at forward slash live i'll give you one more hint we are also doing a mini course we're going to start mini courses which are 10 to 15 minutes three or four video courses and we will be releasing our first one next month i'm so excited i have a whole new studio getting set up here for these and that again you won't be able to get notified unless you're on our email list and we have some other really cool stuff too so if you want to get on the email list you go to forward slash live valray says as you move up in credit tiers do you still have to keep ordering you don't order once a year or that recent amount of credit used won't be anything so just order stuff once a year if you want to keep those showing as active on your business credit report the accounts that you're using okay and will there be a replay after the live there won't be but atlanta lana lana i hope i said that right lana the recording will be on facebook where you're watching it it'll also live permanently on our youtube so if you go to credit suite's facebook page you will be able to access the playback if you want to playback you can email us and we'll send you an email playback as well while virtual address companies do you recommend i recommend alliance they are the best in my opinion for the hybrid credit line if you use a partner what credit score is needed about a 680 fico score to get approved john says is now the best time to start a new llc real estate looking uh look up looking for credit more businesses are started in recessions and downturns in the economy than any other time so yeah i definitely think it's a good one and right now real estate on the commercial and residential side i'll know about where you guys live it's exploding down here in florida south carolina north carolina people are bailing from a lot of states that are permanently shut down so it's a great opportunity aaron from youtube says hey ty ho balls well if i have over 700 personal credit score is there an easy no doc loans yet we talked about that credit line hybrid you get up to 150 000 in no dot credit lines just give us a call we'll talk to you more about that no don't do sole proprietor victoria thank you take the word right out of my mouth uh like secure gas card i have one r code 200 deposit 600 yeah you're getting those deposits lewis from facebook or luis if i either went um because you don't have enough business credit established if you do establish business credit you could get around that and not need to actually have uh those guarantees just so you know that okay and then um so late how do i talk how do i talk to purchase vehicle what department uh when you go to buy a car you just want to tell them you want to buy it in your business name tell them you have enough established business credit and the finance department at that dealership will help you my husband watches you too and he sent this to me she had to tell him i said hello and tell me his name too and i'll give him a shout out right now uh c corporation totally separate llc okay perfect so thanks all right so now i'm going back because now i've got those questions i still have some other ones that came in so i want to make sure that those are addressed is the fiat one time yep the two thousand nine hundred ninety seven dollar fee is a fee one time with us and then you can also pay monthly by 597. how would you have credit as a business trust not register with the secretary of state you wouldn't in order to build business credit you need to have a business established that's linked to your ein that's not linked to your actual social with the purchase of this plan how many times do we get to speak to consultants we talked about that as well there is no limit for multiple businesses do you need to build the credit per business company for multiple businesses yeah you're going to build credit per ein that you have but you can follow the steps to do it multiple times is changing from sole proprietor or to llc or corporation create a potential issue with the existing we talked about that as well can you do replay i can't i cannot i'm not a position where i can send you that replay but if you you're on the webinar you will get a replay of this because you stayed to the end i've been approved for crown office supplies got approved even made a purchase we talked about that as well so some of these report i have my llc okay i think i answered all these questions yep i i answered okay so i'm going to wrap this up guys um oh wait uh the delos in from missouri i appreciate that it does credits we have a promo code for alliance for discounts you can go to forward slash virtual i i do not focus on our money as much as i probably should right because we have an affiliate relationship with the lines i appreciate you asking it helps us if you use that affiliate relationship it's that's virtual if you go to forwards that's virtual uh that will give you what you need to be able to get that affiliate code aaron says can i still get personal funding with a 700 credit score with only six to eight month history bill not typically you're not going to get credit line hybrid with that some other funding may be available but not credit wine hybrid give us a call you need to have about two years history with revolving credit cards in order to get that what about parent companies and subs uh how would you handle those it's it's up to you you could build business credit for the parent company the umbrella company or the companies under it that really is up to you and other than vendors what are other trade lines to get the eight trade lines before applying for fuel cards credit line hybrid vendors the only other option is you could use dun and bradstreet's credit builder program to add some accounts you already have like software purchases stuff like that i don't usually recommend it cause it's 150 bucks a month but it is an alternative if the other vendors and stuff ashton i showed you art enough to get you where you need okay and do lines of credit look at business banking accounts when determining lines of credit it depends on what ones you get our credit line hybrid doesn't if you go to a big bank they typically will um and for big business we talk is it beneficial to freeze your personal credit while building business credit no do not do that it's a nightmare to freeze your credit i would not do that unless somebody is legitimately actually really stealing it and i am going to okay i'm gonna wrap this up if you have any other questions i'm gonna answer five more maybe and then give us a call send us email i have another three o'clock webinar i've gotta run to which is why and that webinar is only for our partners so if you enrolled offer business credit financing i have all kinds of training on selling how to sell how to set up goals how to you know all kinds of stuff on how we built credit suite to eight figures i teach all of that stuff in our partner webinars and i've got that coming up at three so i'm going to jump up here so i'm not going to answer any more questions besides maybe what's already out here if you have a dba and your website social agencies all out of dba do you use your dba name and everything the official answer is you you use this the real name and the dba it needs to be both is the official answer of what credit issuers the lenders want to actually see can you have multiple seasons get the benefit of multiple businesses you can as long as you have multiple eins and how do i become a partner give us a call if you go to like pricing that gives you an option of building your business credit or becoming a partner you can access our partner programs there i'll get you the same discount we're giving you on court this is going to throw my my team into a frenzy because i didn't tell them that that for this webinar i'll offer you the same discount as well on our partner program you just have to give us a call and talk to us about it you can also go to creditsuite.comforwardslashpartner and santa says i'm sure he will his name is derek uh burgess burgess derek burgus what's up man thanks for tuning in and thanks for having your wife tune in today as well i really appreciate that okay i'm going to wrap this up everybody i can see an answer i answered every question that's come in and a lot more will continue to come in but i got to get to this three o'clock webinar so now you know the steps to build business credit get financing if you want the shortcut you want to work with us you want to get 7k worth of bonuses not like made up 7k like legitimately what you'd pay to buy every one of those things on your own then give us a ring eight seven seven six hundred two forty seven info credit remember you're entitled to a free consultation we get you your dmv equifax experience credit reports for free on the consultation we tell you all the funding you qualify for we do a funding a fundability assessment it all happens on a free consultation if you call and hit our voicemail i told you there are thousands of people that said that they're gonna watch so what happens is they're gonna be buried okay leave a voicemail send an email schedule your console to console long as you get in this week you're able to get the bonuses and everything that we talked about during today's training as long as you enroll by friday so send us an email give us a call or schedule at forward slash console do you have information in spanish domingo we do our finance suite can be done in english and or spanish and all of our marketing materials as a partner are done in english and or spanish as well so i'm going to go ahead and wrap this up thanks everybody very much for tuning in i hope you got a lot of value out of this today if you want the replay if you attended the webinar and stayed to the end we will email it to you if you watched on whatever social channel linkedin youtube facebook all of it will be there when it's done it will permanently sit on my linkedin it will sit on my facebook it will sit on my youtube as well for credit suites linkedin facebook youtube and again if you want to replay and you're like i don't know where to go get the replay then just email us info at or give us a call and we will get that uh domingo says muchas gracias uh no problemo okay i'm learning spanish so espanol so thanks everybody very much for tuning in and i look forward to seeing in our next training we talk about more cool ways to get money for your business thanks everybody again for tuning in have a
Channel: Credit Suite
Views: 260,906
Rating: 4.9085264 out of 5
Keywords: credit suite, business credit, credit suite business credit, how to get business credit, how to build business credit, building business credit, ty crandall business credit, business credit cards for new business, credit repair business, how to build business credit in 2021, how to build business credit in 10 days, how to build business credit fast, how to build business credit with ein, how to build business credit step by step, building business credit 2021, vendor credit
Id: 9zWrChy2cc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 5sec (6665 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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