How to build and deploy a containerized app to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) | Azure Friday

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>> Azure Kubernetes Service makes it easy for you to deploy and manage your containerized workloads without requiring a lot of container orchestration expertise. In this episode, Jay will demonstrate and explain just how easy it is to take a simple application and deploy it into Azure, today, on Azure Friday. [MUSIC] >> Hey everyone, Donovan Brown here with another episode of Azure Friday. I'm here with Jay and we're going to be talking about Azure Kubernetes Service. So we've done some other shows an Azure Kubernetes Service, but what I think is really cool and unique about what we're about to do is this is like a quick primer on how to get going really, really quickly. >> I really love helping people and take those first steps into services that we have at Azure. It's just one of the things that I really enjoy. >> Cool. >> So one of the things I want to do today is to show you and the rest of the folks just how simple it is you could start working with Azure Kubernetes Service without a whole ton of experience. >> Okay. >> Kubernetes, it's a pretty big software to deal with. >> It can be intimidating too, but what's really nice is how we've streamline that. >> Yes. So one of the things that I've done here, and I'm going to show you, is I've created a cluster already and the command is fairly simple. Let's talk about it real quick, az aks create. So we're working with the Azure CLI, basic tools. We're telling we're going to invoke in AKS command, and we're going to create. We're going to do it under our resource group which I've already created, and we're going to name it "Azure Friday AKS." Within there, as you can see, I've enabled us some additional tools like monitoring, HTTP routing, I can specify what version I want to create, SSH Keys, a service principle, why are we doing this? Just so we can create, and way for our Azure Container Registry where our images are going to live to trust the cluster that we've created. >> Right. >> Because we need to make sure that things are deployed from where we expect them to and that there's a trust created and we don't have to always work with our credentials. >> Right. Because we don't want random people pulling our images down. We want that to be secure. What we're doing now is basically assigning an identity that we can say, "Hey, this is the person that I allow to be pulling from my particular registry." >> Even more importantly, what we're doing is reducing the need for manual rotation of credentials. You're just getting everything and saying, "This is the user and password that we have for this specific, so that's what we've got here." Then what you can see I've also done is I'm going to give us a scale set based virtual machines on the back-end to handle auto-scaling. >> Okay. >> So now, we are not just building it with one node. We're building it with three nodes for that large amount of redundancy and then we can have our max counter, one and five. So one of the things I've already done is I've built the cluster. Takes a few minutes. I want to make sure the cake is ready because I wanted to see it. So let's go ahead and get our credentials. We need that. To get our credentials, I'll just run this command. What it does is it takes the credentials that you're going to need to run kubectl or kube-control, whichever you're saying is, and make sure that you're able to make changes. So one of the things we need to do next is create a Container Registry and that's where, like you said, that's where all of our stuff is going to be stored. It's really important that it's private. It's got all the required redundancy so that every single time you do a pull from that ACR, the image is always there. >> Another thing that I really like about creating a Container Registry inside of Azure, is our clusters inside of Azure. Now our registry where we're storing our images is network close to our infrastructure, so downloading those images is going to be extremely fast. >> Exactly. >> So let's go ahead and build our ACR. So it's as simple as a one liner. You can do it within the portal, but I think this is pretty quick. >> I script that a lot of my commands using the Azure CLI because it allows me to then later automate that stuff through like scripts like the ones you're running now, even through CI/CD pipelines, being able to script it out here gives you a lot of flexibility. >> Cool. As you can see, we've got a fully qualified domain name that's associated with the login server. It's fully redundant, it's all over the world. You can put it in different places based on the skew. So lots of stuff we're able to do. So now, we've got our credentials, we've got our ACR, and now, it's time to build a container. >> Right. >> So what am I going to build today? I've got this really simple clock that all of you are going to get access to, no matter who you are. I've got all the stuff online. It's a very basic clock. It's stateless. It's just to be able to give you something to work with [inaudible] just to react. So I've also provided a couple other extra things, and one of them is going to be really helpful. This script What this is doing is taking the service principle that we created and then created it for our AKS cluster. We're going to create a trust that says. "You can talk to me, you can do a pull," and that's what this last line right here says. We're going to take an acrpull role and attach it to that service principle. So now, we make sure that we have that r-back configured, role-based authentication between the AKS cluster and the Azure Container Registry. >> Got it. >> So let's run that script real simple. So you know the trust we created just a minute ago, I went ahead and run that script, and now, we've got an AKS to ACR role pull created. So there's a trust- >> Got it. >> - and now we're allowed to pull images from it. So now what we're going to do is actually create our image from the registry. So what I have to do is go into where our Dockerfile is. Because you're basically the context folder where you're going to be doing this. If we look at the Dockerfile, very simple, we're just building MPM install. >> Sure. >> That's it. So let's go ahead and run our acr build. In the background, now, we've got a container image that Azure's provisioning. So you don't have to install Docker on your local computer. I remember the days of building images. >> It was. >> Because my laptop would sound like it was trying to take off into space. I'll be honest with you, I don't need to do that. I can use a lot of the tools that's built into Azure. So right now, what's going on is each individual layer is being built of part of the ACR. Then at one point, we're going to have an image with our version number built. >> Yeah. One of the things I really like about using ACR, as my actual building mechanism, is when you're doing CI/CD. If you're building that image on a fresh machine, you have to download all those layers every single time you build it. But ACR, actually, caches those layers so that the second, third, fourth builder, that same image, you don't have to pull down all those cast images and you build those much, much faster. Since I want to store my images inside ACR, anyway, the fact that I'm able to use ACR to build, to tag, and the storm images makes it this really one liner, almost like this great atomic execution of my build statement. >> We're just about done and what does that mean? Because now it's running NPM install, which means it's going to then provide the image a output, what actually our app is going to do? So that's all going on now. What's next? What do we have to do next? Well, we have to run some manifests that are in Kubernetes to actually deploy our application. So I've got two ready to go. The first one right here. What we have here is a notice of where our ACR is, we have to actually just modify that one little portion of our manifest. As you can see, we've got all the information about how it's going to get started, how much memory we want to associate, how much CPU, just so we have level sets. So we'll go here. As you can see, still building, just a few more minutes or few seconds left. Then what we've got also within here is a load balancer. A load balancer here, a classic load balancer is just going to go ahead and forward 8080 to 80, so it's provided a standard web. Now, we can do more things like ensure that we are all those nodes that we want to be available, load balanced and in front. >> Sure. These YAML files are the ones that you're going to basically pass to kube-control to make sure that it knows how to then deploy the application inside of my cluster. >> Let's do that now. So our image is built. >> Got it. >> Let's go ahead and let's back up. Actually, no, we don't even have to backup. We'll just go into k8s. So anyone that's watching this, they'll be able to just do the same exact thing that we are doing. Kubectl, apply minus f specifying the file and then deployment. So what's happening there? Now, we're actually creating the application. I've already run it before, so you're just getting an unchanged. Then the next portion is running our load balancer creation, same kind of situation apply. So while we can go ahead and do a kubectl, get services. We can see you've got this load balancer, and let me close this so we can see it in full. But we've got an external IP created, and that's all it took. To create that external IP address was just to run that manifest right out of our command line. So now, all we have to do, "Copy." Wait a second and our really super-duper stateless application running on a Azure Kubernetes cluster will come up. The one thing that really is the benefit to everyone that I think, is just being able to go to a place like GitHub, grab all this code and just start building something right away. >> Because it shows just how, again, I think you laid out really well the steps that are required and how easy it is just from the command line and they can just take the commands that you ran and run them again to get started when it comes to actually producing your first containerized application. Now one of the things, while this is still loading, is like It's about below now, is that we did all of this stuff manually and my claim to fame is DevOps. >> You're DevOps man. >> Exactly right. >> The man in the black shirt? >> Exactly. So part of this is like, "Like this is cool. But there has to be a way for me to automate this deployment." We touched on it a little bit when we showed the scripting and I knew, well, if I can script it, I can automate this. >> Donovan, I would not come here without something make you happy, and what did I make happy? Well, Azure Kubernetes Service, which we can go ahead and click on our AKS cluster right here, has all these additional features. >> Sure. >> So everything I did already was pretty much on Cloud Shell because I wanted to show you this feed. >> Sure. >> But now, it's time to show you what you can do, and so we've got deployment center. I think that this is the part that's going to make you happy. >> Exactly. >> So now we can go in here, go to GitHub, start creating a way to launch the application directly from Azure, I should say Azure DevOps. DevOps [inaudible] or whatever you want to do in the future, but this is going to allow us to then, now that we've learned how to do it, thanks to the scripts that you've given us, I can automate the execution of those scripts on a repeatable basis. So as a developer, all I do is commit code to repository and the next version is just going to roll out. >> It's important that we always understand the concepts. Sometimes the concepts means a couple manual steps and that's how you learn. At least that's how I learn. I like to go through each step one at a time and learn about all the different parts, then take those parts, put them together, and then understand how I can then repeat it quickly, vastly, and reliant. >> No, I agree. It's inevitable at some point your pipeline is going to break, and because you understand it at this level, you're going to be able to troubleshoot your pipeline. Yeah. That's the thing is that we look at our arm templates is that basis for us to be able to create all that automation. But we need to understand what goes into them and the same thing can be said about Kubernetes. >> Awesome. >> So Containers, Kubernetes, you name it. All we have to do is just understand the concepts and we can deploy things much easier. >> That's awesome. We're learning all about Azure Kubernetes Service here on Azure Friday. [MUSIC]
Channel: Microsoft Azure
Views: 79,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: azure, microsoft azure, donovan brown, jay gordon, azure kubernetes service, kubernetes, container, containerized, deploy, build, role-based authentication, azure active directory, aad, k8s, react, service principal, aks, microsoft, How to build and deploy a containerized app to Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure Friday, Jay Gordon, Donovan Brown
Id: E9YWmbUb9Ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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