How to build an ETL pipeline with Python | Data pipeline | Export from SQL Server to PostgreSQL

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[Music] hello and welcome one and all in this session we will build on from the previous two where we installed postgresql and sql server we have set up both of these environments and restored sample databases so in this session we will use sql server adventureworks database as a source and load data into postgresql with python be sure to check both of these videos out if you want to follow along i'll leave the link in the description below an etl extract transform and load pipeline is a fundamental type of workflow in data engineering the goal is to take data from a source it can be an api a database or a file and transform this data and then load it into a destination database we will use python and in particular pandas library to build a pipeline pandas makes it super easy to perform the etl operations the full source code is available on github an etl pipeline consists of three general components extract get data from a source in this example we'll extract data from sql server transform structure format or clean the data depending on your needs or final deliverable you can perform all of these operations with pandas library we won't be spending much time on this if you would rather follow the elt or extract load approach i want to demonstrate how easy it is with python to perform extract and load and finally load to write the data to external destination where it can be used by another application or users we will load the data to postgres database let's do some basic setup in postgres before writing etl pipeline i have pg admin 4 open and i have a new query window open with a script to create a database called adventure works i'll go ahead and execute the script to create this database we can refresh the databases folder to see if this new database is created and if you see adventure works there congrats your database is created also i'll go ahead and create a user called etl with password and i'll grant this user permissions on the adventureworks database we get a success message and we should see a new user called etl under the login and groups roles once we refresh it our postgres database is set up let's move to sql server and create the same user this is the script and we are creating an etl user along with login we are giving necessary permissions to connect and read data from adventureworks dw2019 database the etl user is created just in fyi i restored the adventureworks 2019 database in the sql server video that's the normalized version so i went ahead and restored the dw or the data warehouse version following the same steps so you can download this database and restore it following the same steps let's begin coding the etl pipeline in python i am using pycharm to code this pipeline you can use your preferred id or a text editor as usual we'll import the required libraries at the top we will need sql alchemy to interact with postgres sql pi odpc to query the sql server pandas to carry out the data extract and data load part i am importing os module as i have stored the username and password in the system environment variable you can type those in directly if you wish but it's a good habit not to hard code your credentials in the script and store them separately the aim is to protect the credentials from being exposed in the etl script you can use a configuration file or system environment variables i'll first grab the password from the environment variable so we can get the password with os dot environ and by passing in the key for the password similarly we can get the user id and store these in local variables i'll also define a variable to store the sql server driver i am using sql server native client 11 and if you have been following along the channel then you should be familiar with it otherwise you need to install it on your machine i'll leave the link in the description below i'll save the server and the database name in the variables as well now we are ready to code the extract part i'll define a function called extract let's put our code in a try except block first i'll define a source connection our source connection is the sql server and for this we will use the connect method from pi odbc and to the connect method we will supply the driver which is the sql server native client 11 the server name along with the instance since we're using the sql server express version it has a default instance sql express database name user id and the password this connection is saved in src underscore con variable we are going to go ahead and create a cursor from this connection cursor allow python code to execute sql command in a database session cursor are bound to the connection and from the cursor we can invoke the execute method and supply it the sql script i will supply it a script that gets the table name from the system schema in sql server and i am limiting the number of tables to 6 so we don't have to process the entire schema then we call the fetch all on the cursor to get the records records are in a list format so we have to iterate over them so far tbl in src underscore tables and then within the loop i am calling the pandas read sql query method and in this method i am building a sql query with f string i'll supply it the tbl with index of zero so we get the table name as a string then we supply the connection to the database this will correct the data from a table and save the result in a data frame once we have the data then we will call the load method which we will code next and to this method we will supply the data frame and the table name in the accept block we print the exception and finally we close the connection once we are done we are done with that data extraction part let's define a load function that will load the data in postgres sql i'll call the function load and it takes two arguments a data frame and table name we will wrap our code in a try except block here as well i'll declare a variable for the number of rows that we are importing from the source then we create a connection to postgres with sql alchemy create engine we supply the user password and the server name it also requires the port number and the database we save this into engine variable then we display a message how many rows we are processing and from which table to save the data into postgresql we call the 2sql function from pandas and supply the table name and to the table name we append sdg underscore to declare that this is a staging table then the engine which is the connection to postgres and if table exists we supply the replace argument this technique is called truncate and load so it'll erase the data each time it runs and reload it into the destination table next we set the rows imported to the data frame length and print the success message if there are any errors we cache them in the exception this is all the code required to perform extract and load operation from sql server to postgres with python in essentially 40 lines of code we built this process with pandas pandas library makes it super easy to perform data operations let's call the extract function to initiate the whole process we'll wrap this in a try except block as well our code is ready let's save our work and give it a try i'll open a command prompt and bring pg admin up let's first expand and refresh the table node in our database we don't have any tables at the moment let's go ahead and execute our code and it is extracting and loading the data and i'll refresh the table we should see new tables in our database now i will let the process complete this is it our extract and load process is complete let's query a table confirmed that we have data and the query runs successfully and it produces results so our etl pipeline successfully loaded the data in postgres we can compare the number of rows in the source and destination to further test our work but i'll leave that for you this is how we built an etl pipeline in python i hope you enjoyed this session now you can schedule the script with windows scheduler or with a cron job or with another scheduling tool so it runs on a schedule and impose the data on regular intervals i'll cover how to create and schedule etl pipelines with apache airflow next this is all for now share like and subscribe take care and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: BI Insights Inc
Views: 93,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: data pipelines, what is data pipeline, what is data pipeline architecture, data pipeline vs etl, how to build a data pipeline, how to create data pipeline, batch vs stream processing, big data, data warehouse, ETL, How to build ETL pipeline, build etl pipeline with Python, SQL Server, build etl pipeline with pyton, python data integration, Haq Nawaz, ETL Incremental data load, Export data from SQL Server to Postgres, ETL with Python
Id: dfouoh9QdUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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